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News Achieves: 2023

All the news from the year 2023... so far.

Roseville Releases $784 Million Draft Budget


The City’s draft Fiscal Year 2023-2024 budget of $784 million is available for public review. (see below) The General Fund operating budget is $214 million while the remaining $570 million in funding is primarily dedicated to the electric, water, wastewater, and waste services utilities.

The General Fund budget includes funding for public safety, Parks, Recreation & Libraries, public works, information technology and general government functions.

The FY2023-24 budget has been developed to account for the expected rise in labor costs and other unavoidable expenses. It also includes augmentations to maintain the City’s service levels and address the City Council’s top priorities. The budget aims to ensure the maintenance of necessary capital infrastructure, and the mitigation of unfunded liabilities for the long-term benefit of our community.

Full Story: Roseville releases $784 million draft budget as public participation opportunities remain - Roseville Today.

July MAC Meeting Canceled


The monthly MAC meeting scheduled for Thursday, July 6, 2023, at 6 PM, has been canceled. The next MAC meeting is scheduled for 6 PM on Thursday, August 3, 2023. The physical meeting location is the Granite Bay Library at 6475 Douglas Blvd. and the meeting will also be available via zoom. Everyone have a great Independence Day!

June MAC Meeting Summary


Subcommittee Reports:
Granite Bay Community Plan Committee
Parks, Open Spaces and Natural Resources Committee
Trails Committee
Traffic Committee

Public Safety & MAC Member Reports:
Placer County Sheriff’s Office
California Highway Patrol
South Placer Fire
MAC Member reports (if any)

Action Items:
Proposed Code Zoning Text Amendment
The proposed Code Zoning Text Amendment would allow; Revisions to the Administrative Citation fine structure from the current first violation of $100, second violation $500, third violation $1,000 to the first violation $500, second violation $750, and the third violation $1,000; Streamline the appeal process by using Administrative Hearing Officers to hear appeals of Administrative Citations instead of the Planning Commission; Using Administrative Hearing Officers to hold Abatement Hearings instead of the Planning Commission; and Using Administrative Hearing Officers to hear appeals for the recovery of Code Enforcement’s administrative costs associated with case investigation instead of a County Official such as the Community Development Resource Agency Director or Chief Building Official.
Presenter: George Rosasco

Information Non-Action Items:
Placer County General Plan Update (Countywide)
In November, the Board of Supervisors directed County staff to initiate an update to the Placer County General Plan. The updated General Plan would look ahead to the year 2050 and is expected to propose adjustments based on current issues and emerging trends, positioning Placer County to create balanced physical and economic growth for approximately the next 25 years. Staff will provide an overview of the scope of the update, plans for public outreach, opportunities for citizen involvement, ways the Municipal Advisory Council will be involved, and next steps.
Presenter: Chris Schmidt

Wildfire Preparedness
The South Placer Fire District presents the justification behind the request for a Benefit Assessment for Division 2 of the District to the MAC. Division 2 encompasses Granite Bay and Loomis on the east side of Auburn Folsom, north of Dick Cook Road. The proposed assessment will be utilized to retain and attract the region's best firefighters, ensure rapid response times to 911 emergencies, provide updated firefighting equipment for our community, and better prepare for large-scale wildfires. Following the presentation, District staff will be available to answer questions from the MAC and the public.
Presenters: Mark Duerr, South Placer Fire; Lt. Josh Tindall – PCSO

Old Eureka Place Abandonment
The MAC will hear a presentation from DPW staff on the application/request being made, background and process.
Presenter: Chris Ken Grehm

Supervisor’s Report (10 minutes)

Free Virtual Speaker Series to Highlight Housing Issues and Solutions in Placer County


The Placer County Community Development Resource Agency will host a free four-part virtual speaker series from June 1st to June 14th to provide information on options for housing in the region and explore questions about housing.

The speaker series will be broadcast via Zoom beginning 6 p.m. on June 1st beginning with Session 1: Demystifying Multifamily Housing, which will explore the difference between affordable housing restricted for income-qualifying residents and housing affordability.

The series will also hold two sessions on accessory dwelling unit development and provide insights into how residents can build, permit, and finance an ADU. In the last session, the series will dive into a presentation on the “missing middle” type of housing. A full synopsis of each session, including a list of panelists, can be viewed at Each session will be recorded and posted on the web page.

Registration is free. Click here.

Roseville Releases $784 Million Draft Budget


The City’s draft Fiscal Year 2023-2024 budget of $784 million is available for public review. (see below) The General Fund operating budget is $214 million while the remaining $570 million in funding is primarily dedicated to the electric, water, wastewater, and waste services utilities.

The General Fund budget includes funding for public safety, Parks, Recreation & Libraries, public works, information technology and general government functions.

The FY2023-24 budget has been developed to account for the expected rise in labor costs and other unavoidable expenses. It also includes augmentations to maintain the City’s service levels and address the City Council’s top priorities. The budget aims to ensure the maintenance of necessary capital infrastructure, and the mitigation of unfunded liabilities for the long-term benefit of our community.

Full Story: Roseville releases $784 million draft budget as public participation opportunities remain - Roseville Today.

Granite Bay MAC meets Thursday, June 1st


The Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council will meet this coming Thursday June 1, 2023, 6:00 PM at the Granite Bay Library.


The physical meeting location is the Granite Bay Library at 6475 Douglas Blvd. and the meeting will also be available via zoom:

May MAC Meeting Summary


Subcommittee Reports:
Granite Bay Community Plan Committee
Parks, Open Spaces and Natural Resources Committee
Trails Committee
Traffic Committee

Public Safety & MAC Member Reports:
Placer County Sheriff’s Office
California Highway Patrol
South Placer Fire
MAC Member reports (if any)

Action Items:

Information Non-Action Items:
Munir Estates Proposed Subdivision
The applicant is proposing to create 23 residential lots on the 4.77-acre parcel (APN 468-060-019-000) located at 3865 Old Auburn Road. The residential lots will range in size from 0.17 acre (7,247 square feet) to 0.22 acre (9,741 square feet). The density of the Project site will be 4.82 units per acre. The density requested by the applicant would need a General Plan Land Use Amendment (GPA) and Community Plan Amendment to High-Density Residential (HDR) and a Rezone to Residential Single-Family combining with Building Site 7,000 square foot minimum lot area (RS-B-X-7,000 square foot minimum).
Presenter: Christopher Graham

Supervisor’s Report (10 minutes)

Together We're Making a Difference - A Message from Supervisor Suzanne Jones


Teams of your fellow residents are working on Traffic & Trails. These are just 2 of the subcommittees I've established within the Granite Bay MAC and in these areas they are making recommendations for improvements. They are studying ways to calm traffic on Douglas Blvd. without interrupting traffic flow, connecting neighborhoods, schools and businesses with pedestrian and bike trails and establishing safe pedestrian walkways to Greenhills School. With your input and participation together we will enhance, preserve and protect our community - goals we are working toward every day. I strongly recommend you attend our monthly Granite Bay MAC meetings to offer comments and hear our progress.

My goal throughout all my years of service to you has always been to maintain a close relationship with you and to serve your interests. I have been serving Granite Bay and Roseville in one capacity or another since 2010, whether on the Granite Bay MAC, the three terms you elected me to on the County Board of Education, in my current role as your County Supervisor and on the several other Committees and Commissions I serve on. You know me by now and you know you can count on me to represent you fairly, honestly and transparently.

I always welcome your comments and questions, and I welcome the opportunity to address your Neighborhood Association or Community Organization. Call my office at 916-787-8960 or drop a note to my District Director Michael Spelis: or to me at

Placer Supes Fund Broadband Expansion


During it's April 18th meeting, Board of Supervisors unanimously approved an additional $17.2 million in funding to expand Broadband services in rural areas.

Earlier, in October 2021, the board approved three broadband expansion projects to address needs for households and businesses in Auburn, North Auburn and Penryn. In September 2022, the supervisors approved a project to expand service to homes and businesses in Penryn.

With the additional funding, the board also approved seven projects which would aim to expand broadband service to homes across four of Placer’s districts in North Auburn, South Auburn, Sheridan, Newcastle, Loomis, Meadow Vista and the Folsom Lake Estates community in Granite Bay.

“It offers the greatest number of homes that we’re connecting to high-speed broadband services,” Placer County Chief Information Officer Jarrett Thiessen said. Thiessen shared future expansion projects, which he noted would require all of the $30.2 million in Federal Funding Account (FFA) funds, which were allocated to Placer from the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) in April 2022. According to Thiessen, future projects would aim to address the need for homes in the areas of Foresthill, Walden Woods, Applegate, Magra/Cape Horn, Alta, Alpine Meadows, Olympic Valley and Tahoe.

“Even with those seven projects, there’s a lot of work that still needs to be done,” he said. Placer IT estimates the cost of the future projects being between $78 million and $138 million. The staff report notes county staff will explore other funding options through the CPUC, such as the California Advanced Services Fund. As the CPUC is identifying high-priority areas in the county for the FFA funds, Dieter Wittenberg, information technology manager for Placer County, said it was unknown if the county could be reimbursed but noted staff is working with the CPUC to challenge its maps. Thiessen noted staff is also working with the CPUC to avoid overbuilding in areas where the county is already working with providers to expand services, as the commission will be approving projects with providers directly. According to Thiessen, the total cost of the current projects is estimated at $31 million, utilizing $9.9 million of American Rescue Plan Act funding and $7.3 million from the general fund.

As rising costs due to inflation continue to be a challenge in expanding broadband in the county, Thiessen confirmed the projects’ approval also establishes agreements which would lock in the costs. Thiessen said other challenges are funding, geography and infrastructure. According to a county news release, the project will be executed by Astound Broadband with work expected to begin immediately.

Reported by Stacy Adams, Gold Country Media: Placer approves another $17.2M in funding to extend broadband service | Gold Country Media.

May 4th Granite Bay MAC Cancelled, Special Meeting Set for May 16th


The Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council's regular meeting scheduled for Thursday, May 4, 2023, has been canceled, and a special meeting is set for Tuesday, May 16, 2023, at 6:00 PM at the Granite Bay Library. Tentative Agenda Items: An informational presentation for the proposed Munir Estates subdivision on Old Auburn Rd.

Agenda will be posted by 5/12/23:

The physical meeting location is the Granite Bay Library at 6475 Douglas Blvd. and the meeting will also be available via zoom:

April MAC Meeting Summary


Subcommittee Reports:
Granite Bay Community Plan Committee
Parks, Open Spaces and Natural Resources Committee
Trails Committee
Traffic Committee

Action Items:
DNA Wine Lounge CUP Modification and Design Review (PLN23-00068)
This DNA Wine Lounge project proposes a wine tasting room and retail wine shop that would occupy a former 2,064 square foot office space within the Village Commercial Center at Tree Lake located at 9719 Village Center Drive in Granite Bay (APN: 466-180-004-000). Tenant improvements would be completed to accommodate an indoor wine tasting bar, interior seating, wine storage, a small no-flame food preparation area for small plates, service area and an additional restroom. An existing patio would be used for a small outdoor patio seating area for up to 16 patrons, and the proposed use would share parking spaces with the other existing uses at the center. Hour of operation are proposed to be Wednesday through Saturday from 12pm-10pm and Sunday from 12pm-4pm. The property is zoned CPDDc (Commercial Planned Development, combining Design Scenic Corridor) and currently allows retail and office uses in accordance with allowances of the approved Conditional Use Permit. The project requests approval of a Conditional Use Permit Modification to allow the proposed restaurant use and Design Review approval for patio fencing and outdoor seating area improvements.
Staff: Nick Trifiro, Planning Services Division.

Information Non-Action Items:

Supervisor’s Report (10 minutes)

A Message from Supervisor Suzanne Jones


My goal throughout all my years of service to you has always been to maintain a close relationship with you and to serve your interests. I have been serving Granite Bay and Roseville in once capacity or another since 2010, whether on the Granite Bay MAC, the three terms you elected me to on the County Board of Education, in my current role as your County Supervisor and on the several other Committees and Commissions is serve on such as the Placer County Transportation Planning Agency, and the Placer Air Pollution Control Board to name a few. You know me by now and you know you can count on me to represent you fairly, honestly and transparently.

Teams of your fellow residents are working on the important quality of life issues in our community - Parks Open Spaces & Natural Resources, Traffic, Trails, and Community Plan Review. Studying these areas, they are making recommendations for improvements. When I established these sub committees of the Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council, my goal was to enhance, preserve and protect our community - goals we are working toward every day. We welcome your input. I strongly recommend you attend our monthly Granite Bay MAC meetings to offer comments and hear our progress.

I always welcome your comments and questions, and I welcome the opportunity to address your Neighborhood Association or Community Organization. Call my office at 916-787-8960 or drop a note to my District Director Michael Spelis: or to me at

Placer County Wants You!


Placer County Superior Court Seeks Volunteers for Grand Jury Service

The Superior Court of California, County of Placer continues to seek volunteers to serve on the 2023-2024 Placer County Grand Jury. The Court encourages applications from all citizens to enable the Grand Jury to represent a broad cross-section of the Placer County community. The one-year term for successful applicants begins on July 1, 2023 and ends on June 30, 2024.

The Grand Jury’s primary function is to examine governments within Placer County, inclusive of the county government, city governments, and special districts to ensure that public agencies are conducting business in an appropriate and efficient manner.

To serve on the Grand Jury, you must be a Placer County resident over the age of 18. Service on the Grand Jury requires a substantial investment of time, usually 40-50 hours per month. Members of the Grand Jury receive a small stipend for their work.

More Info: Apply to serve on the Placer County Grand Jury for 2023-2024.

Youth Commission looking for teen leaders to join, make a difference

The Placer County Youth Commission is now accepting applications from local youth who wish to serve as one of 20 formally appointed members for the 2023-24 term. The PCYC is an advisory board to the Placer County Board of Supervisors that consists of at least two youth representatives from each of the five supervisorial districts. PCYC aims to advise decision-makers on youth-related issues, serve as a community forum to discuss youth concerns and ideas, raise the profile of Placer County youth, create positive change in the community, encourage youth engagement and prepare youth to be active citizens. The PCYC experience has helped numerous students gain opportunities, awards and scholarships.

For more info and to apply:

Granite Bay MAC Meets Thursday, April 6th


The Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council will be meeting on Thursday, April 6th at 6:00 PM at the Granite Bay Library. On the Agenda: DNA Wine Lounge CUP Modification and Design Review.


The physical meeting location is the Granite Bay Library at 6475 Douglas Blvd. and the meeting will also be available via zoom:

March MAC Meeting Summary


Subcommittee Reports:
Granite Bay Community Plan Committee
Parks, Open Spaces and Natural Resources Committee
Trails Committee
Traffic Committee

Public Safety & MAC Member Reports:
Placer County Sheriff’s Office
California Highway Patrol
South Placer Fire
MAC Member reports (if any)

Action Items:

Information Non-Action Items:
Proposed Walk of Honor Memorial at Granite Bay Park
The Rotary Club of Granite Bay is in the final stages of planning the Memorial. The area will have a cement walkway with four-foot-tall display walls along the walkway. We will affix engraved brick to the display walls with the names of service members. The bricks will have the emblem of the members service, Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard and US Public Health Service. Benches will be placed along the Walk of Honor which may be inscribed with special recognition from a donor.
Presenter: Mike Baker, Granite Bay Rotary Club

Supervisor’s Report

Thoughts On Being A "Team Player" - A Message from Supervisor Suzanne Jones


When I took office my goal was to maintain a close relationship with the people of my district and to serve your interests. I've heard people describe the Board of Supervisors as a team, and this may be true in a very narrow sense. The five individuals who make up the Board do often have common goals, but the way those goals are achieved is not through traditional teamwork. Governing Boards such as our Board of Supervisors govern best when there is a diversity of thought that fosters open debate and candid dialog around the issues in front of us. Transparency in Government means not shying away from discussing the issues in public meetings, asking questions to foster open discussion and not blindly accepting the status quo. I'm not afraid to vote "no", and I'll never go along just to get along. If this means I'm not a "Team Player" the so be it.

Speaking of Teams, I've assembled teams of your fellow residents to work on the important quality of life issues in our community - Parks Open Spaces & Natural Resources, Traffic, Trails, and Community Plan review where MAC members and volunteers from the community are working for you. Studying these areas, they are making recommendations for improvements. My goal as your representative is to enhance, preserve and protect our community, and we welcome your input. I strongly recommend you attend our monthly Granite Bay MAC meetings to offer comments and hear our progress.

I always welcome your comments and questions, and I welcome the opportunity to address your Neighborhood Association or Community Organization. Call my office at 916-787-8960 or drop a note to my District Director Michael Spelis: or to me at

Free Tax Prep for Individuals and Families


Placer County Health and Human Services is now providing free tax assistance to eligible individuals and families, in cooperation with the IRS and United Way, through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program.

VITA helps wage earners with the highest need receive their earned income tax credit, a refundable federal and state income tax credit for low-to moderate-income working individuals and families. Anyone earning income up to $65,000 in 2022 is eligible for this free program.

“This will be the eighth year in a row Placer residents can take advantage of this program,” said Human Services Deputy Director Greg Geisler. “Last year we were able to process 139 returns, totaling $152,354 in returned earnings our residents were entitled to.”

The program will run through March 30th and is available online at If individuals are unable to file online, appointments for locations in Auburn or Rocklin are available by calling 211 or 1-833-342-5211, starting Jan. 30th.

In addition, there will be pop-up drop-off sites throughout Placer County in Colfax, Foresthill, Sheridan and Roseville in February and March. These events will be by appointment only and offer curbside drop-off of documents with taxes prepared virtually. Contact 211 for further information and to make an appointment.

Granite Bay MAC Meets Thursday, March 2nd


The Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council will be meeting on Thursday, March 2nd at 6:00 PM at the Granite Bay Library. On the Agenda: An informational presentation from the Granite Bay Rotary Club on their planned Walk of Honor Memorial at Granite Bay Park, MAC subcommittee updates.


The physical meeting location is the Granite Bay Library at 6475 Douglas Blvd. and the meeting will also be available via zoom:

February MAC Meeting Summary


Subcommittee Reports:
Granite Bay Community Plan Committee
Parks, Open Spaces and Natural Resources Committee
Trails Committee
Traffic Committee

Public Safety & MAC Member Reports:
Placer County Sheriff’s Office
California Highway Patrol
South Placer Fire
MAC Member reports (if any)

Action Items:

Information Non-Action Items:
Proposed Zoning Text Amendment - Wineries
Planning Services Division staff is reviewing a proposed Zoning Text Amendment that will add height limit exceptions language to Section 17.56.330(E), Development and Operational Standards for Wineries. The added language would allow a structure for a winery, tasting room, or accessory use-restaurant to exceed the prescribed height limit for the applicable zone if the additional height is authorized through a conditional use permit process that includes an analysis of visual impacts including photo simulations. The Zoning Text Amendment is being proposed as part of entitlements for the Project 8 Winery (PLN21-00198). Staff is eliciting feedback specific to the proposed amendment.
Presenter: Jennifer Byous, Placer County Planning Services Division

Supervisor’s Report

Goals Met, New Goals Set - A Message from Supervisor Suzanne Jones


When I took office one of my goals was to maintain a close relationship with the people of my district and to serve your interests. I have met many of you in person and have accepted many invitations to address community groups, give Eagle Scout Awards, attend groundbreaking ceremonies, and otherwise participate in and share in the special moments of your lives. My greatest pleasure has been meeting with you at your community meetings and events whether just to socialize or work together hand in hand to solve a problem or make an improvement. And I will continue to do so as I progress further into my term. It has been a busy and productive year, together we accomplished much but there is still more to do.

I have established subcommittees on the Granite Bay MAC for Parks Open Spaces & Natural Resources, Traffic, Trails, and Community Plan review where MAC members and volunteers from the community are working for you. Studying these areas, they will make recommendations for improvements or work on specific items in these important quality of life issues. My goal as your representative is to enhance, preserve and protect our community. We welcome your input. I strongly recommend you attend our monthly Granite Bay MAC meetings to offer comments and hear our progress.

I will be serving as the Vice Chair of the 2023 Board of Supervisors, alongside Supervisor Jim Holmes who will be serving as Chair. 2023 Promises to bring new challenges to the Board and with those new challenges, new opportunities to serve you.

I always welcome your comments and questions, and I welcome the opportunity to address your Neighborhood Association or Community Organization. Call my office at 916-787-8960 or drop a note to my District Director Michael Spelis: or to me at

Free Tax Prep for Individuals and Families


Placer County Health and Human Services is now providing free tax assistance to eligible individuals and families, in cooperation with the IRS and United Way, through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program.

VITA helps wage earners with the highest need receive their earned income tax credit, a refundable federal and state income tax credit for low-to moderate-income working individuals and families. Anyone earning income up to $65,000 in 2022 is eligible for this free program.

“This will be the eighth year in a row Placer residents can take advantage of this program,” said Human Services Deputy Director Greg Geisler. “Last year we were able to process 139 returns, totaling $152,354 in returned earnings our residents were entitled to.”

The program will run through March 30th and is available online at If individuals are unable to file online, appointments for locations in Auburn or Rocklin are available by calling 211 or 1-833-342-5211, starting Jan. 30th.

In addition, there will be pop-up drop-off sites throughout Placer County in Colfax, Foresthill, Sheridan and Roseville in February and March. These events will be by appointment only and offer curbside drop-off of documents with taxes prepared virtually. Contact 211 for further information and to make an appointment.

Granite Bay MAC Meets Thursday, February 2nd


The Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council will be meeting on Thursday, February 2nd at 6:00 PM at the Granite Bay Library. On the Agenda: An informational presentation from the Planning Services Division proposed Zoning Text Amendment for Wineries.


The physical meeting location is the Granite Bay Library at 6475 Douglas Blvd. and the meeting will also be available via zoom:

January MAC Meeting Summary


Subcommittee Reports:
Granite Bay Community Plan Committee
Parks, Open Spaces and Natural Resources Committee
Trails Committee
Traffic Committee

Public Safety & MAC Member Reports:
Placer County Sheriff’s Office
California Highway Patrol
South Placer Fire
MAC Member reports (if any)

Action Items:
Selection of Chair and Vice-Chair for 2023 term

Information Non-Action Items:
Mobility and Infill Acceleration Study
Receive a presentation from the Planning Services Division on the MIAS project. The County was recently awarded with a grant from the Sustainable Communities Grant Program to complete a Mobility and Infill Acceleration Study. The MIAS project will identify land use and transportation strategies to improve air quality and enhance community health. The MIAS project is focused on five “Infill Opportunity Areas” to evaluate how potential strategies and enabling actions could produce benefits in different settings.
Presenter: Angel Green

Supervisor’s Report

January MAC Meeting Canceled


The January 4, 2023 MAC Meeting canceled. A special MAC Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 5, 2023 Please note: regular meetings take place on the first Wednesday of every month at 6:00 PM unless otherwise noticed.

News Achieves: 2022

All the news from the year 2022.

Take The Community Survey to Assist the Mobility and Infill Acceleration Study!


As part of its Mobility and Infill Acceleration Study (MIAS), Placer County is conducting a survey of residents, workers, and other interested parties to learn about travel behavior and preferences. The survey focuses on how people move from place to place (e.g., drive, bike, walk, transit) and what those places are (e.g., home, work, school). It also asks about what changes in transportation facilities or services would affect travel choices (e.g., better sidewalks or bike trails, more frequent transit service). Finally, the survey asks about the types of development people would like to see in their communities. The County intends to use the results of the survey to help shape policies and programs that will result in a balanced transportation system that enables shorter trips, improves air quality, and promotes overall public health.

Learn more and take the survey at Placer County Mobility and Infill Acceleration Study (

PCTPA Solicits Input for the Regional Transportation Plan


The Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA) launched its countywide Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) online survey to solicit public feedback on the 2050 RTP’s development.

Every five years, PCTPA prepares a long-range transportation plan that considers the general and specific plans approved by the cities, town and County and projects population, jobs, and housing growth, estimates future revenues, and defines transportation investment priorities for the next 25 years in all of Placer County (excluding the Tahoe Basin, which is planned for by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency) based on these projections. The 2050 RTP will establish a fiscally constrained, transportation investment priority projects’ list through 2050, to aid the region in planning for and acquiring the necessary federal and state funding projected for these future projects.

The survey is part of an effort to hear directly from Placer County residents and understand their transportation priorities. Results from the survey will be evaluated to inform discussions with the PCTPA Board in early 2023, regarding the 2050 RTP’s goals, objectives, and priorities. Participating in the survey ensures the 2050 RTP is built from the bottom up, informed by the voices and experiences of Placer County community members and stakeholders.

The survey will remain live through December 16, 2022 and is available in English and Spanish. Both versions of the survey version can be accessed by visiting A Tagalog version of the survey is available upon request by emailing PCTPA at, or by calling (530) 823-4030.

For more information about this process and how to get involved, please visit If you are interested in becoming a stakeholder or have questions for the project team, please follow this link:

REMINDER! December 17th is Wreaths Across America Day


While it is true that we have Veterans Day in the fall and Memorial Day in the spring, our service members sacrifice their time and safety every single day of the year to preserve our freedoms. In many homes, there is an empty seat for one who is serving or one who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. As we enter the holiday season, their absence is especially heart rending. And so, there is no better time to express our appreciation than during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.

Wreaths Across America has a mission to Remember, Honor and Teach, carried out by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery, as well as at more than 3,400 additional locations in all 50 states, at sea and abroad, including our local Newcastle Cemetery.

Learn how you can help Wreaths Across America fulfill their mission by visiting Help the Newcastle Cemetery honor local heroes - Volunteer or sponsor a wreath to be placed on a veteran’s grave at Newcastle Cemetery by contacting the local chapter of Wreaths Across America at And on December 17th Honor our devoted sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers who have fallen in defense of our liberties.

December MAC Meeting Summary


Subcommittee Reports:
Granite Bay Community Plan Committee
Parks, Open Spaces and Natural Resources Committee
Trails Committee
Traffic Committee

Public Safety & MAC Member Reports:
Placer County Sheriff’s Office
California Highway Patrol
South Placer Fire
MAC Member reports (if any)

Action Items:
Parks Update
Parks will deliver a presentation on the completed renovation of the McMichael Field turf at Feist Park and the planned renovation of the turf at Treelake Park next year. In both cases installing hybrid Bermuda turf that is saving millions of gallons of water and heals quicker that standard rye/fescue during heavy use.
Presenter: Andy Fisher

Amazing Facts Church Digital Sign Project
David Wells, on behalf of Amazing Facts, will be providing a presentation on a proposal to construct two LED Digital Monument Signs on the north side of the Amazing Facts property located at 6615 Sierra College Boulevard. The property is 21.8 acres and is zoned F-B-X 20 AC. MIN. and is designated Rural Estate 4.6 - 20 Ac. Min in the Granite Bay Community Plan.
Presenter: David Wells

Premier Soleil Proposed Entry Gate
Stefan Horstschraer from Premier Homes will present information on the Community’s application to Planning for entry gates to the neighborhood.
Presenter: Stefan Horstschraer

Munir Estates Proposed Subdivision
The applicant is proposing to create 35 residential lots on the 4.77-acre parcel (APN 468-060-019-000) located at 3865 Old Auburn Road. The residential lots will range in size from 0.09 acre (3,795 square feet) to 0.11 acre (4,607 square feet). The density of the Project site will be 7.34 units per acre. The density requested by the applicant would need a General Plan Land Use Amendment(GPA) and Community Plan Amendment to High-Density Residential (HRD) and a Rezone to Residential Single-Family combining with Building Site 3,000 square foot minimum lot area (RS-B-3).
Presenter: Christopher Graham

Information Non-Action Items:

December MAC Meeting Canceled


The December 7, 2022 MAC Meeting canceled. A special MAC Meeting will be held on Thursday, December 8, 2022 Please note: regular meetings take place on the first Wednesday of every month at 6:00 PM unless otherwise noticed.

November MAC Meeting Summary


Subcommittee Reports:
Granite Bay Community Plan Committee
Parks, Open Spaces and Natural Resources Committee
Trails Committee
Traffic Committee

Public Safety & MAC Member Reports:
Placer County Sheriff’s Office
California Highway Patrol
South Placer Fire
MAC Member reports (if any)

Action Items:

Information Non-Action Items:
South Placer Fire Station Consolidation
South Placer Fire Chief Mar Duerr will give an overview of recent closure & consolidation of fire stations, and answer questions from the public.
Presenter: Chief Mark Duerr

WellQuest Granite Bay Senior Cottages
WellQuest Granite Bay LLC, will be providing a presentation on a proposal to develop the rear 2.5-acre parcel of the WellQuest Senior Living property. The proposal includes 16 senior residential cottages with attached one-car garages and additional site improvements would include an access road, sidewalks, parking, landscaping, and recreation amenities. The cottages would range in size from 853 square feet (Cottage 1A) and 1,157 square feet (Cottage 1). Residents would have access to the amenities provided in the existing main building.
Presenter: Charlene Kussner

Supervisor’s Report
District 4 projects report.
Led by Supervisor Jones

Special Start Time of 7:00 PM for Granite Bay MAC This Wednesday 11/2


The Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council will be meeting on Wednesday, November 2nd at a special start time of 7:00 PM at the Granite Bay Library. On the Agenda: An informational presentation of proposed Senior Cottages at the WellQuest Senior Living property on Sierra College Blvd; a presentation by South Placer Fire Chief Mark Duerr taking your questions about recent South Placer Fire Station closures and consolidations.


The physical meeting location is the Granite Bay Library at 6475 Douglas Blvd. and the meeting will also be available via zoom:

PCTPA to Launch 2050 Regional Transportation Plan


It’s finally here: the development of the 2050 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) for Placer County – and we would love to hear from you!

Every five years, Placer Country Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA) prepares a long-range transportation plan that projects population and housing growth estimates, future federal, state, and local revenues, and outlines a financially constrained list of transportation investment priorities for the next 25 years in all of Placer County (excluding the Tahoe Basin). Since transportation plays a key role in promoting economic development and protecting the quality of life, PCTPA works with residents, elected officials, and various other stakeholders from across Placer County to prepare the RTP.

This cycle, given so many significant changes in the area, PCTPA is making a cognizant effort to be out in the community and assess residents’ priorities, so the plan is built from the bottom up. These efforts include a community-wide survey, hosting various community meetings, and being present at popular community events and spaces to meet residents where they are at.

For more information about this process and how to get involved, please visit If you are interested in becoming a stakeholder or have questions for the project team, please follow this link:

Low-Cost Chipper Program Available to Help with Defensible Space Needs


The Placer County Chipper Program is a cost-share program, funded by Placer County and CAL FIRE, that provides low-cost residential chipper service for Placer County residents, incentivizes fuels reduction, and promotes defensible space adherence and fire prevention activities. For $80 / hour, residents can utilize a crew that will chip and broadcast piled vegetation. Cost-share fees may be waived for landowners who meet the “Very Low Limit” as defined by the Placer County Department of Housing and Urban Development. To find out if you are eligible for fee waivers, check out this link.

To request service, call (530) 889-0111, Ext. 3 and leave a message with your name, site address, phone number, and location of the brush pile.

Granite Bay MAC to Address Douglas Blvd. Medians


The Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council will be meeting on Wednesday October 5th, 6:00 PM at the Granite bay Library. On the Agenda: Discussion of the recent median work done on Douglas Blvd east of Auburn-Folsom Road: what went wrong and how we'll fix it. Representatives from the Department of Public Works will give a short presentation and hear input from the the MAC and the Community. Supervisor Jones has already been working with public works looking for options that will be suitable for Granite Bay and some options will be presented for the Council's review and recommendation. And as always there is time for members of the public to comment about events or issues of interest that are not on the agenda.


Please note that this meeting will be held in person only. There will be no option for remote attendance. The meeting location is the Granite Bay Library at 6475 Douglas Blvd. See you there!

Placer County Needs Poll Worker Volunteers for the November 8th Election!


HELP YOUR COMMUNITY EXERCISE THEIR RIGHT TO VOTE!Serve as a Placer County Poll Worker for the November 8, 2022, Election. Placer County is urgently looking for patriotic volunteers to serve as poll workers on Election Day. Working alongside their precinct board, and supported by the Elections Office staff, poll workers play an essential role by making sure that Placer County’s elections are secure and conducted in strict accordance with state and federal voting laws. Volunteers learn about the election process and serve their community by protecting voter rights, securing our systems, serving voters with respect, and assisting all voters with casting their vote.

Poll workers are eligible to receive a stipend that can range from $100-$145, depending on the position. Paid training is also provided.

Volunteering can also be a great fundraising opportunity for your service club, school booster club or church group. Groups may earn up to $900 by attending training classes and staffing an entire precinct board on Election Day!

Volunteers must be able to work from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8. For more information and to apply, visit

Questions? Email us at or give us a call at 530-886-5650.

Placer County Public Health Seeks Feedback About Community Health to Inform Future Programming


What health issues are important to our community? People who live or spend time in Placer County are invited to participate in a survey and share thoughts around key questions to help inform the future of Public Health programming.

The Placer County Health and Human Services Department - Public Health Division is working towards gaining a deeper understanding of the issues important to those who live, work, learn, shop, or play in Placer County. Your input is important and will be used to develop plans and programs to improve the quality of life in Placer County. All information provided is anonymous and will be kept confidential.

Please complete the survey if you meet both of the following requirements:

  1. You are 18 years old and above; and,
  2. You live, work, learn, shop, or play in Placer County.
Please only complete the survey one time.

2022 Placer County Community Themes and Strengths Assessment Survey (

Granite Bay MAC To Conduct Traffic Discussion Wednesday at Granite Bay Library


The Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council will be meeting on Wednesday, September 7th, 6:00 PM at the Granite bay Library. On the Agenda: Granite Bay Traffic Discussion. Director of Public Works Ken Grehm will give a short presentation and hear input from the the Community. And as always there is time for members of the public to comment about events or issues of interest, and representatives from South Placer Fire, Placer County Sheriff and California Highway Patrol will be in attendance to give public safety updates.


The meeting will be held in person, or you may attend via zoom using this link:

Placer County Agriculture Value Hits New Record of $100 Million


In a Placer County first, total gross value of agricultural crops and products for 2021 was $100,817,713; representing an increase of $10,107,597 or 10% above 2020’s value of $90,710,116.

“The state of the agricultural industry in Placer County is strong,” said Placer County Agricultural Commissioner Josh Huntsinger. “Our agriculture community continues to be blessed by healthy water systems and strong partnerships with Placer Grown and Visit Placer.”

The annual totals reflect the gross value of agricultural crops and products, not the net incomes producers receive.

Rice retained its spot as Placer County’s top-grossing crop with a value of $27,917,400 - a $4,467,090 million increase from 2020.

Walnuts took over the second position at $14,460,744 with a significant increase in value of more than $1.3 million, due to much of the recently planted new acreage coming into production.

Beef cattle moved from second to third place with an overall value of $11,872,000.

Almonds increased their ranking to the fourth most valuable crop at $11,830,455, marking a $5.7 million increase as thousands of acres of new almonds have begun bearing nuts.

Nursery stock production entered the top five list for the first time with a value of $7,619,594 from 2020’s value of $5,536,833.

Fentanyl: An Amount As Small As Two Grains of Salt Can Kill


What exactly is fentanyl? Why is it so deadly? And how do we talk to our kids about it? For these answers and more, in our second episode of the "One Pill Can Kill" podcast series we turn to Dr. Rob Oldham, a medical doctor and psychiatrist, and director of the Placer County Health and Human Services Department.

Listen now.

Granite Bay MAC Meets Wednesday at Granite Bay Library


The Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council will be meeting on Wednesday, August 3rd, 6:00 PM at the Granite Bay Library. On the Agenda: The Sub Committee Members of the Granite Bay Community Plan Committee, the Parks Open Spaces and Natural Resources Committee, the Trails Committee and the Traffic Committee will discuss their work, answer questions and hear input from the the Community. And as always there is time for members of the public to comment about events or issues of interest, and representatives from South Placer Fire, Placer County Sheriff and California Highway Patrol will be in attendance to give public safety updates.


The meeting will be held in person, or you may attend via zoom using this link:

Get Placer County News Easily On Your Phone With The Simplicity App


Placer County has joined Simplicity - a free smartphone app for local news and information. Just download the app, select your community and follow Placer County for push alerts on all the topics that interest you. The Simplicity app does not require registration and does not collect any personal data from users. After installing the Simplicity app, users just need to choose their community of residence, and then select topics of interest to receive personalized notifications.

Using the mobile app and its push notifications, residents can always stay informed with real-time updates about things they are interested in - even without opening the app. Unlike social media providers such as Facebook and Nextdoor, all posts in Simplicity reach every user.

As other local government agencies also join, users will have official local community updates easily accessible in one place.

The Simplicity app is free and available for iOS and Android. Residents of unincorporated Placer County can sign up here.

Only A Couple Spots Left For The Placer County District Attorney’s Office Fall Citizens Academy


The Placer County District Attorney’s Citizens Academy is a nine-week program that will offer accelerated courses each week. Placer County citizens will be able to meet our team, learn about the District Attorney’s Office, its role within the criminal justice system and the services that are provided to the community.

Space is limited and accepted participants will receive notification. Notification will also be made to those who were not accommodated. The course starts September 13th and will be held every Tuesday from 6 PM - 8:30 PM through November 8 th at the Rocklin Police Department Community Room. Learn more at


August MAC Meeting Summary


Subcommittee Reports:
Granite Bay Community Plan Committee
Parks, Open Spaces and Natural Resources Committee
Trails Committee
Traffic Committee

Supervisor Report:
Led by Supervisor Jones

Action Items:

Supervisors Approve $1.22 Billion Budget With A Strong Rainy-Day Fund


The county’s fiscal year runs from July 1st to June 30th. The approved budget will serve as the new spending plan when the next fiscal year begins July 1 st.

On June 28th the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to approve a balanced budget totaling $1,221,251,032 for fiscal year 2022-23, representing a 19.2% increase over FY 2021-22.

The increase is attributed to inflationary costs and the addition of staffing to deliver services in key strategic areas of county operations. These cost increases are primarily offset with additional property and sales tax revenues related to the growing local economy. State and federal grant revenues have also increased to offset the growing cost of health and human services and public safety programs. Also included in the budget is an increase of $99.1 million in capital projects, which are funded by bond financing, capital reserves and state grants.

Budget expenditures reflect the county’s priorities of public health and safety with approximately 44% of overall spending dedicated to the support of health and human services and public protection, including a 10.2% budget increase to the Placer County Health and Human Services Department.

Saving for a rainy day has also been part of the county’s fiscal planning process for many years and achieving and maintaining a 10% budget reserve has been a top priority. The county has surpassed its goal by about $10 million with a projected General Fund Reserve of $69.7 million.

Property tax, the county’s largest discretionary revenue source, is estimated to increase by 5.8% in FY 2022-23, continuing its upward trend. Sales taxes, transient occupancy “lodging” taxes and other revenue sources driven by the economy are projected to remain stable.

In order to keep up with the county’s growth, the budget includes 76 new positions with more than half allocated to the public health and safety sectors. Most notably, the District Attorney’s Office will receive additional staffing for a Community Prosecution Unit and the Sheriff’s Office will receive additional staffing to manage their new body-worn cameras program. Health and Human Services will receive 27 new positions to expand community programs and the Office of Emergency Services will receive additional staffing to support a series of wildfire prevention initiatives.

Approved along with the budget are two five-year capital improvement plans, one for facilities and the other for countrywide improvements.

The facilities plan includes approximately $68 million for construction of a new Health and Human Services building, which broke ground in February and when complete in the fall of 2023 will bring all HHS programs and services under one roof and provide additional convenience to residents.

A total of $8.5 million has also been allocated to finish the renovation of a warehouse for the new Clerk -Recorder Elections Office in Rocklin. Additionally, $33 million has been earmarked for a new Mental Health Facility and a Vocational Training and Medium Security Facility at the South Placer Jail in Roseville.

The countywide plan includes $61 million in roads, bridges and transportation projects and $8.8 million in park projects including Hidden Falls, Dry Creek Park and Martis Valley Trail.

The budget also includes nearly $78 million from the American Rescue Plan Act. This funding has been allocated to COVID response, construction of infrastructure, affordable housing and broadband service improvements.

Update To Placer County Housing Policy Targets Infill Areas For More Housing


Increasing the variety and affordability of housing in Placer County’s developed unincorporated areas is the goal of a series of policy changes approved Tuesday by the county Board of Supervisors.

The updates align county code with sweeping changes to state law in recent years intended to address the growing housing affordability crisis in California. They also allow new housing types like moveable tiny homes and co-housing or “cottage home” developments. While Placer County has for years been working to reduce barriers to housing construction, the Board of Supervisors and community members alike sought an extensive public engagement process to ensure a balance between meeting state requirements and preserving the character of existing communities through this broad update to Placer’s housing policy.

The project also includes a new design manual for multi-family housing. Multi-unit projects that meet the design manual standards can now be streamlined and approved by county planning staff, with enhanced requirements for public notice to neighboring property owners. Moveable tiny homes will be allowed on appropriately zoned parcels in unincorporated areas countywide, including the Lake Tahoe Basin, but will have the same water, sewer and electrical connections requirements as other permanent structures. Their trailer chassis and wheels also need to be concealed behind skirting. The changes take effect July 14th.

No July Meeting For Granite Bay MAC, Meetings Resume In August


Get involved with your community and stay informed by attending Granite Bay MAC meetings, which are now held live, in person at the Granite Bay Library, 6475 Douglas Blvd. Members of the public may still view and participate from the comfort of home via ZOOM. On the first Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM the Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council meets and discusses development, conservation, traffic and public safety issues in Granite Bay. Review agendas and more by visiting Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council | Placer County, CA

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, August 3rd at 6:00 PM.

Granite Bay MAC Meets Wednesday, Attend Online or In-Person


Get involved with your community and stay informed by attending Granite Bay MAC meetings, which are now held live, in person at the Granite Bay Library, 6475 Douglas Blvd. Members of the public may still view and participate from the comfort of home via ZOOM. On the first Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM the Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council meets and discusses development, conservation, traffic and public safety issues in Granite Bay. Review agendas and more by visiting Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council | Placer County, CA

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, June1 st at 6:00 PM. The MAC will hear an informational presentation of a Regional Intersection Control Study by Civil Engineer Sean Houck, and they will take action on a Conditional Use Permit for Sierra College Self Storage.

Agenda with ZOOM link: Granite Bay MAC 6/1/22 Agenda

Round Two Pandemic Relief Grants Available for Micro-Businesses in Placer


Micro-businesses in Placer County that have been negatively affected by the pandemic can now apply for relief grants of up to $2,500. The official deadline to submit your application is June 10, 2022.

The program includes a total of $412,500 in funding from the California Microbusiness COVID-19 Relief Grant Program.

The Sierra Small Business Development Center, which is administering the program, will facilitate the funding and can help prepare applications, confidentially and at no cost.

To qualify, businesses must have five or fewer employees and less than $50,000 in revenue as of 2019 in addition to several additional eligibility requirements. Please review them prior to submitting an application.

South Placer Fire District Chief Mark Duerr Invites You To Stop By Station 20!


South Placer Fire District fire Chief Mark Duerr and the District Board of Directors invite you to stop by Station 20 at 3505 Auburn Folsom Road on Saturday, June 4th for a tour and educational event about the Proposition 218 Benefit Assessment. Doors will open at 11:00 AM, a presentation on the Prop 218 benefit assessment happens at 11:30 AM followed by a question and answer session. After that tour the station and check out the equipment. Doors are open from 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM.

June MAC Meeting Summary


Presentation: Case Study on Regional Intersection Control Study:
Sean Houck, a registered Civil Engineer with over 25 years of experience in transportation engineering with Kimley-Horn, a nationwide planning and design consulting firm, will be giving a presentation of a case study on how a Regional Intersection Control Study has acted as a catalyst for nearly 100 roundabouts that are in the planning phase, under design, and/or will soon be constructed in Monterey County. The presentation will highlight some recent roundabout projects in western Placer County. For the past 20 years, Sean has specialized in the planning and design of over 400 roundabouts across the country.
Presenter: Sean Houck, registered Civil Engineer with Kimley-Horn, a nationwide planning and design consulting firm

Sierra College Self Storage:
The applicant, Sierra College-Douglas Partners, is requesting re-approval of a Conditional Use Permit to construct a four-building self-storage complex on a 2.83-acre site located at 8455 Sierra College Boulevard. The proposed project includes 729 storage units with a total of 110,618 square feet of space in buildings one to three stories in height, a 1,586 square foot facility office at the western edge of the site along Sierra College Boulevard, and an 847 square foot corporate office for Sierra College Self Storage at the east end of the complex. The project was originally approved in 2020 but the Conditional Use Permit expired prior to being exercised.
Presenter: County Planning Services

Supervisor Report:
Led by Supervisor Jones

Subcommittee Reports:
Granite Bay Community Plan Committee
Parks, Open Spaces and Natural Resources Committee
Trails Committee
Traffic Committee

Kiley Receives Big Endorsement


California State Assemblyman Kevin Kiley who announced his run for California's newly redrawn 3rd Congressional District late last year received a big endorsement yesterday. In a statement released on Saturday, May 14th, the 45th President of the United States, said, in part, "... Kevin Kiley is tough on securing our border, ending California’s reckless universal mail-in-ballots and securing our elections [ ...] and has my Complete and Total Endorsement!"

California's Primary Election will be held on Tuesday, June 7, 2022.

Granite Bay MAC Meets Wednesday, Attend Online or In-Person


Get involved with your community and stay informed by attending Granite Bay MAC meetings, which are now held live, in person at the Granite Bay Library, 6475 Douglas Blvd. Members of the public may still view and participate from the comfort of home via ZOOM. On the first Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM the Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council meets and discusses development, conservation, traffic and public safety issues in Granite Bay. This week the Council will review proposed sports field expansion at Bayside Church. Review agendas and more by visiting Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council | Placer County, CA

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday March 2nd at 6:00 PM

Agenda with ZOOM link:

Pandemic Relief Grants Available for Micro-Businesses in Placer


Micro-businesses in Placer County that have been negatively affected by the pandemic can now apply for relief grants of up to $2,500. The official deadline to submit your application is March 31, 2022.

The program includes a total of $412,500 in funding from the California Microbusiness COVID-19 Relief Grant Program.

The Sierra Small Business Development Center, which is administering the program, will facilitate the funding and can help prepare applications, confidentially and at not cost.

To qualify, businesses must have five or fewer employees and less than $50,000 in revenue as of 2019 in addition to several additional eligibility requirements. Please review them prior to submitting an application.

Placer County's New Expedited Roofing Program Launches Today


Customers with roofing projects can now expedite the process with Placer County’s new Platinum Roofing Contractor Program from the comfort of their home or business.

The program was developed by the Building Services program staff to incentivize quality re-roofing and safe installation while expediting the approval process. Once qualified by the county’s Building Services Division, licensed roofing contractors can continue the installation of new roof coverings without inspection interruptions. To ensure quality installations, the contractor self-certifies components of the installation process.

The program includes verification and certification of roof decking and that vent pipes are unrestricted and flashed correctly, in lieu of a county inspection. County building inspectors will randomly sample the platinum-qualified roofing contractor projects to validate the integrity and intent of the program.

The Platinum Roofing Contractor Program is part of Placer’s award-winning eServices program, which offers customers continuous access to services that typically require a visit to the county’s Community Development Resource Agency offices in North Auburn or Tahoe City.

Building Services is accepting applications for the program from licensed California roofing contractors. Learn more about the program here. Placer County's new expedited roofing program set to launch March 1.

California State Senator Brian Dahle Announces Run for Governor


On Tuesday, February 8, 2022, California State Senator Brian Dahle launched his campaign for California's next governor. Currently, as a California State Senator, Dahle represents California's District 1—which contains all or portions of 11 counties, including Alpine, El Dorado, Lassen, Modoc, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, Sierra, Siskiyou, and Shasta. During his announcement, Dahle stated, “I am not willing to leave this broken California to my children, your children and our grandchildren."

To learn more, click here.

California's Primary Election will be held on Tuesday, June 7, 2022.

California State Assemblyman Kevin Kiley Announces Run for Congress


After throwing his hat in the ring to replace Gavin Newsom as governor last summer, California State Assemblyman Kevin Kiley rang in the New Year a bit early, announcing his run for Congress. In a statement, Kiley said, “The 2022 election will be one of the most important in our nation’s history. Our constitutional and limited government and our personal freedoms are under attack from self-described progressives pushing radical policies. I want to be part of a new majority in the House that will turn back the tide and restore our freedoms.”

The Assemblyman currently represents California's 6th District and is now running to represent those in California's newly redrawn 3rd Congressional District, which includes parts of Inyo, Mono, Alpine, El Dorado, Placer, Nevada, Sierra, Yuba, and Plumas counties. (Kiley currently already represents over 67% of the voters in the new district.) To learn more, click here.

California's Primary Election will be held on Tuesday, June 7, 2022.

News Achieves: 2021

All the news from the year 2021.

County Redistricting Process Continues...Advisory Redistricting Commission Meets on October 14th


The process of revising Placer County’s supervisorial district boundaries is now well underway!

The first meeting of the Advisory Redistricting Commission will occur on Thursday, October 14th at 6:00 PM in the Planning Commission Chambers at 3091 County Center Drive in Auburn. The Commission will conduct a Public Workshop to review draft redistricting plans for the County’s five supervisorial districts.

The Redistricting Placer interactive website , is a roadmap for how residents can participate in redrawing Placer’s supervisorial district boundaries to reflect population changes reported in the 2020 Census.

The Placer County Board of Supervisors in February voted to appoint the Placer County Planning Commission to act as the Advisory Redistricting Commission to draw redistricting maps, which will ultimately be brought forward to the public and board for formal review and adoption.

The following residents serve on the Advisory Redistricting Commission: Samuel Cannon, District 1; Nathan Herzog, District 2; Anthony DeMattei, District 3; Daniel Woodward, District 4; Anders Hauge, District 5; Larry Sevison, At-Large East of Sierra Crest; Richard Johnson, At-Large West of Sierra Crest.

Redistricting takes place every 10 years after the federal census. Using the Census data, county officials realign supervisorial districts in their counties, accounting for shifts in population growth since the last Census and assuring equal representation for their constituents in compliance with the “one-person, one-vote” principle of the Voting Rights Act.

Granite Bay MAC Meetings Resume In Person, Online Participation Option Remains


Get involved with your community and stay informed by attending Granite Bay MAC meetings, which are now held live, in person at the Granite Bay Library, 6475 Douglas Blvd. Members of the public may still view and participate from the comfort of home via ZOOM. On the first Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM the Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council meets and discusses development, conservation, traffic and public safety issues in Granite Bay. Learn more about the Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council, find out who your fellow citizen representatives are, review agendas and more by visiting Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council | Placer County, CA

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, October 6th at 6:00 PM

Agenda with ZOOM link:

Planning Commissioner and Granite Bay Resident Receives Presidential Appointment to American Battle Monuments Commission


President Joe Biden has appointed Placer County Planning Commissioner and retired U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Dan Woodward, of Granite Bay, to the American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC). In this role, Woodward will work closely with ABMC Secretary Lt. Gen. (ret) Mark P. Hertling, to support the agency and its efforts to honor more than 200,000 fallen at its sites in 17 countries, including the United States.

“As a Commissioner, I look forward to the opportunity to continue serving our nation by supporting the sacred mission of honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice to defend our country and the liberties we hold dear,” said Woodward. “I’m honored to be appointed Commissioner and to help this agency’s efforts to continue to ensure that the service, courage and sacrifice commemorated at ABMC’s sites are not forgotten.”

Learn more about the American Battle Monuments Commission here:

October MAC Meeting Summary


MAC Member Briefing – Cottonwood Dam/Miner’s Ravine Channel Restoration Update
A short update on the status of the proposed Cottonwood Dam/Miner’s Ravine Channel Restoration project.
Presenter: Gary Flanagan

Supervisor Report:
District 4 Projects Report
Led by Supervisor Jones

Subcommittee Reports:

  1. Granite Bay Community Plan Workshop Update
  2. Natural Resources, Open Space & Trails Committee Update

September MAC Meeting Summary


Staff Briefing – Update to the 2019 Douglas Blvd Community Discussion and Granite Bay Circulation Element
Staff will provide an update on Douglas Blvd. as well as the Olive Ranch Rd. closure and answer questions that have been raised by community members.
Presenter: Ken Grehm, Director, Dept. of Public Works

Builder Briefing – Premier Soleil update
A Premier Homes representative will provide an update on the progress at Premier Soleil at Douglas Blvd. & Auburn Folsom Rd.
Presenter: Stefan Horstschraer, VP Development & Special Projects, Premier Homes

Staff Briefing – Granite Bay Development Update
Staff will provide an overview of approved, underway, and proposed projects in Granite Bay and discuss the County’s Improvement Plan approval process and construction inspection role.
Presenters: Chris Schmidt, Planning, Adrian Compton, Engineering-Improvement Plan Review, Matt Bartholomew, Engineering- Construction Inspection

Supervisor Report:
District 4 Projects Report
Led by Supervisor Jones

Subcommittee Reports:

  1. Granite Bay Community Plan Workshop Update
  2. Natural Resources, Open Space & Trails Committee Update

Stay Informed About Placer County Redistricting...


The process of revising Placer County’s supervisorial district boundaries is underway!

A number of community meetings have been held, the most recent and most well attended was just last Wednesday at the Granite Bay Library. Even though the community meetings have ended, you can still participate!

The Redistricting Placer interactive website , is a roadmap for how residents can participate in redrawing Placer’s supervisorial district boundaries to reflect population changes reported in the 2020 Census.

The Placer County Board of Supervisors in February voted to appoint the Placer County Planning Commission to act as the Advisory Redistricting Commission to draw redistricting maps, which will ultimately be brought forward to the public and board for formal review and adoption.

The following residents serve on the Advisory Redistricting Commission: Samuel Cannon, District 1; Nathan Herzog, District 2; Anthony DeMattei, District 3; Daniel Woodward, District 4; Anders Hauge, District 5; Larry Sevison, At-Large East of Sierra Crest; Richard Johnson, At-Large West of Sierra Crest.

Redistricting takes place every 10 years after the federal census. Using the Census data, county officials realign supervisorial districts in their counties, accounting for shifts in population growth since the last Census and assuring equal representation for their constituents in compliance with the “one-person, one-vote” principle of the Voting Rights Act.

Granite Bay MAC Meetings Continue To Be Held Remotely


Get involved with your community and stay informed by attending Granite Bay MAC meetings from the comfort of your home via ZOOM. On the first Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM the Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council meets and discusses development, conservation, traffic and public safety issues in Granite Bay. Learn more about the Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council, find out who your fellow citizen representatives are, review agendas and more by visiting Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council | Placer County, CA.

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, September 1st at 6:00 PM

Agenda with ZOOM link:

Planning Commission Tables Proposed Housing Element, Rezone for Further Study and Public Comment


At the July 22nd Planning Commission meeting, the Commission heard public comment and a presentation on Housing Related Code Ammendments, General Plan Ammendment, Zoning Text Ammendment and Rezone and voted unanimously to table the items for further study. Periodic updates of the General Plan are required for compliance with changing State Law and Federal Regulations. The Commission decided that the complex issues involved had not been adequately noticed or explained to the public, and the far reaching nature of the ammendments required further scrutiny. This will come before the Planning Commission again in October.

August MAC Meeting Summary


Staff Briefing – Granite Bay Parks & Trails:
Baldwin Reservoir Trail Connection: Placer County and City of Folsom staff will discuss a proposed trail connection between Baldwin Reservoir and the City of Folsom trail system.
Presenter: Andy Fisher, Parks Administrator, Dept. of Public Works

Staff Briefing – Olive Ranch Rd. Closure, Bridge Construction:
Staff will give a presentation on the construction of the Olive Ranch Road Box Culvert/Bridge and the related closure of Olive Ranch Road.
Presenter: Ken Grehm, Director, Dept. of Public Works

MAC Member Briefing – Cottonwood Dam Habitat Restoration:
MAC member Gary Flanagan will give a presentation on the proposed habitat restoration at the Cottonwood Dam site.
Presenter: Gary Flanagan

Supervisor Report:
Discussion of the Housing Related Code Amendments, General Plan Amendment, Zoning Text Amendment, Rezone.
Led by Supervisor Jones

Subcommittee Reports:

  1. Granite Bay Community Plan Workshop update
  2. Natural Resources, Open Space & Trails Committee update

Placer County Redistricting Commission Public Meetings...


The process of revising Placer County’s supervisorial district boundaries is underway!

South Placer residents are invited to join Redistricting Placer presentations - in Roseville at The Martha Riley Library on August 23rd at 5:00 PM, and at the Granite Bay Library on August 25th at 5:30 PM. Visit the Redistricting Placer’s full calendar web page for meeting details. Members of the commission are hoping to receive input from the public before they receive final 2020 Census population data, expected in September.

Residents are invited to join Redistricting Placer presentations at upcoming city council presentations in Auburn, Rocklin, Lincoln and Loomis, as well as future subregional informational meetings later this summer. Visit the Redistricting Placer’s full calendar web page for meeting details. Members of the commission are hoping to receive input from the public before they receive final 2020 Census population data, expected in September.

The Redistricting Placer interactive website, is a roadmap for how residents can participate in redrawing Placer’s supervisorial district boundaries to reflect population changes reported in the 2020 Census.

Full meeting details are available on the Redistricting Placer website, and Residents can stay up to date on redistricting in Placer County by subscribing to Redistricting Placer informational updates at the Redistricting Placer website:

Placer County’s redistricting presentation at the City of Roseville’s City Council meeting June 16 is available to watch online: City Council Meeting of June 16, 2021 - City of Roseville, CA - YouTube.

The Placer County Board of Supervisors in February voted to appoint the Placer County Planning Commission to act as the Advisory Redistricting Commission to draw redistricting maps, which will ultimately be brought forward to the public and board for formal review and adoption.

The following residents serve on the Advisory Redistricting Commission: Samuel Cannon, District 1; Nathan Herzog, District 2; Anthony DeMattei, District 3; Daniel Woodward, District 4; Anders Hauge, District 5; Larry Sevison, At-Large East of Sierra Crest; Richard Johnson, At-Large West of Sierra Crest.

Redistricting takes place every 10 years after the federal census. Using the Census data, county officials realign supervisorial districts in their counties, accounting for shifts in population growth since the last Census and assuring equal representation for their constituents in compliance with the “one-person, one-vote” principle of the Voting Rights Act.

Historic Conservation Program Commemorated


After nearly 20 years in development, the historic Placer County Conservation Program was commemorated at a signing ceremony last week in rural Lincoln. The program covers more than 260,000 acres of land in western Placer County and Lincoln – helping to protect covered fish and wildlife species and their habitats while streamlining planning and permitting for future urban and rural growth with construction and maintenance of infrastructure. Learn more.

Planning Commission Tables Proposed Housing Element, Rezone for Further Study and Public Comment


At the July 22nd Planning Commission meeting, the Commission heard public comment and a presentation on Housing Related Code Ammendments, General Plan Ammendment, Zoning Text Ammendment and Rezone and voted unanimously to table the items for further study. Periodic updates of the General Plan are required for compliance with changing State Law and Federal Regulations. The Commission decided that the complex issues involved had not been adequately noticed or explained to the public, and the far reaching nature of the ammendments required further scrutiny. This will come before the Planning Commission again at a date TBD. Supervisor Jones will lead a discussion on this topic at the Granite Bay MAC meeting on August 4th, 2021.

California State Assemblyman Kevin Kiley and Radio Talk Show Host Larry Elder Announce Runs For Governor


The number of candidates who will face off against current Governor Gavin Newsom in a recall election this fall has grown by two more this week. On Tuesday, July 6, 2021, State Assemblyman Kevin Kiley, who represents California's District 6—which includes El Dorado and Placer Counties—launched his campaign to replace Newsom. In a recent interview with KCRA, Kiley stated: “I'm running for governor to return power to the people of California. In fact, I think the most important job of our next governor is to make it less important who the governor is, by returning power to the people and to local communities”.

Joining Assemblyman Kiley in the recall race, during his show on Monday, July 12, 2021, nationally syndicated talk radio host Larry Elder, announced his run. On his website, Elder explains: “I’m running for governor because the decline of California isn’t the fault of its people. Our government is what’s ruining the Golden State. Our schools are closed to both students and their parents. Our streets aren’t safe from rising violent crime or the disaster of rising homelessness. And the scandals of Sacramento aren’t going to stop on their own. It’s time to tell the truth. We’ve got a state to save.”

To learn more about Kevin Kiley and Larry Elder as well as their campaigns, you can visit their websites: and, respectively.

The recall election is set to take place on Tuesday, September 14, 2021.

July MAC Meeting Canceled


The July 7, 2021 MAC Meeting canceled. The next Granite Bay MAC Meeting is scheduled for Wed., August 4, 2021. Please note: regular meetings take place on the first Wednesday of every month at 6:00 PM unless otherwise noticed.

Placer County Redistricting Commission to Commence Public Meetings...


Placer County Redistricting Commission to hold first public meeting June 24.

The process of revising Placer County’s supervisorial district boundaries gets underway June 24 when the Placer County Advisory Redistricting Commission will host a public meeting at 10:10 a.m. at the Community Development Resource Agency in North Auburn. This meeting is only the first in a series of public meetings to be held in the various cities and Supervisorial Districts in the County.

Residents are invited to join Redistricting Placer presentations at upcoming city council presentations in Auburn, Rocklin, Lincoln and Loomis, as well as future subregional informational meetings later this summer. Visit the Redistricting Placer’s full calendar web page for meeting details. Members of the commission are hoping to receive input from the public before they receive final 2020 Census population data, expected in September.

The Redistricting Placer interactive website , is a roadmap for how residents can participate in redrawing Placer’s supervisorial district boundaries to reflect population changes reported in the 2020 Census.

Full meeting details are available on the Redistricting Placer website, and Residents can stay up to date on redistricting in Placer County by subscribing to Redistricting Placer informational updates at the Redistricting Placer website:

Placer County’s redistricting presentation at the City of Roseville’s City Council meeting June 16 is available to watch online: City Council Meeting of June 16, 2021 - City of Roseville, CA - YouTube.

The Placer County Board of Supervisors in February voted to appoint the Placer County Planning Commission to act as the Advisory Redistricting Commission to draw redistricting maps, which will ultimately be brought forward to the public and board for formal review and adoption.

The following residents serve on the Advisory Redistricting Commission: Samuel Cannon, District 1; Nathan Herzog, District 2; Anthony DeMattei, District 3; Daniel Woodward, District 4; Anders Hauge, District 5; Larry Sevison, At-Large East of Sierra Crest; Richard Johnson, At-Large West of Sierra Crest.

Redistricting takes place every 10 years after the federal census. Using the Census data, county officials realign supervisorial districts in their counties, accounting for shifts in population growth since the last Census and assuring equal representation for their constituents in compliance with the “one-person, one-vote” principle of the Voting Rights Act.


HUD Offers COVID-19 Relief for FHA Mortagees Undergoing Hardship


Hardships from the COVID-19 pandemic continue to be felt across the economy.

This unprecedented 18-month event has resulted in a burgeoning foreclosure crisis among FHA-insured borrowers. Currently there are well over 300,000 borrowers who are at least 90-days delinquent on their mortgage and in danger of losing their home to foreclosure. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has an available COVID-19 forbearance option to assist FHA borrowers with keeping their homes.

This relief will only be available until June 30, 2021. For maximum impact, the HUD San Francisco Regional Office has asked Congressional Representatives and local Governments throughout northern and central California areas to assist them in spreading the word in the hopes of reaching the greatest number of FHA-insured borrowers. For information about qualification and how to apply for relief on your FHA mortgage please visit

Placer County Seeks Community Feedback to Update Community Wildfire Plan


Placer County is seeking community feedback as part of its 2021 update to the Community Wildfire Protection Plan. The goal of the CWPP is to enhance efforts to protect communities, watersheds and other at-risk properties from catastrophic wildfire.

Using an online survey, Placer is seeking feedback to better understand residents’ knowledge of current wildfire preparedness resources as well as their commitment to using these resources to ensure their home and community are fire safe. The results will serve as a road map to how the county can work with residents to address issues surrounding wildfire preparedness in their communities.

Placer County Office of Emergency Services is leading the plan update in collaboration with the Placer Resource Conservation District, Placer County Fire Safe Alliance, six area fire safe councils, local fire protection districts, state and federal agencies, and area Firewise USA communities. The plan is outlined through a collaborative framework established by the Wildland Fire Leadership Council.

Residents can take the survey and follow the progress of the plan update through CWPP update website:

June MAC Meeting Summary


Roll Call/Introduction of MAC Members:
Introduction/swearing in new member Nick Johnson

Granite Bay Medical Office Complex:
The project applicant and county staff will provide an update on the Granite Bay Medical Office Complex project. The project includes the construction of four medical office buildings (totaling 15,580 SF), associated parking, and circulation areas on 4 separate parcels. The existing parcels (APN 048-081-056 and 057) comprise approximately 2.13 acres total. The project site is located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Douglas Boulevard and Berg Street. Currently zoned RS-B-20, this application includes a request to rezone to Office/Professional (OP) and a General Plan Amendment from Rural Low Density Residential to Commercial by the Placer County Board of Supervisors and the Placer County Planning Commission. In addition, this project will request a front setback variance reduction. This application also includes a 4-lot Tentative Parcel Map so that each building will be on a separate lot. An earlier version of this project was denied by the Granite Bay MAC in October 2016. The site plan has since been significantly revised and addresses prior comments made by the MAC and to be more consistent with the Granite Bay Community Plan.
Presenters: Russ Kuhn, owner; Kally Kedinger-Cecil, Sr. Planner

Staff Briefing - Granite Bay Parks & Trails:
Staff will give a presentation on the status of the Parks & Trails Master Plan, Future projects status and Granite Bay Lighting & Landscaping District
Presenter: Andy Fisher, Parks Administrator, Dept. of Public Works

South Placer Fire Update:
Hear a presentation from a representative of the South Placer Fire Protection District regarding possible consolidation with Sac Metro Fire District and make a recommendation to the South Placer Fire District Board.
Presenter: TBD

Supervisor Report:
Review Gustafson/Holmes Internet Survey from Fall 2020
Sehr Winery Update (tentative)

Subcommittee Reports:
Granite Bay Community Plan Workshop update
Open Space / Park Committee update

May MAC Meeting Summary


Residential Development in Granite Bay:
Staff will give a presentation of 5 Residential Projects currently underway in Granite Bay: Eureka Grove, Premier Soleil, Carnelian at Granite Bay, Ventura at Granite Bay and Rancho Del Oro.
Presenter: Christopher Schmidt, Supervising Planner, Community Resource Development Agency

Supervisor Report:
Housing Element Language modification
Granite Bay Parks, Trails and Open Space Maintenance and Improvement District Engineers Report

Action Items: Subcommittee Formation:
Granite Bay Community Plan Workshop
Open Space / Park Committee

What Do You Get For The County That Has Everything?


Did you know that Placer County’s Birthday is coming soon? You’d better believe it! On April 25th Placer County will be 170 years young! Do you have any vintage or historic photos of Placer County locales or events? Would you like to share with your fellow Placer dwellers? If so contact my District Director Michael Spelis ( and let him know. We may share your photos on social media or post them in our Roseville office or our Auburn office. Spread the word with your friends and family and let’s get this party started!

Emergency Rental Assistance Available For Placer


Placer County is accepting applications for emergency rental assistance through April 30, 2021 at Income eligible households who are unable to pay for rent and utilities because of COVID-19 are encouraged to start the application process now. The Rent Help Placer program provides financial assistance to qualifying Placer County renters to help prevent housing instability or potential eviction due to a COVID-19 financial hardship.

Income eligible households may receive financial assistance for unpaid rent or utilities dating back to March 2020. Additional assistance for current or future rent or utility bills may also be available. Reapplication is required for households if further financial assistance is needed. The program will provide payments directly to landlords and utility providers.

To check eligibility, review the required application items and apply, visit or call 211 Placer at 2-1-1 (or 833-342-5211). Once an application has been processed, both the landlord and renter will be notified about the application status and next steps.

Exploring Dog Parks in Granite Bay


There has been interest expressed for the creation of a dog park in Granite Bay. Our doggies love their off-leash play and currently it is against county code to unleash your animal in a County park unless it is a dedicated Dog Park. We’re soliciting public opinion as to whether you like the idea and if you do where do you think would be a good location? Email my office and let me know your thoughts.

May MAC Meeting Summary


Residential Development in Granite Bay:
Staff will give a presentation of 5 Residential Projects currently underway in Granite Bay: Eureka Grove, Premier Soleil, Carnelian at Granite Bay, Ventura at Granite Bay and Rancho Del Oro.
Presenter: Christopher Schmidt, Supervising Planner, Community Resource Development Agency

Supervisor Report:
Housing Element Language modification
Granite Bay Parks, Trails and Open Space Maintenance and Improvement District Engineers Report

Action Items: Subcommittee Formation:
Granite Bay Community Plan Workshop
Open Space / Park Committee

What Do You Get For The County That Has Everything?


Did you know that Placer County’s Birthday is coming soon? You’d better believe it! On April 25th Placer County will be 170 years young! Do you have any vintage or historic photos of Placer County locales or events? Would you like to share with your fellow Placer dwellers? If so contact my District Director Michael Spelis ( and let him know. We may share your photos on social media or post them in our Roseville office or our Auburn office. Spread the word with your friends and family and let’s get this party started!

Emergency Rental Assistance Available For Placer


Placer County is accepting applications for emergency rental assistance through April 30, 2021 at Income eligible households who are unable to pay for rent and utilities because of COVID-19 are encouraged to start the application process now. The Rent Help Placer program provides financial assistance to qualifying Placer County renters to help prevent housing instability or potential eviction due to a COVID-19 financial hardship.

Income eligible households may receive financial assistance for unpaid rent or utilities dating back to March 2020. Additional assistance for current or future rent or utility bills may also be available. Reapplication is required for households if further financial assistance is needed. The program will provide payments directly to landlords and utility providers.

To check eligibility, review the required application items and apply, visit or call 211 Placer at 2-1-1 (or 833-342-5211). Once an application has been processed, both the landlord and renter will be notified about the application status and next steps.

Exploring Dog Parks in Granite Bay


There has been interest expressed for the creation of a dog park in Granite Bay. Our doggies love their off-leash play and currently it is against county code to unleash your animal in a County park unless it is a dedicated Dog Park. We’re soliciting public opinion as to whether you like the idea and if you do where do you think would be a good location? Email my office and let me know your thoughts.

Message from Suzanne


The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity. I am finally moved into the new District Office and my District Director Michael Spelis is now onboard. The office address is 2200 Douglas Boulevard Bldg. 2 Suite 260 and the phone number is 916-787-8960. To reach Michael you can call him at the office number or on his cell: 916-719-2955. If you wish, you may drop him an email at . Since we are still operating in a pandemic and my business frequently takes me out of the office I’ll have to ask you to make an appointment before visiting. You can do so by simply calling either phone number or dropping Michael an email. We look forward to hearing from you!

MAC Is Back


We have resumed meetings of the Granite Bay MAC, they are occurring virtually for now. The regular meeting day is still the first Wednesday of each month, and we have changed the start time to 6:00 PM. I encourage you to watch these meetings and see how your community works for you. You can find a link to join the meetings on the Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council web page.

And don’t forget that the Board of Supervisors meets every other Tuesday at 9:00 AM. you can attend these meeting in person (masking and social distancing rules in effect, Board Chambers limited to 25% of capacity) or via Zoom or livestream.

Suzanne Jones: Town Halls Resume


We are now ready to resume Townhall meetings! We have scheduled the next one for 10:00 AM Saturday March 20th at Hillsborough Park. At this point the only real option we have for in person meetings is an outdoor venue. I prefer an in person format for townhalls, so let’s hope the weather cooperates like last time! Also same as last time, bring a chair. We’ll buy the coffee.

Speaking of Covid, we’re hearing from many of you asking about how you can get vaccinated. Placer County has a vaccination clinic operating at the grounds the Roseville County Fairgrounds in addition to the clinics operated by Sutter Health, Kaiser and select Safeway Pharmacies. You will need an appointment, and fair warning that demand for the vaccine far outweighs the supply so you’ll have to be patient. There are currently 3 options to get information or schedule and appointment. You can go online to and get the latest information; or use your smartphone and text “Placervaccine” to 898211. You will get text alerts when appointments are available and instructions for making an appointment. For anyone without computer skills or access to text messages you can simply pick up a phone and dial 211 where you can speak to an operator for assistance.

Virtual Granite Bay MAC Meeting on Feb. 3


The Feb. 3 Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council meeting listed as canceled in last week's Placer County newsletter has since been scheduled as a virtual meeting. Join online or by phone tomorrow at 7 p.m.



Upcoming Community Events


When people from different households mix, this increases the risk of transmission of COVID-19. The safest gatherings are virtual. Before attending an event, consider whether it meets the California Department of Public Health’s guidance for the prevention of COVID-19 transmission.

PlacerGROWN farmers’ markets are still taking place following physical distancing direction from health authorities.

Learn more.

County Jobs Website Is Updated Regularly


Check out Placer County's employment website for a list of open positions, including internships. Job seekers can apply for positions and sign up for job alerts to be notified of openings. Those without internet access can use a computer kiosk in the Human Resources Department's lobby, at 145 Fulweiler Ave., in Auburn.

Apply for a job

Sign up for job alerts

News Achieves: 2020

All the news from the year 2020.

District 6's California State Assemblyman Kevin Kiley Endorses Candidates In 2020 Election Races


With Election Day four weeks away, Assemblyman Kevin Kiley endorses Renee Nash for the Eureka Union School District Board. He also supports Heidi Hall, Pete Constant, and Julie Hirota for the Roseville High School Board.

Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2020.

VIRTUAL WORKSHOP for Roadway Safety in Granite Bay


Placer County is considering a roadway safety project in Granite Bay and we need your input!

The Placer County Department of Public Works will be hosting a virtual workshop next Wednesday, Sept. 23rd, at 7:00 p.m. This workshop is part of a continued effort to identify roadway transportation projects within the community which focus on enhanced safety. We are reaching out to you specifically as you attended or provided input during one of the Granite Bay Transportation Workshops in the spring of last year.

The Granite Bay Community Plan, which establishes transportation goals and policies based on the values of the community, supports programs that balance controlling traffic congestion, reducing environmental impacts, increasing safety, preserving rural character and providing increased mobility options. Please join us to give your feedback on a potential roadway safety project.

The workshop will provide an overview of the traffic safety priorities previously expressed for Granite Bay. County staff will outline a safety project currently in development which could include additional traffic signals, and driveway or access modifications to promote safety for all users.

Virtual Meeting Information

When: Wednesday Sep 23, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Or iPhone one-tap: US: +16699006833,,98959438358# or 8778535247,,98959438358# (Toll Free)

Or Telephone: 877 853 5247 (Toll Free) or 888 788 0099 (Toll Free)

Webinar ID: 989 5943 8358

Is Public Transit Meeting Your Needs? Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA) wants to hear from you about how public transit can best serve the Placer County region. As part of its annual Unmet Transit Needs (UTN) outreach, PCTPA is conducting surveys and seeking community feedback throughout September and October. Visit to take the survey!

Placer County Hiring Election Aides Ahead Of Nov. 3 General Election


In preparation for the Nov. 3 general election, the Placer County Elections Office is recruiting election aide temporary positions for county voting centers in North Lake Tahoe.

Elections aides are responsible for performing a wide variety of tasks including, but not limited to, setting up equipment and supplies; assisting and processing voters; and assisting in closing procedures.

Click here to read more.


Placer Declares the End of Local COVID-19 Health Emergency


Citing a low incidence of COVID-19 and increasing harm caused by California’s reopening framework, the Placer County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday unanimously approved a resolution declaring the end of Placer County’s local health emergency.

While acknowledging that California’s state of emergency and Department of Public Health orders, directives and guidance remain in full effect in Placer County, the resolution expresses the board’s concerns that the state framework for measuring COVID-19 mischaracterizes the current state of disease specifically in Placer County and harms the community’s economic, health, mental and social well-being.

Click here to read more.

Supervisors Adopt Historic Placer County Conservation Program


The Placer County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday adopted the first-of-its-kind Placer County Conservation Program, which permanently conserves significant open space and agricultural land in western Placer County and streamlines project permitting.

The PCCP covers more than 260,000 acres of western Placer County and Lincoln. Within the plan area, roughly 47,000 acres would become part of an interconnected reserve system to more effectively protect fish and wildlife species and their habitat.

Click here to read more.


Oldham to Return to Placer as New Health And Human Services Director, Chief Psychiatrist


Placer County will soon have a familiar face as its new director of Health and Human Services and chief psychiatrist: Dr. Rob Oldham.

Oldham previously served as Placer’s health officer and director of Public Health from 2014-2019, and is returning to the county after serving for the last year as chief medical executive for Sutter Center for Psychiatry in Sacramento and as medical director of acute psychiatric services across the Sutter Health system in California and Hawaii.

Click here to read more.


REMINDER: MAC Meetings Canceled Until Further Notice


In compliance with the Governor's Executive Order and Placer County's Public Health Officer Directive to Shelter in Place, Placer County is canceling all Municipal Advisory Council meetings until further notice. Please check our online MAC meeting calendar or contact the Board of Supervisors Office at 530-889-4010 for information regarding future meetings.

View MAC Calendar here.

$8 Million Approved For Small Business and Non-profit Grants


Beginning Aug. 25, eligible small businesses and non-profit organizations in Placer County can begin applying for Placer Shares grant funding to offset impacts caused by the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting state shutdown order. During the last Board of Supervisors meeting, we voted to set aside $8 million of our federal CARES Act funding for the pandemic response to help businesses and nonprofits make it through these tough times. Please visit our Placer Shares website for more information on this new grant program.

Placer Agriculture Commissioner Warns: Do Not Open or Plant Unsolicited Seeds Received In the Mail


Placer County’s Agriculture Commissioner is warning residents to not open or plant unsolicited seeds received through the U.S. postal service.

According to the California Department of Food and Agriculture website; CDFA has recently become aware of a number of reports regarding unsolicited seeds from China being received by homeowners throughout the country, including Placer County.

Click here to read more.

Supervisors Approve a New Ordinance to Enhance Fire Protection Efforts


The Placer County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to adopt a new Hazardous Vegetation Ordinance, which will govern the abatement of hazardous vegetation and combustible material on both vacant and improved parcels. This is a significant change from the previous county code which focused primarily on vacant land, leaving the state and local fire codes to govern land with structures. The new ordinance repeals and replaces the previous code and provides fire officials with consistent guidelines to ensure adequate defensible space is maintained on vacant land as well as around structures and enforcement mechanisms are in place to encourage compliance.

Click here to read more.

Placer County’s Accounting and Auditing Practices Pass Inspection by Audit Committee


Placer County’s accounting and auditing processes have been given a clean bill of health from the Placer County Audit Committee. During this week’s Board of Supervisors meeting, Audit Committee Chair Wayne Nader reported that the committee found the county’s system of internal controls to be in place and operating effectively. The committee also found the financial reporting processes adequate to ensure the financial statements fairly presented the county’s financial position.

The Audit Committee was established in 2008 to assist the board with fulfilling its oversight responsibilities by monitoring the reporting and internal control processes, evaluating compliance with laws and regulations, and ensuring the independent performance of internal and external auditors.

Click here to read more.

211 Placer Launches to Provide Information and Referrals across County


July 1 will mark the launch of 211 Placer, the new information and referral system in Placer County. 211 Placer is a free, confidential, multilingual information line and website that connects people with the services and resources in their community.

211 Placer provides a 24/7, one-stop shop for referrals to community and health services including food, transportation, senior care, employment services, housing assistance, mental health supports and much more. People in Placer County can access 211 in multiple ways:

  • PHONE: Dial 2-1-1 (or 1-833-DIAL211; for TTY: 1-844-521-6697) to speak with a call specialist. Language interpretation is available.

  • TEXT: Text your zip code to 898211. Your text plan’s rates will apply.

  • ONLINE: Visit to access an online searchable database or to chat/email specialists.

Click here to read more.


Reminder: MAC Meetings Canceled Until Further Notice


In compliance with the Governor's Executive Order and Placer County's Public Health Officer Directive to Shelter in Place, Placer County is canceling all Municipal Advisory Council meetings until further notice. Please check our online MAC meeting calendar or contact the Board of Supervisors Office at 530-889-4010 for information regarding future meetings.

View MAC Calendar here.

County Supervisors Approve Expenditure Plan for Placer County Transportation Planning Agency Proposed Ballot Measure


The Placer County Board of Supervisors has approved a comprehensive expenditure plan identifying which major transportation and traffic improvements are proposed for funding in South Placer should voters decide to pass a ballot measure that would increase the sales tax by a half cent. The expenditure plan, proposed by the Placer County Transportation Planning Agency, identifies a variety of needed transportation projects with the most significant being the widening of state route 65 and expansion of the interchange at route 65 and Interstate 80.

Click here to read more.

Multi-Family Residential Development Slated For North Auburn


The Placer County Planning Commission last week voted to approve the Gateway Commons Subdivision in North Auburn with a proposed creative layout that could help boost the county’s “attainable housing supply.

“Haldeman Homes’ project is a wonderful example of a developer opting to offer a multigenerational housing option to meet the increasing demand for more affordable housing in Placer County,” said Placer County Principal Planner Shawna Purvines. “Our Community Development Resource Agency has seen a sharp increase in accessory dwelling units to accommodate aging family members, children returning home from college or investing in a rental unit as a second source of income.”

Click here to read more.

Supervisors Approve a New Ordinance to Enhance Fire Protection Efforts


The Placer County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to adopt a new Hazardous Vegetation Ordinance, which will govern the abatement of hazardous vegetation and combustible material on both vacant and improved parcels. This is a significant change from the previous county code which focused primarily on vacant land, leaving the state and local fire codes to govern land with structures. The new ordinance repeals and replaces the previous code and provides fire officials with consistent guidelines to ensure adequate defensible space is maintained on vacant land as well as around structures and enforcement mechanisms are in place to encourage compliance.

Click here to read more.

Placer County Launches New Remote Video Inspection Program


Placer County launched a new program allowing building inspections via the internet for small projects such as electrical services, electrical trenching, heating and air changeouts, reroof final inspections, rooftop solar, new spa connections, sheds under 500 square feet, sewer yard lines, and water heaters.

Contractors and homeowners can now connect with county building inspectors virtually and receive same-day approval on projects using remote video inspections, a new program that is offered by the Placer County Community Development Resource Agency.

Click here to read more.


Placer County Acts to Address Homeless Concerns During COVID-19 Pandemic


Working closely with local, state and federal partners, Placer County Public Health is moving quickly to protect the homeless population from COVID-19 and slow the spread of the disease in the broader community.

First, the county has worked to temporarily expand shelter space – both to increase the number of beds available, but also to enable proper physical distancing at existing facilities. Health and Human Services has worked with local shelter operator The Gathering Inn to implement sanitation measures at both Mid and South Placer locations, as well as working with other local homeless service providers.

Click here to read more.




On March 19 Placer County’s Health Officer issued a directive for county residents to stay home except for essential activities in response to local and regional spread of COVID-19. Learn more

Stay updated about COVID-19 in Placer County by visiting the county’s COVID-19 information page, here.

Click here to read more.


COVID-19: Updated Recycling Operations


In an effort to comply with social distancing measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19, some solid waste and recycling services may be temporarily modified or discontinued at facilities in Placer County. If you were planning to visit one of the Recology transfer stations, the Western Placer Waste Management Authority (WPWMA), or the Eastern Regional Materials Recovery Facility (ERMRF) please call first to confirm the services you need are available:

Click here to read more.


Placer County Health Officer Provides Clarity for Short-Term Rental Operations


As the State of California and Placer County work to slow the spread of COVID-19, the county’s health officer is providing clarification about the operation of short-term rentals in North Lake Tahoe and elsewhere in the county. Based on the Governor’s Executive Order, Health Officer Dr. Aimee Sisson urges short-term rentals to cease all commercial operations.

“Short-term rentals that are used for commercial purposes are not considered part of critical infrastructure under the governor’s order,” said Dr. Sisson. “Short-term rentals may only continue to operate for extremely limited purposes as outlined.”

Click here to read more.

Placer County Applauds Sacramento State Placer Center Approval


Placer County Board of Supervisor members applaud the advancement of the Sacramento State Placer Center, signaling the Sunset Area Plan update and Placer Ranch Specific Plan as an upcoming jobs and education center.

According to a Sacramento State news release, the California State Board of Trustees approved a donation of 300-acres from entrepreneur and philanthropist Eli Broad and his company, Placer Ranch, Inc. for the future Sacramento State Placer Center.

Click here to read more.

Hidden Falls-Planning Commission Meeting


Placer County has temporarily suspended Planning Commission meetings in March. As a result, the March 26 PC meeting to accept comments on the Subsequent Draft Environmental Impact Report has been canceled rescheduled to May 14. Persons wishing to provide comments are encouraged to provide their comments in writing in order to reduce the number of participants at the meeting. Written comments should be sent to Placer County Community Development Resource Agency, Environmental Coordination Services 3091 County Center Drive, Suite 190, Auburn, CA 95603; or fax (530) 745-3080; or email

Future update, including any changes to the scheduled May 14 meeting will not be mailed, and will instead be provided through the Environmental Coordination website: and through email for those who have requested email updates. If you would like to be placed on the email update list, please provide your email address to

Click here to read more.

March MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

2019 Engineering and Traffic Survey to Update Expiring Speed Limits:
The Placer County Transportation Division regularly conducts Engineering and Traffic Surveys, as required by law, in order to update speed limits on County roadways. Therefore, we will be discussing speed limits inconjunction with the California Highway Patrol on various County roadways within the MAC boundaries where the limits will expire.
Presenter: Stephanie Holloway, Senior Civil Engineer, Placer County Transportation Division

Whitehawk I Planned Residential Development:
The MAC is being asked to make a recommendation to the Planning Commissionon the Whitehawk I Planned Residential Development. The proposed project requires approval of a Community Plan Amendment, Rezoning, Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map,Conditional Use Permit, and Variance. The project would include 24 single-family,single-story, detached residential units on private streets accessed from a gated entryway off of Douglas Boulevard. The subject property is comprised of an 18.1-acre site (APN048-151-001-000)located on the south side of Douglas Boulevard east of Woodgrove Way in Granite Bay. Approximately fifty-four percent of the site would remain as common area and open space.
Presenter: Chris Schmidt, Placer County Senior Planner

Click here to read more.

Placer County’s Annual Employee Art Show Now Open


Works of art created by Placer County employees will be on display at six county buildings as Placer County’s eighth annual employee art show, Placer Creates, opened this week.

The show, coordinated with the Arts Council of Placer County and the Placer Youth Commission, features over 60 pieces of art created by over 30 artists, ranging from metal work, photography, paintings, sculptures and more.

Click here to read more.

Placer Superior Court Seeks Volunteers for Grand Jury Service


The Placer Superior Court is seeking applications from Placer County citizens interested in an opportunity to serve on the 2020-2021 Grand Jury.

The Grand Jury’s one-year term begins on July 1, 2020, and ends on June 30, 2021.

In order to meet the minimum qualifications for service on the Grand Jury, applicants must be United States citizens who are 18 years of age or older and must reside in Placer County for a minimum of one year immediately prior to becoming a grand juror. Service on the Grand Jury requires a substantial investment of time, usually 40-50 hours per month.

Click here to read more.

Board Encourages Placer County’s Participation in 2020 Census


The Placer County Board of Supervisors passed a resolution voicing support for the 2020 Census, urging residents to participate and be counted this spring.

The census is critical because a headcount of every person living in the country helps ensure that government resources are allocated fairly. The census will determine how $675 billion in federal resources are distributed annually for the next decade, including millions of dollars in Placer County. Census data is also used to make sure everyone is equally represented in our political system.

Click here to read more.

Volunteers Sought For Tax Assistance Program


Placer County’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program is currently seeking volunteers.

The program, operating in conjunction with United Way and the IRS, offers free tax assistance to low-income individuals and families at locations in Rocklin and Auburn. Volunteers receive four days of training starting in January, which can also be completed online. Then they can select dates to assist with tax preparation anytime between Jan. 28 and March 27, 2020. Volunteers are needed Tuesdays through Fridays depending on location.

Click here to read more.

Placer County Approves $5 Million to Resurface 132 Miles of County Roads


More than 132 miles of county roads will be resurfaced this summer with the Placer County Board of Supervisors approving $5 million for the work.

Placer’s Department of Public Works will now seek bids for two project contracts - one for each type of resurfacing work.

The projects are county funded and will be in addition to the road rehabilitation projects funded by the county’s share of Senate Bill 1.

Click here to read more.

Placer County Youth Impact Awards Now Accepting Applications


Do you know a high-school-age leader, innovator, community volunteer or against-the-odds achiever? The Placer County Youth Impact Awards recognize Placer teens for their hard work and contributions to their community.

Click here to read more.

Volunteers Sought For Tax Assistance Program


Placer County’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program is currently seeking volunteers.

The program, operating in conjunction with United Way and the IRS, offers free tax assistance to low-income individuals and families at locations in Rocklin and Auburn. Volunteers receive four days of training starting in January, which can also be completed online. Then they can select dates to assist with tax preparation anytime between Jan. 28 and March 27, 2020. Volunteers are needed Tuesdays through Fridays depending on location.

Click here to read more.

Placer County Youth Impact Awards Now Accepting Applications


Do you know a high-school-age leader, innovator, community volunteer or against-the-odds achiever? The Placer County Youth Impact Awards recognize Placer teens for their hard work and contributions to their community.

Click here to read more.

February MAC Meeting Canceled


The February 5, 2020 MAC Meeting canceled. The next Granite Bay MAC Meeting is scheduled for Wed., March 4, 2020. Please note: regular meetings take place on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00PM unless otherwise noticed.

January MAC Meeting Canceled


The January 8, 2020 MAC Meeting canceled. The next Granite Bay MAC Meeting is scheduled for Wed., February 5, 2020. Please note: regular meetings take place on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00PM unless otherwise noticed.

News Achieves: 2019

All the news from the year 2019.

December MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Bayside Fields:
The MAC members will receive an informational presentation on Bayside Fields, a proposal to develop recreation uses on a 17.3 acre area on the existing 34.6 acre Bayside Church Granite Bay Property (APN 048-030-083-000, 046-090-042-000). Current approvals allow for recreation uses associated with church activities, but do not allow for organized tournaments and events or regular league use. The applicant is requesting approval from the Planning Commission of a Conditional Use Permit Modification to allow for regular league and tournament use. The parcel is located approximately one-half mile north of Douglas Boulevard between Sierra College Boulevard and Cavitt Stallman Road. The site is designated as Rural Estates (RE 4.6-20 acre minimum) in the Granite Bay Community Plan and is zoned F-B-X-20 Acre Minimum (Farm, 20-acre minimum). Proposed uses include a field area for three to five soccer fields, children’s play area, picnic area, concession/restroom building, storage building, and parking. Approximately 5.7 acres of the 17.3-acre site would be used for passive recreation.
Presenter: Kris Steward, on behalf of Bayside Church

Sports Fields in Granite Bay:
County Parks staff will give a briefing on plans for the replacement of the artificial turf field at Franklin School and give an update on progress of new sports fields development at Eureka School.
Presenter: Andy Fisher/Ted Rel, County Parks Division

New Granite Bay Alert Posted


A number of projects have been proposed that will have an impact on the community and are in various stages of submittal at County. Click here to learn more about them.

Community Outreach Meetings on County Charter Updates Continue In Loomis and Roseville


Community members are invited to share their thoughts on updating the Placer County Charter at two workshops of the county Charter Review Committee next month in Loomis and Roseville.

The Loomis workshop is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. on Dec. 3 at the Loomis Library, 6050 Library Drive.

The Roseville workshop is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Dec. 9 at the Martha Riley Library in Roseville, 1501 Pleasant Grove Blvd.

Click here to read more.

Placer County Risk Management Division Receives Statewide Award for Innovation


Placer County’s Risk Management Division has received a statewide best practice Eagle Award from the California State Association of Counties Excess Insurance Authority for developing a contract compliance tracking solution.

The process allows Placer County risk managers to efficiently develop, review and audit the insurance requirements for contracts across all Placer County departments - reducing financial risk and saving tax dollars.

Click here to read more.

Volunteers Sought For Tax Assistance Program


Placer County’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program is currently seeking volunteers.

The program, operating in conjunction with United Way and the IRS, offers free tax assistance to low-income individuals and families at locations in Rocklin and Auburn. Volunteers receive four days of training starting in January, which can also be completed online. Then they can select dates to assist with tax preparation anytime between Jan. 28 and March 27, 2020. Volunteers are needed Tuesdays through Fridays depending on location.

Click here to read more.

State Funds a Portion of Power Shut Off Response


The Placer County Office of Emergency Services has been allocated approximately $452,000 by the State of California to help respond to local impacts from the public safety power shutoffs. The Board of Supervisors unanimously voted today to sign an agreement with the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services to accept the funds and the conditions of their use.

Click here to read more.

October MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Strategic Planning Update:
Update and discussion of the nine Critical Success Factors that serve as Placer County’s priority-guiding principles, developed for decision-making purposes.
Presenter: Todd Leopold, Placer County CEO (20 min.)

Housing Strategy and Development Code Amendments:
County staff will provide an informational overview of proposed housing-related Code amendments aimed at increasing housing availability and affordability while streamlining the permit approval process for a mix of housing types for all income levels. The proposed changes will allow for increased residential capacity on commercial and multi-family zoned parcels, and will align with recent changes to State housing laws, with higher density, mixed use, transit-oriented, and infill housing development primarily located where existing infrastructure and public services are currently available.
Presenter: Patrick Dobbs, Placer County Planning Services Division

September MAC Meeting Canceled


The September 4, 2019 MAC Meeting canceled. The next regularly scheduled MAC meeting is Wednesday, October 2, 2019. Please note: regular meetings take place on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00PM unless otherwise noticed.

New Granite Bay Alert Posted


A number of projects have been proposed that will have an impact on the community and are in various stages of submittal at County. Click here to learn more about them.

August MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Industrial Hemp Update:
Placer County staff will provide an overview of recent changes in state and federal law regarding industrial hemp that will likely result in its legalization and regulation as an agricultural crop. As part of the process to begin developing county policy and regulation, county staff are conducing outreach and seeking input from the public regarding what hemp is, its legal status, potential concerns, how it is differentiated from cannabis, and how industrial hemp might one day fit into Placer County’s landscape.
Presenter: Josh Huntsinger, Placer County Agricultural Commissioner and Sealer of Weights and Measures

Winery and Farm Brewery Zoning Text Amendment:
County staff will provide an overview of the proposed Winery and Farm Brewery Zoning Text Amendment, including key components of the CEQA analysis and policy considerations. Staff will also provide an overviewof the county’s approval process and information on opportunities for public input on this item, including future public hearings before the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors.
Presenter: Crystal Jacobsen, Planning Services Division

Placer County Sustainability Plan (Climate Action Plan):
County staff will provide a brief overview of the proposed Placer County Sustainability Plan, including proposed Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission reduction measures, adaptation strategies, and implementation plan. Staff will also provide an overview of the county’s approval process and information on opportunities for public input on the plan, including future community workshops and public hearings before the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors.
Presenter: Crystal Jacobsen, Planning Services Division

Placer County Moves Forward On 179 Acres of Forest Thinning To Reduce Wildfire Risk


The French Meadows Forest Restoration Project took a step forward with the Placer County Board of Supervisors voting to award a contract to execute forest thinning on an additional 179 acres of the forest health project. Click here to read more.

Community Workshops for Placer Sustainability Plan Set For August


Community members are invited to attend two upcoming workshops to learn more about and provide input on the proposed Placer County Sustainability Plan.

The plan outlines ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and manage climate risks that threaten property value, natural resources and quality of life.

Click here to read more.

July MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Granite Bay Congregate Living Health Facility:
The MAC is being asked to make a recommendation to the Planning Commission on the proposed Granite Bay Congregate Living Health Facility. The proposed project would include the operation of an 18-bed extended care home in an existing single-family residence at 3140 Spahn Ranch Road. The project is located on a 4.11-acre parcel (APN 467-090-009-000) that is designated Rural Low Density Residential in the Granite Bay Community Plan and is zoned RS-AG-B-40 (Residential Single Family, combining Agriculture, minimum building site of 40,000 square feet). The project applicant, 421 San Juan LLC, is requesting approval of a Rezoning to RA-B-40 (Residential Agriculture, minimum building site of 40,000 square feet); a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the operation of an extended care facility on the property; and a Variance to section 17.54.060B(7) of the Zoning Ordinance to allow for nine off-street parking spaces where 18 are required. The project would include renovations to the interior of the existing 5,800 square-foot home, as well as a 700 square-foot addition to northeast corner of the building and a 2,000 square-foot addition to on the south side of the structure. The project would also include the expansion of a driveway bridge over an unnamed tributary of Linda Creek, driveway widening to provide adequate turning radii, demolition of an existing garage, and construction of a turn-around to the east of the residence to accommodate emergency vehicles.
Presenter: Christopher Schmidt, Senior Planner

Major Milestone Achieved for Highly-Anticipated Placer County Conservation Program


In a major milestone, following several years of work by local governments and state and federal regulatory agencies, the draft Placer County Conservation Program and accompanying environmental impact study were published on June 21 in the Federal Register by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Click here to read more.

Placer Supervisors Approve $960.5 Million Draft Budget


The Placer County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to approve a draft, balanced budget of $960.5 million for the next fiscal year - $10.4 million lower than last year’s final budget of $970.9 million.

The budget protects core operations, services and programs, continues to fund capital infrastructure projects prioritized by the Board of Supervisors and maintains reserves to guard against harder economic times.

Click here to read more.

Placer County Launches New eServices For Commercial and Residential Projects


Customers with commercial and residential projects can now look up zoning requirements, apply for permits and more from the comfort of their home, business or mobile workplace anywhere, anytime, online.

The Placer County Community Development Resource Agency this week launched its new eServices program, which offers customers continuous access to services that typically require a visit to CDRA offices in Auburn or Tahoe City.

Click here to read more.

June MAC Meeting Canceled


The June 5, 2019 MAC Meeting canceled and in Observance of the Independence Day Holiday, the July Granite Bay MAC Meeting has been rescheduled for Wed., July 10, 2019. Please note: regular meetings take place on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00PM unless otherwise noticed.

County to Move Forward In Developing 2-1-1 System


With direction from the Board of Supervisors, Placer County will move forward in developing a 2-1-1 information and referral system.

2-1-1 provides free online and telephone support to community members to connect them with resources ranging from disaster aid to health and human services. Nationwide, 2-1-1 is found in all 50 states and in 38 California counties. Placer had previously been the largest county in the state without 2-1-1 service.

Click here to read more.

More Than 137 Acres in Auburn Approved For Permanent Conservation


Over 137 acres of agricultural land and blue oak woodland are planned for conservation in North Auburn, with the Placer County Board of Supervisors today approving the use of $205,000 of Placer Legacy open space funds. The funding will contribute to an agricultural conservation easement that will be held by the private nonprofit Placer Land Trust.

Click here to read more.

Placer County Continues Its Investment in Road Maintenance This Summer


Nearly 12 miles of county-maintained roads are planned for pavement overlay this summer.

The Placer County Board of Supervisors today approved a $4.7 million contract agreement with Teichert Construction for the work, set to begin in June.

Click here to read more.

Landlord-Tenant Training Workshop Coming June 19


Continuing their commitment to creating affordable housing solutions, Placer County and City of Roseville are co-hosting a landlord-tenant training workshop June 19 in North Auburn.

“This is a great opportunity for existing and potential landlords to learn about the incentives and benefits of partnering with the City of Roseville and Placer County voucher programs,” said Roseville Housing Manager Danielle Foster.

Click here to read more.

May MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Granite Bay Community Plan Circulation Element:
Placer County Public Works and Planning staff will provide a status update on the County's review of the Granite Bay Circulation Element, including feedback received at recent community transportation workshops. The presentation will also include an overview of current and long range transportation system operations as well as new California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines related to the impacts of transportation on the environment.
Presenter: Stephanie Holloway, Senior Civil Engineer, Transportation Planning Division (20 min.)

Countywide Park and Trail Master Plan:
The Municipal Advisory Council is being asked to make a recommendation to the Placer County Planning Commission on the draft Countywide Park and Trail Master Plan. Staff will provide an overview of the final draft of the proposed Countywide Park and Trail Master Plan, which is anticipated to be presented to the Placer County Planning Commission for action in the spring and to the Placer County Board of Supervisors for final action in the summer. Staff’s presentation will also include a discussion of revisions made to the plan based on previous input from MAC and community members.
Presenter: Andy Fisher / Lisa Carnahan / Ted Rel, Placer County Parks Division (20 min.)

Free Medication Take-Back Across Placer County April 27


A free medication take-back event will take place at locations across Placer County on Saturday, April 27 from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.

Granite Bay
Granite Bay High School
1 Grizzly Way

Click here to read more.

Public Input Wanted to Strengthen Placer County Mental Health Services & Wellness Programs


Placer County community members are invited to participate in an online survey to help strengthen county mental health services and wellness programs.

Placer County’s Department of Health and Human Services is collecting community input that is essential to help shape the county’s three-year Mental Health Services Act Plan, set to begin July 1, 2020.

Click here to read more.

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program Generates Nearly $650,000 in Refunds for Placer Residents


Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program volunteers saved low-income Placer County individuals and families close to $650,000 on their tax returns this year - a 22 percent increase over last year’s $527,714 refund total.

For the fourth year in a row, Placer County Health and Human Services provided the VITA program in partnership with the IRS, United Way and Sierra College to help qualifying residents file tax returns and maximize refunds.

Click here to read more.

Whole Person Care Program Reaches Milestone with 100 Clients Successfully Housed


Placer County’s Whole Person Care program for homeless individuals with complex needs has hit a major milestone, reaching 100 clients housed.

All clients included in this number have been housed successfully, meaning that they have remained stable in their placements. Clients with failed placements, who have been evicted or otherwise removed, are not included in this total.

Click here to read more.

Cannabis Cultivation Meeting May 1


With Placer County’s cannabis ordinance now in effect for two years, county staff will host a drop-in meeting May 1 to answer questions about rules for cannabis cultivation and the county’s compliance and enforcement process.

“Cannabis cultivation compliance and enforcement in Placer has been very successful,” said Placer County Deputy Director of Building Services Tim Wegner. “This drop-in meeting with cannabis inspectors is a great way to help ensure cultivators are well informed and stay in compliance with the cannabis ordinance.”

Click here to read more.

Placer Extends Deadline for County Charter Review Committee Applications


Placer County residents are invited to take part in a once-every-five-years review of the Placer County Charter - a governing document that guides the organizational structure, duties and responsibilities of the county’s elected and appointed officials.

Click here to read more.

April MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Granite Bay Marketplace (Formally Country Gables Shopping Center):
Granite Bay Marketplace is an existing shopping center on a 10.90 acre site (APN 048-103-062-000) located at the northwest corner of Douglas Boulevard and Auburn Folsom Road in Granite Bay. The site is designated Commercial in the Granite Bay Community Plan and is zoned C1-UP-Dc (Neighborhood Commercial, combining Use Permit Required and Design Review). Merlone Geier has plans to remodel the exterior and site of the existing shopping center. Requested entitlements are a Design/Site Review Agreement.
Presenter: David Dreyfus, applicant (15 min.)

Quarry Ridge Office Park Project (PLN16-00157)
County staff will request the MAC take action to provide a recommendation on the Quarry Ridge Office Park Project. The applicant (Neil Doerhoff, Doerhoff Family Trust) is requesting an amendment to the Granite Bay Community Plan to change land use designation of the project site from Low Density Residential to Commercial; text changes to the Granite Bay Community Plan to modify the setback standard for buildings located on the north side of Douglas Boulevard; Rezone of the project site from Residential Single Family, Building Site 20,000-sf minimum (RS-B-20) to Office and Professional with Design Review combining district (OP-DC); a Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide the project site into four parcels ranging in size from 24,202 square feet to 48,936 square feet; and Design Review to construct four office buildings and associated improvements within 3.23-acre property. The project site is located at the northeast corner of the Douglas Boulevard and Berg Street intersection in Granite Bay.
Presenter: Jennifer Byous, Planning Services Division

Placer Retirement Residences (PLN16-00298)
County staff will request the MAC take action to provide a recommendation on the Placer Retirement Residences project. The applicant, Lenity Architecture, is requesting a rezone from RS-AG-B-100 (Residential Agriculture, Combining Agriculture, Combining Minimum Building Site of 100,000 Square Feet) to RA-B-100 (Residential Agriculture, Combining Minimum Building Site of 100,000 Square Feet) and a Minor Use Permit to operate a residential care home with seven or more clients. The project proposes a three-story residential care home with 145 congregate living suites for up to 160 residents. Associated improvements include grading, landscaping, parking and circulation, and road improvements. The project site is located at the northwest corner of Old Auburn Road and Sierra College Boulevard in Granite Bay
Presenter: Kally Kedinger-Cecil, Planning Services Division

March MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Proposed User Fee Increase for Sewer Maintenance District 2 – Granite Bay:
Staff will provide an overview of a proposed increase to the sewer user fees for SMD 2. Since the sewer user fees in the Granite Bay Sewer District have not increased since July 1, 2007, it is requested that the Board of Supervisors increase the user fees by 4% per year for the next two years thus allowing continued quality, efficient and reliable sewer services. The current fee is $48.12 per single family residence
Presenter: Jared Deck, Senior Civil Engineer (10 min.)

Proposed Whitehawk II Project
Planner Whitehawk II is a proposal to develop a 55-unit Planned Residential Development on a 32.97-acre site (APN 048-151-061-000) located on the south side of Douglas Boulevard at Seeno Avenue in Granite Bay. The project would include 55 single-family,single-story, detached residential units on privatestreets accessed from Douglas Boulevard. Approximately forty-seven percent of the site would remain as common area and open space. The applicant, Meritage Homes, is requesting a Community Plan Amendment to change the land use designation of the site from Rural Low Density Residential (.9 to 2.3 acre min. parcel size) and Rural Residential (2.3 to 4.6 acre min. parcel size) to Low Density Residential (0.4 to .9 acres per dwelling unit) and Open Space. Also proposed is a rezoning from RA-B-100 (Residential Agricultural, minimum Building Site of 100,000 square feet) to RA-B-20 PD = 1.75 (Residential Agricultural, minimum Building Site of 20,000 square feet, combining Planned Residential Development of 1.75 units per acre) and O (Open Space). A Variance to lot coverage would allow up to 50 percent coverage for single-story residences where 30 to 40 percent is normally permitted.
Presented by Chris Schmidt, Placer County Senior (20 min.)

Final Granite Bay Circulation Element Workshop


The final Workshop to discuss the Granite Bay Circulation Element Update will be held on Wednesday, March 20 at 6:00 PM in the Eureka Union School District Board Room. Please contact Katie Jackson with any questions at

Placer County Gears Up For March 26th Special Primary Election


In preparation of the March 26th special primary election, the Placer County Elections Office has distributed voter information guides to registered voters in California’s 1st Senate District. Click here to read more.

Placer County Re-Invests In Road Safety with Key Signage Upgrades


The safety of Placer County roadways took a major step forward today with the county Board of Supervisors voting to award a $1 million contract to Highway Specialty Company Inc. to upgrade signage throughout the county. Click here to read more.

Placer County to Host Free Small Business Accessibility Compliance Workshop March 5th


Placer County is inviting business owners to participate in a free small business workshop on Americans with Disabilities Act compliance March 5, 2019. Click here to read more.

Placer County Department of Child Support Services Continues To Improve Performance


Placer County Department of Child Support Services has improved on their statewide performance statistics for a second consecutive year. Click here to read more.

Placer Seeks Applicants for County Charter Review Committee


Placer County residents are invited to take part in a once-every-five-years review of the Placer County Charter - a governing document that guides the organizational structure, duties and responsibilities of the county’s elected and appointed officials. Click here to read more.



UPDATE: The Granite Bay Community Association’s appeal of the Planning Commission approval of the Chabad set for February 5 before the Board of Supervisors was continued to an open date due to a noticing error.

The Granite Bay Community Association felt it necessary to defend and support the Granite Bay Community Plan that this community spent hundreds of hours creating Therefore, GBCA paid $602 to appeal the Placer County Planning Commission’s approval of the Chabad of Roseville which is proposed at the corner of Douglas Boulevard and Woodgrove Way. The appeal sets forth the following issues: Setback Variances, Adequacy of the Environmental Review, Aesthetic Impacts, Traffic, Design, Lot Coverage, and Height.

The Board of Supervisors has 90 days to consider the appeal and it is likely this item will be before the Board in late January or early February. To read the appeal which was filed click here.

New Granite Bay Alert Posted


A number of projects have been proposed that will have an impact on the community and are in various stages of submittal at County. Click here to learn more about them.

News Achieves: 2018

All the news from the year 2018.



The Granite Bay Community Association felt it necessary to defend and support the Granite Bay Community Plan that this community spent hundreds of hours creating Therefore, GBCA paid $602 to appeal the Placer County Planning Commission’s approval of the Chabad of Roseville which is proposed at the corner of Douglas Boulevard and Woodgrove Way. The appeal sets forth the following issues: Setback Variances, Adequacy of the Environmental Review, Aesthetic Impacts, Traffic, Design, Lot Coverage, and Height.

The Board of Supervisors has 90 days to consider the appeal and it is likely this item will be before the Board in late January or early February. To read the appeal which was filed click here.



This Zoning Text Amendment would exempt 78% of incorporated Placer County and funnel all tiny homes on wheels to just 28% of County. Even though Granite Bay is unincorporated, there is an established Community Plan with Goals and Polices which was developed by residents and adopted by County. This arbitrary Zoning Text Amendment threatens to upend the entire character of rural, single family residential neighborhoods and no public notice would be given to neighbors for input. Click here for more details.

December MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Veteran’s Services Office Overview:
Placer County Veteran’s Services Office staff will provide an overview of the programs and services offered to Placer County veterans. The Veterans Service Office promotes the interest and welfare of veterans, their dependents, and their survivors by enhancing their quality of life through counseling, education, benefits assistance and advocacy.
Presenter: Suzanne Vinci, Veterans Services Officer (20 min)

Granite Bay Community Plan Circulation Update:
The Department of Public Works will give a brief presentation on upcoming community workshops to be scheduled in January and February 2019. The four workshops will provide general background of the circulation element as well as an overview of technical issues which will be addressed through the update process.
Presenter: Stephanie Holloway, Senior Civil Engineer Public Works and Facilities, Transportation Planning Division (15 min)

New Granite Bay Alert Posted


A number of projects have been proposed that will have an impact on the community and are in various stages of submittal at County. Click here to learn more about them.

Placer County Veterans Service Office: When you walk Through the Door, You’re Family


You can see the love and heart Suzi Vinci pours into her mission to serve Placer County’s veterans and their families just by looking at the wall of photographs in her office. Click here to read more.

Placer Awarded Handful of New Vouchers for Affordable Housing


Placer County’s Housing Authority was one of 285 nationwide to receive competitive funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to support housing vouchers for households that include one or more non-elderly person with disabilities between the age of 18-61. Click here to read more.

Public Input Wanted On Proposed Placer County Government Center Master Plan Update


Placer County is seeking public input on the draft environmental impact report for the proposed Placer County Government Center Master Plan update. The Placer County Government Center Master Plan update envisions Placer County’s needs for the North Auburn campus to accommodate services and employees for the next 25 years. Click here to read more.

Thankful Hearts As Families Celebrate National Adoption Day


The Schmidt family Thanksgiving will look a little different this year.

Their table will be laid out with teddy bear plates and in addition to pie, there will be birthday cake -- marking the first birthday of their son, Theo, whose adoption was finalized Saturday at Placer County’s National Adoption Day celebration in Auburn. Click here to read more.

October MAC Meeting Canceled


The Granite Bay MAC’s monthly meeting scheduled for Wednesday, October 3, 2018 has been canceled. The next MAC meeting is set for Wednesday, November 7, 2018.

$970.9 Million Final County Budget Approved


The Placer County Board of Supervisors today approved the county’s final 2018-19 budget of $970.9 million, an increase of 12.1 percent from the previous year’s budget of $866.2 million. Click here to read more.

Placer County Gears Up For Nov. 6 General Election, Increases Poll Worker Stipend


In preparation for the Nov. 6 general election, the Placer County Elections Office has increased stipends for poll workers and is getting set to distribute voter information guides and vote-by-mail ballots. Click here to read more.

Placer County Transit Rolls Out Real-Time Bus Information


Riding public transit in Placer County just got easier and more predictable, thanks to a new service that allows passengers to track their bus in real time. Click here to read more.

Five Placer Health and Human Services Programs Receive Awards for Innovation


Record-setting rainfall in 2017 led to a sharp reduction in Placer County’s planted rice acreage, driving an 11 percent loss of total crop value.

Placer County received five awards from the California State Association of Counties, the organization announced this week, all for Health and Human Services programs. The CSAC awards spotlight the most innovative programs developed and implemented by California counties. Click here to read more.

September MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

New Traffic Signal at Auburn Folsom Rd and Cavitt Stallman Rd:
Our current Capital Improvement Program and Granite Bay Community Plan identifies the future need for a new traffic signal at the intersection of Cavitt Stallman Rd and Auburn Folsom Rd. Recent studies justify the installation of that traffic signal today.
Presenters: Kyle Friedrich & Rebeca Solomon, DPWF (15 min.)

Chabad of Roseville:
The applicant, The Jewish Community Center Chabad of Roseville, is seeking to replace an existing 4,600 square foot community center with two, two-story buildings totaling 23,300 square feet on a 1.3-acre parcel located at 4410 Douglas Boulevard in Granite Bay (southwest corner of Douglas Boulevard and Woodgrove Way). Proposed uses include worship space, assembly space, classrooms, a ritual bath area, kitchen, library, offices, conference room, sleeping guest suites, a multipurpose room, and children play areas. Requested entitlements include:

  1. Minor Use Permit for a House of Worship in the RS zoning district.

  2. Variances- Required front setbacks are 50 feet from edge of right-of-way along Douglas and Woodgrove Way (12.5’ and 21’ are proposed respectively). A side setback of 30 feet is required on the western property line and 10 feet is proposed.

  3. Design Review.

  4. Administrative Approval to allow a 37’4” building height for the main building where 36 feet is normally allowed.
The site is designated Rural Low Density Residential, 0.9 to 2.3- acre min. and is zoned RS-AG-B-100 PD = 1 and RS-AG-B-100 PD = 0.44.
Presenter: Christopher Schmidt, Senior Planner (20 min.)

Mental Health, Substance Use Recovery to Be Celebrated at September Event


You’re invited to witness how “Recovery Happens” on Saturday, Sept. 8, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Recreation Park, 123 Recreation Dr. in Auburn.Click here to read more.

Placer Moves Forward Ordinance Updates to Clarify Cannabis Enforcement


Placer County regulations prohibiting all commercial cannabis activity wouldn’t change but some enforcement protocols would be adjusted under a proposed ordinance update moved forward by the county Board of Supervisors.Click here to read more.

Placer Seeks Public Input on Proposed Placer Sports and Event Center in Roseville


Placer County is seeking public input on the draft environmental report for the proposed Placer County Sports and Event Center project at the Placer County Fairgrounds in Roseville, now called @the Grounds. A public meeting on the proposal is set for Sept. 17. Click here to read more.

Placer Ag. Value Drops 11 Percent in 2017, Livestock Bests Rice As Top Product


Record-setting rainfall in 2017 led to a sharp reduction in Placer County’s planted rice acreage, driving an 11 percent loss of total crop value.

That’s according to the 2017 Placer County Agricultural Crop Report, presented to the county Board of Supervisors as an informational item today at their meeting in Auburn. The report pegs the total gross value of last year’s agricultural crops and products at $58,059,000, down $7,147,000 or 11 percent from the 2016 total of $65,206,000. Click here to read more.

New Granite Bay Alert Posted


A number of projects have been proposed that will have an impact on the community and are in various stages of submittal at County. Click here to learn more about them.

August MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Tiny House Zoning Text Amendment:
Staff will provide an overview of a proposed Zoning Text Amendment updating the County Zoning Ordinance to allow a tiny home on wheels as a primary or secondary dwelling unit in zone districts where primary and secondary dwellings are currently permitted. In order to expand the types and affordability of housing options, a tiny house on wheels would be defined as a separate, independent living quarters that is less than 400 square feet; includes basic functional areas that support normal daily routines, such as a bathroom, a kitchen, and a sleeping area; is mounted on a wheeled trailer chassis; and is titled, licensed and insured to tow legally under the California Department of Motor Vehicles. Click here to learn more.
Presenter: Planning Services Division staff (20 min.)

Roseville Congregate Living Health Facility:
Roseville Congregate Living is a proposed Residential Care Home on a 4.11 acre site (APN 467-090-009-000) located at 3140 Spahn Ranch Road, south of Old Auburn Road. The site is designated Rural Low Density Residential in the Granite Bay Community Plan and is zoned RS-AG-B-40 (Residential Single Family, combining Agriculture, minimum building site of 40,000 square feet). Requested entitlements include a Rezoning to RA-B-40 (Residential Agriculture, minimum building site of 40,000 square feet) and a Minor Use Permit to allow a 15 resident, 24-hour, long-term care facility in an existing single-family residence on the property.
Presenter: BJ Singh, applicant (20 min)

Placer County Recycling Program:
County staff will provide an overview of how Placer County makes recycling easy with its One Big Bin process.Click here to learn more.
Presenter: Rebecca Lillis, Environmental Resource Specialist, Environmental Utilities Division

July MAC Meeting Canceled


The Granite Bay MAC’s monthly meeting scheduled for Wednesday, July 4, 2018 has been canceled. The next MAC meeting is set for Wednesday, August 1, 2018.

June MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

  • House Count Update
  • Traffic Circulation Element Update

Placer County Conservation Program:
Staff will provide an overview and status update on the Placer County Conservation Program (PCCP). The PCCP consists of two separate plans that protect fish and wildlife, and streams, wetlands and other water resources, and fulfill the requirements of state and federal laws and regulations. The PCCP, which is a collaborative effort between Placer County, the City of Lincoln, the Placer County Water Agency and the South Placer Transportation Regional Transportation Authority, will guide land development activity on public and private property in Western Placer County. This presentation will provide background on the PCCP’s overall purpose in the region and provide information on opportunities for public input on the plan.
Presenter: Gregg McKenzie, PCCP Administrator

Placer County Housing Strategy and Development Plan Update:
Staff will provide an overview and update on the County’s Housing Strategy and Development Plan, which is a component of the county’s larger housing work plan. The Housing Strategy and Development Plan will be used to assess and identify housing needs, workforce housing development opportunities, and identify recommendations about current housing standards and policies that may be limiting housing development. This presentation follows a Housing Forum that was held in March to provide an initial overview and update on the information and data collected to date. Click here to learn more.
Presenter: Shawna Purvines, Principal Planner

Placer County Recycling Program:
County staff will provide an overview of how Placer County makes recycling easy with its One Big Bin process. Click here to learn more.
Presenter: Rebecca Lillis, Environmental Resource Specialist, Environmental Utilities Division

May MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Jewish Community Center Chabad:
The Jewish Community Center Chabad of Roseville, Inc. proposes a new worship space, assembly space, classrooms, ritual bath area, kitchen, library, offices, conference room, sleeping guest suites, a multipurpose room, and children play areas in two buildings on its property at 4410 Douglas Boulevard in Granite Bay. The project will involve the demolishing of the 4,600 square feet of existing building space on the property, and construction of a new 17,100 square foot community/worship building, and a 6,600 square foot religious education building.

Regional Bikeway Master Plan Update:
The Department of Public Works and Facilities and the Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA) is partnering to update the Placer County Regional Bikeway Plan which identifies the future bikeway improvements proposed in the unincorporated areas of Placer County and integrates bikeway planning efforts of the six incorporated cities to create a regional bikeway system. Staff will present an overview of the recommended bikeway network for your information and feedback.
Presenters: Aaron Hoyt, PCTPA and Stephanie Holloway, DPWF

Countywide Park & Trail Master Plan:
County staff will provide an update on the progress of the Countywide Park & Trail Master Plan, which is expected to be complete in late 2018 and will guide recreational development and operation in Placer County for the next 10 years.
Presenters: Andy Fisher, Lisa Carnahan, Ted Rel, Placer County Parks Division

Placer Awards $3.3M Contract for Road Maintenance, Approves $7.3M in Road Projects from Gas Funding


The Placer County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday awarded a $3.3 million road maintenance contract to repair, strengthen and protect approximately 9.9 miles of county roads in Granite Bay and North Lake Tahoe. Click here to read more.

Placer County Youth Commission Seeks Applicants for 2018-19 Term


The Placer County Board of Supervisors is accepting applications from young people who wish to serve as one of 18 formally-appointed members of the Placer County Youth Commission for the 2018-19 term. The Placer County Youth Commission is an advisory board to the Placer County Board of Supervisors and consists of at least one representative from each of the five supervisorial districts. These commissioners must be between the ages of 14 and 21. They represent diverse backgrounds, experiences and skill sets. Click here to read more.

Job Seekers Offered Range Of ‘Get Hired’ Workshops Thanks To County, Adult School Partnership


Maria San Juan was hoping to find a better job. That goal brought her to the Placer School for Adults Career Center in Auburn. On a recent morning, she sat in a room with others including a college student looking to enter the workforce for the first time, and an older woman who had been laid off and was looking for work. Click here to read more.

Serve Our Democracy as a Placer County Poll Worker


Democracy doesn’t happen by itself.

Staffing Placer County’s polling sites each election takes more than 1,300 poll workers, and our office of elections is now accepting applications for all positions for California’s June 5 statewide primary election and the Nov. 6 general election. It’s a great chance to give back to the community, be a part of the excitement of our democratic process and earn a little money, too. Click here to read more.

Placer Business Resource Center Now Open In Rocklin


Continuing its commitment to the business community, Placer County opened the doors of its new Placer Business Resource Center today, offering a one-stop-shop for business development services at no or low cost. Click here to read more.

April MAC Meeting Canceled


The Granite Bay MAC’s monthly meeting scheduled for Wednesday, April 4, 2018 has been canceled. The next MAC meeting is set for Wednesday, May 2, 2018.

Awards Ceremony Honors Local Youth Who’ve Made a Difference


The awardees included high school students who had started STEM workshops for middle school girls, created a nonprofit organization providing tutoring to English language learners and more. Click here to read more.

Free Medication Take-back Across Placer County April 28


A free medication take-back event will take place at many locations across Placer County on Saturday, April 28. Click here to read more.

Placer Appoints Suzi Vinci as New Veterans Service Officer


Promoting the interest and welfare of veterans and their families is now the privilege and responsibility of Suzi Vinci, Placer’s new veterans service officer. Click here to read more.

Annual Rankings Give Nod to Health of Placer Community


Placer County continues to hold the top spot among California counties for quality of life, according to results from the ninth annual County Health Rankings available at Click here to read more.

March MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Dutch Bros Coffee and Self Storage:
Applicant owns the 1.8 acre property located at 8455 Sierra College Blvd in Granite Bay. The property has been an equipment rental yard and concrete plant for over 40 years. Applicant also owns a vacant one acre parcel adjacent to the 1.8 acre property.

The proposed development would include an 800 square foot Dutch Bros with a single drive through on approximately 0.5 acre fronting onto Sierra College Blvd where the current equipment rental yard sits. The remainder of the equipment rental yard would be joined with the vacant one acre parcel. The applicant would then develop a self-storage facility on the newly combined parcel. The self-storage facility would consist of three buildings and approximately 100,000 combined square feet. Development is compliance with current zoning and would require a lot line adjustment.
Presenter: Bill Loftus

Colinas Estates:
The applicant, Cook Development Consulting Services LLC on behalf of property owner Paul Hills, is seeking approvals to construct ten single-family residences on 5.49 acres of land located at 8137 Joe Rodgers Road. Requested entitlements include:

  1. Tentative Subdivision Map for the subdivision of 5.49 acres of land into 10 single family lots.

  2. Variance to front minimum setbacks required in the RS district on Lots 1 through 5. A setback of 32 feet is proposed where 45 feet is normally required.
The site is designated Low Density Residential, .4 to .9 acres per dwelling unit in the Granite Bay Community Plan and is zoned RS-AG-B-20 (Residential Single Family, combining Agriculture, minimum Building Site of 20,000 square feet).
Presenter: Christopher Schmidt, Senior Planner (30 min.)

2017 Placer County Service Awards


Over 100 county employees, representing over 1,000 years of service combined, were recently presented with 2017 Annual County Service Awards to honor their work at Placer County. Board of Supervisors Chair Jim Holmes and new County Executive Officer Todd Leopold presented individual awards to the employees in two separate sessions, Feb. 1 and Feb. 20, as family, friends and co-workers joined to celebrate those being honored. Click here to read more.

Community Workshops for Placer Sustainability Plan Set for March


Placer County is in the process of developing a Sustainability Plan, outlining ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and manage climate risks that threaten property value, natural resources and Placer quality of life. Two community workshops in March will offer a chance to learn about the plan’s purpose and goals and how to become involved in the planning process. Click here to read more.

Placer County to Host School Safety Forum March 8 in Wake of Florida Shooting


Following the tragic recent school shooting in Florida, Placer County leaders will convene a school safety forum March 8 in Roseville to discuss how everyone can work together to help prevent an attack in our community. Click here to read more.

Placer County Child Support Services Ranks Fourth Out Of 49 in State Performance Measures For 2017


Placer County Department of Child Support Services ranked fourth out of 49 local child support agencies in California for federal fiscal year 2017. Click here to read more.

February MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Climate Action Plan:
Receive a presentation from the Planning Services Division on the County’s efforts to prepare a Climate Action Plan. Placer County is in the process of developing a Climate Action Plan which is intended to identify various programs and policies aimed to address climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, while also identifying strategies to maximize economic benefits related to energy savings, operational cost savings, and other benefits for the County and the Community.

Pond View Parcel 2:
The applicant, Lisa Powers, is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Modification for the Pond Pavilion & Lofts project, since renamed Pond View, located at 5630 Douglas Boulevard. The site is zoned OP-Dc (Office and Professional combining Design Scenic Corridor). The proposed CUP modification would eliminate the Commercial Event Center previously approved for the project and replace it with up to 24,000 square feet of office space in one or more buildings. The additional offices would be located on Parcel 2, the eastern and southern portions of the project site.
Presenter: Christopher Schmidt, Senior Planner (15 min.)

Ventura at Granite Bay:
Ventura at Granite Bay is a proposal to develop a 33-lot detached single-family residential subdivision on a 6.11 acre site located at 6832 Eureka Road on the south side of Eureka Road, east of Purdy Lane. The site is designated High Density Residential and Rural Low Density Residential in the Granite Bay Community Plan and is zoned RM-DL 10-Dc (Residential Multi-Family, Density Limitation of 10 units per acre combining Design Scenic Corridor) and RS-AG-B-40 PD=1 (Residential Single Family, combining Agriculture, minimum building site of 40,000 square feet, combining Planned Residential Development of 1.0 unit per acre). Requested entitlements include a Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map, Minor Boundary Line Adjustment, and setback variances.
Presenter: Christopher Schmidt, Senior Planner (30 min.)

Negative Declaration can be found here

Placer Seeks Public Input on Proposed Whitehawk I & II Projects in Granite Bay


Placer County is seeking public input on the scope of the environmental review document for the proposed Whitehawk I & II projects in Granite Bay, with a public meeting set for Feb. 13. Click here to read more.

Placer Awards Contract to Develop Affordable Housing Strategy


The Placer County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a $186,860 contract agreement with BAE Urban Economics Inc. to develop a new affordable housing strategy. The effort will support the county’s housing work plan, a series of tasks approved by the Board of Supervisors on Aug. 8, 2017, aimed at addressing the housing crisis. Click here to read more.

Program Offers Free Tax Assistance to Eligible Residents


Do you want to maximize your tax refund, but aren’t sure where to start?

For the third year Placer County Health and Human Services will provide free tax assistance to low-income individuals and families, in cooperation with the IRS and United Way, through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program.

Click here to read more.

Placer Appoints Todd Leopold as New County Executive Officer


Following a nationwide search, Placer County has selected Todd Leopold as its new county executive officer. Click here to read more.

January MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Pond View Parcel 2:
The applicant, Lisa Powers, is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Modification for the Pond Pavilion & Lofts project, since renamed Pond View, located at 5630 Douglas Boulevard. The proposed CUP modification would eliminate the Commercial Event Center previously approved for the project and replace it with up to 24,000 square feet of office space in one or more buildings. The additional offices would be located on Parcel Two, the eastern and southern portions of the project site.
Presenter: Lisa Powers (20 min.)

Ventura at Granite Bay:
Ventura at Granite Bay is a proposal to develop a 33-lot detached single-family residential subdivision on a 6.11 acre site located at 6832 Eureka Road on the south side of Eureka Road, east of Purdy Lane. The site is designated High Density Residential and Rural Low Density Residential in the Granite Bay Community Plan and is zoned RM-DL 10-Dc (Residential Multi-Family, Density Limitation of 10 units per acre combining Design Scenic Corridor) and RS-AG-B-40 PD=1 (Residential Single Family, combining Agriculture, minimum building site of 40,000 square feet, combining Planned Residential Development of 1.0 unit per acre). Requested entitlements include a Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map, Minor Boundary Line Adjustment, and setback variances.
Presenter: Christopher Schmidt, Senior Planner (30 min.)

News Achieves: 2017

All the news from the year 2017.

Pioneer Community Energy Enrollment Notices in the Mail to Residents and Businesses for Auburn, Colfax, Lincoln, Loomis, Rocklin and Unincorporated Placer County


In December, residents and businesses will receive the first of several notices informing them about the coming change in their electric energy supply from Pioneer Community Energy (Pioneer).

Auburn, Colfax, Lincoln, Loomis, Rocklin and Placer County have partnered to provide lower cost electricity to the residents and businesses within their jurisdictions.

Every customer will continue to receive a PG&E bill that will show Pioneer Community Energy as the provider of the electricity generation. All payments will continue to be sent to PG&E. PG&E will continue to transmit and deliver the electricity, maintain the power lines, and respond to all service needs, such as power outages.

"Instead of being beholden to a statewide entity subject to the whims of its stockholders, the Pioneer Board establishes local control over electricity rates and will be able to design programs that meet the needs of the residents and businesses in Placer County.” said Supervisor Jennifer Montgomery, Chair of the Pioneer Community Energy Governing Board. "With local control, we can provide lower and more stable rates and do more to meet the local goals and priorities of our communities."

Enrollment starts in February 2018, and will be automatic, to ensure fair and equal access to the benefits of Pioneer electricity rates and programs for all ratepayers. All residents and businesses in the service territory then have the choice to continue receiving the benefits of Pioneer Community Energy, or to remain with PG&E. For more information, visit or call 1 (844) YES – PIONEEER (1-844-937-4766), toll free.

December MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Hacienda Carmelitas Event Center:
Hacienda Carmelitas Event Center is a proposal to develop a commercial event center at the corner of Eureka and Auburn Folsom Roads. The Center will primarily function as a facility for social gatherings. The facility will consist of one grand hall, bar, kitchen, office and storage which will be made available for use by various private groups for activities such as meetings, parties, weddings, receptions and dances. The building will total 8,500 SF consisting of the 3,000 SF existing structure and 5,600 SF new structure. An additional 6,400 SF of outdoor space will be used in the existing courtyard for ceremonies. No mature trees will be removed and the open areas and courtyards will essentially remain the same. A new parking lot with 87 spaces will be constructed on the west side if the parcel.
Presenter: Ziyad Mansour, Engineer

Employment Services Customers Celebrated For Finding Jobs, Purpose


Curtis Pierce is hopeful again. Hopeful, and hungry to learn. After losing his job, unemployment had thrust him into a spiral of negativity. Then, he reached out to Placer County Employment Services. They paired him with a counselor and began offering support, ranging from resume and interview help to on-the-job experience. Click here to read more.

Placer County’s Fifth Annual Employee Art Show, Placer Creates, Opens


Works of art created by Placer County employees will be on display at six county office buildings as Placer County’s fifth annual employee art show, Placer Creates, opens today. This year’s art show features over 80 pieces of art from more than 40 artists, ranging from photography, painting and sculpture to textiles and music. Click here to read more.

Placer Museums in Auburn to Exhibit Traditions of Christmas Past


Placer County Museums is decking the halls of three Auburn museums this year with the trappings of Christmas past, with festive exhibits on display from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day. Click here to read more.

Update on Granite Bay Memory Care Facility


Click here to read more about the Extension of Time Notice for the approved Memory Care facility located across from the Granite Bay Library. In addition to this approved care facility, the Ovation Senior Living two-story facility of 114 units on Sierra College just south of Old Auburn Road has also been approved.

A Notice of Preparation Scoping Meeting will be held on November 7 at 10:00 to inform interested parties about the proposed 3 story Placer Retirement Project for 160 total residents located on Sierra College and Old Auburn Road. This parcel is zoned from 3 residential lots. County will accept written comments until 5:00 p.m. on November 15 which can be sent to

November MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Community Housing Fair to Benefit Homeless Veterans in Placer County:
County and Veteran’s Affairs staff will provide an overview of a Community Housing Fair scheduled for December 8, 2017 in Auburn. The Community Housing Fair is hosted by the VA Sierra Nevada HUD-VA Supportive Housing Program in partnership with the Placer County Housing Authority, and several community partners to provide homeless veterans with an opportunity to leave the event with keys to an apartment and possible employment opportunities.
Presenter: Matt Kerr, LCSW/HUD-VA Supportive Housing Supervisor

Placer County Code, Chapter 17, Zoning Text Amendments:
The Planning Services Division is proposing amendments to the Placer County Zoning Ordinance (Placer County Code, Chapter 17) to implement a new State regulation and make additional changes that will clarify and simplify implementation and interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed Zoning Text Amendments would include revisions to the following sections of the Zoning Ordinance: Definitions, Allowable Land Uses and Permit Requirements, General Development Regulations, Antennae & Communications Facilities Section, and Temporary Outdoor Events. Additionally, this Zoning Text Amendment includes the creation of a street-side setback requirement, update of residential lot coverage standards, revisions to the nuisance abatement process, the inclusion of setback regulations for solar panel arrays, and other minor revisions. The proposed Zoning Text Amendments are intended to update Chapter 17 and further streamline implementation of the Placer County General Plan.
Presenter: George Rosasco, Planning Services Division

Granite Bay Update Newsletter


A number of projects have been proposed that will have an impact on the community and are in various stages of submittal at County. Click here to learn more about them.

Get Notifications If Disaster Strikes: Register for Placer’s Emergency Alert System


Placer County will join neighboring communities in a test of its emergency alert system Oct. 19, coinciding with the annual Great California ShakeOut drill for earthquake preparedness. Click here to read more.

Placer Seeks Public Input on Proposed Winery and Farm Brewery Ordinance, Scoping Meeting Set For Nov. 1


With its planned winery and farm brewery ordinance, Placer County is working to further address the future development of wineries and farm breweries in the county, while encouraging agricultural economic development and protecting the character and long-term viability of our agricultural lands. Click here to read more.

Miles of Smiles Program to Expand To More Classrooms


One by one, kindergartners at George Cirby Elementary School approached Dr. Kayla Nguyen and opened their mouths as she peered in with magnifier glasses and a tongue depressor, searching for signs of cavities, abscesses or infection. Click here to read more.

Resource Fair Uplifts, Empowers People Experiencing Homelessness


Nathan and Joni, married for 17 years, came to the Placer Empowering People event looking for help with housing and dental care. But most important to the couple was making sure their pets, a Staffordshire terrier named MacDaddy and an English bulldog named Mumsy, were taken care of. Click here to read more.

October MAC Meeting Canceled


The Granite Bay MAC’s monthly meeting scheduled for Wednesday, October 4, 2017 has been canceled. The next MAC meeting is set for Wednesday, November 1, 2017 .

August MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Placer County Community Choice Energy Program:
Staff will provide an update and overview on the Placer County Community Choice Energy program.
Presenter: Jenine Windeshausen, Placer County Treasurer Tax Collector

Community Development Resource Agency Overview:
The Community Development Resource Agency (CDRA) regulates land use and development in the unincorporated area of Placer County. The Agency includes departments such as Building Services, Code Compliance, Engineering & Surveying, and Planning Services. CDRA recently prepared a 2017-2018 Business Plan to outline its major initiatives and goals for the coming fiscal year. A brief overview of these priorities and goals will be provided to the community.
Presenter: Steve Pedretti, CDRA Agency Director

Secondary Dwelling ZTA:
The Planning Services Division is proposing amendments to the Placer County Zoning Ordinance related to secondary dwellings to bring applicable regulations into compliance with recent changes to State law. Based on the new State laws, the County’s current secondary dwelling regulations regarding permit requirements, as well as design standards regarding unit size, parking, and allowable density on-site will be amended.
Presenter: Shawna Purvines, Planning Services Division

Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance ZTA:
In California, about half of the urban water is used for landscape irrigation. Substantial water savings can be gained by proper landscape design, installation and maintenance. To improve water savings in this sector, the Department of Water Resources (DWR) has developed a model ordinance that promotes efficient landscapes in new developments and retrofitted landscapes. State law requires that local regulations reflect these new standards; therefore, the Planning Services Division is proposing amendments to the Placer County Zoning Ordinance, Placer County Building Code, and Landscape Design Guidelines to bring applicable regulations into compliance with changes to the State law.
Presenter: Emily Setzer, Planning Services Division

Granite Bay Parks, Trails, and Landscaping:
County staff will give an update on the Countywide Park and Trail Master Plan, an overview of funding and operations, and potential projects and changes that may be considered by the Granite Bay Community.
Presenter: Andy Fisher, Placer County Parks Division

Revitalization of Eureka School:
Eureka Union School District staff will discuss plans for the revitalization of Eureka School and what recreational potential that could offer to Granite Bay residents.
Presenter: Tom Janis, Superintendent, Eureka Union School District

Employee Retention Drives New Placer Wage, Benefit Agreement


The Placer County Board of Supervisors approved a new labor agreement with the Placer Public Employees Organization, outlining general wage increases for the county employees PPEO represents over the next five years. Click here to read more.

County Working with Partners to Address Opioid Overdoses


Placer County’s Health and Human Services Department is working with local law enforcement, medical providers, community groups and residents to address opioid overdoses in our community through a variety of strategies, including increased access to life-saving medication. Click here to read more.

Housing Coordinators to Broaden County’s Efforts against Homelessness


The Placer County Board of Supervisors approved agreements with two nonprofit organizations to provide housing coordination services to county residents who are at risk of becoming homeless or who have already become homeless. Housing coordinators offer case management, budgeting and moving help, furnishings, deposits, credit checks, rental preparation classes and more. Click here to read more.

County Evolves With Growing Food Truck Industry


Lobster rolls, tacos, shaved ice, barbecue, grilled cheese sandwiches, wood-fired pizza and so much more.

Is your mouth watering yet? Click here to read more.

July MAC Meeting Canceled


The Granite Bay MAC’s monthly meeting scheduled for Wednesday, July 5, 2017 has been canceled. The next MAC meeting is set for Wednesday, August 2, 2017 .

June MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Placer County Community Choice Energy Program:
Staff will provide an update and overview on the Placer County Community Choice Energy program.
Presenter: Jenine Windeshausen, Placer County Treasurer Tax Collector (20 min)

Granite Bay Community Plan Transportation and Circulation Update:
The Department of Public Works and Facilities will present information regarding the Board of Supervisor’s May 30th approval to pursue an update to the Transportation and Circulation Element of the Community Plan and corresponding Environmental Impact Report.
Presenter: Presenter: Ken Grehm, Director of Public Works and Facilities (10 min)

Heritage Trail Museums Tour Returns for Summer of Free Activities in Placer County


Looking for family fun and adventure, for free?

Museums throughout Placer County will offer free admission on select Saturdays all summer as the Heritage Trail Museums Tour returns for its 10th year. Click here to read more.

Placer County Library Announces Its Summer @ Your Library Program


Placer County Library is gearing up for its summer program. With the theme of “Explore. Discover. Do. Summer @ Your Library!” the library will focus on summer learning with all new reading logs and prizes for all ages. Click here to read more.

Free Event for Seniors, Families Offers Resources to Protect Against Elder Abuse


Do you have a loved one at risk of elder abuse? One in 10 people over the age of 60 experience elder abuse - whether physical, financial or emotional - and many are unable or afraid to come forward. On June 7, Placer County will host a free educational event, “Aging Safely,” at the Westfield Galleria at Roseville. Click here to read more.

Affordable Housing Fee Studies the Topic of Two County-Sponsored Public Workshops


Placer County has scheduled two housing fee study workshops in June, one in Kings Beach and another in Auburn. The workshops will offer an opportunity to comment on two recently completed studies about fees charged to developers to help fund workforce and affordable housing projects. These have become critical issues throughout the county. Click here to read more.

Seven Placer County Programs Win National Association of Counties Awards


Seven Placer County programs won awards this year from the National Association of Counties, recognizing innovation in county government.

The environmental engineering division of Placer’s public works and facilities department received an award for the LiveSewerSmart program, an outreach campaign about avoiding drain clogs.

Click here to read more.

More Than 137 Acres in Auburn Approved For Permanent Conservation


Over 137 acres of agricultural land and blue oak woodland are planned for conservation in North Auburn, with the Placer County Board of Supervisors today approving the use of $205,000 of Placer Legacy open space funds. The funding will contribute to an agricultural conservation easement that will be held by the private nonprofit Placer Land Trust.

Click here to read more.

May MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Ventura at Granite Bay:
Ventura at Granite Bay is a proposal to develop a 33-lot detached single-family residential subdivision on a 6.11 acre site (APNs 050-160-026 and 050-160-077) located on the south side of Eureka Road, east of Purdy Lane. The site is designated High Density Residential and Rural Low Density Residential in the Granite Bay Community Plan and is zoned RM-DL 10-Dc (Residential Multi-Family, Density Limitation of 10 units per acre combining Design Scenic Corridor) and RS-AG-B-40 PD=1 (Residential Single Family, combining Agriculture, minimum building site of 40,000 square feet, combining Planned Residential Development of 1.0 unit per acre).
Requested entitlements include a Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map, Minor Boundary Line Adjustment, and a setback variance for one lot along Eureka Road.
Presented by: Ron Higgins, L&H Homes (20 min.)

Another New Granite Bay Alert Posted


A number of projects have been proposed that will have an impact on the community and are in various stages of submittal at County. Click here to learn more about them.

Placer County Proclaims Support for Sutter Health’s Regional Effort to End Homelessness


The Placer County Board of Supervisors proclaimed support for Sutter Health’s Getting to Zero campaign, a regional effort to end chronic homelessness by aligning programs and resources around a low-or-no barrier approach to housing individuals experiencing homelessness. Click here to read more.

Placer County Youth Commission Seeks Applicants


The Placer County Board of Supervisors is accepting applications from young people who wish to serve as one of 18 formally-appointed members of the Placer County Youth Commission for the 2017-18 term. The Placer County Youth Commission is an advisory board to the Placer County Board of Supervisors and consists of at least one representative from each of the five supervisorial districts. These commissioners must be between the ages of 14-21. They represent diverse backgrounds, experiences and skill sets, and provide a unique perspective in their recommendations to the board of supervisors. Click here to read more.

Placer County Launches Community Survey on Future Park and Trail Improvements


Placer County recreation planners are asking residents to take a 15-minute online survey to share their thoughts on the future of the county’s parks, trails, open spaces and beaches.

The feedback will be used to develop a 10-year vision for recreation improvements in Placer County. Click here to read more.

Community Member Recognized As Public Health Champion for Work Promoting Youth Dental Care


When volunteers with the Miles of Smiles program began visiting Roseville schools, they were surprised by the number of students suffering from tooth decay.

“I pulled out those papers one time, and about 80 percent of the kids had urgent dental needs,” said Ruth Burgess, one of the program’s founders. Click here to read more.

April MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Placer County Cannabis Regulatory Framework and Compliance Process:
Placer County Code Compliance Services will share the current cannabis regulatory framework and compliance process.
Presented by Tim Wegner, Code Compliance Services (30 min)

Proposed Eureka at Granite Bay Project:
Eureka at Granite Bay is a proposal to develop a 28-unit Condominium development on a 4.4-acre site (APN 050-160-076-00) located at the southwest corner of Eureka and Auburn-Folsom roads in Granite Bay. The project would include 14, two-unit halfplex condominium buildings on private streets accessed from Eureka Road. The Eureka at Granite Bay project would revise the site configuration of the previously approved Micherra Place subdivision, increase the number of residential units by eight, change the unit type from detached single-family residences to attached condominium halfplexes, and add a private gated entrance.
The applicant, Eureka Granite Bay LLC, is requesting variances to 1) reduce the rear yard setback requirement for two-story structures in the RM zone district from 20 feet to 10 feet, 2) reduce the side yard setback requirement for two-story structures in the RM zone district from 7 feet 6 inches to 5 feet (zero feet where condominium halfplex units share a common wall property boundary), and 3) to reduce the amount of required off-street parking spaces from 112 spaces to a total of 70 spaces.
An addendum to the previously-adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration wasprepared and finalized pursuant to CEQA for the project. It may be viewed here.
Presented by Presented by Chris Schmidt, Placer County Senior Planner (30 min)

Another New Granite Bay Alert Posted


A number of projects have been proposed that will have an impact on the community and are in various stages of submittal at County. Click here to learn more about them.

Town Hall on Placer Cannabis Regulations Set For April 6


With Placer County’s new cannabis ordinance now in effect, county staff will host a town hall meeting in Auburn April 6 to answer questions about the new rules for cannabis cultivation and the county’s complaint and enforcement process. Click here to read more.

Placer Valley Tourism to Take Over As New Placer County Fairgrounds Operator


The Placer County Board of Supervisors approved Placer Valley Tourism, a private nonprofit organization, as the new operator of the Placer County Fairgrounds and approved a budget revision appropriating $2 million for fairgrounds repairs. Click here to read more.

County Unveils Placer County Government Center Master Plan Layout Proposal


After considerable analysis, stakeholder engagement, design and planning, the Placer County Board of Supervisors were presented a plan for a re-envisioned Placer County Government Center and expressed general support for the direction of the master plan. Click here to read more.

Placer County Launches Parks and Trails Master Plan Website Expressly For Public


In an effort to encourage public input for its first-ever comprehensive parks and trails master plan, Placer County has launched a new project website. Now available here, the website provides a place to obtain project information, sign up for project notifications and submit comments. Click here to read more.

March MAC Meeting Canceled


The Granite Bay MAC’s monthly meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 1, 2017 has been canceled. The next MAC meeting is set for Wednesday, April 5, 2017.

Placer County Building Permitting Now Available Online


In a continuing effort to improve service and ease the process for obtaining building permits, Placer County has launched an online permitting process. Click here to read more.

New Placer County Whistleblower Hotline to Help County Employees Report Fraud, Waste and Abuse


Placer County has long had a fraud policy to assist employees with reporting suspected fraud, waste and abuse, but not confidentially. However, under a $6,500 contract with Convercent, a compliance services provider, they’ll now be able to report it anonymously by phone and online 24/7. Click here to read more.

Placer Approves New Affordable Housing Opportunity for Those with Mental Illness


Home. Having a home can sometimes feel unattainable, especially for some of our most vulnerable residents affected by mental illness. So the Placer County Health and Human Services Department is continually pursuing and creating affordable housing opportunities to welcome people home. Click here to read more.

Another New Granite Bay Alert Posted


A number of projects have been proposed that will have an impact on the community and are in various stages of submittal at County. Click here to learn more about them.

February MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

2016 Engineering and Traffic Survey to Update Expiring Speed Limits:
The Placer County Transportation Division regularly conducts Engineering and Traffic Surveys, as required by law, in order to update speed limits on County roadways. Therefore, we will be discussing speed limits in conjunction with the California Highway Patrol on various County roadways within the MAC boundaries where the limits will expire.
Presenter: Richard Moorehead, Placer County Transportation Division and Captain John Price, CHP (10 min)

Oakhills Elementary and Ridgeview Elementary School Bus Loading Zone:
Placer County DPWF would like to present the Eureka Unified School District’s request to utilize the roadway shoulder area on Elmhurst Drive, a public road, for school bus loading and unloading. Placer County requests input from the Granite Bay MAC and interested community regarding this request.
Presenter: Rebecca Solomon, Assistant Engineer, DPWF (10 min)

Hidden Falls Regional Park Expansion:
Placer County is the Lead Agency for the Hidden Falls Regional Park Trails Network Expansion Project, and is preparing a Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) for the Hidden Falls Regional Park Trails Network Expansion Project. Hidden Falls Regional Park currently includes approximately 30 miles of trails that are open to the public. The proposed project would expand the trail system into areas north and east of the existing park, where the County holds existing trail easements. In total, approximately 30 additional miles of trails would be added, along with the construction of three additional bridges over Coon Creek, additional parking and access areas and improvements, and possible improvement of off-site access roads.
Presenter: Lisa Carnahan/Andy Fisher, Placer County Parks Division (10 min)

Granite Bay Community Park:
The Rotary Club of Granite Bay proposes to install flags at Granite Bay Community Park to honor our nation and military. County staff and Rotary representatives will discuss details of the plan.
Presenter: Lisa Carnahan/Andy Fisher, Placer County Parks Division (10 min)

Supervisors Approve State and Federal Legislative Platforms


Ensuring that federal and state policy and funding decisions benefit Placer County is an annual task for the board of supervisors and county staff. To that end, the Placer County Board of Supervisors approves an annual legislative platform that serves as the basis for the county's advocacy efforts with executive and legislative branches of state and federal government. Click here to read more.

Placer County Proclaims Local Emergency Due to Storm Damage


In response to the damage done by high-intensity “atmospheric river” storms that hit Northern California this month, the Placer County Board of Supervisors today approved a declaration of emergency due to extensive damage. The board’s action ratifies a declaration by the county’s director of emergency services made Jan. 17. Click here to read more.

Placer Child Support Services Ranks In Top Ten Statewide For Performance


Placer County’s Department of Child Support Services ranks eighth in the state out of 51 county child support agencies for their federal fiscal year 2016 performance numbers. Click here to read more.

Draft Site Plan Options for Future of Placer County Government Center


As work continues on an update of the Placer County Government Center master plan, county staff will host a community meeting Jan. 31 in North Auburn to present draft site plan options for the campus. Click here to read more.

News Achieves: 2016

All the news from the year 2016.

January MAC Meeting Canceled


The Granite Bay MAC’s monthly meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 4, 2017 has been canceled. The next MAC meeting is set for Wednesday, February 1, 2017.

New Granite Bay Alert Posted


A number of projects have been proposed that will have an impact on the community and are in various stages of submittal at County. Click here to learn more about them.

December MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Eureka Granite Bay:
The applicant, Eureka Granite Bay LLC, is proposing a 28-unit condominium project consisting of 14, two-unit buildings, at the southwest corner of Auburn-Folsom and Eureka roads. The vacant site consists of a 4.4 acre gross (3.5 net acres) parcel (050-160-176). The units are designed as halfplexes with a shared common wall and each will have a private fenced rear yard area.
Presented by: Marcus LoDuca (15 min)

Sunset Area Plan and Placer Ranch Specific Plan Kicks Off With Scoping Meetings Nov. 29


Placer County is taking the next big step in developing plans for the future of the Sunset Area, nestled between the cities of Roseville, Rocklin and Lincoln, where planned university, technology and residential developments are expected to drive economic growth for decades. The next step in the master planning process is preparation of an environmental impact report for the Sunset Area Plan and Placer Ranch Specific Plan. Click here to read more.

Placer Supervisors Approve Ovation Senior Living Project in Granite Bay


The proposed Ovation Senior Living project in Granite Bay was approved by a 4-0 vote today by the Placer County Board of Supervisors. Supervisor Jennifer Montgomery was absent. Click here to read more.

Sherri Conway Named New Placer County Economic Development Director


After a nationwide search and rigorous evaluation process, Placer County has selected Sherri Conway as its new director of economic development, effective Dec. 5. Click here to read more.

Placer Cannabis Ordinance Would Allow Limited Cultivation for Personal Use, Ban Commercial Cannabis Activities


Limited cultivation, both indoors and outdoors, of cannabis for personal use will be allowed in unincorporated areas of Placer County under a new ordinance introduced today by the Placer County Board of Supervisors. The ordinance was introduced by a vote of 4-0; District 5 Supervisor Jennifer Montgomery was absent. Click here to read more.

Ovation Resitrement Home Public Hearing


The Granite Bay Community Association has received the attached Notice of Public Hearing.

Residential Care Homes of more than 6 units are NOT allowed in Residential Single-Family zoning but they ARE allowed in Residential Agricultural zoning. MAC denied the project unanimously, the Planning Commission approved it 5-0. Now it will be heard by the Supervisors.

Proposed are 114 units for 85 assisted living, 29 memory care patients and 85 staff members on 4.5 acres of a 6.9 acre site. The building is 108,000 sq. ft. and is 2-stories. It is surrounded by single family homes on east, west, south, and wetlands on north.

November MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Placer Retirement Residences:
The Placer Retirement Residence is proposed to be a 145-suite facility for elderly seniors. Our elderly senior housing concept is designed for those who are still ambulatory, but in need of some personal services in their daily routine. The identified site is located at 3905 Old Auburn Road and consists of approximately 8.93 acres.

Individual suites include studio, one, and two bedroom options. The proposed suite design only includes a small refrigerator, sink and microwave in the unit. No cooking appliances are provided, or allowed to be installed, in individual suites, including hot plates. The square footage of suites varies from a minimum of 380 SF for smaller studios to over 1000 SF for larger two bedrooms.
Presented By: Mark Lowen, Lenity Architecture, Inc., Sam Thomas, Lenity Architecture, Inc. and Al Johnson, Al Johnson Consulting, LLC (15 min.)

Barton Ranch Planned Residential Development:
The applicant is requesting approval of a Rezone and a Planned Residential Development (Tentative Subdivision Map and Conditional Use Permit). The Rezone would modify the existing zoning of RS-AG-B-40 (Residential Single-family, combining Agriculture, combining minimum Building Site designation of 40,000 square feet) to include a combining district designation of PD=1 (Planned Residential Development, 1 unit per acre). The rezone would allow a 10-unit Planned Residential Development (PD) on the project site. The PD would create ten residential parcels ranging in size from 21,849 square feet to 34,000 square feet and would include two open space areas consisting of 79,981 square feet (Lot A) and 24,200 square feet (Lot B). Lot A would be located on the northwest portion of the property and Lot B would be located on the southeast corner of the property.
Presented by: Melanie Jackson, Associate Planner (20 min.)

Get Notifications If Disaster Strikes: Register for Our Emergency Mass Notification System


As part of Flood Preparedness Week, residents are urged to prepare for a natural or human-caused disaster - events that often occur with little to no warning. Click here to read more.

Placer Supervisors Approve the Park at Granite Bay Project


The proposed The Park at Granite Bay subdivision project in Granite Bay was approved by a 4-1 vote today by the Placer County Board of Supervisors. District 5 Supervisor Jennifer Montgomery voted in opposition. Click here to read more.

County Begins First-Ever Countywide Park and Trail Master Plan


One of the many things that make Placer County a great place to live, work and play are our many local parks and trails. From our soccer fields in the valley to our snow parks in the Sierras to the Western States Trail and its expansive views, our county offers a great variety of outdoor destinations. Click here to read more.

Placer County’s New Animal Services Center Now Open to the Public


Placer County’s new Animal Services Center opened its doors to the public today in North Auburn. Now that all the animals have been relocated from their dated and worn building across the street in North Auburn into the modern 29,500-square-foot facility that meets Humane Society standards, Animal Services staff can provide even better care for Placer County’s rescued animals, and many more services for the people who love them. Click here to read more.

Another New Granite Bay Alert Posted


A number of projects have been proposed that will have an impact on the community and are in various stages of submittal at County. Click here to learn more about them.

UPDATE: Granite Bay MAC


Barton Ranch has been removed from tonight's agenda as the environmental documents have not yet been circulated.

Another New Granite Bay Alert Posted


A number of projects have been proposed that will have an impact on the community and are in various stages of submittal at County. Click here to learn more about them.

October MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Granite Bay Medical Offices:
The project proposes the construction of two medical office buildings with 91 parking spaces on 2.13 acres at the north side of Douglas Boulevard, on the northwest corner of the intersection of Berg Street and Douglas Boulevard. Each of the two buildings would be 7,955 square feet. The project proposes a General Plan Amendment to change the land use designation from Rural Low Density Residential, .9 – 2.3 Acres Per Dwelling Unit to Commercial; a rezone from RS-B-20 (Residential Single Family, Combining Minimum Building Site of 20,000 Square Feet) to OP-Dc (Office Professional, Combining Design Corridor); a Minor Boundary Line Adjustment so each building will be on its own lot; a Design Review to be approved at the staff-level; and a Variance to construct a 12-foot high retaining wall at the northwest corner where six feet is normally required.
Presented by: Kally Kedinger-Cecil, Assistant Planner (15 min.)

Barton Ranch Planned Residential Development:
The applicant is requesting approval of a Rezone and a Planned Residential Development (Tentative Subdivision Map and Conditional Use Permit). The Rezone would modify the existing zoning of RS-AG-B-40 (Residential Single-family, combining Agriculture, combining minimum Building Site designation of 40,000 square feet) to include a combining district designation of PD=1 (Planned Residential Development, 1 unit per acre). The rezone would allow a 10-unit Planned Residential Development (PD) on the project site. The PD would create ten residential parcels ranging in size from 21,849 square feet to 34,000 square feet and would include two open space areas consisting of 79,981 square feet (Lot A) and 24,200 square feet (Lot B). Lot A would be located on the northwest portion of the property and Lot B would be located on the southeast corner of the property.
Presented by: Melanie Jackson, Associate Planner (20 min.)

Free Medication Take-Back at 12 Placer County Locations Oct. 22


A free medication take-back event will take place at 11 locations throughout western Placer County on Saturday, Oct. 22. Take-back hours have changed from previous events: Gates will open at 9 a.m. and will close at 1 p.m. Click here to read more.

Serve Our Democracy as a Placer County Poll Worker


It takes more than 1,600 poll workers to staff Placer County’s polling sites each election, and our office of elections is now accepting applications for all positions for the Nov. 8 presidential general election. It’s a great chance to give back to the community, be a part of the excitement of our democratic process and earn a little money, too. Click here to read more.

$815.8 Million Annual County Budget Approved


The board of supervisors approved a balanced 2016-17 budget that maintains long-term fiscal stability while ensuring that near-term needs are met. The board adopted a proposed budget in June and the $815.8 million final budget approved includes adjustments from the end of the fiscal year. Click here to read more.

Insect That Carries Disease Deadly To Citrus Trees Found In Placer County


The Asian citrus psyllid, a small insect that can carry a devastating citrus tree disease, has been detected in Placer County. The disease, called Huanglongbing, and is also known as HLB or citrus greening disease, will kill any tree it infects and there is no known cure, other than prevention. Click here to read more.

The Results Are In


Click here to see the results of the GBCA Fall 2016 Community Survey.

GBCA Fall 2016 Community Survey


Click here to take the GBCA Fall 2016 Community Survey.

Another New Granite Bay Alert Posted


A number of projects have been proposed that will have an impact on the community and are in various stages of submittal at County. Click here to learn more about them.

September MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

PCWA Water Update:
PCWA District 4 Representative, Robert Dugan, will present an update on water in the area.
(15 min.)

Hawk Homestead:
Hawk Homestead is a proposal by GBD Communities to develop a 109-lot Planned Residential Development (PD) at the northwest corner of Cavitt Stallman and Barton roads in Granite Bay. The site encompasses one parcel, APN 046-050-002-510, comprising 243.373 acres. The project would include detached single-family residential home sites ranging in size from 0.5 to 6.46 acres situated along private roads accessed from Cavitt Stallman Road on the south and Barton Road on the east. Approximately 57 percent of the project site would remain as open space and approximately six miles of multi-purpose trails are planned throughout the open space preserves and road frontages.
(20 min.)

Ovation Senior Living:
The project proposes a Rezone from Residential-Single-Family, combining Agriculture, and combining a 40,000 square foot minimum building site to Residential Agriculture, combining a 40,000 square foot minimum building site (RS-AG-B-40 to RA-B-40). In addition, there is a Tentative Parcel Map, and a Minor Use Permit (MUP) to allow for the construction and operation of the 108,000 square foot, two-story Ovation Senior Living Facility. This proposal is for an assisted living and memory care facility that would be classified as a residential care home. A total of 4.5 acres (western portion of site) of the 6.9 acre site would be developed for this project and approximately 2.5 acres (eastern portion of site) would be set aside for future development.

Requested entitlements include the following: Rezone of Assessor’s Parcel Number 466-030-050-000 from RS-AG-B-40 (Residential-Single-Family, combining Agriculture, and combining building site minimum of 40,000 square foot) to RA-B-40 (Residential Agriculture, combining building site minimum of 40,000 square foot); Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide the ±6.9 acre property into a 4.5 acre parcel and 2.5 acre parcel; Minor Use Permit to allow a ±108,000 square foot Ovation Senior Living residential care facility to be constructed and operated on the 4.5-acre western parcel of the project site.
Presenter: Roy Schaefer (20 min.)

Placer County Programs Win Five National Association of Counties Awards


Five Placer County programs won awards in the 2016 National Association of Counties Achievement Awards, recognizing innovative county government programs. Click here to read more.

Big Snow Year Boosts North Tahoe Lodging Tax Revenue By 18 Percent


Last winter’s El Niño brought snow back to the Sierra and visitors back to North Lake Tahoe’s slopes, leading to an 18 percent increase last year in lodging tax revenues in Placer County. Click here to read more.

Another New Granite Bay Alert Posted


A number of projects have been proposed that will have an impact on the community and are in various stages of submittal at County. Click here to learn more about them.

August MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Pondview Project Update:
The Pondview Project was approved by the MAC in January 2015 and subsequently approved by the Board of Supervisors. The applicant has been approved for a change in build-out of the pondfront parcel from the event pavilion to future office/professional. The applicant has also requested a change in design of the Pondview Office parcel to a more Craftsman style and would include four 5,100 SF office buildings with a pedestrian commons. The project has completed the design review process.
Presented by: Lisa Powers

HAWK Signal:
The recently installed pedestrian signal known as a HAWK (High-intensity Activated crossWalK) on Auburn Folsom Road between Robin Hood Way and Cedar Oaks Drive is scheduled to be turned on August 9th. Richard Moorehead with the Department of Public Works and Facilities will attend to discuss how the signal operates and can answer questions.

Proposed Whitehawk I Project:
Whitehawk I is a proposal to develop a 24-unit Planned Residential Development on an 18.1-acre site (APN 048-151-001-000) located on the south side of Douglas Boulevard, east of Woodgrove Way in Granite Bay. The project would include 24 single-family detached residential units on private streets accessed from Douglas Boulevard. Approximately sixty-five percent of the site would remain as common area and open space.

The applicant, Meritage Homes, is requesting a Community Plan Amendment to change the land use designation of the site from Rural Low Density Residential (.9 to 2.3 acres per dwelling unit) and Rural Residential (2.3 to 4.6 acres per dwelling unit) to Low Density Residential (0.4 to .9 acres per dwelling unit) and Open Space. Also proposed is a rezoning from RA-B-100 PD = 0.5 (Residential Agricultural, minimum Building Site of 100,000 square feet combining Planned Residential Development of 0.5 units per acre) to RA-B-20 PD = 1.4 (Residential Agricultural, minimum Building Site of 20,000 square feet combining Planned Residential Development of 1.4 units per acre) and O (Open Space).
Presented by: Chris Schmidt, Placer County Senior Planner

Proposed Whitehawk II Project:
Whitehawk II is a proposal to develop a 55-unit Planned Residential Development on a 32.97-acre site (APN 048-151-061-000) located on the south side of Douglas Boulevard at Seeno Avenue in Granite Bay. The project would include 55 single-family detached residential units on private streets accessed from Douglas Boulevard. Approximately sixty-two percent of the site would remain as common area and open space.

The applicant, Meritage Homes, is requesting a Community Plan Amendment to change the land use designation of the site from Rural Low Density Residential (.9 to 2.3 acres per dwelling unit) and Rural Residential (2.3 to 4.6 acres per dwelling unit) to Low Density Residential (0.4 to .9 acres per dwelling unit) and Open Space. Also proposed is a rezoning from RA-B-100 (Residential Agricultural, minimum Building Site of 100,000 square feet) to RA-B-20 PD = 1.75 (Residential Agricultural, minimum Building Site of 20,000 square feet combining Planned Residential Development of 1.75 units per acre) and O (Open Space).
Presented by: Chris Schmidt, Placer County Senior Planner

August MAC Meeting Rescheduled


The August MAC originally scheduled for Wednesday, August 3, 2016 will now be held on Monday, August 8, 2016 at 7:00 PM.

State Financing Program a Win-Win for Placer County Government and Developers


Community development and public works projects in Placer County will soon be cheaper and faster after the county board of supervisors voted unanimously to join the Statewide Communities Infrastructure Program. Click here to read more.

University of Warwick Updates Placer County Board of Supervisors on Plans for California Campus


The University of Warwick today updated Placer County officials as the U.K.-based institution moves forward with plans for a campus in Placer County and unveiled a study that estimates the campus would have an annual economic impact of nearly $600 million by its 10th year of operation. Click here to read more.

Plan to Fund Transportation Improvements Placed on November Ballot


A ballot measure to increase retail sales tax by a half percent to raise funds for transportation improvements in Placer County was placed on the Nov. 8, 2016, presidential general election ballot today by the county board of supervisors. Click here to read more.

UPDATE: The July MAC Meeting & What Comes Next


Even though MAC changed its regular 1st Wednesday of the month meeting date to Monday, July 11, there was Standing Room Only to hear the Action item, The Park at Granite Bay, which is located on the west side of Sierra College Boulevard north of Old Auburn Road. The 16.3 acre site is zoned for .9 to 2.3 acres per dwelling and would allow a maximum of 16 homes. This infill project is surrounded by 1 to 4 acre lots and seeks a General Plan Amendment to the Granite Bay Community Plan, Rezone, and Variances in order to construct 56 homes.

There were just five MAC members present to hear input for and against the project. After about 2 hours, MAC voted 3-2 to deny the project stating an insufficiently compelling basis to recommend approval of the project given the concessions requested.

The next step in the process is for the Planning Commission to hold a public hearing which is tentatively set for August 25 at the DeWitt Center in Auburn. Unfortunately, this is just the beginning of the many projects requesting large increases in density and changes to land use.

Whitehawk I – Tentatively set as an action item at MAC August 3 meeting. Requesting 24 single family homes on parcel zoned for 8 homes, existing zoning is 2.3 acre parcels – proposed are 0.4 acre parcels. Needs General Plan Amendment and Rezone.

Whitehawk II – Tentatively set as action item at MAC August 3 meeting. Requesting 56 lots on property zoned for 13. Proposed zoning 0.4 acre parcels, existing zoning 2.3 to 4.6. Requesting Rezone and General Plan Amendment. Both projects are located on south side of Douglas Boulevard.

The Planning Commission could hear these projects in September.

Hawk Homestead - Located at Barton and Cavitt-Stallman Roads. Requesting 109 lots on 245 acres zoned for 37 homes. Proposed are 0.4 acre parcels where zoning is for 4.6 to 20 acre. Requesting Rezone and General Plan Amendment. Lot sizes projected to be as follows:
37 lots .5 to .6
24 lots .61 to .7 acres
26 lots .71 to .8 acres
9 lots .81 to 1.0 acres in size and ONLY
13 lots of greater than an acre in size.

NOTE: The existing zoning on 2/3 of site requires lots of no less than 4.6 acres per lot, and 1/3 of site requires a minimum lot size of 20 acres. This property is in the heart of the most rural area of Granite Bay and is surrounded by large parcels. This project could be precedent setting as the large property on the east side of Barton Road is currently undeveloped. Both properties border Loomis Town Limits where the lots are generally 5 acres.

New Granite Bay Alert Posted


A number of projects have been proposed that will have an impact on the community and are in various stages of submittal at County. Click here to learn more about them.

Date for July MAC Meeting Changed. The Park at Granite Bay to Be Discussed


MAC regularly scheduled for 1st Wed. of month has been changed to Monday, July 11th at 7:00 PM at Eureka School on Eureka Road in order to hear one action item: The Park at Granite Bay. The Final EIR for project can be assessed here.

Proposes 56 single family lots on 16.3 acres in gated, fenced sub-division. Zoned for 16 homes. One gated access onto Sierra College Boulevard. One and two story homes on lots from 7,150 to17,196 sq. ft. Surrounded on three sides by one to four acre lots zoned for animals and farming. Requesting General Plan Amendment, Rezone, and Variances. Located on west side of Sierra College Blvd., north of Old Auburn Road.

Trailhead Fire Sparks Air Quality Advisory for Placer County


The Placer County Department of Public Health and Placer County Air Pollution Control District are issuing a joint air quality advisory to notify the public of poor air quality conditions primarily due to smoke from the Trailhead Fire in Placer and El Dorado counties. The joint air quality advisory is in effect from June 30 through July 4. Click here to read more.

Placer to Consider Transitioning Medical Clinics to Private Operation


Placer County’s Board of Supervisors will consider transitioning county-run medical clinics in Auburn and Kings Beach to private operation in a public hearing scheduled for 1 p.m. on July 12 at the Placer County Community Development Resource Center, 3091 County Center Drive, in Auburn. Click here to read more.

Sweeping Plan For Transportation Improvements Would Benefit Entire County


A plan to improve area roadways to relieve both existing and future traffic and congestion and to improve public transportation is two steps closer to reality. Click here to read more.

Supervisors Approve $18M in Health And Human Services Contracts to Help Placer’s Most Vulnerable Residents


The Placer County Board of Supervisors approved nine different contract agreements totaling more than $18 million to provide mental health, substance abuse, transitional housing and child abuse prevention services throughout the county. Click here to read more.

Placer Supervisors Vote to Limit Medical Marijuana Cultivation to Small, Indoor Grows By Patients


Commercial medical marijuana cultivation and sale will not be allowed in unincorporated Placer County, after the board of supervisors today voted 3-2 to limit marijuana cultivation to small, indoor grows by medical marijuana patients only. The board directed county staff to return with an ordinance codifying the approach they approved today for their consideration in the coming weeks. Click here to read more.

Board OK’s Public Defender Contract Extensions, Directs Staff to Investigate Feasibility of County Office of Public Defender


Placer County, like all other counties in the state, is required to provide legal representation to criminal defendants who cannot afford their own legal counsel. Because of the specialized nature of public defender work, the county contracts with law firms to provide these services. Click here to read more.

Public Hearing Notice - GREYHAWK III REZONE


Notice is hereby given that the Placer County Board of Supervisors will conduct a public hearing on June 7, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. , at Board of Supervisors' Chambers, 175 Fulweiler Avenue, Auburn, CA 95603, in order to consider the Placer County Planning Commission’s April 28, 2016 recommendation to the Board of Supervisors to approve a Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map, a Conditional Use Permit, and a Rezone of Assessor Parcel Number 048-151-088-000 from RS-B-40 PD = 2.0 (Residential Single Family, combining Building Site of 40,000 square feet, combining Planned Residential Development of 2.0 units per acre) to RS-B-18 PD = 2.8 (Residential Single Family, combining Building Site of 18,000 square feet, combining Planned Residential Development of 2.8 units per acre). The project is located at the northeast corner of Sierra College Boulevard and Eureka Road in the Granite Bay area and proposes a 72-unit project consisting of a Planned Residential Development (PD) of 28 detached, single-family residences on the eastern portion of the site and 44 attached residential “halfplex” units on the western portion. The Planning Commission also recommended the Board of Supervisors adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the project.

Administrative remedies must be exhausted prior to an action being initiated in a court of law. If the proposed action is challenged in court, one may be limited to those issues raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered prior to the public hearing.

All letters, written materials, studies or reports, in excess of one (1) page should be delivered to the Clerk of the Board, 175 Fulweiler Avenue, Room 101 Auburn, CA 95603, at least 24 hours or (1) business working day prior to the beginning of the meeting as noticed above.

Further information on the proposed project can be obtained by calling the Community Development/Resource Agency at (530) 745-3000 or 1-800-488-4308, ext. 3000 during normal business hours. Interested persons are invited to attend the hearing or submit written comments.

Supervisors Approve Contracts Furthering the Placer Ranch Development


Placer County is now one step closer to bringing more economic, education and residential opportunities to south Placer County, as the board of supervisors today awarded two contracts for planning of the Placer Ranch project and the Sunset Area. Click here to read more.

Ahead Of June 7 Primary, Placer Appoints Long-Time Elections Employee to Top Position


With Placer County’s elected clerk-recorder-registrar, Jim McCauley, retiring this month, the county board of supervisors voted today to appoint Ryan Ronco to the position. Click here to read more.

New Pathway to Homeownership Available In Placer County


A new financing option is available to Placer County residents who are looking to purchase a home but are unable to use traditional mortgage loans. Click here to read more.

FEMA Issues New Draft Flood Maps throughout Placer County


Some Placer residents can look forward to lower flood insurance premiums now that the Federal Emergency Management Agency has issued new draft flood maps for the region. Click here to read more.

First Responders Shine at Placer County Mass Casualty Exercise


First responders from 35 local agencies converged on Roseville today to rescue the victims of a staged but horrific accident. Click here to read more.

Local Growers and Ag Officials Work To Increase Awareness of Citrus-Killing Insect


It’s a small insect the size of a grain of rice that by itself is fairly innocuous. But the Asian citrus psyllid is capable of carrying a bacteria that will kill every citrus tree it infects. Click here to read more.

Help Serve Our Community’s Mental Health Needs


Overcoming the stigma of mental health problems helps reduce the tendency to avoid getting needed assistance. Awareness of the extent of mental health issues and the work to end discrimination against persons who experience these problems continues to grow. The work of the Placer County Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board is a critical component of both local and state efforts for prevention and early intervention for those suffering from mental health issues. Click here to read more.

May MAC Meeting Summary


Meeting to be held in Eureka School District Office, “Big Gym”, 5455 Eureka Road, Granite Bay, CA.

Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Ovation Senior Living:
Ovation Senior Living is a proposal to develop a two-story, 108,000 square foot Residential Care Facility with 114 units (consisting of 85 assisted living units and 29 memory care units), and a total of 122 residents. The site consists 7.3 acres and is on APN 466-030-050-000. The site is at 9747 Sierra College Boulevard which is located on the east side of Sierra College Boulevard approximately ¼ mile south of the intersection of Sierra College Boulevard and Old Auburn Road in Granite Bay.

The applicant is requesting a rezoning to RA-B-40 (Residential Agriculture with a minimum Building Site of 40,000 square foot) from RS-AG-B-40 (Residential Single-Family, combining Agriculture, with a minimum Building Site of 40,000 square foot) and a Tentative Parcel Map to divide the property into two parcels (4.48 and 2.5 acres). Two and a half acres within the eastern portion of the site would remain undeveloped. A Conditional Use Permit is also required to allow for the Residential Care Facility.
Presenter: Marcus LoDuca, Attorney representing Ovation Homes (15 min.).

Free Medication Take-Back at 10 Placer County Locations April 30


A free medication take-back event will take place at 10 locations throughout western Placer County on Saturday, April 30, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Click here to read more.

Pet Adoptions Just $20 At Placer County’s Auburn Shelter


Facing a spring surplus of rescue pets - and in celebration of National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day April 30 - Placer County’s Auburn animal services center will lower adoption fees from April 30 through May 7. Click here to read more.

April MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Parks, Trails, and Landscaping in Granite Bay:
The Placer County Parks Division will provide an overview of the status and funding of public parks, trails, and landscaped areas in the Granite Bay area including a discussion of upcoming Park and Trail Master Plan process with opportunities for the community to address future needs and funding challenges.
Presenter: Andy Fisher, Placer County Parks Division (15 min.)

Placer County Water Update:
Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) and San Juan Water District (SJWD) will provide an overview of water availability in Placer County and the Granite Bay area.
Presenters: Robert Dugan, PCWA and Keith Durkin, SJWD (15 min.)

West Placer Storm Water Design Manual:
Placer County is working on the completion of the West Placer Storm Water Design Manual which will require amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. The Design Manual is intended to provide standards that both conform to the mandates of the 2013 NPDES Municipal Permit and achieve Placer County Conservation Plan objectives. The Design Manual will aid the design professionals in the design and constructing of effective storm water management strategies to reduce runoff, treat storm water, and provide baseline hydromodification management. This Design Manual has been a joint effort between Placer County and the Cities of Roseville, Lincoln, Loomis, and Auburn. A copy of the draft Manual can be found at
Presenter: Jennifer Byous, Planning Services and/or Rebecca Taber, Engineering Services. (15 min.)

Proposed Greyhawk III Project:
Greyhawk III is a proposal to develop a 72-unit residential development on a 20.55-acre site (approximately 17.5 net acres) at the northeast corner of Sierra College Boulevard and Eureka Road, 326 feet west of Greyhawk Drive in Granite Bay. The site consists of two parcels: The “eastern portion,” an 11.65 acre (10.62 net acres) parcel (APN 048-151-088-000), and the “western portion, an 8.9 acre (7.01 net acres) parcel (APN 048-151-086-000). The project would include a Planned Residential Development (PD) of twenty-eight detached, single-family residences on the eastern portion of the site and forty-four attached residential “halfplex” units on the western portion.

The applicant is requesting a rezoning of the eastern parcel of the project site from RS-B-40 PD = 2.0 (Residential Single Family, Combining Building Site of 40,000 square feet, Planned Residential Development of 2.0 units per acre) to RS-B-18 PD = 2.8 (Residential Single Family, Combining Building Site of 18,000 square feet, Planned Residential Development of 2.8 units per acre).
Presenter: Chris Schmidt, Placer County Senior Planner (45 min.)

Placer County Offers Free Tax Prep Assistance


Until April 8, Placer County will offer free tax preparation assistance to those with an annual household income of less than $54,000. Those who are single and make less than $14,820 also qualify. Click here to read more.

Placer Speeds Access to Housing Assistance, Focuses On Veterans


Having a place to call home is a basic human need, but for some, having a home can be a tremendous struggle. On March 22, 2016, the Placer County Public Housing Authority Board of Commissioners took two steps to improve access to resources for those struggling to afford a place to live, updating its housing assistance plan to streamline applications for veterans and reduce wait times for rental assistance vouchers. Click here to read more.

Pet Adoptions Just $20 At Placer County’s Auburn Shelter


Facing a spring surplus of rescue pets, Placer County’s Auburn animal services center will lower adoption fees from March 29 - April 9. Click here to read more.

March MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Proposed Residential Development:
The project is a residential subdivision located on Eureka Road, APN 050-160-026-000, and is part of the Ridgeview Mobile Home Park. It will consist of 30-60 units based on the existing Placer County zoning ordinance of RM-DL10-Dc-TM and the Granite Bay Community Plan of High Density Residential, 4-10 dwelling units per acre.
Presenter: Ron Higgins, President of L&H Construction, Inc.

Proposed Medical Marijuana Ordinance:
In light of the October 9th, 2015 passage of the California Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act (MMRSA) - regarding commercial medical marijuana cultivation, Placer County is in the process of drafting an ordinance that seeks to balance the legal rights of patients and caregivers with those of adjoining neighbors and other community members with regards to the cultivation, production, and distribution of this product in the unincorporated areas of the County. County staff will provide an overview of the recently passed state legislation (MMRSA) and an overview of the proposed Medical Marijuana Ordinance. The proposed ordinance will be presented to the Board of Supervisors for action at a future date.
Presenters: Josh Huntsinger, Placer County Agricultural Commissioner, Bekki Riggan, Deputy CEO and George Rosasco.

Placer Supervisors Hold Off On Open Container Ban


Expressing concern about the reach of a proposed ordinance banning open alcohol containers, the Placer County Board of Supervisors voted 4-0 today to table the ban. Click here to read more.

Placer County Seeking Input on Medical Marijuana Regulation


Placer County will host town hall meetings in March to seek community input on regulating medical marijuana sales and cultivation in unincorporated areas of the county. Two meetings are planned: March 9 in North Auburn, and March 16 in Rocklin. Click here to read more.

New Food Safety Placards Coming to Placer County Restaurants


Knowing whether a restaurant is a safe place to eat in Placer County will soon be as simple as reading a stoplight. Click here to read more.

New Granite Bay Alert Posted


The GBCA hasn’t published a monthly Alert for the last year due to the stagnant development in our community. However, in the last months a number of projects have been proposed and are in various stages of submittal at the County. Click here to learn more about them.

Eureka Union School District Kindergarten Registration


Registration for Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten will begin February 2nd in the Eureka Union School District.

If you have an incoming student for the 2016 – 2017 school year, you may pick up a registration packet at the TK – 3 school of your residential area:

  • Greenhills School
  • 8200 Greenhills Way
  • Granite Bay, CA 95746
  • (916)-791-4230
  • Maidu School
  • 1950 Johnson Ranch Dr.
  • Roseville, CA 95661
  • (916)-789-7910
  • Oakhills School
  • 9233 Twin Schools Road
  • Granite Bay, CA 95746
  • (916)-791-5391

If you have any questions you may contact any of the schools above. We are looking forward to your child’s first step into school. Welcome!

February MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Ashley Brown will present.

Proposed Residential Project, The Park at Granite Bay:
The Park at Granite Bay is a proposal by Maverick Partners West to develop a 56-unit development on a 16.3-acre site west of Sierra College Boulevard, east of Eckerman Road, south of Annabelle Avenue, and north of Haskell Way. The project would include detached, single-family residential residences, and an approximately 0.8-acre park which would be open to the public during the daylight hours. The Draft Environmental Impact Report was released for public comment on December 31, 2015, with the comment period ending February 16, 2016. The purpose of this presentation is to give the MAC members and the public an update on the changes in the project which have occurred since the release of the Notice of Preparation. There will be no official public comments accepted on the Draft EIR at this meeting. For more information, click here or contact District Director, Ashley Brown at 916-787-8954 (office), 916-871-0202 (cell) or
Brief introduction by Lisa Carnahan, Planning Services Division.
Presentation by Marcus Lo Duca, on behalf of Maverick Partners West (15 min.)

Kindergarten Vaccination Rate Increases in Placer County


Vaccination rates have increased for Placer County kindergartners while fewer parents are exempting their children from vaccines, according to new data from the California Department of Public Health.

Placer’s vaccination rate increased from 86.4 percent to 88.8 percent for the 2015-2016 school year. Kindergarten personal belief exemptions are down from 8 percent to 5.96 percent, one of the most significant improvements in the state. Click here to read more.

Kings Beach Commercial Core Improvement Project Gears Up for Last Phase


The Placer County Board of Supervisors approved the Department of Public Works and Facilities to award the last contract for the Kings Beach Commercial Core Improvement Project. Click here to read more.

Placer County Expands Animal Shelter Hours in North Auburn


Our furry friends can't stop wagging their tails. Beginning Feb. 1, Placer County's animal shelter in North Auburn will change its operating hours, increasing access for the public.

Previously closed on Mondays and for lunch from 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. every day, the shelter will now be open continuously Monday through Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. The shelter will close at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesdays instead of 7:00 p.m. and on Sundays and major holidays. Click here to read more.

Sign up for PCSO's Community Awareness Academy


Reservations are now being taken for the Placer County Sheriff Office's Community Awareness Academy. This year, participants will tour the new South Placer Jail in addition to several other "field trips." Save a spot now as the academy fills up quickly.

Attendees are asked to attend all eight classes, each of which covers a different topic. Classes are held Tuesday and Thursday evenings, beginning Tuesday, March 8 and ending Thursday, March 31. Participants will hear from members of the department's special units, and in addition to touring both jails, will tour the morgue, the 911 dispatch center, and the air operations hangar.

Classes are held in the Community Room at the Placer County Sheriff's Office headquarters in the Auburn Justice Center, 2929 Richardson Drive, Auburn. Classes are scheduled from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

The academy will kick off with a welcome by top sheriff's administrators and an overview of how the department works. On subsequent nights, presentations will be made by air operations, Search and Rescue, the bomb squad, the Special Enforcement Team, the marine unit, investigations, hostage negotiators and the drug task force. There will also be a demonstration by members of the K-9 team.

The academy is intended to provide the citizens of Placer County with an overview of the Sheriff Office's functions, policies and procedures, as well as getting them involved in their community. The goal of the academy is to provide a greater awareness and understanding of law enforcement's role in the community. Attendees must be at least 18 years of age, work or reside in Placer County and agree to submit to a minor background check.

The deadline for making a reservation is Feb. 15. To reserve a spot, call Community Services Officer Kim Rivera at (530) 889-6922 or email

PCSO Offering Free Safety Awareness Class for Business Owners, Managers, and Employees


The Placer County Sheriff's Office is offering a free safety awareness class for business owners, managers, and employees, to help them keep their businesses and themselves safe.

The class will be held Tuesday, Feb. 9, from 6-8 p.m. at the Auburn Justice Center,2929 Richardson Drive in Auburn. The presenter is Deputy Zach Poiesz, a problem-oriented policing deputy. He deals with chronic nuisance problems in the greater Auburn area and is offering this class in response to business and safety concerns.

Topics covered will include: how to safely open for business at the start of the day; front counter safety; attention during breaks and lunch; banking precautions; closing safeguards; and introduction to the "Run, Hide, Fight" philosophy.

Class size is limited. To reserve a seat, which is required, email CSO Amanda Rogers at, or call her at 530-889-6922. Be sure to reference "safety awareness class" in your voicemail or email.

News Achieves: 2015

All the news from the year 2015.

Placer County Proclaims Local Emergency for Dying Trees


The Placer County Board of Supervisors today proclaimed a local emergency for the high number of dead and dying trees across the county. The move follows Governor Jerry Brown's emergency declaration and seeks federal resources to help in the removal of dead and dying trees. Click here to read more.

January MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

Proposed Residential Project, Greyhawk III:
Greyhawk III is a proposal by Patterson Properties to develop a 72-unit residential development on a 17.5 –acre site at the northeast corner of Sierra College and Eureka Road. The project would include detatched, single-story, single-family residences on the eastern portion of the site and attached residential “halfplex” units on the western portion. Private roads accessed from a gated entryway off of Eureka Road is proposed. The applicant is also requesting a rezoning of the eastern portion of the site from RS-B-40 PD = 2.0 to RS-B-18 PD = 2.8.
Presented by: Marcus Lo Duca on behalf of Patterson Properties (30 min.)

Placer Supervisors Agree to Regulate Medical Marijuana


On Tuesday, December 8, 2015, the Placer County Board of Supervisors approved the development of a comprehensive medical marijuana regulatory framework for the unincorporated areas of the county. Click here to read more.

Supervisors Vote to Hold off On Loomis, Meadow Vista Library Closures


Libraries in Meadow Vista and Loomis may remain open until June after the board of supervisors voted on Wednesday, December 9, 2015 to consider a budget revision at its Jan. 5, 2016 meeting. The revision, if approved, would provide funding for six months to give library supporters time to formulate a plan for continued operation of the branches. Click here to read more.

Give New Life to Old Christmas Trees


When it comes time to un-deck the halls, you can give your old, unflocked, Christmas tree new life by recycling it. Placer County and its OneBigBin program partners provide several convenient options. Whether recycling your tree curbside in your green waste can, or dropping it off free of charge at one of nine locations, please be sure to remove all ornaments and lights. Click here to read more.

December MAC Meeting Canceled


The Granite Bay MAC’s monthly meeting scheduled for Wednesday, December 2, 2015 has been canceled. The next MAC meeting is set for Wednesday, January 6, 2016.

October MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

Proposed Residential Project, Whitehawk I:
Whitehawk I is a proposal by Meritage Homes to develop a 24-unit Planned Residential Development on an 18.1-acre site on the south side of Douglas Boulevard 200 feet east of Woodgrove Way, outside of the 300 foot setback. The project would include detached, single-story, single-family residences situated along private roads accessed from a gated entryway off of Douglas Boulevard. Approximately sixty-two percent of the project site would remain as Open Space. A Community Plan amendment and rezoning have been requested.
Presented by: Dave Cook, RCH Group on behalf of Meritage Homes (15 min.)

Proposed Residential Project, Whitehawk II:
Whitehawk II is a proposal by Meritage Homes to develop a 56-unit Planned Residential Development on a 33-acre site on the south side of Douglas Boulevard at Seeno Avenue, outside of the 300 foot setback. The project would include detached, single-story, single-family residences situated along private roadsaccessed from a gated entryway off of Douglas Boulevard. Approximately fifty-eight percent of the project site would remain as Open Space. A Community Plan amendment and rezoning have been requested.

UPDATE: Proposed Barton Road and Cavitt Stallman High Density Project


The opportunity to comment on the Notice of Preparation has closed; so, the County will now conduct the environmental review process which will review ALL of the 80 specific issues that were noted in the Initial Study as issues that could have a “Potentially Significant Impact” on our existing environment as well as the items that were brought to the attention of the County in the letters they received in response to the Notice of Preparation. This process will take some time and the Draft EIR—the complete environmental study of this project—will not be available until early next spring.

The next step is to circulate a petition to bring this to the attention of the community and let the County know how the community feels about rezoning 4.6-acre parcels to 0.4-acre parcels. (Click here to see a chart comparing the current zoning and the proposed rezoning for the project.) Circulating a petition and then submitting it to Chris Schmidt, MAC, Planning Commission, and Board would get the County to request a community survey, which is really important, not only to this project but to the future development of many other projects within the Granite Bay Community Plan area.

So, to organize the circulation of this petition:

  • If anyone has experience with preparing and circulating a petition that would work for this particular situation
  • Or anyone wants to take on this task and set up signing stations to bring this issue to the attention of our neighbors and get signatures
  • Or if anyone is willing to go door to door with our petition to get signatures

Please click here to e-mail Diane Will.

In addition to circulating this petition, while the environmental review is being done, we still need to be involved in the ongoing progress of this project and we need to share our thoughts with County on specific issues proposed by the project. One of these issues is the project proposal to have two-story homes. The County has been made aware that there are not ANY two-story homes adjacent to the proposed project so this project should not have any two-story homes. In response to this, the County stated we should consider specific lots that should only have one-story homes and have a reason why we think this is appropriate. Click here to see a map of the project site. The home sites are identified by number; click here to e-mail Diane and share your thoughts on which numbered lots you think should be single-story residences and why. Please feel free to email Chris Schmidt in planning ( with your comments on this as well.

A Facebook page was recently created to further help inform the community on this issue. Please click here, to join.

Community Involvement on Placer County Projects in Development: Granite Bay Memory Care (PLN15-00051): Public Hearing


The Placer County Zoning Administrator will conduct a public hearing regarding the Granite Bay Memory Care (PLN15-00051) on Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 9:10 AM in Planning Commission Room (3091 County Center Drive, Auburn, CA 95603). Click here to learn more.

September MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

Placer County Transportation Agency Update:
Placer County Transportation Agency staff will provide information on future transportation issues in Placer County. The presentation will include an overview of options for addressing those issues, including infrastructure improvements and potential funding sources.
Presented by: Celia McAdam, Executive Director (20 min.)

Proposed Zoning Text Amendment for Secondary Dwelling Units:
The MAC will receive information on a proposed Zoning Text amendment that will provide property owners with more flexible options to develop a secondary dwelling unit to accommodate family or a potential renter. The proposed amendment promotes the efficient use of existing housing stock and public infrastructure as well as a variety of housing options for changing family needs.
Presented by: Christopher Schmidt, Senior Planner, Placer County Planning Services Division (15 min.)

County Increasing Its Investment in Road Maintenance This Summer


Placer County’s investment in road maintenance work is getting a big boost this year.

The Public Works Department maintains more than 1,000 miles of roads in unincorporated areas throughout the county. The county pared back the road maintenance budget significantly during the recession, but has been working to restore budget support since then. For more information, please click here.

Bike Lane Project on Key Stretch of Auburn Folsom Road Approved


Bike lanes on a key stretch of Auburn Folsom Road in Granite Bay are about to get a major upgrade. The project will provide Class II bike lanes on both sides of Auburn Folsom from Douglas Boulevard northward to Joe Rodgers Road. Construction is tentatively scheduled to get underway in September. For more information, please click here.

County Honored For Responsible Spending For 13th Straight Year


For the 13th consecutive year, Placer County's Procurement Services Division has received the Achievement of Excellence in Procurement Award, one of the nation's highest honors for responsible spending practices. For more information, please click here.

San Juan Water District - Town Hall Meeting


You're invited to San Juan Water District's Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday, August 26 at 6 p.m. at the Eureka Union School District Gym - 5455 Eureka Road in Granite Bay. You will learn about our current water supply conditions and hear from representatives from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation on management of Folsom Lake as well as the State Department of Fish and Wildlife to discuss their water supply needs.

ALERT - Proposed Barton Road and Cavitt Stallman High Density Project


Proposed Project:
“GBD Communities proposes to develop the Hawk Homestead project in the Granite Bay Community Plan (GBCP) of unincorporated Placer County [on property formerly known as the Frank Andrews property]. Hawk Homestead features 108 rural estate home sites with extensive open space, trails and amenities consistent with the character and identity of Granite Bay. The 245.2-acre Hawk Homestead (HH) site is located at the northwest corner of Barton Road and Cavitt-Stallman Road in the Granite Bay community.”

The property is currently zoned for just 37 homes with a minimum lot size of 4.6 acres. This project proposal is asking for almost three times as many lots, 108 home sites as follows:

  • 43 units of 0.5-acre lots
  • 1 units of 0.75-acre lots
  • 38 units of 1.0-acre lots
  • 9 units of 1.5-acre lots
  • 7 units of 2.3-acre lots

This project requires an AMENDMENT to our Granite Bay Community Plan in order to obtain this substantial increase in zoning.

The community was extremely vocal about land use development when our Community Plan was updated in 2012. Due to the significant concerns of the community regarding increased development in the Granite Bay area, the Board of Supervisors adopted the updated Community Plan policies WITHOUT any changes to the Land Use Map. The community needs to be informed of this potential amendment to our GBCP and allowed to comment on whether this supports the goals and policies that we want for our community. If this Rural Estates property gets rezoned from 4.6-acre minimum to Low Density Residential and 0.5-acre parcels, where will the rezoning end? Will others with 4.6-acre minimum parcels also want their properties rezoned to 0.5-acre parcels?

Status of Project:
The Scoping Meeting was held on August 12 at Placer County offices in Auburn which allowed the community the very first opportunity to provide input as to what needs to be studied in the Environmental Impact Report required by this project. The statements of neighboring residents of this parcel and their concerns was very impactful and hopefully the County responds to the concerns.

What’s Next?:
The NOP – the Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) has been issued and the public has until August 27 to respond to this NOP. Attached is the Notice of Preparation as well as the complete project description and Initial Study conducted by the County as to issues they feel represent a significant impact brought by this project and areas that will be studied.

Whether you attended the Scoping Meeting or not, you should take the time to prepare a letter in response to the NOP to address your concerns. ALL letters submitted will be responded to by the County. Please address your letters of concern by mail, by fax or by email to:

  • Maywan Krach
  • Environmental Coordination Services
  • Community Development Resource Agency
  • 3091 County Center Drive, Suite 190
  • Auburn, CA 95603
Once the comment period closes on the Notice of Preparation, the environmental review process will begin and the Draft EIR will be available next spring.

What can I do?:

  1. Inform others in the community about this project seeking a Permanent change in our Granite Bay Community Plan to allow 0.5-acre parcels in an area that is currently zoned 4.6-acre minimum. If this project is approval for 0.5-acre lot sizes on this property, it will set a precedent for any other 4.6-acre minimum parcel to be rezoned to 0.5-acres.

  2. Call Christopher Schmidt, Placer County Staff Planner, (530) 745-3076 and ask him to add you to his list of individuals to notify with respect to public meetings, etc. regarding this project. Chris is the staff planner who has been assigned to this project. Chris has been with the planning department for many years and was involved in the Granite Bay Community Plan Update. He is very familiar with our Community Plan and very interested in working with the community to address any concerns we have with respect to this project.

  3. Chris may also be reached at if you have any questions or concerns.

Community Involvement on Placer County Projects in Development: Hawk Homestead (PLN15-00193)


For those who have requested to be included in the noticing of the subject project and/or CEQA projects in Placer County, click here to see the Notice of Preparation for your review.

The public comment period for this project starts on July 29, 2015 and ends on August 27, 2015; your comments can be emailed to or mailed to:

  • 3091 County Center Drive
  • Suite 190
  • Auburn, CA 95603

August MAC Meeting Canceled


The Granite Bay MAC’s monthly meeting scheduled for Wednesday, August 5, 2015 has been canceled. The next MAC meeting is set for Wednesday, September 2, 2015.

National Night Out 2015


This years' National Night Out will be held Tuesday, August 4, 2015, 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM. Neighborhoods throughout Granite Bay are hosting barbeques, potlucks, ice cream socials and other fun events. Check with your Placer County Neighborhood Watch group to see if your neighborhood is participating.

Ban on Unlawful Camping on County Land to Take Effect August 6th


The Board of Supervisors took final action on July 7 to adopt an ordinance that will prohibit camping on most county-owned properties beginning August 6. For more information, please click here.

Community Involvement on Placer County Projects in Development: Granite Bay Memory Care (PLN15-00051)


For those who have requested to be included in the noticing of the subject project and/or CEQA projects in Placer County, click here to see the Mitigated Negative Declaration for your review.

The public comment period for this project starts on July 24, 2015 and ends on August 24, 2015; your comments can be emailed to or mailed to:

  • 3091 County Center Drive
  • Suite 190
  • Auburn, CA 95603

2014 Value of Ag Crops, Products Highest in More Than 20 Years


The 2014 Agricultural Crop Report, reported the total gross value of last year's agricultural corps and products at $86,464,000, up 4.4 percent from 2013. Rice was the highest value crop followed by cattle and timber. For more information, please click here.

Sign up for the 2015 Summer/Fall PCSO Community Awareness Academy


Reservations are now being taken for the Placer County Sheriff Office's Community Awareness Academy. This year, participants will tour the new South Placer Jail in addition to several other "field trips." So, save a spot now as the academy fills up quickly.

Attendees are asked to attend all eight classes, each of which covers a different topic. Classes are held Tuesday and Thursday evenings, beginning Tuesday, Sept. 1 and ending Sept. 24 and will be held from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Community Room at the Placer County Sheriff's Office headquarters in the Auburn Justice Center, 2929 Richardson Drive, Auburn.

The academy will kick off with a welcome by top sheriff's administrators and an overview of how the department works. On subsequent nights, presentations will be made by air operations, Search and Rescue, the bomb squad, the Special Enforcement Team, the marine unit, investigations, hostage negotiators and the drug task force. There will also be a demonstration by members of the K-9 team. In addition, participants will be touring the new jail, will tour the morgue, the 911 dispatch center, and the air operations hangar.

The academy is intended to provide the citizens of Placer County with an overview of the Sheriff Office's functions, policies and procedures, as well as getting them involved in their community. The goal of the academy is to provide a greater awareness and understanding of law enforcement's role in the community. Attendees must be at least 18 years of age, work or reside in Placer County and agree to submit to a minor background check.

The deadline for making a reservation is August 6. To reserve a spot, call Community Services Officer Kim Rivera at (530) 889-6922 or email

Community Involvement on Placer County Projects in Development: CountryHouse Memory Care Facility


For those who have requested to be included in the noticing of the subject project and/or CEQA projects in Placer County, click here to see the Mitigated Negative Declaration for your review.

The public comment period for this project starts on June 29, 2015 and ends on July 28, 2015; your comments can be emailed to or mailed to

  • 3091 County Center Drive
  • Suite 190
  • Auburn, CA 95603

July MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

Barton Ranch:
A proposed project to develop a 10-acre parcel into a 10-unit Planned Residential Development that would include 2.4 acres of open space. The project is located on the west side of Barton Road, north of Macargo Road and adjacent to the intersection between Barton Road and Rockhurst Way.
Presented by: Ron Wood, RFE Engineering, Project Civil Engineer, Melanie Jackson, Associate Planner, Placer County Planning Services Division (15 min.)

Granite Estates Professional Center:
The project proposes a Conditional Use Permit, Tentative Parcel Map and Design Review to construct three medical office buildings and one office building with associated parking (109 stalls), and circulation areas on a 4.45-acre parcel, APN: 048-083-017. The project is located on south side of Douglas Boulevard at Granite Estates Drive, Granite Bay, CA.
Presented by: Roy Schaefer, Associate Planner, Placer County Planning services Division, Ron Wood, RFE Engineering, Project Civil Engineer, Jeff Stowell, Architect (15 min.)

Placer County Burn Day Infomation


Burn day information is usually updated daily at 8 a.m. Current burn day information is also available by telephone at the following numbers:

  • Auburn area: 530-889-6868
  • Outside Auburn: 1-800-998-BURN (2876), toll-free

Placer County also has a chipper program that can help reduce large burn piles to small biodegradable chip piles.

Supervisors Approve Proposed Budget for 2015-16 Fiscal Year


The Board of Supervisors voted unanimously on June 16 to approve an $803 million proposed budget for the fiscal year that begins July 1. The proposed balanced budget is less than one percent higher than the $798 million final budget for this fiscal year. To read more, please click here.

National Association of Counties Honors County Health and Human Services Department With Five Awards


The Placer County Health and Human Services Department will receive five 2015 Achievement Awards at next month’s annual convention of the National Association of Counties. To read more, please click here.

Conservation on Tap as Board Hears Drought Update from Placer County Water Agency (PCWA)


Even though customers from 19 Sacramento-area water agencies have saved more than 20 billion gallons of water since January and the region leads the state in water conservation, it isn't enough. Facing a fourth consecutive year of drought, California is now under strict water conservation requirements that are forcing residential, agricultural and commercial water users to change their water habits. To read more, please click here.

Committees and Commissions


The Board of Supervisors appoints citizens of Placer County to committees and commissions in order to guide and advise local government. These are the committees and commissions we invite you to consider serving on. We have regular vacancies and it is important that these be filled by a broad spectrum of voices.

mPOWER Provides Incentives Installing Water Conservation Measures


On May 5, 2015, the Placer County Board of Supervisors approved a waiver of the processing fee for all mPOWER applications received between May 1 and October 31, 2015 that include the installation of $1,500 or more in water conservation measures. This processing fee waiver will save residential applicants $500 and $1,300 for non-residential applicants. To read more, please click here.

Obeying Leash Laws Keeps Dogs, Wildlife and the Public Safe


Placer County does have a leash law. It is a simple rule that states it is illegal for people to allow their dogs to run free in unincorporated areas of the county. The ordinance requires that if a dog is off its owner's premise, the dog must be on a leash or in an adequate enclosure. To read more, please click here.

June MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

Auburn Folsom Widening Project Update:
The latest update on the Auburn Folsom Widening Project will be provided. What information can you expect to hear? What are the contractors doing now? What work still needs to be done? What is the anticipated completion date? Is there more work to be done in the future? The answer to these questions and more will be provided in the update.
Presented by: Kevin Ordway, Senior Civil Engineer, Department of Public Works and Bob LoRusso, Vice President of Salaber Associates, Inc. (10 min.)

Folsom Lake Estates Neighborhood Traffic Management Program Project:
Members of Folsom Lake Estates community have formed a committee that is utilizing the County’s Neighborhood Traffic Management Program with the goal of implementing traffic calming measures in their neighborhood. The community has voted on a neighborhood ballot with the purpose of showing the community support of installing permanent speed cushions and one stop sign, with a majority of the cost borne by the neighborhood. Results of this ballot will be presented. Public Works is requesting a Recommendation of Support from the Granite Bay MAC.
Presented by: Alice Atherton, Associate Civil Engineer, Department of Public Works (20 min.)

This item will be presented to the Board of Supervisors on July 7, 2015.

May MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

Neff Rentals’ Request for 10-Foot High Electric Fence:
The MAC is being asked to review the Design Review Committee’s decision to deny a request for a 10-foot high electric fence at Neff Rentals, located at 84545 Sierra College Boulevard, Granite Bay (APN: 048-030-073). The Design Review Committee’s decision is being appealed to the Planning Commission. The property is zoned CPD-DC (Commercial Planned Development Zone District, with a combining Design Corridor). The purpose of the CPD zone district is to designate areas appropriate for mixed-use community shopping centers, office pars, and other similar development. The purpose of the Design Corridor (DC) combining district is to provide special regulations to protect and enhance the aesthetic character of lands and buildings within public view.
Presented by: Sherri Conway, Senior Planner, Placer County Planning Services Division (15min.)

The item will be heard by the Planning Commission on Thursday, May 7, 2015.



May’s Mac meeting, scheduled to held on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 7 PM, has been moved to the Big Gym: 5477 Eureka Road.

Placer County Sheriff Office's Annual Ride With Pride 2015 Sign-up


It's time to sign up for the Placer County Sheriff Office's Annual Ride With Pride,a one-day camp that pairs grade-school children with deputies and their horse partners. Reservations are required and the camp fills up quickly each year.

Participants may choose to attend Ride With Pride on one of four days: Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, June 15, 16, 17 or 18 at the Gold Country Fairgrounds in Auburn. Members of the Sheriff's Office, all with horse experience, have developed a complete program featuring sessions in which children have fun while learning about the care, handling and riding of horses. Children ages seven through 12 are invited to participate. This is a free event.

Classes will be held from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. each day and a free lunch is provided. For more information or to register, call Community Services Officer Lynn Harrison at (916)652-2419 or e-mail her at

April MAC Meeting Summary


The Middle Fork Project-Overview:
The Middle Fork Project (MFP) is a multi-purpose water supply and hydro-generation project designed to conserve and control waters of the Middle Fork American River, the Rubicon River, and several associated tributary streams in order to meet municipal, industrial, and agricultural demands within western Placer County, to provide recreational experiences, to contribute to the natural resource preservation and enhancement of the river and to generate power for the California electrical grid. In 2006, the Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) and the County of Placer entered in to a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) in order to obtain a new Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) license to approve Future Electrical Energy Sales, fund the necessary operational costs and to distribute revenues from Future Electrical Energy Sales to both PCWA and Placer County. The presentation will provide an overview of the project, the re-license process and the policies (financial, administrative and operational) and potential revenues involved. Get a more detailed description of the project at
Presented by: Brett Storey, Senior management analyst, Placer County Planning Department

The Grove at Granite Bay Subdivision and Conditional Use Permit Modification:
The project, the Grove at Granite Bay, is located on the west side of Berg Street, south of Olive Ranch Road and north of Douglas Boulevard, in the Granite Bay area. The applicant is seeking a modification to the Conditional Use Permit for The Grove at Granite Bay (PSGC 2004-0294) regarding the setback requirements on several lots.

Six (6) specific lots that are bordered by Berg Street to the south (APNs: 460-260-001, 460-260-008, 460-260-009, 460-270-002, 460-270-009, 460-280-009) , the applicant is requesting to modify the following Conditions of Approval:

  • 82: Notification to future owners of Lots 1, 8, 9, 24, 25, and 32 that solid fencing on any type is prohibited within the “front” setback along Berg Street.
  • 85: Notification to the future owners that no structures, including sold fencing over 3’ in heights may be installed in front setback areas, including any property frontages along roadways.
  • 97: Other than approved entry features, solid walls, solid wood fencing, and any other solid features are prohibited along the Berg Street and Olive Ranch Road frontages. Open fencing (i.e. wrought iron) is allowed, subject to review and approval by the DRC.
The project was approved to include a 30-foot landscaped corridor from the edge of the easement of Berg Street, in addition to a 25-foot landscape easement, and a building setback requirement of 50 feet from the property line. The applicant is requesting the modification to allow property owners the option to construct full or partial solid fencing at the edge of the 25-foot landscape easement to allow for greater privacy in the backyards of these lots that front on Berg Street. The required 50-foot building setback from the project boundary would remain unchanged.

Additionally, the applicant is requesting to modify the following Condition:

  • 12– Show the limits of the future, unmitigated, fully developed, 100-year flood plain (after grading) for the on-site marsh and wetland areas on the Improvement Plans and Informational Sheet(s) filed with the Final Map(s) and designate same as a building setback line unless greater setbacks are required by other conditions contained herein. Show a 30’ rear setback line for Lots 10 and 11 due to the close proximity of the 100-year post-development ponding limit.
The applicant is requesting reductions in the front setback to lot 12 (APN 460-260-012) and to the front and rear setbacks to lots 10 and 11 (APNs 460-260-020 and 460-260-011). The front setback reduction requested for these three lots would be modified from 35’ to 25’ to allow for more flexibility in home plotting, a reasonable useable yard area and to avoid impacting trees. The rear yard setbacks backs requested for lots 10 and 11 are currently 30’. The developer requests a reduction to the rear set back for lots 10 and 11 to the standard 10’or to the flood elevation of 313, whichever is more restrictive.
Presented by: Sherri Conway, Senior Planner, Placer County Planning Services Division (15 min.)

Committees and Commissions


The Board of Supervisors appoints citizens of Placer County to committees and commissions in order to guide and advise local government. These are the committees and commissions that you might consider serving on. We have regular vacancies and it is important that these be filled by a broad spectrum of voices.

District 4 Vacancies


Placer County Assessment Appeals Board is accepting applications. Specific criteria must be met for this position. For more information about the Board click here. For an application, click here.

March MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

Little Sunshine Playhouse & Preschool:
Little Sunshine Playhouse & Preschool is a proposal that is to be located at 5408 Douglas Boulevard, Granite Bay, CA. The project is located on the south side of Douglas Boulevard, south of Monterey Pine Place and southwest of Berg Street. The project has not submitted an application to Placer County Planning Division at this time.
Presented by Stephen Brown, Buttry-Brown Development and Ron Wood, RFE (15 min.)

2015 Water Supply Reliability Barton Road Intertie Project:
This is a joint project between Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) and San Juan Water District (SJWD) to upgrade and install a 12” pipeline in the Barton Rd. roadway to provide improved transport of water. The project contractor is requesting Public Works Department approve a soft closure on Barton Road between Cavitt Stallman Road and Indian Springs Road. The contractor has submitted a Traffic Control Plan. The soft closure will require a total of 18 working days. It will require an additional soft closure at the end of the project to do the final overlay on the road. The contractor is requesting the MACs comments on the soft road closure.
Presented by David Petty, Project Manager C & D Contractors, Inc.

Country House Memory Care Facility:
The Country House Memory Care Facility is proposed to be located on two parcels, totaling 1.7 acres, located at the northeast corner of Barton and Douglas Boulevard. The project proposes an extended care medical facility for patients suffering from Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. The 32,400 square foot building will include 45 rooms with 48 beds, a commercial kitchen and dining area, offices and stations for 24/7 staff.
Presented by Forrest Westin, Agemark (20 min.)

Placer County Winery Ordinance:
In 2013, at the direction of the Board of Supervisors, staff initiated preparation of a revision to the Placer County Winery Ordinance. It was determined that the wine industry was burgeoning and that the Winery Ordinance needed to address the unique land use issues associated with wineries, such as access requirements, wine tasting rooms, and private functions in predominantly rural areas. Staff has conducted five workshops before the Planning Commission which has resulted in the proposed Draft Ordinance before you today as an action item.
Presented by George Rosasco, Supervising Planner, Placer County Planning Services Division (30 min.)


2/10/15 has received several e-mails recently that express concerns about different situations in the area; i.e. traffic problems, project development issues, down trees, etc. If your concerns are similar to the examples listed and are related to Granite Bay, Placer County, please send your email to

District 4 Vacancies


Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) is accepting applications for a MAC member. For more information about the MAC click here. For an application, click here.

Accepting applications for Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) Secretary. Placer County MAC Secretary. For an application, click here.

Placer County Assessment Appeals Board is accepting applications. Specific criteria must be met for this position. For more information about the Board click here. For an application, click here.

February MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

San Juan Water District and Sacramento Suburban District Proposed Merger Discussion:
Information will be provided on San Juan Water District and Sacramento Suburban District’s proposed merger.
Presented by: Shauna Lorance, General Manager, San Juan Water District (10 min.)

Overview of KidsFirsta Nonprofit Organization:
KidsFirst is the Child Abuse Prevention Council of Placer County, operating two Counseling and Family Resource Centers in Roseville and Auburn; celebrating twenty-five years as the Child Abuse Prevention Council in Placer County. Their mission is to “end child abuse and neglect.”
Presented by: Barbara Besana, Interim Executive Director

Sign-up Now for Sheriff’s Community Awareness Academy


Reservations are now being taken for the Placer County Sheriff Office’s Community Awareness Academy. This year, participants will tour the new South Placer Jail in addition to several other “field trips.” Save a spot now as the academy fills up quickly.

Attendees are asked to attend all eight classes, each of which covers a different topic. Classes are held Monday and Wednesday evenings, beginning Monday, March 2 and ending March 25. Participants will hear from members of the department’s special units and, in addition to touring the new jail, will tour the morgue, the 911 dispatch center, and the air operations hangar.

Classes are held in the Community Room at the Placer County Sheriff’s Office headquarters in the Auburn Justice Center, 2929 Richardson Drive, Auburn. Classes are scheduled from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

The academy will kick off with a welcome by top sheriff’s administrators and an overview of how the department works.

On subsequent nights, presentations will be made by air operations, Search and Rescue, the bomb squad, the Special Enforcement Team, the marine unit, investigations, hostage negotiators and the drug task force. There will also be a demonstration by members of the K-9 team.

The academy is intended to provide the citizens of Placer County with an overview of the Sheriff Office’s functions, policies and procedures, as well as getting them involved in their community. The goal of the academy is to provide a greater awareness and understanding of law enforcement’s role in the community. Attendees must be at least 18 years of age, work or reside in Placer County and agree to submit to a minor background check.

A reservation is required. To reserve a spot, call Community Services Officer Kim Rivera at (530) 889-6922 or email

The LEAD Program is a free, voluntary prevention and education program for retail licensees, their employees, and applicants. The curriculum is designed for licensees, managers, and employees. The program is 3-1/2 hours long and participation is limited to 40 persons per class.

The LEAD Program has received national awards and is certified by the California Coordinating Council on Responsible Beverage Service. To reserve a space, contact CSO Lynn Harrison at (916) 652-2419 or email her at

Update on the Pond Pavilion & Lofts Project


Located between Berg Street and Barton Road on Douglas Boulevard in Granite Bay, the project proposes the construction of an event pavilion and 26 working lofts on two separate parcels. It was presented at MAC Wednesday and approved. However, the event center was not well received by many at MAC due to the noise 200-300 attendees could make and the ability to hold 200 events a year.

The public comment period on this project starts on 1/8/15 and ends on 2/6/15; after which, the Planning Commission may hear about this project February 26. In the meantime, you can click here to read the Mitigated Negative Declaration, you can also e-mail your comments here or you can mail them here:

  • Environmental Coordination Services
  • Placer County Community Development Resource Agency
  • 3091 County Center Drive, Suite 190, Auburn, CA 95603
  • Phone: 530-745-3132
  • Fax: 530-745-3080

Eureka Union School District Kindergarten Registration


Registration for Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten will beginFebruary 3rd in the Eureka Union School District.

If you have an incoming Transitional Kindergarten or Kindergarten student for the 2015 – 2016 school year, you may pick up a registration packet at the TK – 3 school of your residential area:

  • Greenhills School
  • 8200 Greenhills Way
  • Granite Bay, CA 95746
  • (916)-791-4230
  • Maidu School
  • 1950 Johnson Ranch Dr.
  • Roseville, CA 95661
  • (916)-789-7910
  • Oakhills School
  • 9233 Twin Schools Road
  • Granite Bay, CA 95746
  • (916)-791-5391

*Registration packets may be picked up beginning Tuesday, February 3rd.*

Included in the registration packet are the times of school tours and the Parent Welcome and Information Night. If you have any questions you may contact any of the schools above. We are looking forward to your child’s first step into school.

New Granite Bay Alert Posted


The GBCA hasn’t published a monthly Alert for the last year due to the stagnant development in our community. However, in the last months a number of projects have been proposed for the Douglas Boulevard corridor and are in various stages of submittal at County. Click here to learn more about them.

News Achieves: 2014

All the news from the year 2014.

January MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

Update on Auburn Folsom Road Widening:
Information will be provided on Phase 3 of the Auburn Folsom Road Widening. Public Works will provide answers to the following questions. What is the current status? What are the next steps? When will construction to be completed?
Presented by: Robert Vrooman, Senior Civil Engineer, Placer County Department of Public Works

Pond Pavilion & Lofts:
This is a 5.2 acre undeveloped (except for a parking lot in the north end of the parcel) property that is located immediately east of the Quarry Ponds Town Center. The project includes two craftsman loft buildings totaling 23,662 square feet (Building A is 12,000 sq. ft. and Building B is 11,662 sq. ft.) and a commercial event center totaling 7,500 square feet (2,717 sq. ft. of indoor administration and catering kitchen space and 4,783 sq. ft. of interior event space). On-site and off-site parking spaces will be provided.
The project will require the following Entitlements: General Plan/Community Plan Amendment, Rezone, Tentative Parcel Map, Conditional Use Permit, and Variances.
Presented by: Roy Schaefer, Associate Planner and Lisa Powers Developer

2014 Website Changes: New Utilities & Classifieds Pages


As 2014 comes to an end, has made a couple changes. First, after receiving many questions from new Granite Bay residents concerning the basic utility providers for this area, the “Utilities” button was created, which has all the names and contact information needed when it comes to water, electricity, phone, etc. Second, in addition, to the “Utilities” page, there is now a “Classifieds” section. This new and free page allows interested Granite Bay businesses to advertise local job listings and also gives residents an opportunity to sell items in the community. Enjoy!

December MAC Meeting Canceled


The Granite Bay MAC’s monthly meeting scheduled for Wednesday, December 3, 2014, has been canceled.

November MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

Overview of the Placer County Older Adult Advisory Committee:
The presentation will let us know what the Visitor Bureau and California Welcome Center - Auburn do. We will learn how they encourage tourism in Placer County.
Presented by Eldon Luce, Chair, Older Adult Advisory Committee (15 min.)

Placer County Winery Ordinance:
The Placer County Planning Commission is considering changes to the current Winery Ordinance in order to address concerns of the public and winery owners alike. Staff will present an overview of the proposed content and process of the Placer County Winery Ordinance.
Presented by, George Rosasco, Supervising Planner, Placer County Planning Services Division (15 min.)

**Not on the MAC Agenda officially, but will most likely be discussed**:
A proposed development of 31,000 square foot Memory Care Center at the corner of Eureka and Barton.

Notice of Night Work


Placer County contractors will be working at the SMD 3 Wastewater Treatment Plant for 5 to 6 nights over the next few weeks. Work will take place from 6:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. For further questions please contact Placer County Environmental Engineering at: 530.889.6846, or click here.

Committees and Commissions


The Board of Supervisors appoints citizens of Placer County to committees and commissions in order to guide and advise local government. These are the committees and commissions Supervisor Kirk Uhler invites you to consider serving on. We have regular vacancies and it is important that these be filled by a broad spectrum of voices.

August MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

Destination Placer; Tourism as a critical economic engine:
The presentation will let us know what the Visitor Bureau and California Welcome Center - Auburn do. We will learn how they encourage tourism in Placer County.
Presented by Mora Rowe, Executive Director, Placer County Visitors Bureau & California Welcome Center - Auburn (20 min.)

Auburn Folsom Safety Project:
Presentation of federal safety grant received to improve pedestrian and vehicle safety along Auburn Folsom Road and Joe Rodgers Road. Improvements include specialized pedestrian crossing signals, pedestrian activated flashers, electronic speed feedback sign, specialized pavement, guardrail replacement, and a short portion of sidewalk (along Joe Rodgers Road).
Presented by, Stephanie Holloway, Associate Civil Engineer, Placer County Transportation Division (15 min.)

What’s new at the Placer County Libraries?:
The presentation provides information on how the County and Granite Bay libraries have changed to meet resident’s needs.
Presented by, Mary George, director of Library Services and Sophie Bruno, Interim Branch Manager of the Granite Bay Library (10 min.)

Sign-up Now for Sheriff’s Community Awareness Academy: Summer/Fall 2014


Reservations are now being taken for the Placer County Sheriff Office’s popular Community Awareness Academy, which offers an inside look at the law enforcement agency.

Attendees are asked to attend all eight classes, each of which covers a different topic. Classes are held Monday and Wednesday evenings, beginning Weds., Sept. 3 and ending Monday, Sept. 29. Participants will hear from members of the department’s special units and take “field trips” to the Placer County Jail and morgue, 911 dispatch center, as well as the air operations hangar.

Classes are in the Community Room at the Placer County Sheriff headquarters in the Auburn Justice Center. The center is located at 2929 Richardson Drive in north Auburn’s Dewitt Center. Classes are scheduled from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

The academy will kick off with a welcome by top sheriff’s administrators and an overview of how the department works.

On subsequent nights, presentations will be made by air operations, Search and Rescue, the bomb squad, the Special Enforcement Team, the marine unit, investigations, hostage negotiators and the drug task force. There will also be a demonstration by members of the K-9 team.

The academy is intended to provide the citizens of Placer County with an overview of the Sheriff Office’s functions, policies and procedures, as well as getting them involved in their community. The goal of the academy is to provide a greater awareness and understanding of law enforcement’s role in the community. Attendees must be at least 18 years of age, work or reside in Placer County and agree to submit to a minor background check.

A reservation is required. To reserve a spot, call Community Services Officer Amanda Rogers at (530) 889-6922 or email

The Placer County Sheriff's Office Offering Free Educational Training to Businesses with Licenses to Sell Alcohol


As part of a grant from the State of California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control for 2014-2015, the Sheriff's Office is offering LEAD (Licensee Education on Alcohol and Drugs) training on Thursday, October 2 at the Tahoe City Public Utility District Office, 221 Fairway Drive, Tahoe City. The class will be held from 2-5:30 p.m.

The LEAD Program is a free, voluntary prevention and education program for retail licensees, their employees, and applicants. The curriculum is designed for licensees, managers, and employees. The program is 3-1/2 hours long and participation is limited to 40 persons per class.

The LEAD Program has received national awards and is certified by the California Coordinating Council on Responsible Beverage Service. To reserve a space, contact CSO Lynn Harrison at (916) 652-2419 or email her at

Where Fireworks Are Allowed In Placer County?


Fireworks of all sizes and types are illegal in unincorporated areas of the county. This includes Granite Bay.

The only exception to the fireworks ban is when an agency or person requests and receives a permit from the county to host a fireworks display executed by a professional pyrotechnics company. Requests must be submitted at least 30-days before proposed display dates. For more information, click here.

National Night Out 2014


This years' National Night Out will be held August 5, 2014, 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM. Check with your Placer County Neighborhood Watch group to see if your neighborhood is participating. Click here for information and an application to participate in National Night Out 2014.

July MAC Meeting Canceled


The Granite Bay MAC’s monthly meeting scheduled for Wednesday, July 2, 2014, has been canceled. The MAC will meet again at the next regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, August 6, 2014.

Board of Supervisors Adopts Proposed Budget for the 2014-15 Fiscal Year


The Placer County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously, Tuesday, June 3 to approve a $792.5 million proposed budget for the 2014-15 fiscal year.

To learn more, click here.

VACANCY: Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) Secretary


MAC secretaries are hired on contract by the Board of Supervisors' office and are compensated for secretarial services they perform. Compensation is $200 for regular and special meeting and $75 for canceled meetings.

Please contact Placer County Board of Supervisors for a "Contracted MAC Secretary Application" at 1.530.889.4010 or 916.787.8960.

June MAC Meeting Canceled


The Granite Bay MAC’s monthly meeting scheduled for Wednesday, June 4, 2014, has been canceled. The MAC will meet again at the next regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, July 2, 2014.

Placer County Sheriff Office's Annual Ride With Pride


It's time to sign up for the Placer County Sheriff Office's annual Ride With Pride, a one-day camp that pairs grade-school children with deputies and their horse partners.

Participants may choose to attend Ride With Pride on one of four days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, June 9, 10, 11 or 12 at the Gold Country Fairgrounds in Auburn. Members of the Sheriff's Office, all with horse experience, have developed a complete program featuring sessions in which children have fun while learning about the care, handling and riding of horses. Children ages seven through 12 are invited to participate. This is a free event.

Classes will be held from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. each day and a free lunch is provided.

For more information or to register, call Community Services Officer Lynn Harrison at (916) 652-2419 or email her at

May MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

Preliminary Review of Los Lagos – Lot D Project:
An overview of the project will be provided. The project site is planned for fifteen single family detached residential home development in Granite Bay currently referred to as Los Lagos – Lot D. Lot sizes ranging from 1.1 to 2.4 acres on 35 acres located on Boulder Road, south of Los Lagos Subdivision and east of Walden Woods Subdivision. The property is comprised of two parcels (APNs 035-410-011 and 035-300-095). The development is situated on the eastern side of Boulder Road and surrounds the existing Los Lagos Equestrian Center. Open space lots will be created to provide buffers and to preserve trees, natural terrain and the existing equestrian and pedestrian trails.
Presented by Vujadin Jovik, LOA Properties, Inc. (15 min.)

I-80/SR 65 Interchange Improvement Project:
An overview of alternatives studied for improvements to I-80/SR 65 Interchange Improvement Project will be presented and discussed.
Presented by, Luke Neel - Caird, P.E., Senior Planner/Engineer, Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA) (30 min.)

Sewer Maintenance District (SMD) 3 Regional Sewer Project – Construction Update:
To comply with the Sewer Maintenance District (SMD) 3 permits issued by the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, the County is decommissioning the SMD 3 Wastewater Treatment Plant and installing a pipeline along Auburn Folsom Road to convey wastewater to the City of Roseville for treatment. Construction began April 29, 2013, and will be finished by December 31, 2014.
Presented by, Walt Schwall, P.E., Senior Civil Engineer (10 min.)

Water Worries


At its regular Board meeting on February 12, at 7:00 in the district office on Auburn Folsom Road, SJWD will consider available options for the crisis, and based on their grim discussions at the January 22 meeting there are no good ones.

Of great concern at this time is the WATER EMERGENCY. Granite Bay depends entirely on Folsom Lake for its water supply and even though our water rights are the oldest in the state (150 years) and we are supposed to receive 33,000 acre feet a year, Granite Bay is projected to have severe water problems by mid-July unless there is significant rainfall.

Also, the proposed Bay Delta Conservation Plan being pushed by Gov. Brown threatens the water supply for over 500,000 residents in this area. The plans to construct two huge tunnels would drain Folsom Lake to dead pool status every 8-10 years (something like it is now). What happens if this area experiences a drought and the lake has been drained by the tunnels? The BDCP does nothing to provide new water; it just moves water from this area.

April MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

Grizzly Way/Granite Bay High School–“Proposed additional safety improvements":
The discussion will include proposed safety improvements on Grizzly Way in Granite Bay which will improve safety for Granite Bay High School.
Presented by, Ken Grehm, Director of Public Works (15 min.)

Maintenance of Douglas Boulevard Landscaping and the Parks Division’s Drought Emergency Action Practices:
The County Parks Division maintains landscaping in the median of Douglas Boulevard, from Auburn-Folsom Road to Cavitt Stallman Road, and adjacent to several subdivisions on the north side of Douglas Boulevard. In addition to these areas, the Parks Division maintains the new Douglas Pathways landscaping that was recently installed in the same vicinity. Grounds maintenance services at these sites includes caring for turf areas, picking up litter, pruning, and spraying weeds. On November 20, 2012, the Board of Supervisors approved a Maintenance Services Agreement with an outside contractor to perform these maintenance tasks. Mr. Ramirez will review how maintenance is being performed.
Presented by, John Ramirez, Placer County Parks Administrator (15 min.)

March MAC Meeting Canceled


The Granite Bay MAC’s monthly meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 5, 2014, has been canceled. The MAC will meet again at the next regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, April 2, 2014.

San Juan Water District Moves Board Next Meeting


As a result of the big turnout for the San Juan Water District Board meeting on this Wednesday, February 12, 2014, it was decided to once again hold their next regular board meeting, (7 PM on Wednesday, February 26, 2014, at the Eureka School gym. After taking input at the meeting on February 12th, the Board will probably be making decisions at the meeting on February 26th. You can check their website, here, for the agenda which will probably be posted soon.

New Granite Bay Alert Posted


The long wait is over! A brand new Granite Bay Alert has been sent out, and is now posted on our site. Click here to read it.

SPFD & the New Healthcare Law


At a recent fire board meeting, an information item was presented to the Board of Directors that the new healthcare law may affect ambulance transportation revenues in the future with fewer transports to the hospital and more reliance on the engine paramedics to recommend other modes of patient treatment instead of the hospital emergency room. Sac Metro and Folsom Fire Departments have already begun charging for paramedic engine companies on medical responses as medical response fees are billed separately from the ambulance transport fees. The new law seeks to reduce frequent transports to the ER by incorporating a community paramedic into emergency medical services to evaluate and take vitals for high risk patients who would otherwise have been transported by ambulance.

February MAC Meeting Summary


**PLEASE NOTE**:The location of this month's meeting has been changed to Eureka School GYM (in back of Eureka School), 5477 Eureka Road, Granite Bay, CA.

Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

U.S. Postal Inspector Report:
The discussion will include mail theft, preventions methods and what to do if you become a victim of mail theft. The Granite Bay area has experienced cluster mail box break-ins and the information will help residents address this issue.
Presented by, Patrick Mahoney, US Postal Inspector and John L. Tong, Postmaster EAS 22, Roseville Post Office (15 min.)

Important information on the drought and its implications for Granite Bay and Placer County:
Discussion on the drought and the implications for Granite Bay and Placer County. Supervisor Uhler said, “It is critical for all of us to stay informed and do everything we can to help conserve water.”
Presented by, Einar Maisch, Director of Strategic Affairs for the Placer County Water Agency and Shauna Lorance, General Manager of the San Juan Water District (30 min.)

Eureka Union School District Kindergarten Registration: 2014-2015


Registration for Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten begins February 4th in the Eureka Union School District. If you have an incoming Transitional Kindergarten or Kindergarten student for the 2014 - 2015 school year, you may pick up a registration packet at any of the TK - 3 schools:

  • Greenhills School
  • 8200 Greenhills Way
  • Granite Bay, CA 95746
  • (916)-791-4230
  • Maidu School
  • 1950 Johnson Ranch Dr.
  • Roseville, CA 95661
  • (916)-789-7910
  • Oakhills School
  • 9233 Twin Schools Road
  • Granite Bay, CA 95746
  • (916)-791-5391

We will begin accepting completed packets on Tuesday, February 4th. Included in the registration packet are the times of school tours and the Parent Welcome and Information Night. We are looking forward to your child's first step into school. Welcome!

For more information on Kindergarten Registration, please click here.

Sign-up Now for Sheriff’s Community Awareness Academy: 2014


Reservations are now being taken for the Placer County Sheriff Office’s popular Community Awareness Academy, which offers an inside look at the law enforcement agency.

Attendees are asked to attend all eight classes, each of which covers a different topic. Classes are held Monday and Wednesday evenings, beginning March 3 and ending March 26. Participants will hear from members of the department’s special units and take “field trips” to the Placer County Jail and morgue, 911 dispatch center, as well as the air operations hangar.

Classes are in the Community Room at the Placer County Sheriff headquarters in the Auburn Justice Center. The center is located at 2929 Richardson Drive in north Auburn’s Dewitt Center. Classes are scheduled from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

The academy will kick off with a welcome by top sheriff’s administrators and an overview of how the department works.

On subsequent nights, presentations will be made by air operations, Search and Rescue, the bomb squad, the Special Enforcement Team, the marine unit, investigations, hostage negotiators and the drug task force. There will also be a demonstration by members of the K-9 team.

The academy is intended to provide the citizens of Placer County with an overview of the Sheriff Office’s functions, policies and procedures, as well as getting them involved in their community. The goal of the academy is to provide a greater awareness and understanding of law enforcement’s role in the community. Attendees must be at least 18 years of age, work or reside in Placer County and agree to submit to a minor background check.

A reservation is required. To reserve a spot, call Community Services Officer Kim Rivera at (530) 889-6922 or email

PCSO Battles Under-Age Drinking with ABC Grant


The Placer County Sheriff's Office is continuing to battle under-age drinking and alcohol sales to minors with a grant from the State of California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control.

Agencies participating with the Sheriff's Office in the grant for 2013-2014 are Auburn, Lincoln and Rocklin police departments.

Since the grant started in the middle of July, 17 operations - including shoulder taps, decoys and general enforcement operations - have been conducted. A total of 279 individuals were contacted during these operations. Deputies have visited 25 licensed establishments, cited 47 individuals, and made 14 arrests for DUI, possession of a controlled substance, possession for sale, felony and misdemeanor warrants as well as other crimes.

Grant funds, totaling about $100,000, are also being used to assist the Sheriff's Office in providing awareness and training in alcohol-related crimes and their impact for school staff, parents, students and the community.

In 2014, the Sheriff's Office continues to aggressively target problematic ABC licensed establishments that sell alcoholic beverages to minors and obviously intoxicated adult patrons. Minor-decoy and shoulder-tap operations will also continue countywide to minimize alcohol access to minors.

Deputies and police officers are identifying problematic areas and businesses where alcohol use is causing problems. They will inspect operations at those locations and at randomly selected establishments to ensure licensees are operating within the standards required by ABC.

Two training sessions will also be held for businesses that possess alcohol licenses. These sessions will provide a review of the rules and regulations governing the service of alcohol.

Friends of the Granite Bay Library 2nd Annual Crab Feed


On Saturday, February 8, 2014, come enjoy the Friends of the Granite Bay Library 2nd Annual Crab Feed. The all-you-can-eat dinner, with fresh crab, shrimp, pasta, salad and dessert, will be held at the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection 6365 Douglas Blvd., Granite Bay; doors open at 5:30 PM. A Silent Auction will be held as part of the night’s festivities; for which we would appreciate your donations of products, services and gift cards. (Email to arrange your tax deductible donation.) Games and fun will also be part of the evening. $45 per guest; to guarantee a reserved table, purchase 8 or more tickets. The proceeds of this event will benefit the Library’s Permanent Book Collection. Buy tickets online at or email:

News Achieves: 2013

All the news from the year 2013.

January MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

The Affordable Care Act:
The Federal Government’s Affordable Care Act is a complicated change in American medical insurance coverage. To help Placer County residents navigate through this process, a brief overview will be presented explaining eligibility, coverage and enrollment provisions. This is not meant to be a fully comprehensive presentation but a way to find out more about where to go and the role that Placer County is playing to help the community.
Presented by, Cheryl S. Davis, M.S., Director, Human Services (20 min.)

Proposed Event Center Ordinance:
The Board of Supervisors has requested that the Planning Department develop a new ordinance, for their approval, on Community Centers and Event Centers in Placer County. There were four workshops at the Planning Commission that resulted in a Draft Event Center Ordinance. This will be the second presentation to the MAC to answer further questions. Staff is requesting a recommendation on the ordinance that will be forwarded to the Planning Commission for further consideration.
Presented by George Rosasco, Placer County Planning Services Division (20 min.)

Placer County Sheriff’s Office Arrest Two Granite Bay Burglary Suspects


Detectives with the Placer County Sheriff's Office have located and arrested two men in connection with several residential burglaries in Granite Bay, Lincoln and possibly other cities in Placer County.

On December 11, at 7:30 a.m., deputies responded to a residential burglary in Granite Bay. The deputies gathered evidence at the scene that later led detectives to a neighborhood in Sacramento where they arrested Levi Brandon Ochotorena, 33.

Further evidence discovered in Sacramento led detectives to Fair Oaks where tonight they arrested Douglas Wayne Boyer, 23.

Both men are currently being held at the Placer County Jail and face charges of burglary and possession of stolen property. Both of the arrests took place without incident. Property recovered at the locations of arrest has been released back to the victims.

November MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

Handout Revised Municipal Advisory Councils of Placer County Handbook:
Overview of MAC meeting procedures.
Presented by, Linda Brown, District Director, Placer County Supervisor Kirk Uhler, District 4 (5 min.)

Island at Granite Bay:
Island at Granite Bay consists of 13.6 +/- acres, located west of Sierra College Boulevard, south of Annabelle Avenue, north of Haskell Way and east of the City of Roseville. The adjacent parcels located in Placer County are zoned RS-AG-B-40. The local developer wishes to develop a medium density, single-family detached residential project with parks, playing fields, trails and green space as a major community component. The developer is requesting that the MAC provide thoughts on general concepts and general design elements the developer sees for the property.
Presented by John Tattersall, Maverick Partners West (15 min.)

Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA)-Unmet Transit Needs:
The PCTPA serves as the Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) for Placer County. One of the agency’s responsibilities is the administration of the Transportation Development Act (TDA). TDA funds are funded through ¼ percent of the statewide sales tax. PCTPA is reaching out to the Granite Bay MAC, transit providers and the public to gather input regarding existing public transit services. What services would be needed and would likely be used if feasible to provide additional transit services. The PCTPA makes a determination as to what needs are reasonable to meet according to adopted criteria.
Presented by David Melko, Senior Transportation Planner, PCTPA (10 min.)

What is the water future of our region, specifically San Juan Water District Wholesale customers?:
They will discuss the impacts of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan on our water supply. The discussion will include how dangerously low lake levels get at least once every decade; the importance of San Juan’s water rights to our water future; why the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation must honor them; and what San Juan Wholesale customers can do to help advocate for their water.
Presented by Shauna Lorance, General Manager, San Juan Water District and Pam Tobin, San Juan Water District Board Member (10 min.)

Burglar Arrested After Trying To Enter a Granite Bay Home


An El Dorado Hills man was arrested yesterday afternoon after he tried to break into a Granite Bay home that was occupied by a 14-year-old girl.

Placer County Sheriff's deputies found Mitchell Paul Leahy, 34, hiding in the home's backyard after the girl called her mother and told her a man was trying to enter their residence on Barton Road.

Deputies rushed to the home after the girl's mother called 911 at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday to report that her daughter was at home alone and a man had knocked on the front door. The girl did not answer the door, and a short time later she saw him attempting to force open a rear sliding door. The approaching sirens apparently scared Leahy, who ran and hid in the backyard. A crow bar, which he had used as a pry tool on the door, was also found in the yard.

Leahy originally gave deputies his brother's name, but eventually revealed his true identity. He was recently released on bail for burglary in Sacramento County. Inside his nearby truck, deputies found a loaded firearm, narcotics, stolen property, a fraudulent passport, and identity information belonging to others. He was booked at the Placer County Jail in Auburn on charges of burglary, receiving stolen property, identity theft, committing a crime while on bail, possessing a firearm in the commission of a felony and giving false ID to deputies.

Leahy's bail was enhanced to $175,000 and he remains in custody.

KCRA 3's Kids Can Food Drive 2013


The KCRA 3 Kids Can Food Drive has been helping to feed hungry families in our community for more than 20 years.

You can help by donating canned and non-perishable food items at any participating school, food bank or other approved docation locations. In our local area participating locations include:

  • Granite Bay High School
  • Greenhills Elementary
  • Maidu Elementary
  • Oakhills Elementary School
  • Ridgeview School
  • Olympus Jr. High School

Collecting donations begins on Monday, October 14, 2013 through Friday, November 15, 2013. For more information, please click here.

October MAC Meeting Canceled


The Granite Bay MAC’s monthly meeting scheduled for Wednesday, October 2, 2013, has been canceled. The MAC will meet again at the next regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, November 6, 2013.

Placer County Sheriff's Department 4th Annual “Day With a Deputy”


On Saturday, September 21, 2013, the public is invited to the fourth annual “Day With a Deputy” event at Bayside Church in Granite Bay, from 10 AM until 2 PM.

This free, family event is a great place to see all that the Placer County Sheriff’s Office has to enhance public safety – from the helicopter to the bomb squad. These Special Enforcement Teams, honor guard, bomb squad, K-9 units, helicopter and crew, search and rescue teams, dive team and boat, 911 dispatchers, and others will be on hand, with most teams doing a demonstration during the day.

“Day With a Deputy” is put on each year by the Placer County Sheriff’s Council, which is comprised of local business leaders, who raise funds for unbudgeted equipment. The Sheriff’s Council has purchased PCSO’s Tasers, honor guard uniforms, Pepperball gun systems, ballistic shields and more. There will also be a bounce house, fingerprinting for kids, face painting, firemen’s muster, and food available for purchase. For more information, go to

September MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

Sewer Maintenance District 3 Regional Sewer Project – Start of Construction:
To comply with the Sewer Maintenance District (SMD) 3 permits issued by the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, the County is decommissioning the SMD 3 wastewater treatment plant and installing a pipeline along Auburn Folsom Road to convey wastewater to City of Roseville for treatment. Construction will begin April 29, 2013 and finish by December 31, 2014.
Presented by Kevin Bell, P.E., Environmental Engineering Program Manager; Walt Schwall, P.E., Senior Civil Engineer (10 min.)

Removal of Stop Sign on Eureka Road at Eureka School/District Offices:
The County has received a request to remove this stop sign due to the closure of the school.
Presented by Andrew Gaber, Senior Civil Engineer, Department of Public Works Transportation Planning (10 min.)

Follow the Placer County Sheriff's Department on Facebook


To access press releases and postings from the Sheriff's department that include crimes and arrests in Placer County choose one or both of the following sites: Placer County or Facebook.

Social Media & Burglars


With Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites available to us, click here to see how burglars now find potential victims; and learn some tips on how you and your home can avoid becoming a target.

OAAC Has Seat Vacancy


The Older Adult Advisory Commission currently has a vacant seat in District 4. To apply for that seat, please click here.

Sheriff’s Office Offering Business Security Class


The Placer County Sheriff’s Office is offering a free class to help business owners protect their businesses and themselves.

The class will be held Monday, August 19, 2013 from 8:30 AM until 12:30 PM, at the Placer County Sheriff’s Office in Auburn. Topics to be discussed include: identity theft and counterfeiting; dealing with transients; high-tech crimes; business security; crime reporting and arrests; internal theft; and trespassing and parking concerns.

You must RSVP by August 15, 2013 to attend. Call CSOs Amanda Rogers or Kim Rivera at (530) 889 - 6922, or email or to reserve a spot or for more information.

Grant Targets Underage Drinking and Alcohol Sales


The Placer County Sheriff's Office recently received a grant from the State of California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control for 2013-2014. Agencies who will participate along with the Sheriff’s Office in the grant are Auburn, Lincoln and Rocklin police departments.

The grant, totaling about $100,000, will be used to combat underage drinking and alcohol sales to minors countywide. The grant will also assist the Sheriff's Office in providing awareness and training in alcohol-related crimes and their impact for school staff, parents, students and the community.

To learn more, please click here.

August MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

Maher Subdivision:
Proposal to subdivide a 7.3 acre parcel into seven lots, each approximately 40,000 square feet in area. The project includes a variance request for reduced front setbacks. The project is located on the east side of Sierra College Boulevard, just north of the Placer/Sacramento County line (9755 Sierra College Boulevard).
Presented by John L. (Jack) Reynen, Managing Member, Artisan California, LLC (15 min.)

Property Tax Update:
The Placer County Assessor’s Office will provide an update on the property tax assessment roll, and how property assessments are affected by how the real estate market recovers.
Presented by Rob Newburn, Chief Appraiser Assessor’s Office (30 min.)

Statewide Septic System Regulations and Placer County Description:
Assembly Bill 885 required the State to come up with standardized septic regulations for all counties to adhere to. This policy sets standards for new or replacement septic systems or systems that are subject to a major repair. Placer County Environmental Health personnel will be present to give a presentation on how we are proposing to comply with this new policy.
Presented by Kurtis Zumwalt, Environmental Health Program Manager and Mohan Ganapathy, Environmental Health Specialist (20 min.)

Home Occupation (Microtechnics, Inc.) at 7970 Twin Rocks Road:
Request for a Minor Use Permit to allow for the “sales and repair of firearms” as a Home Occupation per Section 17.56.120 of the Placer County Planning and Zoning Ordinance. The property is located on the south side of Twin Rocks Road, just east of the intersection of Twin Rocks Road and Auburn Folsom Road (APN: 035-151-025).
Presented by Roy Schaefer, Associate Planner, Planning Services Division (20 min.)

Placer County Planning Commission Public Hearing: Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map Modification (PSM 20130186) Rancho Del Oro Estates


On Thursday, July 25, 2013, the Placer County Planning Commission will be holding a public hearing. Set to start at 10:05 AM in the Planning Commission Hearing Room (3091 County Center Drive, Auburn, CA 95603), the public hearing will discuss a Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map of Rancho Del Oro Estates to reduce the private road easement width from 40 feet to 28 feet and to allow for additional lot grading beyond what was originally approved.

The area being discussed at this public hearing is located on the north side of Olive Ranch Road, approximately 0.25 mile east of Cavitt Stallman Road in Granite Bay.

By 5:00 PM on Thursday, July 18, 2013, the Thursday prior to the scheduled hearing, staff reports will be posted on the website of the Planning Services Division.

July MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

Update on Ronald L. Feist Park and Landscape Maintenance on Douglas Boulevard:
Information will be presented on the new parking requirements at Ronald L. Feist Park. The landscape maintenance on Douglas Boulevard will be discussed.
Presented by John Ramirez, Placer County Parks Administrator (15 min.)

The Ponds:
Proposal to develop a 5.2 acre parcel with a 7,500 square-foot event center and twenty-six (26) working lofts. The project site is located on the south side of Douglas Boulevard, between Berg Street and Barton Road (5630 Douglas Boulevard).
Presented by Lisa Powers, Powers Equity, Inc. (20 min.)

Mosquito School For Teachers


On Tuesday, June 18, 2013 Placer County Teachers Grades K-6 are invited from 9 AM - 12 PM to a fun-filled and information-packed workshop designed to provide mosquito and vector information for educators and resources to take back to the classroom! For more information, please click here.

** Please note: Must RSVP by Thursday, June 13, 2013. Call 916) 380-5444 or click here.

Public Hearing Notice


A public hearing will be held on Tuesday, June 4, 2013 beginning at 9 AM; among other items, at 10:30 AM a Single-Room Occupancy Residential Housing - Housing Element Implementation, Zoning Text Amendment (PZTA 20110258) will be discussed. The meeting will be held at the Board of Supervisors' Chambers, 175 Fulweiler Ave., Auburn, CA 95603. To learn more click here.

June MAC Meeting Canceled


The Granite Bay MAC’s monthly meeting scheduled for Wednesday, June 5, 2013, has been canceled. The MAC will meet again at the next regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, July 3, 2013.

Ride With Pride


It's time to sign up for the Placer County Sheriff Office's annual Ride With Pride, a one-day camp that pairs grade-school children with deputies and their horse partners.

Participants may choose to attend Ride With Pride on one of four days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, June 10, 11, 12 or 13 at the Gold Country Fairgrounds in Auburn. Members of the Sheriff s Office, all with horse experience, have developed a complete program featuring sessions in which children have fun while learning about the care, handling and riding of horses. Children ages seven through 12 are invited to participate. This is a free event.

Classes will be held from 9 AM - 2:30 PM each day and a free lunch is provided.

For more information or to register, call Community Services Officer Lynn Harrison at (916) 652-2419 or email her at

May MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

Douglas Boulevard and Berg Street Development:
Presenting and requesting general direction on the proposed development of a medical-office complex on the Northwest corner of Berg Street and Douglas Boulevard. The APN #: 048-081-056-000 and 048-081-057-000. The development would provide a barrier between Douglas Boulevard and the residential area located behind the properties.
Presented by Jeff Jennings, IAI, President, CEO, Jplus Architects, Inc. (15 min.)

Dry Creek Red Sesbania Management and Maintenance Program:
Provide an overview of the Dry Creek Red Sesbania invasive weed control program proposed for 2013. Discuss the distribution in the Dry Creek watershed system, identification, monitoring, treatment and disposal of the invasive weed Red Sesbania.
Presented by Matt Dunnahoe, Natural Resource Planner, Placer County Resource Conservation District (15 min.)

Sewer Maintenance District 3 Regional Sewer Project – Start of Construction:
Discuss project improvements to Sewer Maintenance District 3 (SMD3) Regional Sewer Project that include constructing a pump station located at the SMD 3 Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) at 4928 Auburn Folsom Road in Loomis, installing approximately 13,100 linear feet of 10-inch pipeline from the WWTP to the SMD 2 sewer system located on Twin Rocks Road in Granite Bay, and decommissioning the SMD 3 WWTP. Completion of the Project will allow the County to convey wastewater from SMD 3 to the City of Roseville’s Dry Creek WWTP for treatment. The regulatory permits require construction to begin by April 30, 2013 and finish by December 31, 2014.
Presented by Heather Knutson, P.E., Associate Civil Engineer, Facility Services, Environmental Engineering (10 min)

Sheriff’s Office's Business Security Class


The Placer County Sheriff’s Office is offering a free class to help business owners protect their businesses and themselves.

The class will be held Thursday, April 25, from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m., at the Loomis Depot conference room, 5775 Horseshoe Bar Road, Loomis. Topics to be discussed include: identity theft and counterfeiting; dealing with transients; high-tech crimes; business security; crime reporting and arrests; internal theft; and trespassing and parking concerns.

You must RSVP by April 22, to attend. Call CSO Lynn Harrison at (916) 652-2419, or email to reserve a spot or for more information.

April MAC Meeting Canceled


The Granite Bay MAC’s monthly meeting scheduled for Wednesday, April 3, 2013, has been canceled. The MAC will meet again at the next regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, May 1, 2013.

March MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

Stream Channel Maintenance Program:
Present an overview on the County program to maintain flows in stream channels (typically near road crossings) by trimming vegetation in local creeks.
Presented by Brian Keating, District Manager, Placer County Flood Control District (10 min.)

Residential Care Homes:
County staff to provide an overview of the County’s regulations as they relate to Residential Care Homes.
Presented by E. J. Ivaldi, Supervising Planner, Planning Services Division (15 min.)

Veteran Benefits Overview:
Provide a basic overview of Veteran Administration (VA) Benefits, Pension and Compensation. Present information on how to get a certified copy of VA Discharge Documents.
Presented by Jonn Melrose, Placer County Veterans Services Officer, Veteran’s Service Office (20 min.)

February MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

Placer County Housing Element Update:
Placer County is currently updating its 2009 Housing Element that will cover an eight year planning period: January 1, 2013 to October 31, 2021. The relatively minor update will ensure compliance with State Housing Element Law that requires local governments to adequately plan to meet the existing and projected housing needs of all economic segments of the community.
Presented by Jennifer Byous, Senior Planner, Planning Services

The Ponds:
Proposal to develop a 5.2 acre parcel with a 28,808 square-foot office building and a 7,386 square-foot event center. The two-story office building would include professional and administrative offices (i.e. medical services), personal services, and limited retail uses (i.e. Restaurants). The event center would include 2,730 square feet (two-story) dedicated to an indoor event area, catering/kitchen facility, administrative offices, guest rooms and restroom facilities. The remaining 4.656 square feet would be dedicated to an outdoor event area that would accommodate up to 325 people for various events (i.e. meetings, parties, weddings, receptions, dances, etc.). The project site is located on the south side of Douglas Boulevard, between Berg Street and Barton Road (5630 Douglas Boulevard).
Presented by Lisa Powers, Powers Equity, Inc.

Auburn-Folsom Road Bikeway Project:
Discussion of Placer County Department of Public Works plans to install Class II bike lanes on Auburn-Folsom Road from Douglas Boulevard to Joe Rodgers Road. Also proposed are sidewalks on each side of the road, roughly following the existing dirt pathways. A small amount of right-of-way, some permanent and some temporary, will be needed to construct the project.
Presented by Sherri Berexa, P.E., Department of Public Works

IMPORTANT NEWS: More Site Changes in 2013… Has a New E-mail Address


In addition to the changes made to in January, there is now one more to add to the list, a new e-mail address. Now, you can contact us at

As previously reported on January 12, 2013: A few new links have been added to the site and we wanted to make all visitors aware of them.

First, located both on the Placer County Directory page and under the Placer County tab of the site’s menu is a link to a crime mapping website. This link allows you to see what types of crime are happening locally as well as nationally.

Secondly, the Library section of our site has been updated as well. Now visitors can find a link to Placer County’s Library page; as well as, the brand new website for the Friends of the Granite Bay Library.

Eureka Union School District Kindergarten Registration


If your child will turn 5 on or before October 1, he or she is eligible for Kindergarten; if your child will turn 5 years old between October 2 and December 2, he/she is eligible for a Transitional Kindergarten class. Beginning February 4, 2013, you may pick up a Kindergarten Registration packet for the 2013-2014 school year from your local school administration office listed at the addresses below:

  • Greenhills School
  • 8200 Greenhills Way
  • Granite Bay, CA 95746
  • (916)-791-4230
  • Maidu School
  • 1950 Johnson Ranch Dr.
  • Roseville, CA 95661
  • (916)-789-7910
  • Oakhills School
  • 9233 Twin Schools Road
  • Granite Bay, CA 95746
  • (916)-791-5391

Included in the registration packet are the times of school tours and the Parent Welcome and Information Night.

For more information on Kindergarten Registration, please click here.

2013 Website Updates

1/12/13 has undergone some changes in the New Year. A few new links have been added to the site and we wanted to make all visitors aware of them.

First, located both on the Placer County Directory page and under the Placer County tab of the site’s menu is a link to a crime mapping website. This link allows you to see what types of crime are happening locally as well as nationally.

Secondly, the Library section of our site has been updated as well. Now visitors can find a link to Placer County’s Library page; as well as, the brand new website for the Friends of the Granite Bay Library.

News Achieves: 2012

All the news from the year 2012.

January MAC Meeting Canceled


The Granite Bay MAC’s monthly meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 2, 2013, has been canceled. The MAC will meet again at the next regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, February 6, 2013.

UPDATE: Granite Bay MAC Applications Are Being Accepted


** UPDATE: Applications are being accepted until January 4, 2013.

If you are interested in participating as a council member of the Granite Bay MAC, applications are now being accepted for Council Members. For information on the Granite Bay MAC please click here.

To print out an applications please click here.

Applications must be filed with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, 175 Fulweiler Ave., Room 101, Auburn, CA 95603.

Congratulations, Sandy!


Congratulations, Sandra Harris as the 2012 Coin Recipient for District 4. Supervisor Kirk Uhler presented the coin to Sandra Harris on Tuesday, November 20, 2012.

Please click here for details and pictures of Placer County Coin Recipients.

**Reminder**: The Granite Bay Community Blog is Up & Running

11/28/12’s blog is now up and running. This page is meant provide the residents of Granite Bay a place to comment on community issues. If you would like to comment on any Granite Bay community issue, you may click here.

December MAC Meeting Canceled


The Granite Bay MAC’s monthly meeting scheduled for Wednesday, December 5, 2012, has been canceled. The MAC will meet again at the next regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, January 2, 2013.

Granite Bay MAC Applications Are Being Accepted


If you are interested in participating as a council member of the Granite Bay MAC, applications are now being accepted for Council Members. For information on the Granite Bay MAC please click here.

To print out an applications please click here.

Applications must be filed with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, 175 Fulweiler Ave., Room 101, Auburn, CA 95603.

2012 Kids Can Food Drive


The KCRA 3 Kids Can Food Drive has been helping to feed hungry families in our community for more than 20 years.

Talking place from Monday, October 15, 2012 - Monday, December 10, 2012, you can help by donating canned and non-perishable food items at any participating school, food bank or other approved donation locations, click here to learn more.

Coats for Kids Winter Coat Drive 2012


Over the last two decades, the community and News10 have helped keep more than half a million families warm! Starting Thursday, November 1, 2012 - Saturday, December 15, 2012, join the 2012 Coat Drive.

To learn more about local donation locations, please click here.

November MAC Meeting Summary


If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

Discussion and overview of the redesign of the Placer County Website.
Presented by Jerry Gamez, Director of Administrative Services (20 min.)

Discuss the results of the Engineer and Traffic Survey to allow for the continued use of radar enforceable speed limits in Granite Bay. Specifically, on Old Auburn Road and Boulder Road.
Presented by Stephanie Holloway, Associate Civil Engineer, Public Works Department, Transportation Division (5 min.)

Facility Services staff is preparing a Board of Supervisors Agenda item for the November 20, 2012 meeting, which will recommend award of a 2 ½ year contract to California Landscape Associates, Inc. This contract will facilitate maintenance of ten sites along Douglas Boulevard, which include both small Community Service Associations (CSAs) and the roadway median.
Presented by Mark Rideout, Deputy Director & John Ramirez, Parks Administrator (10 min.)

Proposal to construct a 267 square foot coffee kiosk with a drive-thru, with minor parking lot and landscape modifications. The project site is located within the Granite Bay Village Shopping Center on the east side of Auburn-Folsom Road, just south of Douglas Boulevard.
Presented by Lex Coffroth, Applicant (10 min.)

Modification of an approved 12-lot Planned Residential Development to allow for the relocation of an emergency vehicle access (EVA) and removal of a cul-de-sac that served only one lot. The project site is located on the north side of Elmhurst Drive, east of the Ridgeview Elementary and Oakhill’s schools, and west of Pastor Drive.
Presented by E.J. Ivaldi, Placer County Planning Division (10 min.)

October MAC Meeting Summary


If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

Modification of an approved 12-lot Planned Residential Development to allow for the relocation of an emergency vehicle access (EVA) and removal of a cul-de-sac that served only one lot. The project site is located on the north side of Elmhurst Drive, east of the Ridgeview Elementary and Oakhills schools, and west of Pastor Drive.
Presented by E.J. Ivaldi, Placer County Planning Division (5 min.)

Greyhawk II is a proposal to develop a 21-lot planned residential development on a 10.3-acre infill site in Granite Bay. The project would include 21 single-family residential home sites situated along a private internal loop road that runs through the community. Over 70% of the project site would remain as open space and/or common areas. There would be a central common open space area (Lot A) internal to the lots and the southern portion of the site (Lot B – 3.8 acres) would be preserved to protect natural resources (100-year floodplain and Strap Ravine).
Presented by: Roy Schaefer, Placer County Planning Division (15 min.)

Project entitlements requested include a Rezone, Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map, Conditional Use Permit and a Variance. The project site is proposed to be rezoned from RS-B-40 PD 2 (Residential Single-Family, combining Building Site of 40,000 square feet, combining Planned Residential Development 2 units per acre) to RS-B-X-18,000 PD 2.8 (Residential Single-Family, combining Building Site of 18,000 square feet, combining Planned Residential Development 2.8 units per acre), consistent with the Granite Bay Community Plan land use designation for the site of “Low Density Residential (0.4-0.9 acres per dwelling unit)”. The Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map and Conditional Use Permit are required for the subdivision of 10.3 acres into a 21-lot residential Planned Development. There is a Variance request to constructing the County minimum length of 20-foot driveways in front of garages per Zoning Ordinance Sections 17.54.070.A and; the project requires a minimum driveway apron of 8 feet. There is also a Variance request to the minimum Open Space and maximum coverage standards in Section 17.54.100.A.3.; the project has 61% (6.3 acres) of Open Space where 71% (7.3 acres) is required and the project has 24.5% maximum coverage where 15% is allowed by the Zoning Ordinance.
Presented by: Roy Schaefer, Placer County Planning Division (15 min.)

Staff is requesting a recommendation for the project.

The Granite Bay Community Blog

9/29/12’s blog is now up and running. This page is meant provide the residents of Granite Bay a place to comment on community issues. If you would like to comment on any Granite Bay community issue, you may click here.

Library Hours Changing


As of Monday, October 1, 2012, the Granite Bay Library’s current hours will change. Click here to see the Library’s new schedule.

Community Awareness Academy


It’s time to sign up for the Placer County Sheriff Office’s popular Community Awareness Academy, which offers an inside look at the law enforcement agency. This fall, classes will be held Monday and Wednesday evenings, Oct. 1 through Oct. 29, from 6-9 p.m., in Auburn. There will be no class held on Monday, Oct. 8, due to the Columbus Day holiday.

Attendees are asked to attend all eight classes, each of which covers a different topic. Participants will hear from members of the department’s special units and take “field trips” to the Placer County Jail and morgue, 911 dispatch center, as well as the air operations hangar.

Classes will be held in the Community Room at the Placer County Sheriff headquarters in the Auburn Justice Center. The center is located at 2929 Richardson Drive in north Auburn’s Dewitt Center.

Please, click here for more information.

September MAC Meeting Summary


Community Centers:
Planning Services Division staff will be providing a presentation on Community Centers including how they are defined in Placer County Code, which Zoning Districts allow Community Centers, and the recent Planning Director determination regarding processing of entitlements for Community Centers.
Presented by: Paul Thompson, Deputy Planning Director, Placer County Planning Division (15 min.)

Placer Mosquito & Vector Control Update:
Provide a summary of last year’s season, an update on what is currently going on at the District and expectations for the upcoming season.
Presented by: Ada Barros Heiser, MPH, Public Information Officer, Placer Mosquito & Vector Control District (15 min.)

Placer County Older Adult Advisory Commission:
Overview of the Placer County Older Adult Advisory Commission and an introduction to basic gerontology facts.
Presented by: Karla Gustafson, Senior Services (15 min.)

Sheriff’s Office: Safety Precautions


The Placer County Sheriff’s Office recommends safety precautions that Granite Bay residents can take to protect their homes, etc. Please click here, to learn more.



Placer County is in the process of assessing what is needed to launch 2-1-1 free phone service that quickly connects the caller to a person who can connect them to vital community services. The number would be available 24 hours a day to provide local information, is confidential, multilingual/TTY, etc.. Contact Ed Morgado, 8800-488-4308 for information.

FYI: Amazing Facts Ministry Planning Commission Hearing


The Planning Commission has scheduled another hearing on the subject of Amazing Facts Ministry project. The meeting will be held in the Planning Commission Chambers at 3091 County Center Drive, Dewitt Center, Auburn CA on Thursday, August 9, 2012 at 10:20 AM.

San Juan Water District – RATE INCREASES


At a public hearing on June 23, the San Juan Water District Board voted 3-2 to raise the Retail water rates 2% and gave all employees a 3.1% COLA raise. (At the May 9, 2011 SJWD Board meeting, the Directors voted to increase salaries by 8% because employees were going to start contributing 8% more to PERS and justified the raise as a “wash”.)

Rate payers in attendance at the June meeting spoke against the salary increases, but Pam Tobin, Ted Costa, and Bob Walters felt the employees do a good job and deserved the raise. The audience felt differently, especially when it was noted that half of the 2% rate increase would go to cover the 3.1% salary increase.

State Responsibility Area Fee Update


Staff distributed material relating to the State Responsibility Area Fees which sets out procedures for implementation and collection of “benefit fees”. The Fee of $115 would be imposed on all property owners with one or more habitable structure within the SRA which is east of Laird Road and north of Cavitt-Stallman/Twin Rocks Roads. For details and questions contact Rui Cunha, Assistant Director of Emergency Services at 800-488-4308.

August MAC Meeting Summary


Farmworker Housing Zoning Text Amendment
Zoning text amendments are proposed to the Placer County Code (Zoning Ordinance) to bring the Code into compliance with State housing law for farmworker housing. The proposed changes will better define farmworker housing and allow such facilities to operate as an allowed agricultural use in the Residential‐Agriculture (RA), Residential‐Forest (RF), Agricultural Exclusive (AE), Farm (F), Forestry (FOR) and Timberland Protection Zone (TPZ) zoning districts with up to 36 beds in a group quarters or 12 units or spaces designed for use by a single family or household.
Presented by: Placer County Planning Division (10 min.)

Single Room Occupancy Zoning Text Amendment:
Zoning text amendments are proposed to the Placer County Code (Zoning Ordinance) to bring the Code into compliance with State housing law. SB 2 amended housing law regarding planning and approval for Single Room Occupancy units. The County is proposing to amend the Zoning Code to define Single Room Occupancy (SRO) units (units lacking either cooking facilities or individual sanitary facilities, or both) and explicitly allow SROs as a residential use in the Multi‐Family Residential (RM), Highway Service (HS), and Resort (RES) zoning districts.
Presented by: Placer County Planning Division (10 min.)

Amazing Facts Ministry:
Provide update on recent action by the Planning Commission on the Amazing Facts Ministry’s proposal to construct a 17‐acre campus to support a new House of Worship facility. The original proposal included two phases with buildings totaling 208,020 square‐feet. The applicant is proposing to reduce the scope of the project to a single‐phase with buildings totaling 120,000 square‐feet. The Project site is located on the south side of Sierra College Boulevard, between Nightwatch Drive and Ridge Park Drive, in the Granite Bay area (APN 046-050-006 and 046-050-008).
Presented by: E.J. Ivaldi, Placer County Planning Division/Dave Cook, Managing Principal, RCH Group (20 min.)

SMD 3 Regional Sewer Project:
Placer County is the lead agency for the SMD 3 Regional Sewer Project. The proposed project consists of construction of a pump station and force main to convey wastewater from the existing SMD 3 Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) to the SMD 2 collection system for treatment at the City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP. The current status of design and environmental process for the project will be discussed.
Presented by: Kevin Bell, Environmental Engineering Program Manager, Placer County Facility Services (15 min.)

Changeable Copy Message Board Signs:
Two Placer County Zoning Ordinance sections conflict with each other in regard to allowable methods of illumination of signs. The proposed Zoning Text Amendment would result in consistency between the two sections. These two sections would result in the prohibition of message board signs and signs with changeable copy except for time and temperature signs, traditional barber pole signs and the fuel price display components on service station signs. The MAC may make a recommendation.
Presenter: George Rosasco, Placer County Supervising Planner

Parking Restrictions on Hill Road and Sandstone Court:
The residents have requested parking restrictions/modifications to address issues raised with vehicles parking on neighborhood roadways to visit the Folsom Lake Recreation Area. The MAC may make a recommendation.
Presented by Andrew Gaber, Senior Civil Engineer, Placer County Department of Public Works (10 min.)

National Night Out 2012


"America's Night Out Against Crime" is scheduled for Tuesday, August 7, 2012.

Senior Care Facility


The GBCA Board reviewed a proposal for a senior care facility on Douglas Boulevard opposite the Granite Bay Library. The project ranges from 30,000 to 40,000 sq. ft. and would house from 30 to 40 patients in a one story facility. The design, materials, parking, etc. were undetermined. The setbacks were said to be 30 feet from the south and east property lines and 130 ft. from Douglas. Residents from Princeton Reach and Arabian Circle were invited to the meeting to hear the proposal and discus their numerous concerns. Applicant is moving forward and working on their application submittal. To date nothing has been submitted to County.

Placer County Board of Supervisors Meeting Summary Update


After the Placer County Board of Supervisors Meeting onr Tuesday, July 10, 2012, the Board of Supervisors approved the gates fr the Olive Ranch Subdivision. The Board of Supervisors also approved the gates for ther Terracina Subdivision.

July SJW District Board Meeting Canceled


There will be no meeting tonight, Wednesday, July 25, 2012. The next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 8, 2012.

Placer County Board of Supervisors Meeting Summary


This month’s Placer County Board of Supervisors Meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, July 10, 2012 at 9 AM, will focus on:

  • 10 AM:
    Appeal of the Planning Commission's Denial of the project, Olive Ranch Subdivision gated entry.
  • 10:30 AM:
    Appeal of the Planning Commission's denial of the Project, Terracina Subdivision gated entry with related pedestrian, gate and pilasters.

June MAC Meeting Summary


**NOTE**: For the June 6, 2012 meeting there has been a ROOM CHANGE – LIBRARY.

State Responsibility Area (SRA) Fee Update:
Update on the SRA fee of $150 per habitable structure in areas east of Laird Road and north of Cavitt-Stallman Road/Twin Rocks Road.
Presented by: Rui Cunha, Asst. Director of Emergency Services, Placer County Community Outreach/Office of Emergency Services (15 min.)

Placer Mosquito & Vector Control Update:
Provide a summary of last year’s season, an update on what is currently going on at the District and expectations for the upcoming season.
Presented by: Ada Barros Heiser, MPH, Public Information Officer, Placer Mosquito & Vector Control District (15 min.)

SMD 3 Regional Sewer Project:
The proposed project consists of construction of a pump station and force main to convey wastewater from the existing SMD 3 Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) to the SMD 2 collection system for treatment at the City of Roseville Dry Creek WWTP. The Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) is expected to be released for a 45-day public review and comment period. The environmental review process is anticipated to be complete in September 2012.
Presented by: Kevin Bell, Environmental Engineering Program Manager and Rebecca Lillis, Environmental Resource Specialist, Placer County Facility Services; Scott Duren, Brown & Caldwell (15 min.)

May MAC Meeting Summary


**NOTE**: For the May 2, 2012 meeting there has been a ROOM CHANGE – this night ONLY – BIG GYM in back.

A presentation will be provided on the program, where they are in the process and what is needed to launch 2-1-1. 2-1-1 provides free and confidential information and referral on community, health and social services. 2-1-1 - is currently not available in Placer County.
Presented by: Ed Morgado (10 min.)

Amazing Facts Ministry:
The Amazing Facts Ministry Project proposes to construct a 17-acre campus to support a new Amazing Facts Ministry facility. The proposed Project would be constructed in two phases with buildings totaling 208,020 square‐feet. The Project site is located on the south side of Sierra College Boulevard, between Nightwatch Drive and Ridge Park Drive, in the Granite Bay area (APN 046-050-006 and 046-050-008).
Presented by: E.J. Ivaldi, Placer County Planning Division/Dave Cook, Managing Principal, RCH Group (20 min.)

**NOTE**: The Garage Condos & Self Storage project has been canceled.

Granite Bay Garage Condos & Douglas Blvd. Self-Storage Proposal


The site consists of 8.7 acres on the north side of Douglas Blvd. just east of the intersection of Auburn Folsom Rd. and Douglas Blvd, and is zoned C1 with a Use Permit and Design Control. The property was previously approved for 53 town homes and even though the tentative map for this project is still viable, the current owner has submitted a different proposal.

Phase I consists of 59 self storage garages totaling 73,975 sq. ft. on 4.27 acres for storage of autos, boats, recreational vehicles, or other personal items of owner. Four buildings would house the garages ranging from 640 to 4,000 sq. ft., and there would be a 2,780 sq. ft. two story private owners’ Club House.

While one concession was made to the residents, the 6 foot high wall along 3,000 feet of rural Olive Ranch Road be a 3 foot open design on top of a 3 foot solid base, with pedestrian access through the gated project from sunrise to sunset, for the most part, Chairperson, Supervisor Uhler ignored his constituents and the Granite Bay Community Plan and was perceived as acting as an advocate for the proponent.

Granite Bay’s New Community Plan


The updated Plan protects and preserves the rural character, conserves the natural resources, strengthens design guidelines, has no land use changes, allows for revitalizing aging commercial sites, maintains the 300 foot setback on the south side of Douglas Boulevard, and clarifies gated subdivision policies. Basically, the Plan puts the finishing touches on the development of Granite Bay which has about 12% left to develop.

The Granite Bay Community Plan area is generally bounded by Dick Cook Road to the north, Sierra College Boulevard to the west, Folsom Lake to the east, and the Sacramento County line to the south.

Thanks to E.J. Ivaldi, Chris Schmidt, and Kathi Heckert from the Planning Department, Linda Brown, from Supervisor Uhler’s office, and staff from Parks and Recreation, Public Works, etc. who attended the meetings and provided guidance to the sub-committee. Last but not least a special thanks to Supervisor Uhler who led the Supervisors in adopting the Granite Bay Community Plan as developed by the MAC sub-committee and presented by County staff at the hearing.

Auburn-Folsom Widening Project


At the Public Hearing on March 27, the Supervisors adopted the Resolution of Necessity by a unanimous vote in order to proceed with the completion of the Auburn-Folsom widening project. Click here for more details.

South Placer Fire District


The District is in the process of evaluating the five South Placer fire stations to determine the cost of running each station and how response times might be affected if a station were closed. Determining which fire station to close and the timeline for doing such will be discussed at the next fire board meeting which is April 18 at 7:00 PM at the Eureka Road fire station.

Fire Chief to Retire


At the February meeting, Chief Tony Corado announced plans to retire June 1 after serving as chief for 14 of his 33 years with the district.

The Board of Directors does not intend to seek outside candidates at this time but reserves the right to do so. Applications were due no later than March 23 with interviews to start soon thereafter. The Board intends to fill the job by May 1, 2012 in order to allow a full month for the leadership transition.

San Juan Water District


Customers have been advised that a Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, May 9, 2012, 7:00 PM at the District Office, 9935 Auburn Folsom Road to discuss a proposed rate increase.

April MAC Meeting Summary


**NOTE**: A Thank You Reception for the Approved Granite Bay Community Plan will be held one hour before the MAC meeting from 6 PM – 7 PM, where cake, cookies and coffee will be offered.

Granite Bay Dutch Brothers Coffee House:
Proposal to construct a two-lane drive-thru coffee establishment (approximately 377 square feet) in Granite Bay Shopping Center located on the east side of Auburn-Folsom Road, just south of Douglas Boulevard.
Presented by: Lex Coffroth, Architect, per Auburn Douglas, LLC (20 min.)

Amazing Facts Ministry:
The Amazing Facts Ministry Project proposes to construct a 17-acre campus to support a new Amazing Facts Ministry facility. The proposed Project would be constructed in two phases with buildings totaling 208,020 square-feet. The Project site is located on the south side of Sierra College Boulevard, between Nightwatch Drive and Ridge Park Drive, in the Granite Bay area (APN 046-050-006 and 046-050-008).
Presented by: E.J. Ivaldi, Placer County Planning Division/Dave Cook, Managing Principal, RCH Group (20 min.)

Olive Ranch Subdivision Gated Entry:
The New Home Company is requesting a Subdivision and Conditional Use Permit Modification to allow a gated entry (8 feet high) and one pedestrian gate (6 feet high) and related pilasters (8 feet high), within the Right-of-Way of Carlisle Woods Place. The Olive Ranch Subdivision comprises approximately 15 acres, and is located at 4977 Olive Ranch Road in the Granite Bay area.
Presented by: Roy Schaefer, Placer County Planning Division

Terracina Subdivision Gated Entry:
The Terracina Homeowners Association is requesting a Subdivision and Conditional Use Permit Modification to allow a gated entry (8-foot – 11 inches high) with 2 pedestrian gates and related pilasters (10 feet high), within the Right-of-Way of Terracina Lane. Terracina Subdivision is a 17-lot Residential Planned Development on 83 acres, and is located on Terracina Lane at the intersection with Laird Road in the Loomis area.
Presented by: Roy Schaefer, Placer County Planning Division

Placer County Library to Hold Community Meeting


On Thursday, April 5, 2012, the Placer County Library is planning its future and we want the development to be rooted in our community. To do that we need your help! Join us to meet your neighbors and share your insights about the communities we serve.

The meeting will be held at the Placer County Office of Education Annex - Nobili Room (365 Nevada St., Auburn, CA) from 5:30 PM -7:30 PM.

For additional information, please contact Library Director, Mary George at 530-886-4551 or

The Loomis Union School District will Offer All-Day Kindergarten in the 2012-13 School Year


On March 1st, the Loomis Union School District began accepting applications for the 2012-13 school year. The District will offer all-day Kindergarten, Jr. Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten. For more information regarding our district schools please click here. Registration packets can be picked up at the district office or our community schools:

  • District Office
  • 3290 Humphrey Road
  • Loomis, CA 95650
  • (916) 652-1800
  • Franklin Elementary
  • 7050 Franklin School Road
  • Loomis, CA 95650
  • (916) 652-1818
  • Loomis Grammar School
  • 3505 Taylor Road
  • Loomis, CA 95650
  • (916) 652-1824
  • Placer Elementary
  • 8650 Horseshoe Bar Road
  • Loomis, CA 95650
  • (916) 652-1830
  • H. Clarke Powers Elementary
  • 3296 Humphrey Road
  • Loomis, CA 95650
  • (916) 652-2635
  • Penryn Elementary
  • 6885 English Colony Way
  • Penryn, CA 95663
  • (916) 663-3993
  • Ophir Elementary
  • 1373 Lozanos Road
  • Newcastle, CA 95658
  • (916) 663-1943

Businesses Moving In


UPDATE: Given the community's interest in the Granite Bay Walmart Neighborhood Market, Walmart has developed a fact sheet that may be of interest.

ORIGINALLY POSTED ON 1/29/12: A Walmart grocery store is proposed at the site currently occupied by Grocery Outlet at Douglas and Sierra College Boulevard.

A new Chic-fil-A restaurant is going through County design review with plans to locate at the site previously occupied by Burger King in the Sierra Oaks Shopping Center at the corner of Douglas and Sierra College.

SPFD Not Moving Forward With Assessment


At the latest SPFD Board of Directors meeting on Wednesday, February 29, 2012 it was decided that they would not move forward with an assessment, at this time, based on results of the SCI community survey mailed to about 8,000 residents.

March MAC Meeting Canceled


The monthly MAC meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 7, 2012 has been canceled. The next meeting will be held on April 4, 2012.

Community Plan

UPDATE: Public Hearing - Planning Commission re Granite Bay Community Plan Update General Plan Amendment


**JUST IN**: The Board of Supervisors adopted the updated Granite Bay Community Plan yesterday, February 28, 2012.

ORIGINALLY POSTED ON 2/19/12: The final step in this long process will be the hearing before the Board of Supervisors on February 28, 2012 for action/adoption. The meeting starts at at 11:00 AM at 175 Fulweiler Avenue, Auburn.

Earlier, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the Granite Bay Community Plan Update on January 12 to consider a request from the Placer County Planning Services Division for approval of a General Plan Amendment to update the Granite Bay Community Plan. The update included the review of existing conditions (population holding capacity, infrastructure, change in environmental conditions, etc., revision of goals, policies, and programs in the Plan to address constraints and new opportunities; amending the wording of the goals and policies to provide better clarity and readability; and new discussions on topical issues that have arisen (i.e. Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Placer County Conservation Plan, Complete Streets and Low-impact Design) since the Plan was originally prepared in 1989. Primarily the Goals and Policies of the Plan were reviewed/revised to recognize population holding capacity, infrastructure, change in environmental conditions, etc. since the Plan was written in 1989.

In order to limit the scope of the Community Plan Update, the Board of Supervisors directed that the existing land use and zoning designations not be modified. In addition, the Board of Supervisors also directed that the Circulation Element not be revised since it was updated in 2005.

After input from staff and a number of community members who served on the MAC sub-committee, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the updated Plan by the Board of Supervisors.

The Granite Bay Community Plan area is generally bounded by Dick Cook Road to the north, Sierra College Boulevard to the west, Folsom Lake to the east, and the Sacramento County line to the south.

JUST IN: SPFD Meeting Postponed


The SPFD regular board meeting of February 15, 2012 has been postponed until February 29, 2012.

Community Plan

Public Hearing - Planning Commission re Granite Bay Community Plan Update General Plan Amendment


The final step in this long process will be the hearing before the Board of Supervisors on February 28 for action/adoption. Call Shirlee Harrington, at 800-488-4308 for confirmation of date and time.

Earlier, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the Granite Bay Community Plan Update on January 12 to consider a request from the Placer County Planning Services Division for approval of a General Plan Amendment to update the Granite Bay Community Plan. The update included the review of existing conditions (population holding capacity, infrastructure, change in environmental conditions, etc., revision of goals, policies, and programs in the Plan to address constraints and new opportunities; amending the wording of the goals and policies to provide better clarity and readability; and new discussions on topical issues that have arisen (i.e. Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Placer County Conservation Plan, Complete Streets and Low-impact Design) since the Plan was originally prepared in 1989. Primarily the Goals and Policies of the Plan were reviewed/revised to recognize population holding capacity, infrastructure, change in environmental conditions, etc. since the Plan was written in 1989.

In order to limit the scope of the Community Plan Update, the Board of Supervisors directed that the existing land use and zoning designations not be modified. In addition, the Board of Supervisors also directed that the Circulation Element not be revised since it was updated in 2005.

After input from staff and a number of community members who served on the MAC sub-committee, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the updated Plan by the Board of Supervisors.

The Granite Bay Community Plan area is generally bounded by Dick Cook Road to the north, Sierra College Boulevard to the west, Folsom Lake to the east, and the Sacramento County line to the south.

SPFD Review Survey Results: Fire Protection is Important, But a Parcel Tax Not Likely to Pass


SCI Consulting Group presented the results of the survey mailed to about 8,000 registered voters and property owners between October 30, 2011 and November 20, 2011 to accurately evaluate the viability of a benefit assessment and a parcel tax. Over twenty-two percent of the surveys were returned.

Those who received the survey were asked if they would support an additional annual fee of $65, $85 or $110 and the various levels of service each would fund were described.

The responses were broken down into a number of categories including Property Owner Support; Registered Voter Support; Rate and Age; Support by Years in Residence and Rate; Support by Political Party and Rate; and Support by Issues.

Comments in favor of an increased fee included Fire/Medial services are important; fiscal accountability is important; stated amount is reasonable to pay for these services; and received good service in the past. Adverse comments included salaries/benefits are too high; district doesn’t need the money; no more/new taxes; economic issues, mistrust of government agencies.

The study concluded that local fire protection is important to the community, but found neither a benefit assessment nor a parcel tax would likely pass. The CSI Consulting Group suggested that even a strong advocacy campaign would not achieve the support levels needed for a successful revenue measure. In particular, residents are concerned about the cost of firefighter salaries and benefits, including pensions.

The SCI Consulting Group recommended that the District not proceed with a funding measure at this time and instead conduct comprehensive, long term public outreach to increase public understanding of the need for better fire protection services. The SPFD board may take action on how to proceed at the next regular meeting which is February 15.

Amazing Facts Ministry Update


The Amazing Facts Ministries' project still faces opposition. To read more about this, click here as well as here.

Placer County Sheriff’s Department


Residents were advised by the sheriff deputy present that there had been an increase in residential burglaries. Thieves kick in the door to test if anyone is home and if there is no response, they enter and burglarize the home. Residents were reminded to set burglar alarms and avoid having the home look unoccupied. If suspicious activity is noted, call the Sheriff’s office at (530) 889-7800.

January's Supervisor’s Report


Supervisor Uhler reported on the following:

  • The final phase of the Auburn-Folsom widening project is moving forward.
  • Placer County anticipated cuts in monies from state and allowed for this possibility when balancing the County budget.
  • During a walk-through of area businesses sponsored by the Roseville and Granite Bay Chamber of Commerce, business owners requested relaxing sign ordinances.

February MAC Meeting Summary


**NOTE**: The meeting place has changed for February meeting only. The meeting will be held at the Eureka School Library (5455 Eureka Road, Granite Bay, CA)

Amazing Facts Ministry:
The Amazing Facts Ministry Project would include construction of a 17-acre campus to support a new Amazing Facts Ministry facility. The proposed Project would be constructed in two phases with buildings totaling 208,020 square-feet. The Project site is located on the south side of Sierra College Boulevard, between Nightwatch Drive and Ridge Park Drive, in the Granite Bay area (APN 046-050-006 and 046-050-008).
Presented by: Dave Cook, Managing Principal, RCH Group (20 min.)

Sign Up Now For Sheriff’s Community Awareness 2012


It’s time to sign up for the Placer County Sheriff Office’s popular Community Awareness Academy, which offers an inside look at the law enforcement agency.

Classes are held Monday and Wednesday evenings, beginning March 5, 2012 and ending March 28, 2012.

To learn more about this year's Community Awareness 2012 Academy, click here.

Granite Bay Community Plan: Planning Commission Hearing


The Planning Commission will have a hearing on Thursday, January 12, 2012 at 10:30 AM at 3091 County Center Drive, Auburn to review the progress of updating the Community Plan as well as moving forward with the next steps in this updating process. Click here to see the hearing agenda.

Kindergarten Registration in Granite Bay


If you have an incoming Kindergarten student for the 2012-2013 school year, you may pick up a registration packet any time during regular business hours, beginning February 1st at your local school:

  • Greenhills School
  • 8200 Greenhills Way
  • Granite Bay, CA 95746
  • (916)-791-4230
  • Maidu School
  • 1950 Johnson Ranch Dr.
  • Roseville, CA 95661
  • (916)-789-7910
  • Oakhills School
  • 9233 Twin Schools Road
  • Granite Bay, CA 95746
  • (916)-791-5391

We will begin accepting completed packets February 1st. Included in the registration packet are the times of school tours and the Parent Welcome and Information Night. We are looking forward to your child’s great first step into school. Welcome!

For more information on Kindergarten Registration, please click here. If you have any questions please call 791-4230.

Sign Up Now For Sheriff’s Community Awareness 2012


It’s time to sign up for the Placer County Sheriff Office’s popular Community Awareness Academy, which offers an inside look at the law enforcement agency.

Classes are held Monday and Wednesday evenings, beginning March 5, 2012 and ending March 28, 2012.

To learn more about this year's Community Awareness 2012 Academy, click here.

Kindergarten Registration in Granite Bay


If you have an incoming Kindergarten student for the 2012-2013 school year, you may pick up a registration packet any time during regular business hours, beginning February 1st at your local school:

  • Greenhills School
  • 8200 Greenhills Way
  • Granite Bay, CA 95746
  • (916)-791-4230
  • Maidu School
  • 1950 Johnson Ranch Dr.
  • Roseville, CA 95661
  • (916)-789-7910
  • Oakhills School
  • 9233 Twin Schools Road
  • Granite Bay, CA 95746
  • (916)-791-5391

We will begin accepting completed packets February 1st. Included in the registration packet are the times of school tours and the Parent Welcome and Information Night. We are looking forward to your child’s great first step into school. Welcome!

For more information on Kindergarten Registration, please click here. If you have any questions please call 791-4230.

SPFD to Review Survey Results


The South Placer Fire Board will hear and discuss the results of the survey mailed to approximately 5,000 residents to gather input regarding future operations of the fire department. The agenda item will be for information only. The meeting will be held at the Eureka Road Fire Station at 7:00 PM on January 18.

ORIGINALLY POSTED ON 12/7/11: The SPFD contracted with SCI to survey about 8,000 residents served by the SPFD concerning the financial status of the fire district. Sometime in January, the SPFD will hold a public meeting to discuss the results of the survey. Contact 791-7059 for date, time, and place.

January MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

State Responsibility Area Fee:
Overview of the $150 fee per habitable structure in areas east of Laird Road and north of Cavitt Stallman Road/Twin Rocks Road.
Presented by Rui Cunha, Asst. Director of Emergency Services, Placer County Community Outreach/Office of Emergency Services (15 min.)

Amazing Facts Ministry:
The Amazing Facts Ministry Project would include construction of a 17-acre campus to support a new Amazing Facts Ministry facility. The proposed Project would be constructed in two phases with buildings totaling 208,020 square-feet. The Project site is located on the south side of Sierra College Boulevard, between Nightwatch Drive and Ridge Park Drive, in the Granite Bay area (APN 046-050006 and 046-050-008).
Presented by: Dave Cook, Managing Principal, RCH Group (20 min.)

News Achieves: 2011

All the news from the year 2011.

Community Plan
Granite Bay Community Plan: Planning Commission Workshop

The Planning Commission will conduct a public workshop on December 8, 2011 at 1:00 PM at 3091 County Center Drive, Auburn to review the GBCP draft update. Primarily the Goals and Policies of the Plan were reviewed/revised to recognize population holding capacity, infrastructure, change in environmental conditions, etc. since the Plan was written in 1989. In order to limit the scope of the Community Plan Update, the Board of Supervisors directed that the existing land use and zoning designations not be modified. In addition, the Board of Supervisors also directed that the Circulation Element not be revised since it was updated in 2005.

Amazing Facts Ministry Update (AGAIN)


The Amazing Facts Ministries' project faces opposition. To read more about this, click here.

ORIGINALLY POSTED ON 12/1/11: The Amazing Facts Ministries' project will not be heard until early 2012. Future date still to be determined.

ORIGINALLY REPORTED ON 10/3/11: The stated objective of the project is to develop the Amazing Facts house of worship facility and offices to accommodate the multifaceted ministry that supports their local and worldwide mission.

Furthermore, comments to the Draft EIR will be heard on October 13, 2011 at 10:05 in the Placer County Commission Hearing Room at 3091 County Center Drive (corner of Richardson Drive and Bell Road in Dewitt Center), Auburn. The purpose of the hearing is to receive comments on the DEIR for the project, comments related to the merits of the project will be considered at a later hearing on the entitlement for the project.

The Draft EIR is available and may be reviewed at the Granite Bay Library or on the County website, click here.

December MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

Public Workshop-Preliminary Draft Granite Bay Community Plan:
The MAC will continue its review of the Preliminary Draft Granite Bay Community Plan. This document is the product of collaboration and participation from a Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) subcommittee and County staff over the past two years, and the draft provides community members and the public a chance to review the vision, goals, policies and regulations related to development in Granite Bay over the next 25 to 30 years. County Staff is seeking a recommendation from the MAC to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors to adopt the Granite Bay Community Plan Update document.
Presented by E.J. Ivaldi, Supervising Planner and Chris Schmidt, Senior Planner, Planning Services Division of the Community Development/Resource Agency. (One Hour)

Amazing Facts Ministry (UPDATE)


IN COMING INFORMATION: The Amazing Facts Ministries' project will not be heard until early 2012. Future date still to be determined.

ORIGINALLY REPORTED ON 10/3/11: The stated objective of the project is to develop the Amazing Facts house of worship facility and offices to accommodate the multifaceted ministry that supports their local and worldwide mission.

Furthermore, comments to the Draft EIR will be heard on October 13, 2011 at 10:05 in the Placer County Commission Hearing Room at 3091 County Center Drive (corner of Richardson Drive and Bell Road in Dewitt Center), Auburn. The purpose of the hearing is to receive comments on the DEIR for the project, comments related to the merits of the project will be considered at a later hearing on the entitlement for the project.

The Draft EIR is available and may be reviewed at the Granite Bay Library or on the County website, click here.

Granite Bay Garage Condos & Douglas Blvd. Self-Storage Proposal (UPDATE)


IN COMING INFORMATION: The Garage Condos & Self Storage project has been put on hold. Future date still to be determined.

ORIGINALLY REPORTED ON 4/5/11: The site consists of 8.7 acres on the north side of Douglas Blvd. just east of the intersection of Auburn Folsom Rd. and Douglas Blvd, and is zoned C1 with a Use Permit and Design Control. The property was previously approved for 53 town homes and even though the tentative map for this project is still viable, the current owner has submitted a different proposal.

Phase I consists of 59 self storage garages totaling 73,975 sq. ft. on 4.27 acres for storage of autos, boats, recreational vehicles, or other personal items of owner. Four buildings would house the garages ranging from 640 to 4,000 sq. ft., and there would be a 2,780 sq. ft. two story private owners’ Club House.

Phase I consists of 59 self storage garages totaling 73,975 sq. ft. on 4.27 acres for storage of autos, boats, recreational vehicles, or other personal items of owner. Four buildings would house the garages ranging from 640 to 4,000 sq. ft., and there would be a 2,780 sq. ft. two story private owners’ Club House.

While one concession was made to the residents, the 6 foot high wall along 3,000 feet of rural Olive Ranch Road be a 3 foot open design on top of a 3 foot solid base, with pedestrian access through the gated project from sunrise to sunset, for the most part, Chairperson, Supervisor Uhler ignored his constituents and the Granite Bay Community Plan and was perceived as acting as an advocate for the proponent.

Yellow Ribbons to Hang Along Douglas During Holidays to Honor Military


Yellow ribbons will adorn trees along Douglas Boulevard in Granite Bay over the holidays to honor men and women serving the U.S. military in war zones overseas.

The ribbons also will pay tribute to American soldiers who lost their lives serving their country, and are part of a nationwide campaign to thank all men and women who serve in the U.S. military and to welcome them when they return home.

About 150 ribbons will be hung in trees in the Douglas median from Cavitt Stallman Road to Auburn Folsom Road. They will go up Sunday and remain through New Year’s Day.

To learn more about the tribute, click here.

Eureka Union School District New Superintendent Search Survey


The Board of Trustees is beginning the process of searching for a new superintendent and has asked the firm, Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates to help the Board with the process.

As one of the initial steps in the process, the Board is seeking your input on the desired characteristics and skills that you would like to see in the next superintendent. Please share your thoughts by responding to the apppropriate surveys linked below.

As you respond, please remember that all characteristics listed are desirable, but we are interested in knowing your perceptions about which characteristics are "most important" for the Eureka Union School District.

To access the Survey:

  1. Identify the group to which you belong and click on the link below
  2. Follow the directions on the survey
  3. Respond by Friday, November 11, 2011

November MAC Meeting Summary


**NOTE:** This meeting will be held at the "BIG GYM" at the Eureka Union School District office located at 5455 Eureka Road, Granite Bay.

Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

AB885 Update, Statewide Sewage Policy:
Assembly Bill (AB) 885 was approved by the California State Legislature and signed into law in September 2000. It directed the State Water Resources Control Board to promulgate a statewide wastewater regulation by the year 2004. A revised draft of the regulation, waiver, and DEIR were released November 7, 2008. Since then they have been in the process of updating the policy.
Presented by Jill Pahl, Environmental Health Director, HHS (15 min.)

Public Workshop-Preliminary Draft Granite Bay Community Plan:
An overview of the Preliminary Draft Granite Bay Community Plan will be presented. This document is the product of collaboration and participation from a Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) subcommittee and County staff over the past two years, and the draft provides community members and the public a chance to review the vision, goals, policies and regulations related to development in Granite Bay over the next 25 to 30 years. County Staff will be on hand to answer questions from the MAC and public.
Presented by E.J. Ivaldi, Supervising Planner and Chris Schmidt, Senior Planner, Planning Services Division of the Community Development/Resource Agency. (One Hour)

Community Plan

Granite Bay Community Plan: Draft to be Released for Public Comments


The updated Granite Bay Community Plan will be brought back to the Board for adoptions. Soon, the county will release the draft community plan for public comment. On November 2, 2011, people will have a chance to comment on the draft plan at the regular meeting of the Granite Bay MAC. Other opportunities for public input are on the horizon. Both the Granite Bay MAC and Planning Commission will formally review the draft plan and send their recommendations to the Board of Supervisors before action is taken.

The draft Granite Bay Community Plan may be reviewed at the Granite Bay Public Library, 6475 Douglas Boulevard, or click here to see it online.

Amazing Facts Ministry


The stated objective of the project is to develop the Amazing Facts house of worship facility and offices to accommodate the multifaceted ministry that supports their local and worldwide mission.

Furthermore, comments to the Draft EIR will be heard on October 13, 2011 at 10:05 in the Placer County Commission Hearing Room at 3091 County Center Drive (corner of Richardson Drive and Bell Road in Dewitt Center), Auburn. The purpose of the hearing is to receive comments on the DEIR for the project, comments related to the merits of the project will be considered at a later hearing on the entitlement for the project.

The Draft EIR is available and may be reviewed at the Granite Bay Library or on the County website, click here.

Supervisor Uhler’s Report


The final County budget for 2012 will be adopted by September 30. Assessed valuation of property is down another 3% which is a reduction of 12% since 2008. The County budget has been reduced by 17% over the last several years with a cut of 4.9% for next fiscal year. County employees are on a two tier system now and are contributing more to benefits.

San Juan Water District Update


General Manager, Shauna Lorance, discussed SJWD’s current water issues, state water objectives and current and past water legislation. Water issues are a hot topic in the legislature and from the presentation, it is apparent that southern California doesn’t think northern California can manage water. Bills pending and passed by the legislators strive to regulate water conservation to such an extent that lifestyles in this non desert area served by a large water shed would be drastically changed.

Please contact SJWD at 791-0115 and ask to be placed on their email list in order to stay aware of water issues and be able to take appropriate action when SJWD needs support on water issues vital to this area.

Overview of Placer Mosquito & Vector Control District Services


According to the presenter, out of 1,500 mosquito samples, 37 have tested positive for West Nile Virus. To date West Nile Virus cases have been detected in nine dead birds, four sentinel chickens, and three humans, with most of these occurring on the western border of the county.

Mosquito numbers are generally lower this year due to a combination of milder than usual temperatures and the district’s aggressive larval mosquito control program. Residents can take steps to protect themselves by draining standing water; using an effective insect repellent, wearing long sleeves and pants when outdoors, and keeping door and window screens in good condition.

For further information call (888) 768-2343 or click here.

October MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

Granite Bay Garage Condos & Self-Storage Facility:
Proposal for a 74,900 square foot garage condominium development and 73,975 square foot self-storage facility on approximately 8.7 acres located on the north side of Douglas Boulevard (7135 & 7175 Douglas Boulevard), approximately 0.17 miles east of the intersection of Auburn Folsom Road and Douglas Boulevard.
Presented by Roy Schaefer, Planning Services Division of the Community Development/Resource Agency (30 min.)

Amazing Facts Ministry:
Proposal for a 17-acre campus to support a new Amazing Facts Ministry facility. The “House of Worship” facility would be constructed on a portion of a 74.2 acre site located on the south side of Sierra College Boulevard between Nightwatch Drive and Ridge Park Drive. The project would be constructed in two phases with buildings totaling 208,020 square feet. Phase I of the proposed Project would include a 106,800-square-foot multi-use building consisting of an auditorium/gymnasium, ministry offices, Sabbath school classrooms, a fireside chapel, an audio/visual production suite, and kitchen facilities. Phase I would also include a separate ±11,220 square-foot resource center building. Phase II would consist of a ±90,000 square-foot multi-use building which will replace the Phase I multi-use building’s function as the main sanctuary for this ministry and serve as the permanent worship facility with seating for 2,000 people. Approximately 625 on-site parking spaces would be provided as part of Phase I and an additional 275 parking spaces as part of Phase II for a total of approximately 900 spaces. The Draft EIR public review period ends October 17, 2011.
Presented by E.J. Ivaldi, Planning Services Division of the Community Development/Resource Agency. (45 min.)

Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council’s Design Elements and Landscape Goals for Granite Bay’s “Central District” – Name Change:
Consider changing the name of the “Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council’s Design Elements and Landscape Goals for Granite Bay’s “Central District”. The term “Central District” is proposed to be changed to the “Douglas Corridor”. The Granite Bay MAC originally approved these design guidelines in February 2008. These design guidelines are provided to developers, builders, and private citizens at the Community Development Resource Agency upon submittal of building plans for projects within this defined area of Granite Bay.

Search & Rescue Fundraising Confusion


Placer County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue is conducting its annual fund raising efforts with the assistance of a telemarketing company. However, another group has been calling Placer County residents, asking for donations for Search and Rescue, but this group has no connection to the sheriff’s entity.

Please click here, to learn more.

Vote For Friday Night's GBHS Football Game


The voting for this weeks KCRA High Scool Playbook game of the week ends Wednesday, September 14th at 7 PM, so vote fast and this Friday's game between Granite Bay and Vacaville could be the Game of the Week, which will be announced during KCRA 3 Reports at 11 PM.

To vote and learn more, please click here.

September's MAC Meeting Canceled


The monthly meeting of MAC, scheduled for Wednesday, September 7, 2011, has been canceled.

Sign Up For Sheriff’s Community Awareness Academy


It’s time to sign up for the Placer County Sheriff Office’s popular Community Awareness Academy, which offers an inside look at the law enforcement agency.

Attendees are asked to attend all eight classes, each of which covers a different topic. Classes are held Tuesday and Thursday evenings, beginning Oct. 4 and ending Oct. 27. Participants will hear from members of the department’s special units and take “field trips” to the Placer County Jail and morgue, 911 dispatch center, as well as the air operations hangar.

Click here for more information.

Grant Targets Underage Drinking and Alcohol Sales


The Placer County Sheriff's Office recently received a grant from the State of California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control for 2011-2012. The grant, totaling nearly $40,000, will be used to combat underage drinking and alcohol sales to minors in the county. The grant will also assist the Sheriff's Office in providing awareness and training in alcohol-related crimes and their impact for school staff, parents, students and the community.

To learn more about this, please click here.

Community Plan

Granite Bay Community Plan: Refresher & Update


The update of the GBCP began in August, 2008, when the Board of Supervisors directed Planning staff to begin review of the document originally adopted in 1989. The Plan’s primary purpose is to direct future land use and development in a manner that preserves the character and identity of the community.

A series of public meetings began in 2009 and ultimately through community input, it was determined that there was overwhelming support to not change the Land Use Element of the Plan. In August, 2010, the Board of Supervisors voted to update only the Goals and Policies section of the Plan with no changes to the Land Use Element.

A volunteer MAC sub-committee began working with Placer County staff in December, 2010, to update the Goals and Policies of the Plan. A draft document will be released to the subcommittee for review in early August. The draft document will probably be available to the public in early September after which a special MAC meeting will be held in mid-September to hear comments.

If everything proceeds on schedule, the proposed GBCP will be scheduled for a public workshop before the Planning Commission on October, 13, followed by a Public Hearing on November 10 for action by the Planning Commission. At the conclusion of this procedure there will be a Public Hearing before the Board of Supervisors to take action on the updated Granite Bay Community Plan. This is tentatively scheduled for December.

Auburn-Folsom Widening Project – Update


Many have wondered about the status of this project which seems to have stalled. According to Placer County Public Works, even though the project got off to a good start wet weather significantly impacted available working days. At this point, the contractor has until the end of September to finish the project.

At the end of July, the contractor will shift traffic in order to install an underground drainage system along the east side of the road to drain excess ground water from the road surface. The extra work is in response to the unanticipated ground water and roadway saturation issue that was found this past winter and hadn’t presented itself previously. The extra work is estimated to take two weeks.

2010 Census/Redistricting


The 2010 Census will affect the current Supervisorial Boundaries based on population. The updated proposals can be viewed here.

Improvement Project for Treelake Park and Playground


County Parks Division discussed plans for updating the playground at Treelake Park that does not comply with current safety standards or meet requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The cost for the rehabilitation is estimated at $150,000. MAC recommended the Board of Supervisors approve the request for $108,000 from Granite Bay’s Landscape and Lighting District reserves and redirect $42,000 from currently budgeted reserve funds for the upgrades to the playground at Treelake Park.

Adopt Dry Creek Greenway Regional Vision and Certify the Final EIR


This project received $250,000 grant funding several years ago and is ready to move forward. The proposed Dry Creek Greenway will provide a continuous and coordinated loop system of preserved lands and habitat, with a connection corridor of walking, equestrian and bicycle trails, from the Sacramento border to Dry Creek’s sources, and to the Folsom Lake State Recreation area.

MAC passed a motion recommending that the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors adopt the Dry Creek Greenway Regional Vision and Certify the Final EIR. For more information about the project, click here.

Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Fundraising Begins


The Placer County Sheriff Office’s Search and Rescue teams are beginning their annual telemarketing fundraising drive throughout the county. For more information, please click here.

August MAC Meeting Summary


Supervisor Report:
If Supervisor Kirk Uhler is not present, Linda Brown will present.

Overview of Placer Mosquito & Vector Control District Services and Vector-borne Disease Update:
An overview of the district’s services, future plans and projects will be presented. Updated information on the West Nile Virus will be provided.
Presented by Ada Barros Heiser, MPH, Public Information Officer, Placer Mosquito & Vector Control District (20 min.)

San Juan Water District Update:
Discussions and overview of San Juan Water District (SJWD), current water issues, state water objectives and current and past water legislation.
Presented by Shauna Lorance, General Manager, San Juan Water District (25 min.)

July's MAC Meeting Canceled


The monthly meeting of MAC, scheduled for Wednesday, July 6, 2011, has been canceled.

Supervisor Uhler Monthly Report


  • Placer County has a budget shortfall of $1 million. Some of the actions taken to balance the budget include suspending step increases for management and confidential employees to save about $129,000, and suspending step increases for non-management employees to save over $1 million. As a result, only 17 of the 2,500 employees will be laid off. However, unknown impacts from State budget actions could amount to a $38 million hit to Placer County’s budget.

  • County is in process of contracting out services for Douglas Corridor maintenance.

  • Two weeks of dry weather are needed to complete paving the current road widening project on Auburn-Folsom Road and then it will take 2 or 3 weeks to finish the overlay.

San Juan Water District May Meeting Overview


At its May 9 meeting, the San Juan Water Board voted to give an 8% raise to district employees and have the employees contribute 8% into the EMC (employee member contributions) instead of the district continuing to pay this benefit. The Board considers this move a “wash” and took the action because the public has been asking for transparency in employee pay.

For more information about this, click here.

April's MAC Meeting Overview


At April's MAC Meeting a Recreational Storage Facility, a Mixed Use Project and the Regina Caeli Project at Rocklin and Barton Road were all discussed. For more information on these items, click here.

MAC Agenda Item Summary: June


MAC Committee Reports
Granite Bay Community Plan policy review committee. For more information, click here.

The Collections at Granite Bay (previously Seymour Ranch)
Proposal by the New Home Company for a Subdivision Modification and Variance to allow vehicle entry gates and related monument walls. The project site is located on the east side of Cavitt Stallman Road, at its intersection with Great Oak Circle.
Action requested: Recommendation to approve Subdivision Modification and Variance to allow vehicle entry gates and related monument walls.
Presented by E. J. Ivaldi, Supervising Planner, Planning Services Division of the Community Development/Resource Agency (20 min.)

Adopt Dry Creek Greenway Regional Vision and Certify the Final EIR
The proposed Dry Creek Greenway will provide a continuous and coordinated system of preserved lands and habitat, with a connecting corridor of walking, equestrian, and bicycle trails, from the Sacramento border to Dry Creek’s sources, and to the Folsom Lake State Recreation Area. Greenway Plan and EIR can be found here.
Action requested: Recommendation to Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors to Adopt the Dry Creek Greenway Regional Vision and Certify the Final EIR.
Presented by Christopher Schmidt, Senior Planner, Planning Services Division of the Community Development/Resource Agency (20 min.)

Improvement Project for Treelake Park and Playground
The County Parks Division is requesting funding to remove and replace the old playground at Treelake Park that does not comply with current safety standards or meet requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The cost estimate for the project is $150,000.
Action requested: Recommend the County Board of Supervisors approve the request of the County Parks Division for $108,000 from Granite Bay’s Landscape and Lighting District reserves, and redirect $42,000 from currently budgeted reserve funds, for a new playground at Treelake Park, 5255 Parkford Circle.
Presented by John Ramirez, Placer County Parks Administrator, Department of Facility Services (20 min.)

2010 Census/Redistricting
Discussion of 2010 Census and how it effects District Supervisorial Boundaries.
Presented by: Loren Clark, Asst. Agency Director, Planning Services Division of the Community Development/Resource Agency (45 min.)

May's MAC Meeting Canceled


The monthly meeting of MAC, scheduled for Wednesday, May 4, 2011, has been canceled.

Placer County Zoning Administrator to Hold Public Hearing on Bayside Church Request


The Placer County Zoning Administrator will be conducting a public hearing on Thursday, April 21, 2011 at 9:30 AM in the Planning Commission Hearing Room (3091 County Center Drive, Auburn, CA 95603), to consider a request from Bayside Church, for a Minor Use Permit; this permit would allow for special events to take place at the church throughout the year.

South Placer Fire District Looking For Ways to Raise Revenue


At its regular meeting on March 16, the SPFD Board voted 3-1 (one absent) to hire SCI Consulting Group to conduct an initial assessment to create an ongoing new revenue source to fund its operational and facility needs. The most likely new revenue source is a new benefit assessment or parcel tax, and the company specializes in opinion research specifically tailored to address the unique aspects of a mailed weighted ballot benefit assessment.

Benefit assessment districts circumvent Prop 218 which says a parcel tax must be approved by 2/3 vote. By doing a mailed weighted ballot benefit assessment 50% plus 1 of the RETURNED BALLOTS will pass a special tax, and similar agencies have turned to this post 218 method to raise taxes for fire protection and emergency services where districts are finding it difficult to fund salaries, benefits, and pensions. (The mosquito abatement assessment special tax was passed in Placer County this way and the amount appears on property tax bills.)

Phase I will cost the SPFD $24,000 and is an analysis of the District including parcels by type and location, property ownership, property attributes, fire and emergency service needs and other factors that may influence the proposed new funding measure. After the preliminary fire assessment methodology and ballot measure strategic plans are reviewed, a survey is mailed to affected property owners. Proposed fire assessments and weighted ballot “votes” for each property owner will be integrated into the survey and opinion research. The findings will be analyzed and strategic recommendations for an assessment ballot to garner property owner approval for a new benefit assessment tax will be developed for review by the District.

At this point, the Board has the opportunity to decide whether the survey results favor proceeding with an assessment mailed ballot measure or a parcel tax, what rate to propose and when to conduct the mailed ballot proceeding. If, after analyzing the results of the returned surveys, the District elects to proceed with Phase II, there will be an additional cost of about $70,000.

NOTE: This assessment is considered a benefit to the property and revenue raised cannot be used to fund the ambulance service which accounts for 75% to 80% of the calls. In 2010-11, revenue from this source amounted to $943,318. In 1981, residents voted for an annual special assessment of $70 which has provided additional revenue every year and which accounted for $662,494 this budget year. This income, plus property taxes, fees, rentals, interest, etc., provided revenue of $7,352,158 for 2010-11.

The Director who voted against hiring a company to survey residents to determine how they would vote noted the fire district is doing a good job. However, he felt the economic situation in the country has changed and a better, more efficient job could be done to reduce costs. He did not feel raising taxes for revenue was the way to go. The Granite Bay Community Association will update members as this matter goes forth.

Compromise Reached: Enclave At Granite Bay Update


After many years of controversial hearings before MAC, the Planning Commission, and the Board of Supervisors, the community, neighbors, and the proponent have reached a compromise on a general plan for the Enclave at Granite Bay.

Proposed on the north side of Elmhurst Drive at the intersection of Swan Lake Drive in Treelake just east of Oakhills and Ridgeview Elementary Schools, this housing development’s general plan has been amended to allow 12 home sites where 6 were allowed under the current zoning. Approximately 46% of the site will be open space and access will be from Pastor Drive rather than from Elmhurst and Swan Lake Drive. Proponent originally sought a rezone and general plan amendment for 43 homes targeted at residents 55 years of age and older.

Granite Bay Garage Condos & Douglas Blvd. Self-Storage Proposal


The site consists of 8.7 acres on the north side of Douglas Blvd. just east of the intersection of Auburn Folsom Rd. and Douglas Blvd, and is zoned C1 with a Use Permit and Design Control. The property was previously approved for 53 town homes and even though the tentative map for this project is still viable, the current owner has submitted a different proposal.

Phase I consists of 59 self storage garages totaling 73,975 sq. ft. on 4.27 acres for storage of autos, boats, recreational vehicles, or other personal items of owner. Four buildings would house the garages ranging from 640 to 4,000 sq. ft., and there would be a 2,780 sq. ft. two story private owners’ Club House.

While one concession was made to the residents, the 6 foot high wall along 3,000 feet of rural Olive Ranch Road be a 3 foot open design on top of a 3 foot solid base, with pedestrian access through the gated project from sunrise to sunset, for the most part, Chairperson, Supervisor Uhler ignored his constituents and the Granite Bay Community Plan and was perceived as acting as an advocate for the proponent.

MAC Agenda Item Summary: April


MAC Committee Reports
Granite Bay Community Plan policy review committee. For more information, click here.

Douglas Boulevard and Sierra College Boulevard Pedestrian Facilities
The proposed project will complete approximately 0.50 miles of pedestrian facilities along the Sierra College Boulevard including five (5) foot wide sidewalk, ADA ramps and driveway entrances. The project proposes to fill in the few remaining gaps along Douglas Boulevard with five (5) foot wide sidewalks, ADA ramps and driveway entrances.
Presented by Jeff Apps, Project Manager; Department of Public Works (15 min.)

Recreational Storage Facility Project
This project is to build a boat/RV storage area on the undeveloped portions of parcels 047-0150-012 01510-042 (referred to as the East Portion). These properties are located on Douglas Boulevard. Currently these areas are vacant undeveloped land with commercial and some residential properties adjoining the project boundary. This project would propose the grading, paving, landscaping, fencing, concrete work and stripping of the undeveloped portions in order to place 97 – 10’x30’ boat storage stalls and 8 – 12’x45’ RV storage stalls on the West Portion of the project and 83 – 10’x30’ boat storage stalls on the East Portion of the project.
Presented by Tony Cardoso – Capital Pacific Company (15 min.)

Mixed Use Project
This proposed project is located on approximately 19.9 acres at the south east corner of Auburn Folsom and Fuller, consisting of 68 single family lots, 23,000 square feet of retail on the corner of Auburn Folsom & Fuller and 6,000 square feet of office on the south end of the project. The APN #: 047-150-045-000 and 050-190-001-000.
Presented by Tony Cardoso – Capital Pacific Company (15 min.)

Join the Historical Advisory Board


Applications are being accepted for the Historical Advisory Board. For an application, please click here.

Vehicle Burglaries on the Rise in Granite Bay


The Placer County Sheriff’s Office is urging residents of Granite Bay to be extra vigilant about locking their vehicles and not leaving their belongings in their cars in light of a rash of recent vehicle burglaries. Click here for more information.

Three Positions Now Open


Applications are being accepted for Granite Bay MAC Secretary, Library Advisory Board and the Placer County Older Adult Advisory Commission. To apply for a position, click here.

Attention: Changes For March MAC Meeting


There have been some one-time scheduling changes made for the March MAC meeting as well as the monthly MAC Sub-Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, March 2, 2011.

The MAC Sub-Committee Meeting on the Community Plan, which is held before the MAC meeting will not be held at the Eureka School District Office. The meeting has been relocated, and will now take place at the Granite Bay Branch Library located at 6475 Douglas Blvd at 5:00 PM.

The MAC meeting, which is normally held at 7:00 PM is now scheduled to begin at 6:50 PM back at the Eureka Union School District office located at 5455 Eureka Road.

Kindergarten Registration Now Underway in Eureka Union School District


If you have an incoming Kindergarten student for the 2011-2012 school year, you may pick up a registration packet at any of the K-3 schools:

  • Greenhills School
  • 8200 Greenhills Way
  • Granite Bay, CA 95746
  • (916)-791-4230
  • Maidu School
  • 1950 Johnson Ranch Dr.
  • Roseville, CA 95661
  • (916)-789-7910
  • Oakhills School
  • 9233 Twin Schools Road
  • Granite Bay, CA 95746
  • (916)-791-5391

Included in the registration packet are the times of School Tours, the Parent Welcome Meetings and Information Nights.

MAC Agenda Item Summary: March


MAC Committee Reports
Granite Bay Community Plan policy review committee. For more information, click here.

Enclave at Granite Bay
The proposed project is a 12-lot planned residential development on 12.07 acres, with approximately 46% of the site dedicated to open space including natural wetland areas. The project is located on the North Side of Elmhurst Drive, at the intersection of Swan Lake Drive, in the Granite Bay area.
Presented by E.J. Ivaldi, Planning Services Division of the Community Development/Resource Agency; Applicant: Camille Courtney, Rancho Cortina Properties (5 min.)

Douglas Boulevard Self Storage & Granite Bay Garage Condos
This project consists of two phases – 73,975 sq. ft. of Self Storage Units on the western parcel (APN: 047-060-016) and 74,902 sq. ft. of Garage Condos on the eastern parcel (APN: 047-060-033). The Self Storage portion includes a two-story office with a sales/rental area and a residence for the manager. The Garage Condos include a two-story club house with restrooms, lounge area, meeting rooms, and kitchen space for condo owners. The Garage Condos would also include a self service vehicle wash area. The project is located on the north side of Douglas Boulevard, approximately 0.08 miles east of its intersection with Auburn-Folsom Road.
Presented by Al Johnson – Al Johnson Consulting; Applicant: Al Johnson, Al Johnson Consulting (10 min.)

To learn more about the Douglas Boulevard Self Storage & Granite Bay Garage Condos, please click here.

UPDATED: MAC Agenda Item Summary: February


MAC Committee Reports
Granite Bay Community Plan policy review committee. For more information, click here.

**Applicant for the item below has requested a continuance to the March 2 MAC meeting.

Douglas Boulevard Self Storage & Granite Bay Garage Condos
This project consists of two phases – 73,975 sq. ft. of Self Storage Units on the western parcel (APN: 047-060-016) and 74,902 sq. ft. of Garage Condos on the eastern parcel (APN: 047-060-033). The Self Storage portion includes a two-story office with a sales/rental area and a residence for the manager. The Garage Condos include a two-story club house with restrooms, lounge area, meeting rooms, and kitchen space for condo owners. The Garage Condos would also include a self service vehicle wash area. The project is located on the north side of Douglas Boulevard, approximately 0.08 miles east of its intersection with Auburn-Folsom Road.
Presented by Al Johnson – Al Johnson Consulting (10 min.)

To learn more about the Douglas Boulevard Self Storage & Granite Bay Garage Condos, please click here.

Overview of Placer County Air Pollution Control District Burn Rules and Responsibilities
The Placer County Air Pollution Control District staff will present information on the amending of the District’s Burn Rules, along with an overview of the District’s responsibilities. There have been no regulatory changes in burn rules; the newly organized guidelines simplify and consolidate rules and bring them into compliance with State regulations; the document also makes the information more user friendly.
Presented by Ann Hobbs, Air Quality Specialist, Placer County Air Pollution Control District (15 min.)

The academy will kick off with a welcome by top sheriff’s administrators and an overview of how the department works.

On subsequent nights, presentations will be made by air operations, Search and Rescue, the bomb squad, the Special Enforcement Team, the marine unit, investigations, hostage negotiators and the drug task force. There will also be a demonstration by members of the K-9 team.

The academy is intended to provide the citizens of Placer County with an overview of the Sheriff Office’s functions, policies and procedures, as well as getting them involved in their community. The goal of the academy is to provide a greater awareness and understanding of law enforcement’s role in the community. Attendees must be at least 18 years of age, work or reside in Placer County and agree to submit to a minor background check.

A reservation is required. To reserve a spot, call Community Services Officer Kim Rivera at (530) 889-6922 or email

The LEAD Program is a free, voluntary prevention and education program for retail licensees, their employees, and applicants. The curriculum is designed for licensees, managers, and employees. The program is 3-1/2 hours long and participation is limited to 40 persons per class.

The LEAD Program has received national awards and is certified by the California Coordinating Council on Responsible Beverage Service. To reserve a space, contact CSO Lynn Harrison at (916) 652-2419 or email her at

Kindergarten Registration in Granite Bay


If you have an incoming Kindergarten student for the 2011-2012 school year, you may pick up a registration packet any time during regular business hours, beginning February 1st  at your local school:

  • Greenhills School
  • 8200 Greenhills Way
  • Granite Bay, CA 95746
  • (916)-791-4230
  • Maidu School
  • 1950 Johnson Ranch Dr.
  • Roseville, CA 95661
  • (916)-789-7910
  • Oakhills School
  • 9233 Twin Schools Road
  • Granite Bay, CA 95746
  • (916)-791-5391

For more information on Kindergarten, please click here to access the California Department of Education’s FAQ website.

Opening For MAC Secretary


The Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council has a vacancy for a secretary. To learn more, click here. Applications are now being accepted; click here to apply.

News Achieves: 2010

All the news from the year 2010.

MAC Agenda Item Summary: January


MAC Committee Reports
Granite Bay Community Plan policy review committee

The Enclave at Granite Bay (Revised)
Proposal to subdivide a 12.07 acre site into a 13-lot Planned Residential Development consistent with the Board of Supervisor’s approval (December 14, 2010) of a General Plan Amendment and Rezone. The revised vesting tentative subdivision map reduces the number of proposed lots from 26 to 13. Lot sizes would range in area between 15,000 square feet and 25,718 square feet. Approximately 42% of the site would be set aside as open space with active and passive recreation areas, including a pedestrian pathway connecting to Twin Oaks School. The project site is located on the north side of Elmhurst Drive, at the intersection of Swan Lake Drive in the Granite Bay area.

Host Families Needed


Please consider opening your home to an Educational Homestay Program international student for 3 ½ weeks this coming summer! This is an amazing opportunity for your family and surrounding communities to participate in an international exchange promoting language learning and building cross cultural relationships that will last a lifetime.

This next summer our students will be coming from France, Spain and Italy. The are arriving on July 7th and will be departing on Aug 2, 2011. The students are supervised by EF staff from 8:00am-5:30pm Monday-Friday. For more information, please contact the local Program leader: Nicole McClintock at (916) 768-5829 or

Project Blue Light To Honor Fallen Officers


The Placer County Sheriff’s Office is encouraging residents and businesses throughout Placer County to display blue lights during the month of December in honor of Project Blue Light.

For additional information on Project Blue Light, please click here, or call Community Services Officer Lynn Harrison at (916) 652-2419.

MAC Agenda Item Summary: December


MAC Committee Reports:
Granite Bay Community Plan policy review committee.

News10 Coats for Kids Winter Coat Drive


Just clean out those closets and donate new or gently used coats to News10's Coats For Kids! Coats of all sizes are accepted. There are many ways you can help out from donating a coat, to taking donations yourself, holding an event where you collect coats, making a monetary donation, and volunteering your time.

Rogers Jewelry Company, Century 21 M&M and Associates and Swansons Cleaners will be collecting coats at all of their locations. So, donate now through December 3rd.

Locally, you can donate at the:

  • Swansons Cleaners in Granite Bay at 6941 Douglas Boulevard
  • Rogers Jewelry Company in Roseville at 9217 Sierra College Blvd.
  • Tri Counties Bank in Granite Bay at 4100 Douglas Blvd.

Click here to see more donation locations.

Enclave at Granite Bay: Outcome of Meeting


At the November 23rd meeting both the Granite Bay MAC and the Placer County Planning Commission recommended denial of the applicant’s request for a Rezone and General Plan Amendment; and, after input from the audience and discussion by the Supervisors, a motion was made and passed directing planning staff to return to the December 14 Board of Supervisors Meeting at 10:40 a.m. with findings for a General Plan Amendment and Rezone in order for the Board to consider the request to extend the zoning on the east side to the Pastor property.

The Tyreke Evans Charity Poker Tournament


It’s time for the 6th Annual Charity Poker Tournament supporting the American Diabetes Association. This year Tyreke Evans of the Sacramento Kings is joining Dr. Scott Warren to find a cure for diabetes, and he’s inviting local celebrities to join him. In addition to a fun night of poker, food, and drinks the celebrities will also be available for signings and pictures.

Please click here, and find out how to join this night of fun with the local celebrities.

MAC Openings/Appointments


Supervisor Uhler noted there are currently two openings on the MAC. Because all MAC members are required to resign and reapply in January, he has opted to make no appointments at this time but will instead consider applications submitted and fill all seven positions in January for a two year term. Contact Linda Brown at 800-488-4308 for information.

Community Plan

Community Plan: Granite Bay MAC Sub-committee/Working Group Now Forming


The Sub-committee, which consists of two MAC members (a Chair and Vice-Chair) and is open to any and all community members/property owners who are interested in providing input to staff on the policy items, will begin meeting in December. Ultimately, the intent of the sub-committee is to provide MAC with input on all recommendations by July 2011.

Planning staff will help coordinate and facilitate the meetings, which will be held at the Eureka Union School District Office at 6:00 p.m., one-hour prior to the regularly scheduled monthly MAC meetings. Additional sub-committee meetings may be convened as needed/required.

The Sub-committee’s Chair and Vice-Chair will provide monthly updates to the general MAC.

Rancho Del Oro: Outcome of October 5th Meeting


Despite the fact that correspondence and oral input overwhelmingly opposed applicant’s request, in the end, the Board of Supervisors approved the Rancho Del Oro project 3-1.

At the October 5th meeting, applicant made a request for a Rezone. This Rezone would remove the Planned Development designation on the parcel, allowing for an additional 26 lots to be obtained.

While one concession was made to the residents, the 6 foot high wall along 3,000 feet of rural Olive Ranch Road be a 3 foot open design on top of a 3 foot solid base, with pedestrian access through the gated project from sunrise to sunset, for the most part, Chairperson, Supervisor Uhler ignored his constituents and the Granite Bay Community Plan and was perceived as acting as an advocate for the proponent.

Volunteer Planting Events: Creek Week


As part of Creek Week, the Granite Bay Miners Ravine Nature Reserve Restoration project will occur on Saturday, November 13 from 9:00 a.m. to Noon at 7530 Auburn Folsom Road. Dry Creek Conservancy and Chad Aakre of Restoration Resources will lead volunteers. For more information and to RSVP please contact 773-6575 or Dry Creek Conservancy at

South Placer Fire Department: October Report


Fire Marshal Richardson reported that September was a busy month, especially for medial calls. He also noted that the fire personnel will wear pink T-shirts for the month of October in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As of October 6, the SPFD has sold 500 of the shirts for $15 each to benefit the Susan B. Komen, Sacramento fund.

California Highway Patrol: October Report


A representative from CHP noted that Douglas Boulevard and Auburn-Folsom continue to be the areas of traffic accidents, 5 with injuries.

MAC Agenda Item Summary: November


Granite Bay Community Plan Update:
County staff will provide an overview of the work plan for the Granite Bay Community Plan Update (Policy Document only) and also provide details of the Granite Bay MAC Sub-committee meeting that is scheduled to meet for the first time on December 1, 2010.

“Howl-O-Ween” Event Benefits Placer County's K-9s!


The public is invited to a family “Howl-O-Ween” event this Sunday, Oct. 31, which will benefit Placer County law enforcement dogs. From 11 a.m. until 3 p.m., meet the dogs and their handlers at Starbucks, 1228 Galleria Blvd., Roseville, across the street from the Galleria Mall. There will be K-9 demonstrations and there will be treats for dogs that come in costume. Raffle tickets will be for sale to win a brand new Trek mountain bike, generously donated by Bob’s Cycle Center. Raffle proceeds directly benefit local law enforcement dogs through the Foothills K-9 Association.

For more information, go to

**Raffle tickets are also available at Starbucks, Galleria Blvd., Bob’s Cycle Center, 378 N. Sunrise Blvd., Roseville, and at the Animal Nutrition Center, 1805 Cirby Way, Roseville.

CHP to Up Patrol of Auburn-Folsom Road


Due to a number of accidents, with injuries, on Auburn-Folsom Road, CHP reports that they will increase patrol in that area.

SPFD Supports Breast Cancer Awareness


During the month of October the SPFD will trade in their blue firefighting shirts for pink ones to help raise funds for Breast Cancer Awareness. The shirts will be available at the Fire Prevention Fair, where profits from shirt sales will be donated to Susan G. Komen, Sacramento. For more information, please visit

Fire Prevention Fair


On Saturday, October 16, the public is invited to join the South Placer Fire Department at Quarry Ponds eastern parking lot as they host the Fire Prevention Fair.

Sherriff’s Department Report: September


On the whole the Sheriff’s Department reports that unlawful activity is down, but there were some incidences of theft in unlocked vehicles; in addition, there were also a couple burglaries, which occurred when thieves gained access through unlocked sliding class doors.

MAC Agenda Item Summary: October


Granite Bay Community Plan Policy Update Sub-Committee
The MAC will be asked to review a proposal from the MAC Administrator and Planning Department regarding the creation of a MAC sub-committee to focus on, discuss and create potential policy changes to the Granite Bay Community Plan.

Rancho Del Oro: Upcoming Meeting


On Tuesday, October 5, the Placer County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing to discuss the final EIR for the Rancho Del Oro project. The meeting will take place at 10:30 AM in the Board of Supervisors' Hearing Room (175 Fulweiler Avenue, Auburn, CA 95603.

Sheriff’s Community Awareness Academy: Fall 2010


It’s time to sign up for the Placer County Sheriff Office’s popular Community Awareness Academy, which offers an inside look at the law enforcement agency.

Classes will be held in the Community Room at the Placer County Sheriff headquarters in the Auburn Justice Center. The center is located at 2929 Richardson Drive in north Auburn’s Dewitt Center. Classes are scheduled from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

To learn more about the academy, click here. Or, to reserve a spot, call Community Services Officer Lynn Harrison at (916) 652-2419 or e-mail her at

UPDATE: Planning Department Makes Recommendation On Community Plan


At the Board of Supervisors budget hearings on August 19, Planning Director Michael Johnson gave an overview of the Planning Department’s budget for the next fiscal year and stated that they will proceed with Option 4 to complete the Granite Bay Community Plan update. That option is to keep the Land Use Element of the Plan as already adopted and only update the Policy portion of the Plan.

This is the Option that the Granite Bay Community Association supported at the April meeting of the Supervisors when staff reviewed five possible scenarios for moving forward with the GBCP update. It makes sense both logically and economically as some policies need updating and there wasn’t a push from the community to change the land use portion of the Plan.

Grnite Bay Community Plan

Community Plan: Planning Department’s Recommendation


In addition to providing an overview of next year’s budget for Planning Department, a recommendation concerning the Community Plan was also given.

At the Board of Supervisors budget hearings on August 19, Planning Director Michael Johnson stated that they will proceed with Option 4 to complete the Granite Bay Community Plan update. That option is to keep the Land Use Element of the Plan as already adopted and only update the Policy portion of the Plan.

This is the Option that the Granite Bay Community Association supported at the April meeting of the Supervisors when staff reviewed five possible scenarios for moving forward with the GBCP update. It makes sense both logically and economically as some policies need updating and there wasn’t a push from the community to change the land use portion of the Plan.

Planning Commission Vote on Rancho Del Oro Estates


After much discussion at the July 22nd meeting, the Planning Commissioners voted on matters concerning the Rancho Del Oro Estates. Both sides plan to appeal the decisions.

The commissioners voted as follows:

  1. Certify the R and adopt the Statement of Overriding Considerations (impacts to biological resources could not be mitigated) – Passed 4-2.

  2. Approve the Vesting Tentative Map – Passed 4-2.

  3. Deny the Variance for entry gates – Passed 5-1.

  4. Retain Agriculture overlay and direct that CC&Rs for this project cannot eliminate this condition – Passed 5-1.

  5. Recommended approval to the Board of Supervisors of the applicant’s request for a rezone with the above amendments – Passed 4-2.

UPDATE: Proposed State Regulations for Septic Systems


The review of the new regulations proposed for the septic systems was suspended. The suspension comes in reaction to the opposition posed by Placer County and many other counties throughout the state.

Water Resources is studying a three tiered approach to develop required regulations. Additional information can be found here or

MAC Meetings Coming To Web


At July’s MAC meeting the audience was informed that MAC meetings are now being recorded and the video is uploaded to the web; live-streaming video will be available in the near future.

Budget Update


Supervisor Uhler reported that the Board of Supervisors has adopted a preliminary balanced budget for the 2010-11 fiscal year, which involves reducing expenditures by 11% and laying off 12 people from a workforce of 2,400.

Budget Effect on Granite Bay Community Plan


Due to the preliminary balanced budget announced by Supervisor Uhler, it is projected that only one staff person will be budgeted for this task. However, the actual effect will be determined in August or September.

Green Loan Program


The popular County program which established a fund making it easier for residents to install energy conservation projects in their homes and make the financing of these projects part of their property tax bills has been suspended due to strict new underwriting requirements.

CPR Classes


Residents are invited to sign up for CPR classes offered at the fire station located on 6900 Eureka Road. Classes are limited to 20 spots, so call (916) 791-7059 for the dates of classes.

The 27th Annual National Night Out


On both Monday and Tuesday, August 2nd and 3rd, the Placer County Sheriff’s Office is hosting the 27th Annual National Night Out; an event designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness and generate support for, and participation in, Neighborhood Watch. To learn more about the National Night Out activates, please click here.

Quarry Ponds Sign Variance Appeal


The Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 13, 2010 regarding the appeal. The meeting, located at 175 Fulweiler Avenue in Auburn, will start at 11 AM.

Speed Limits Changes


As a result of surveys on area road speeds, the Board of Supervisors approved increasing the speed limit on East Roseville Parkway to 40 miles per hour; meanwhile, due to road constraints, the speed limit for Olive Ranch Road and Berg Street will remain at 35 miles per hour.

Sheriff’s Report


In the month of May, there were 25 residential burglaries in the community. In one case, a perpetrator, who was arrested for about eight burglaries, had been recently paroled.

Supervisor’s Report


Supervisor Uhler gave MAC an update on the County budget; he noted that the $23 million gap in the budget had been closed with the use of reserves and belt tightening.

Douglas Boulevard and Sierra College Boulevard Pedestrian Facilities
The proposed project will complete approximately 0.50 miles of pedestrian facilities along the Sierra College Boulevard including five (5) foot wide sidewalk, ADA ramps and driveway entrances. The project proposes to fill in the few remaining gaps along Douglas Boulevard with five (5) foot wide sidewalks, ADA ramps and driveway entrances.
Presented by Jeff Apps, Project Manager; Department of Public Works (15 min.)

Recreational Storage Facility Project
This project is to build a boat/RV storage area on the undeveloped portions of parcels 047-0150-012 01510-042 (referred to as the East Portion). These properties are located on Douglas Boulevard. Currently these areas are vacant undeveloped land with commercial and some residential properties adjoining the project boundary. This project would propose the grading, paving, landscaping, fencing, concrete work and stripping of the undeveloped portions in order to place 97 – 10’x30’ boat storage stalls and 8 – 12’x45’ RV storage stalls on the West Portion of the project and 83 – 10’x30’ boat storage stalls on the East Portion of the project.
Presented by Tony Cardoso – Capital Pacific Company (15 min.)

Mixed Use Project
This proposed project is located on approximately 19.9 acres at the south east corner of Auburn Folsom and Fuller, consisting of 68 single family lots, 23,000 square feet of retail on the corner of Auburn Folsom & Fuller and 6,000 square feet of office on the south end of the project. The APN #: 047-150-045-000 and 050-190-001-000.
Presented by Tony Cardoso – Capital Pacific Company (15 min.)

Free Fun: Sheriff’s Special Teams Featured at Opening Night of the Placer County Fair


On Thursday night, several Placer County Sheriff’s special teams will be featured during the opening night of the Placer County Fair at the fairgrounds in Roseville. Teams will include the Placer County Sheriff’s Special Enforcement Team, Air Operations Unit featuring Falcon 30, and the Canine Unit will provide the evening’s exciting finale. The program also includes the Sacramento Sheriff’s Posse, Touch & Go Dog Agility, and a presentation by the Placer County Schutzhund Club.

Sign Up For Sheriff’s Horse Camp


It’s time to sign up for the Placer County Sheriff Department’s 18th Annual Ride With Pride, a one-day camp that pairs grade-school children with deputies and their horse partners.  For more information, including dates and times, please click here.

Placer County Sheriff’s Council Hosting Health & Safety Expo


This Saturday, the Placer County Sheriff’s Council is hosting its first-ever Health and Safety Expo to benefit the Placer County Sheriff’s Department. Please click here, to learn more.

Public/Private Partnership Provides Customers Free Plants, Products and Other Discounts in May


The San Juan Water District and Sierra Nursery partner during Water Awareness Month. To learn more about this, please click here.

Community Plan



All community members who have followed this issue for the past 18 or so months should try to attend this meeting. Even though it is not a Public Hearing and not usually open for Public Comment, the understanding is that Public Comment will be allowed.

"The Placer County Planning Department will be providing the Board of Supervisors with an update on the Granite Bay Community Plan Review at their next regular meeting on Tuesday, April 27, 2010. The meeting will take place at the Placer County Administrative Offices (Domes) at 175 Fulweiler Avenue in Auburn ."

The full staff report and hearing agenda for the meeting is available on the website Click on Upcoming Meeting Agenda for 4-27-10. Scroll down to Item 8 – Community Development Resources Agency Planning/Update to review the staff report that will be presented. On pages 129 and 130 of the report, staff presents 5 options for consideration and the possible fiscal impacts of each for the Board to consider when giving direction to staff on how to proceed.

This item will probably be heard shortly after the 9:00 starting time of the meeting.

Sheriff's Report


Deputy Clark reported there had been some smash and grab incidents in parking lots around Auburn-Folsom and Douglas. He also noted that magazine solicitors should be able to show a license for their sales activity.

UPDATE: Chipper Program


**Updated from December 7, 2009: The popular Chipper Program has been reactivated and at least through the summer there will be no charge. For more information about the chipping services, please call (530) 889-0111 extension 3.

About two months ago, the Chipper Program was suspended because the grant money that was used to run the program ran out. The very popular program is reorganizing and plans to resume operating sometime after the first of the year. However, residents using the service will be charged $70 per hour with a 30 minute minimum of $35.

Please visit click here for more information.

Community Plan

Information on Community Plan Update


In an effort to keep residents informed about the process and recent developments surrounding the Update of Granite Bay's Community Plan, here are some links that may be useful.

  • For background information on the Community Plan, min. for the special February 11th meeting, etc, please click here.

  • To see specifics on the Requested Land Use Changes, please click here.

  • Then, to view the actual location of the parcels of land mentioned on the Requested Land Use Changes page, take the APN numbers of each request, and this map will provide the information.

UPDATED: February MAC Agenda Item Summary


Continued from the January 6, 2010 meeting - Zoning Text Amendment (PZTA T20090403) – Fowl and Poultry.

Fowl and Poultry. The MAC is being asked to provide input on the proposed revisions to the Fowl and Poultry section of the Zoning Ordinance to allow for the keeping of up to three chicken hens in the Residential Single-Family (RS) zone district. The proposed wording is as follows “: In the Residential Single-Family (RS) zone district, the keeping of no more than three (3) chicken hens is permitted, subject to the approval of an Administrative Review Permit. The keeping of roosters, guinea hens, peacock hens, or other exotic hens, is prohibited. Chicken hens shall be confined to the subject property and shall not be allowed off-site. Residential Single-Family uses located in the Tahoe Basin, the Squaw Valley Land Use Plan area, as well as other adopted specific plans, are subject to this provision.

Continued from the January 6, 2010 meeting - Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA 20080448 Emergency Shelters, Transitional and Supportive Housing)

The MAC is being asked to provide input on revisions to the Placer County Zoning Ordinance to bring the Ordinance into compliance with State housing law for emergency shelters, transitional, and supportive housing. The proposed amendments will establish definitions for Emergency Shelters, Transitional Housing, and Supportive Housing as well as identify appropriate zoning designations where these uses will be allowed. (On Oct 8, 2009 the Planning Commission unanimously approved a motion to continue the proposed amendments to allow for additional input from interested parties as well as the MACs). Staff to discuss with interested parties concerns brought up at hearing including expanding proposed uses into additional zoning designations. In addition, staff was directed to change proposed temporary residential shelter designation into emergency shelter in order to be consistent with State’s terminology.
Presenter, Jennifer Dzakowic, Senior Planner, Placer Co. Planning Dept.

San Juan Water District's “Blue Thumb” Gardener Contest


San Juan is seeking customers who have created water efficient landscapes to star in a new water efficiency advertising campaign for the Sacramento region. Nomination forms are due February 22, 2010.

If you know a resident who has created a beautiful, water efficient landscape, please visit to nominate them.

News Achieves: 2009

All the news from the year 2009.

Rancho Del Oro Estates


Placer County has just released a Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Rancho Del Oro Estates project. The review period for this project will be from December 8, 2009 through January 21, 2010.

During this time, a public hearing will be held to receive comments on this project’s Draft EIR. The public hearing is scheduled on Thursday, January 14, 2010 at 10:05 AM in the Placer County Planning Commission Hearing Room, located at 3091 County Center Drive (corner of Richardson Drive and Bell Road in the Dewitt Center), Auburn.

Comments regarding the Daft EIR must be submitted to Maywan Krach, Environmental Coordination Services, at the Placer County Development Resource Agency (3091 County Center Drive, Suite 190, Auburn, CA 95603), by e-mail at by fax at (530) 745-3003. All comments must be received by January 21, 2010 at 5:00 PM.

Copies of the Draft EIR are available at the Granite Bay Public Library, and can also be seen here.

Toy Drive to Benefit Children in Need


The Placer County Sheriff’s Department has teamed with the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department and KNCI Radio to host a toy drive for children in need. This Friday through Sunday, Dec. 11-13, collection receptacles will be set up inside Roseville’s Westfield Galleria Mall from 8 a.m. until 9 p.m., inside the mall at the entrance to Nordstrom. Personnel from both sheriffs’ departments will be staffing the doors.

This event will assist in providing underprivileged children with gifts this holiday season in Placer and Sacramento counties. KNCI will broadcast live each day of the event.

For more information, contact Community Services Officer Lynn Harrison at (916) 652-2419.

Community Plan

Workshop Update


**UPDATE: Supervisor Uhler and the planning department have extended the deadline for summiting the survey given out at the Granite Bay Community Plan Workshop on October 28th.  The new deadline is November 30, 2009.  In addition to extending the deadline, they have made the survey available on the web; click here.

Completed surveys can be dropped off at the Granite Bay Library located on 6475 Douglas Boulevard Granite Bay. Or, they can also be mailed to:

Planning Department
Attn: EJ Ivaldi
3091 County Center Drive, Suite 140 Auburn, CA 95603

ORIGINALLY POSTED ON NOVEMBER 6th: At the Granite Bay Community Plan Workshop on October 28th, county distributed a community survey of about 40 pages for residents to complete and submit by November 15, 2009. The packet is divided into four sections:

  • Goals and Policies
  • Suggested Criteria for Evaluating Land Use Requests
  • Property Owner Land Use Change Requests

If you were unable to attend the meeting and wish to complete a survey, contact the Placer County Planning Department at 800-488-4308, extension 3000 for information.

At the November 4th MAC meeting, many residents felt the time line to respond was too short and asked to have the deadline to complete the survey extended. Supervisor Uhler said his office would look into the matter.

Community Plan

Granite Bay Community Plan Review Workshop Announcement


Placer County Planning Department staff will provide an overview of a community workshop scheduled for the evening of October 28th at the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection. This workshop’s primary purpose will be to solicit community input on requested changes to the community plan received from property owners.

Otow Orchard Open House


As a thank you to their customers for their patronage over the years, on Saturday, November 14, 2009, the Otow Orchard on 6232 Eureka Road is holding an open house from 1 to 3 PM. Hosted by the Placer Land Trust, visitors will enjoy: refreshments, (featuring Placer County produce), a demonstration of the ancient art of drying persimmons (hoshigaki), a tour and information about the historical family farm.

Community Plan

Community Plan: Hearing Mailing List


As the updating of the Granite Bay Community Plan continues to be discussed, those interested in taking part in it, or simply staying informed, can be added to the mailing list to receive notices on upcoming hearings by contacting the Planning Department at (800) 488-4308, Extension 3000.

The 5th Annual JDRF Texas Hold'Em Charity Tournament


On Friday, November 13, 2009, take part in the 5th Annual Texas Hold 'Em Charity Tournament which will benefit the American Diabetes Association! Held at the Roseville Health and Wellness Center at 1650 Lead Hill Blvd, check in is at5:30 PM with the game starting at 6:30 PM. With a tournament fee of $150, ($100 to charity and $50 to prize money), have fun and support a great cause. The tournament is limited to the first 81 players; so to reserve your spot, send the $100 charitable donation by November 1st to:

  • Warren Chiropractic
  • 1650 Lead Hill Blvd #600
  • Roseville, CA 95661

For more information about this event, please call Scott Warren at (916) 947-4325.

Community Awareness Academy


It’s time to sign up for the Placer County Sheriff Department’s popular Community Awareness Academy. The academy offers a glimpse inside the law enforcement agency. Participants are asked to attend all seven classes; each class covers a different topic. The classes which will be held in the Community Room at the Placer County Sheriff Department’s headquarters in the Auburn Justice Center (located at 2929 Richardson Drive in north Auburn’s Dewitt Center) will take place  Tuesdays and Thursdays evenings, beginning October 6th and ending October 27th from 6 PM to 9 PM. To reserve a spot, call Community Services Officer Lynn Harrison at (916) 652-2419 or e-mail her at For more information, click here.

McClintock Holding Town Hall Meeting


Tonight, Tuesday, September 1, 2009, congressman Tom McClintock will hold a town hall meeting for Granite Bay residents to discuss health care reform. The meeting will be held in the gym at Granite Bay High School (1 Grizzly Way) at 6:00 PM. For more information on other town hall meetings hosted by Tom McClintock, click here.

Fire Safety Day


On Saturday, October 3, 2009 the South Placer Fire District will hold a Fire Safety Day from 10 AM to 2 PM in the east parking lot of Quarry Pounds on Douglas Blvd.

Batting Cage at Feist Park


At its August meeting, MAC supported Lakeside Little League’s request of the County Parks Division to modify the park’s batting cage, giving it a steel roof and replacing the woven netting with chain link.  

Update on Enclave Project


On Thursday, August 13th, The Planning Commission voted 3-2 (two commissioners were absent) to support Placer County staff and deny a general plan amendment and rezone for the Enclave at Granite Bay project. The hearing went on for 2-1/2 hours before a standing room crowd only. The applicant requested the rezone in order to construct 27 age restricted homes (55 and older) on property zoned for 6 lots. Applicant has 10 days to file an appeal to the decision of the Planning Commission to the Board of Supervisors.

MAC had denied support of the project 7-0 and there was significant opposition from residents around the proposed project and Granite Bay as a whole.

Lakeside's Dream Run Comes To An End


After last night’s game against Chula Vista, Lakeside's All Star season has come to an end. Despite putting up a good fight, Lakeside lost to Park View. The Western Region championship game was much closer than the final score of score 11-4 indicates.  Lakeside gave Park View the most challenging game of tournament; and in the process, made their community very proud.

Lakeside Majors All Stars Reach the Championship Game


After last night’s close game against Arizona, where Lakeside won 9 to 8, they now play the Park View from Chula Vista, Southern California winners. The televised game is set for tomorrow, Sunday, August 16, 2009 at 5:00PM on ESPN2.

Meeting To Be Held Over Deer Issue


On Wednesday, August 27, 2009 there will be a meeting to discuss the proposed deer hunt. The meeting is at 7:00 PM at the Planning Commission Hearing Room, 3091 Center Dr, Auburn.

**Raffle tickets are also available at Starbucks, Galleria Blvd., Bob’s Cycle Center, 378 N. Sunrise Blvd., Roseville, and at the Animal Nutrition Center, 1805 Cirby Way, Roseville.

Lakeside All Stars Make News in San Bernardino


**UPDATE: Lakeside Majors All Stars continue winning at the Little League Western Regional in San Bernardino; defeating both Utah on Monday with a final score of 10 to 0 and Hawaii on Wednesday 5 to 3.  Next up for the Lakeside Majors All Stars are the semi-finals where they face Arizona, tonight at 7:30 p.m..

ORIGINALLY POSTED ON AUGUST 9th: The local Lakeside Majors All Stars are off to a strong start at the Little League Western Regional in San Bernardino; defeating Nevada by a score of 7 to 1 on Friday and then Arizona on Saturday with a final score of 4 to 1. With these two wins behind them, the Lakeside Majors All Stars face Utah on Monday, August 10, 2009. For a complete list of games and times, please click here.

Students At Granite Bay High School Have H1N1 Virus; School To Remain Open


**UPDATE: According to the Granite Bay View, the number of confirmed H1N1 cases currently stands at 8. In addition, about 39 other students were home on Thursday with flu-like symptoms; officials caution that they were not confirmed cases of the virus.

ORIGINALLY POSTED ON AUGUST 11th:With the new school year just beginning, The Roseville Joint High School District has confirmed that four students at Granite Bay High School have contracted the H1N1 virus or swine flu. Of those four students, three of them were students that had gone to band camp at the school, which was held before the school year began. One of those students is now feeling better and is back at school. Meanwhile, the fourth student, not associated with the band, was sent home and was confirmed to have the virus on Monday. In addition to these four students, according to Principal Michael McGuire, seven other students with flu-like symptoms have been kept at home; however, those students have not been confirmed to have the virus.

The school is sending out a message to all of its parents to let them know about the cases. In addition, the District said it is following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Placer County health guidelines, which state that any school staff or student who show up with a fever, cough or sore throat are sent home and asked to not to return until 24 hours after the symptoms are gone. School district officials have gone on to meet with all of the school nurses, who were told, if students come to their offices with symptoms, they should be sent home.

26th Annual National Night Out


The Placer County Sheriff’s Department is taking to the streets for the 26th annual National Night Out. Monday and Tuesday, August 3 and 4. Convoys of emergency vehicles will be making their way from neighborhood to neighborhood to celebrate the annual event that brings neighbors and their public safety partners together. National Night Out is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness and generate support for, and participation in, Neighborhood Watch. Click here to see more details about this event. Also, for questions on future National Night Out events, call CSO Lynn Harrison at (916) 652-2419.

UPDATE: Placer County Planning Commission To Hold Public Hearing


On Thursday, July 9, 2009, the Planning Commission held a meeting to discuss the Enclave at Granite Bay project.  After hearing a presentation by the applicant's representative, the Planning Commission decided to return the project back to the planning staff and have re-scheduled the meeting to hear all of the issues and conditions on the project. That meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 13, 2009 at 10:05 a.m. in the Planning Commission's Hearing Room - 3091 County Center Drive, Auburn, CA.

Landscaping Project


The County is hoping for bids on the Douglas Boulevard landscaping project this summer.  Construction would then begin after Labor Day and continue through the winter.

Update: Auburn Folsom Widening Project


As discussed at last month's MAC meeting, the middle phase of the Auburn Folsom Widening Project, located from Lou Place to Ann Place (just south of Eureka Road) will be put out for bids this summer. The project is expected to take about two construction seasons to complete.

Fish And Game Contacted Over Deer Problem


Supervisor Uhler has contacted Fish and Game after a number of dear and vehicle strikes in the area.  The agency, concerned with possible over population of deer, is considering issuing about 20 permits for a controlled bow and arrow hunt to thin the deer population.  No guns would be involved.

Douglas Fire Station Sold


The South Placer Fire District's Board of Directors has sold the residentially zoned Douglas Fire Station property on Douglas Boulevard to a Jewish Community Center for $616,000.

Placer County Planning Commission To Hold Public Hearing


On Thursday, July 9, 2009, the Placer County Planning Commission will hold a pubic hearing at 10:30 am in the Planning Commission Hearing Room (3091 County Center Drive, Auburn, CA 95603).  Click here to learn more about what will be discussed.

MAC Makes Decision About Enclave At Granite Bay


After listening to a detailed presentation, consisting of input from the project designer, an arborist and traffic engineer, MAC voted unanimously to recommend that the proposed Enclave subdivision in Granite Bay be denied.

Sign Up For Sheriff’s Horse Camp


It’s time to sign up for the Placer County Sheriff Department’s 17th annual Ride With Pride. Children ages seven to 12 are invited to participate in this one-day camp that pairs them with deputies and their horse partners. Participants may choose to attend Ride With Pride on one of four days: June 22-25, 2009 at the Gold Country Fairgrounds in Auburn. Classes will be held from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. each day and a free lunch is provided as part of this free event. For more information or to register, call Community Services Officer Lynn Harrison at (916) 652-2419.

Auburn Folsom Road Construction


After being on winter suspension, the work on Auburn-Folsom Road, from Lou Place to the Sacramento County line, will resume. The contractor will complete the median landscaping, place open graded asphalt and stripe the road.  This work will be done with lane closures and is expected to take about six week to finish.

South Placer Fire District


The South Placer Fire District Board of Directors appointed Madelaine Kiliany to fill the spot vacated by Jeff Moss, who resigned to accept the position of Planning Commissioner for this area.

Placer County Volunteer Opportunities


The Placer County Sheriff’s Department is hosting an evening to showcase opportunities to volunteer within county government and government support entities.  On Tuesday, May 12, 2009, an informational evening will be held at the Auburn Justice Center, 2929 Richardson Drive, Auburn, in the community room from 6-8 p.m. Among the agencies participating are the Sheriff’s Department, the District Attorney’s Office, the Museum Department, the Placer County Law Enforcement Chaplaincy, Child Advocates of Placer County and more.  For more information on this event, please click here.

Foothills K9 Association Fundraiser


The Animal Nutrition Center in Roseville have begun a fundraising effort to replace the aging protective ballistic vests for the 15 law enforcement canines working in four different agencies within Placer County. The fundraiser involves tickets for dog food for a year for 12 winners, a two-night stay at the Resort at Squaw Creek, cedar dog houses, dog beds, several dinners for four at local restaurants and much more. The tickets are for sale up until the day of the event. On Sunday, May 3, 2009, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., the drawings will be held at Animal Nutrition Center at 1805 Cirby Way, Suite 10, in Roseville. For more information about this event, click here.

Bids & Bites


On Saturday, May 16, 2009 take part in Bids & Bites. From 6 to 10 PM at the Lutheran Church Event Center, (6365 Douglas Blvd), the charity event, presented by Granite Bay Service Clubs, will be a casual evening of food, art, auctions and fun. Tickets are $35.00 per person; for more information, please click here.

Sheriff's Report


An officer reported that there have been a number of home burglaries and thefts from vehicles. The officer suggested that some of the rise in crime is driven by the poor economy and residents are urged to lock cars and homes to deter criminals.

Supervisor's Report


At February's meeting, Supervisor Uhler updated the MAC on the progress of a number of road projects in the southern part of Placer County; in addition, he discussed: a replacement helicopter for the Sheriff's Department, and a Ritz Carlton Hotel to be built at North Star. 

Community Plan

Granite Bay Community Plan Update


After being postponed twice the special community meeting to discuss the Granite Bay Plan, and the process for updating it, was finally held on February 11th. The County estimated that approximately 400-450 residents packed the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, where Planning Director Michael Johnson, gave a short presentation. During which he noted that comments regarding the update must be received by June 30, 2009. At that time, staff will review them and then prepare an EIR; a process is estimated to take about two years to complete.

Following Mr. Johnson’s presentation, about 30 residents gave input to the staff; the majority of those people questioned the necessity of updating the Plan, which seems to be working fine as is. For more information about the Plan and the update process as well as forms, please check out the hotline: (530) 745-3098 or click here.

San Juan Water District Water News


The San Juan Water District is reaching out to community organizations to provide important news about the drought, Folsom Lake water supply conditions and conservation tips. To learn more please click here.

Roseville Arts "Art in the Garden" Tour


Tickets for the Roseville Arts’ 9th annual fundraiser, "Art in the Garden" go on sale Sunday, March 1st.  The spring home, garden tour and art sale slated for Saturday, May 2, 2009, from 10:00am to 4:00 pm, will benefit Roseville Arts’ Blue Line Gallery which supports art-related activities for children and adults in the community. For more information about this event, please click here.

Sheriff Offers Free Victim Notification Program


In a new press release the Placer County Sheriff introduces a new notification program for victims of crime. To learn more about the program, please click here.

Amazing Facts Ministries News


New information about the Amazing Facts Ministries has just been posted, so check out our Development page.

Metal Thefts


Many residents have been frustrated by the theft of brass letters (from sub-division entrances) as well as catalytic converters, etc. The recently passed AB 844 bill addresses metal theft, requiring the recycler to hold payment for 3 days; in addition, the seller must present a photo ID, thumbprint and a photograph of the materials offered for sale.

Public Safety


The Sheriff’s Service Center located in the shopping center at the southwest corner of Douglas and Sierra College has closed. Lynn Harrison will be the Community Services Officer in charge of Neighborhood Watch for this area. She can be contacted at (916) 652-2419.

New Septic System Requirements


At last month’s MAC meeting the Placer County Environmental Health Director, Jill Pahl discussed California regulations and the statewide conditional wastewater discharge waiver proposed for all existing and new septic systems. These new regulations will establish minimum requirements for permitting, monitoring and operation of Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) as required by AB 885 passed in 2000. The proposed regulations are now part of a draft document due to go before the Water Resources Control Board on February 9th. Placer County Environmental Health will submit Placer County Comments to Water Resources on February 8th. The Public comment period ends February 9th, with July 1, 2010 being the implementation date. For addition information contact Jill Pahl at 800-488-4308 or

Send Comments by February 9th to:

  • State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Quality
  • Attn: Todd Thompson, P.E.
  • 1001 I Street, 15th Floor, P.O. Box 2231 Sacramento, CA 95812

Community Plan

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Special Community Meeting


After being rescheduled twice over the past two months, the Special Community Meeting to discuss the Granite Bay Community Plan will take place on February 11th at 7:00 PM and will be held at the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection on 6365 Douglas Blvd (Right next door to the Granite Bay Library).

"The Placer County Planning Department will be providing the Board of Supervisors with an update on the Granite Bay Community Plan Review at their next regular meeting on Tuesday, April 27, 2010. The meeting will take place at the Placer County Administrative Offices (Domes) at 175 Fulweiler Avenue in Auburn ."

The full staff report and hearing agenda for the meeting is available on the website Click on Upcoming Meeting Agenda for 4-27-10. Scroll down to Item 8 – Community Development Resources Agency Planning/Update to review the staff report that will be presented. On pages 129 and 130 of the report, staff presents 5 options for consideration and the possible fiscal impacts of each for the Board to consider when giving direction to staff on how to proceed.

This item will probably be heard shortly after the 9:00 starting time of the meeting.

Dinner & Auction to Benefit the Granite Bay High School Baseball Program


The Granite Bay High School Baseball Boosters Association is holding their annual dinner and auction on Saturday, January 31, 2009 at the Granite Bay Golf Club. The dinner/auction is the major fundraiser for the baseball program and in the past has provided monies for necessary field upgrades, dugouts, equipment, uniforms, training, and the like. There is still more to do to support our student athletes, and district budgets need to be supplemented. The Baseball Boosters welcome all supporters to attend this enjoyable evening of dining, silent and live auctions, and dancing at the lovely Granite Bay Golf Club. The auction has historically included many exciting items for all tastes and budgets: from wine & gift baskets, tickets to sporting events, to one of a kind artwork and exciting vacation packages! This year includes raffle for an HP Laptop Computer as well. For information regarding tickets or to make a donation to the auction effort, please call Leigh Mastrantonio at 916-791-5076.

Community Plan

IMPORTANT: Special Community Meeting Date Changed (Again)


The Special Community Meeting to discuss the Granite Bay Community Plan has once again been changed. At this time, the meeting is now scheduled to take place on February 11 (not January 14) at 7:00 and will be held at the Lutheran Church on Douglas Blvd.

News Achieves: 2008

All the news from the year 2008.

Community Plan

IMPORTANT: Special Community Meeting Date Changed


At the request of the community's residents the Special Community Meeting to discuss the Granite Bay Community Plan has been changed from December 17 to January 14. The time and place of the meeting are unknown at this time.

December MAC Meeting Moved


MAC's December 3 meeting was held in the Eureka Elementary School GYM at 5477 Eureka Road Granite Bay, CA 95746 .

Placer County Routing Information


A representative of the Placer County Sheriff’s Department discussed how 911 calls made from cell phones are routed in the unincorporated County areas explaining the specific areas where these calls will still go to CHP and where they will go directly to Placer County’s dispatch.

Auburn-Folsom Widening Update


Work on the widening of Auburn-Folsom Road, which will make Auburn-Folsom Road a 4-lane road from the Placer County line to Lou Place, is proceeding as scheduled and for all intents and purposes was completed in November.   However, depending on the weather, the final noise attenuating asphalt layer might be delayed until spring because it has to be done in warmer weather.  At this time, there are no plans for future phases of the widening project; but, if funding is available, the project may continue in 2010.

Barton Road Bridge Replacement Update


Westcon Construction began working on the bridge replacement project (over Miners Ravine on Barton Road) in May. While the project was scheduled to be completed in mid-November, due in part to the complexity of constructing the bridge, it somewhat behind schedule; but on budget. If the work extends beyond the contract completion date, Westcon Construction faces a penalty of $1,000 for each day beyond that date.

Give & Take: A Holiday Charity Fundraiser For The Tommy Apostolos Fund


On Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at 6:00 PM, join in on a fun-filled evening of games, including: Texas Hold 'em, Blackjack, Checkers, Guitar Hero, Coed Table Shuffleboard, Coed Bowling, Darts, Cribbage, Air Hockey, Backgammon, Bunco and Chess. All the proceeds from this event will go to the Tommy Apostolos Fund. In addition to helping this charity, there will also be a canned food drive.

Taking place at Strikes Entertainment Center in Rocklin, space for each game is limited and spots are first-come, first-serve. To learn more about the event and for registration details, please click here. If you have any questions, you can email Jim Crosthwaite at or Ron Roberts at

Granite Bay Helps in KidsCan Food Drive


Between now and Friday, November 7, 2008 KidsCan continues the tradition of helping to feed hungry families in our community. To do your part, donate any canned and non-perishable food items at any participating school, food bank or other donation locations. Locally, donations are being collected at:

  • Cavitt Junior High School: 7200 Fuller Drive
  • Eureka Union Elementary School: 5477 Eureka Road
  • Granite Bay Schoolhouse: 8265 Sierra College Blvd. Suite 322
  • Granite Bay High School: #1 Grizzly Way
  • Greenhills Elementary School: 8200 Greenhills Way
  • Oakhills School: 9233 Twin Schools Rd.
  • Ridgeview Elementary School: 9177 Twin Schools Rd.
To learn more about these locations and who to contact, or to see a complete list of donation locations—(including locations in Roseville, Lincoln and Loomis)—please click here.

Community Plan

FYI: MAC Updating Community Plan


On Wednesday, October 1, 2008, as the last item (Item C) of this month's agenda, an update to the Granite Bay Community Plan will be discussed.

To learn more about this item and how it will affect you, please look below at the MAC Item Summary.

10/1/08: MAC Agenda Item Summary


Placer County Emergency Call Routing Information:
A representative of the Placer County Sheriff’s Department will discuss the new routing of 911 calls made from cell phones in the unincorporated Placer County areas. The Sheriff’s representative will discuss the specific areas within the County where these calls will still go to CHP and where they will go directly to Placer County’s dispatch.

Granite Bay Road Project Update:
Sherri Berexa from Placer County Public Works department will give the community an update on both the Auburn-Folsom Road widening project as well as the Barton Road bridge project.

Granite Bay Community Plan Update:
The County of Placer will be initiating an update to the Granite Bay Community Plan adopted in 1989. The purpose of the update will be to insure that community's goals, policies and programs are up to date and consistent with the County General Plan. The update will also consider changes in land use.

At this time County staff is developing a work program which will include a six-month opportunity for a property owner to changes in their zoning and land use designation. It is anticipated that this opportunity would begin in January 2009. County staff will provide guidelines for property owners who wish to consider changes.

Once all requests have been submitted and considered, the work program will entail the development of a new policy document, zoning map, land use diagram and an environmental impact report. This process is expected to take at least 2 years.

Placer County District Attorney’s 6th Annual Elder Conference: “Strategies for Successful Aging”


On Saturday, October 25, 2008 from 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM join the Placer County District Attorney’s office and the local non-profit referral agency, Seniors First, to learn about the types of abuse being perpetrated right here in Placer County, and what seniors can do to protect themselves! The conference will take place at William Jessup University located at 333 Sunset Blvd., Rocklin, CA. (There is no fee for this event and a complimentary continental breakfast will be provided. Lunch will be available for purchase.)  

Following the conference, guests will be encouraged to stay and attend the resource fair. The fair will include over 50 vendors who provide valuable services throughout Placer County to seniors and dependant adults. You will also want to gear up for winter by getting your flu shot! Flu shots are free to Medicare recipients with a card and will be available to others for a nominal fee. Seating is limited, so guests will need to R.S.V.P. to Marty at Seniors First, (530) 889-9500 ext. 215 or by email, no later than October 15, 2008.

For more information about this, please click here.

Placer County Health and Human Services Department: Rapid HIV Testing Now Available


The Placer County Health and Human Services Department wants to inform the public that rapid HIV testing, for the virus that causes AIDS, is now available in Placer County. The results of the test are ready in 20 min.. For more information about this service, please click here.

FYI: New Schedules for Placer County’s Libraries


Beginning Saturday, September 13, 2008, the hours of the Granite Bay, Rocklin and Auburn libraries will change. The new schedule will reduce the libraries’ hours by a net total of nine hours. The Granite Bay library's new schedule is as follows:

  • CLOSE on Mondays and Sundays
  • OPEN from 11 AM to 7 PM on Tuesdays through Thursdays
  • OPEN from 10 AM to 6 PM on Fridays
  • OPEN from 10 AM to 5 PM on Saturdays

To see the new hours for the branch libraries in Rocklin and Auburn, please click here. The schedule will be reviewed periodically to determine its impact on public services. Also, service hours will remain the same at all other branch libraries and the Bookmobile.

The 4th Annual JDRF Texas Hold'Em Charity Tournament


Have some fun and win some special prizes at the 4th Annual JDRF Texas Hold'Em Charity Tournament on Friday, September 19, 2008 at the Roseville Health and Wellness Center at 1650 Lead Hill Blvd. With a tournament fee of $150, this night of fun will also help to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, which strives to find a cure for diabetes. Please reserve your spot today by sending the $100 charitable donation for JDRF to:

  • Warren Chiropractic
  • 1650 Lead Hill Blvd #600
  • Roseville, CA 95661

(The additional $50 of the tournament fee will be placed in a prize pool, which will be given to anyone that is able to knock out the three time defending champion).  For more information about this event, which includes dinner at 5:00 PM, please call Scott Warren at (916) 947-4325.

September MAC Agenda Item Summary


The Enclave at Granite Bay:
Located north of Elmhurst Drive and south of Pastor Drive, it is proposed that the 12.1 acres of land (zoned for approximately six homes) would have 29 single-family residential lots (senior housing), ranging in size from 2,200 to 2,600 square feet. In addition, approximately 49% of the land would be dedicated to open space including natural wetland areas, pedestrian pathways, bocce ball courts and a community barbecue area.

New Email Alert Program:
The Placer County District Four website has a new feature that allows residents and business owners to sign up for email alerts about important information regarding the Granite Bay area. This system is currently in testing and needs as many people to register for it as possible to help best define what types of notices and information residents and business owners would like to receive. Suggestions for this will also be solicited at the MAC meeting. Residents and business owners will be able to sign-up at the MAC meeting or can go to

Village Center Monument Signs:
The project applicant is seeking the MAC’s input on the location and designs of monument signs for the retail and office projects at Southeast and Southwest corners of East Roseville Parkway and Village Center Drive.

Granite Bay Garage Club Condos:
Sundance Properties proposes to build a custom garage condominium facility (storage buildings) on approximately 4.5 acres located at 7135 Douglas Blvd. There will be approximately 100 units, ranging in size from 800 to 1400 square feet. In addition to the units, they propose building a 2500+/- square foot clubhouse that would include a kitchen for heating prepared foods, bathrooms with showers, a lounge area with large screen TV, and an office. There would also be a wash bay for RV’s, boats and cars.

FYI: Paving Work Delayed


The paving work on Douglas Boulevard between Sierra College Boulevard and Seeno Avenue in Granite Bay has been slightly delayed.  While the project was originally supposed to be completed Saturday morning, it is now is scheduled to be finished by Monday night.  On Friday night, as originally scheduled, Douglas will be open for eastbound traffic, while westbound lanes are being repaved; the westbound traffic will be detoured southward on Barton Road and west on Eureka Road to Sierra College Boulevard. The detour is scheduled to remain in effect from 7 p.m. Friday to 6 a.m. Saturday. The paving work on the eastbound lanes will be done Monday night. Lane closures will be in effect, but no detours are anticipated.

**Raffle tickets are also available at Starbucks, Galleria Blvd., Bob’s Cycle Center, 378 N. Sunrise Blvd., Roseville, and at the Animal Nutrition Center, 1805 Cirby Way, Roseville.

Ron Bakken's Memorial Bench


A memorial bench, a tribute to Ron Bakken and his many years of community service, has been installed in the Granite Bay Community Park. Ron was a member of GBCA and webmaster of for many years; in addition, he served on many committees in Granite Bay and Placer County. When he passed back in January, his many friends and family thought this would be a fitting tribute, which is now located near the baseball diamond at the east end of the park.

“Vacation Check”


Offered by the Placer County Sheriff’s Department and its volunteers, “Vacation Check” is a service where volunteers will check on your property, while you are away. If you are interested in this service, contact the Sheriff’s sub-station at 791-5159.

FYI: MAC Meeting Canceled


The August 6th (Wednesday) meeting of the Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council has been canceled.  They will instead met at the MAC's next regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, September 3, 2008.

FYI: Special Meeting


The San Juan Water District Board of Directors is holding a special meeting on Wednesday, July 23, 2008 at 8:30 AM.  To find out more about the agenda of this meeting, please click here.

Fire Safety Reminders


During May’s MAC Public Safety Meeting the fire marshal reminded residents to evaluate their properties and make sure they are fire safe by maintaining 100 feet of defensible space around the home; in addition to this, the importance of properly storing and/or disposing of oily rags according to the directions on the product containers was also stressed.

Helping Placer County Agriculture


At May’s MAC meeting, Placer County’s Agriculture Marketing Director suggested that residents buy fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, eggs, honey, etc at the Granite Bay Farmers’ Market. In purchasing locally grown food, the family farm is preserved and fresh, nutritious products are provided to the consumer. The Granite Bay Farmers’ Market, held at the corner of Douglas Boulevard and Auburn-Folsom Road, takes place on Thursdays from 9 AM to 1 PM.

Eureka Union School District Makes A Final Decision


The Eureka Union School District Board of Trustees took action on several items brought up by the Long Range Planning Task Force. At this meeting on May 13th, it was decided, that among other things, grade level reconfigurations and school closures will take place. Beginning in 2009-2010 school year, the Board decided to convert Greenhills, Maidu and Oakhills to Kindergarten-5th grade schools and Cavitt and Olympus to 6th through 8th grade schools. This move means the closure and leasing of facilities at Eureka and Excelsior Schools. For more information about this, click here.

New Park Opening


The public is invited to the Grand Opening of the Franklin School Community Park at 70540 Franklin School Road(off Laird) on Thursday, May 8th at 1:30 PM. The park is a joint development project between Placer County, the Loomis Union School District and community volunteers; it is part of the park district for Granite Bay. The 4.5 acres of land was provided by the school district and the construction was overseen by the Placer County Department of Facility Services. The park’s features include: a synthetic turf baseball diamond/soccer field, a concrete trail and extensive landscaping; plans are also underway to add a group picnic pavilion.

Friends of the Granite Bay Library Fashion Show


The Friends of the Granite Bay Library will sponsor a fashion show and luncheon on Thursday, May 1st at the Granite Bay Golf Club Conservatory. The theme is “We Request the Pleasure of Your Company” and will feature bridal, trousseau and summer wear. There will be local vendors with unique gifts, a silent auction and raffle prizes. Doors open at 10:30 and lunch will be served at 11:45. Tickets are $60 with all proceeds to benefit the library. More information is available at the Granite Bay Library.

Granite Bay Union School District To Make A Final Decision


Taking place on Wednesday, April 2nd, 6:30 PM in the Granite Bay High School Theater, the forum will discuss declining enrollment in the school district, examine possible solutions and take public input. A 36 member Long Range Task Force consisting of parents, teachers and administrators have been given the task of brainstorming possible solutions to this problem. Some of these possible solutions include: closing schools, reconfiguring schools to K-5 and 6-8, establishing a district run charter school, etc. The task force’s final recommendations will be presented to the board at its April 15th meeting; action will then be taken at the board’s May 13th meeting.

Open House For Station 19


The South Placer Fire District invites the public to the Grand Opening and Dedication Ceremony of Station at 5300 Olive Ranch Road on Friday, April 11th at 3:00 PM.

FYI: San Juan Water District Will Hold Special Meeting


On Wednesday, March 19th, the San Juan Water District will hold a special meeting at 9 AM.

March MAC Meeting Canceled


The MAC's upcoming meeting on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 has been canceled.  The next meeting will be, the regularly scheduled meeting, on Wednesday, April 2, 2008.

Volunteer Work Day


Bring your rakes and shovels and join the fun on Saturday, March 29, 2008 during a Volunteer Work Day at Franklin School Community Park. Beginning at 8 AM, lunch will be provided. FYI: If it rains, Saturday, April 5th, is the alternative date for this event.

Public Meetings To Be Held on the Preliminary Plan for Folsom Lake State Recreation Area


The California State Parks & U.S. Bureau of Reclamation will preview the Preliminary Plan as well as the Draft Environmental Impact Report and Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Folsom Lake State Recreation Area (SRA) and Folsom Powerhouse State Historic Park. This preview will take place over a 45-day period, ending on March 24, 2008. Click here for more information and to see a copy of The Plan.  The public can also learn and share their thoughts about The Plan during two meetings:

March 5, 2008 – 7-9pm at Cavitt Junior High School (gymnasium), 7200 Fuller Drive, Granite Bay, CA 95746

March 11, 2008
– 7-9pm at Folsom Middle School (auditorium), 350 Blue Ravine Road, Folsom, CA 95630

If you have any questions, contact Jim Micheaels at

Updates on MAC's New Website


The MAC website, introduced late last year, has just been updated and now includes the latest agendas and other information for 2008.  This information can be found at: 2007 information can still be found at:

Measure F Passes


On Tuesday, February 5th, voters said "Yes" to measure F. The yes vote allows the fire district to allocate funds it already collects, keeping them from significantly reducing services and seeking other tax or fee increases.

GBCA Loses A Great Supporter


Sadly, on Friday, January 4, 2008, Ron Bakken passed away in his sleep and the Granite Bay Community Association lost a great supporter. Very active in the Granite Bay community, Ron served several times on the Granite Bay MAC, South Placer Fire Protection District sub-committees, an alternate to Placer County LAFCO and most recently he was involved in planning the Granite Bay Community Park and landscaping corridor along Douglas Blvd. In 2003, Ron was honored by Placer County, for his dedicated volunteer service to Granite Bay; receiving a community service commemorative coin, presented by Supervisor Ted Gaines.

We will miss Ron's ogical, constructive input at the many committees and meetings, which many of us served on with him. In addition, as the original webmaster of (from 2003 through early 2007), his valued assistance, advice and continuous contributions will also be greatly missed.

Concept Home in Granite Bay Ready For Public Tours


Located in Granite Bay, come see the beautiful KCRA 3 2007 Concept Home. Now complete, tours of this 4.5 million dollar, 7,875 square foot luxury home are set to begin, starting Thursday, January 10th, with ticket proceeds going to Easter Seals. For more information, go to KCRA 3.

Blood Drive At The Roseville Galleria


BloodSource along with the Westfield Galleria at Roseville and KCRA 3 have joined forces as hosts of the KCRA 3 for Life Blood Drive. Take part in the two-day event on Saturday, January 12 and Sunday, January 13 from 12PM to 6PM in Center Court near JCPenney. There are no appointments necessary and child care will be available. For more information, please call: 916.376.6017.

Dinner & Auction to Benefit the Granite Bay High School Baseball Program


The Granite Bay High School Baseball Boosters Association is holding their annual dinner and auction on Saturday, February 2, 2008 at the Granite Bay Golf Club. The dinner/auction is the major fundraiser for the baseball program.

News Achieves: 2007

All the news from the year 2007.

CHiPS For Kids Toy Drive


Now through Friday, December 21st join KCRA 3 and the California Highway Patrol in the 10th Annual CHiPS for Kids Toy Drive. The toys will be given to hospitalized and disadvantaged children just in time for the holidays. To participate bring a new, unwrapped toy to any participating school, to any CHP location, the Elk Grove Automall, or to any other donation location. Local drop off sites include, Ridgeview Elementary School at 9177 Twin Schools Road, (916) 791-3477. For a complete list of drop-off points and more information about the 10th Annual CHiPS for Kids Toy Drive go to

SEWER-INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING PLAN: MAC Looking for Someone to Serve on Ad Hoc Group


The Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council is looking for a community member to serve on an ad hoc committee that will help develop a strategic plan for financing sewer infrastructure improvements. No deadline has been set for receiving applications, but the seven-member MAC likely will appoint someone to fill the committee position at its Dec. 5th meeting. Applications should be submitted to Brian Jagger, Field Representative to 4th District Supervisor Kirk Uhler, at the Placer County Board of Supervisors’ offices in Auburn. The mailing address is 175 Fulweiler Ave., Auburn, CA 95603. Applications also can be faxed to 916-787-8959. For more information, please clck here.

Granite Bay Helps in Coats For Kids Drive


Taking place now through Friday, December 21st, help News10, Swansons Cleaners, Gottschalks, and the Salvation Army reach this year’s goal of collecting 30,000 coats for the 17th Annual Coats For Kids Drive. To do your part, you can donate new or gently used coats of all sizes, make a monetary donation or volunteer your time. Local drop-off sites include:

  • Swansons Cleaners: 8711 Sierra College Blvd #5
  • Granite Bay High School: #1 Grizzly Way
  • Curves: 8753 Auburn-Folsom Rd.

For a complete list of drop-off sites and more information about the 17th Annual Coats For Kids Drive go to

MAC Suggests Compromise on Sign Proposal


The MAC rejected a proposal for a 10ft high architecturally designed monument sign at 7095 Douglas Blvd. Instead, the MAC recommended approval of the design but limited the height to a maximum of 8ft to maintain consistency within the community.

MAC Reaches Decision on Granite Bay Retail & Carwash


By a 6-1 vote, MAC recommended approval of a proposal to amend the Community Plan and change the zoning on a parcel on the South side of Douglas Boulevard, across from Bushnell's Nursery, to permit a carwash and retail center. The Project includes construction of three retail buildings and an automatic carwash on approximately two acres.

Pedestrian Path to be Constructed on Auburn Folsom Road


The Dept of Public Works will construct a decomposed granite pedestrian path on Auburn Folsom Road between Douglas Blvd and Joe Rodgers Road. The path will be on both sides of the road and meander around trees and other existing features. Construction will begin on the west side of the road soon and is expected to be completed by November. Construction on the east side will occur in the spring.

The 3rd Annual JDRF Texas Hold'Em Charity Tournament to be Held Soon


On Friday, September 21, 2007 at 5:00 PM the 3rd Annual JDRF Texas Hold'Em Charity Tournament will take place at the Roseville Health and Wellness Center at 1650 Lead Hill Blvd.  With a tournament fee of $150, this night of fun will also help to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, which strives to find a cure for diabetes.  The no limit tournament will be limited to the first eighty players, so reserve your spot by September 14th, by sending the $100 charitable donation for JDRF to:

  • Warren Chiropractic
  • 1650 Lead Hill Blvd #600
  • Roseville, CA 95661

(The additional $50 of the tournament fee will be placed in a prize pool.)   For more information about this event, please call Scott Warren at (916) 947-4325.

"24th Annual National Night Out"


From 6 PM to 10 PM on Tuesday, August 7th neighborhoods throughout Placer County are invited to spend the evening outside with neighbors as well as members of the sheriff's department during the "24th Annual National Night Out" crime and drug prevention event. For more information on this event, please contact Dena Evangelista-Taylor, PC Sheriff's Department at (916) 791-5159.

Granite Bay Ranks In Money's Top 100 Places To Live


According to Money magazine’s annual list of the Top 100 Places to Live, Granite Bay ranks #74. The ranking is based on data compiled from a variety of different categories, including: median family income, home prices, students’ test scores, commute time, crime statistics and divorce rate. Granite Bay’s location, bordering Folsom Lake , being two hours from San Francisco and 90 min. away from Lake Tahoe doesn’t hurt either. To see a complete list of the Top 100 Places to Live for 2007, go to

Feist Park Tennis Courts Completed


On Friday, June 15th, a grand opening ceremony welcomed the addition of six brand-new tennis courts to Granite Bay's Ronald L. Feist Park. Located at 9180 Twin Schools Road between the high school and Oakhills and Ridgeview elementary schools, the park’s courts will now be available to the tennis programs at Granite Bay High School as well as to the general public.

San Juan Water District Announces Annual Student Science Fair Project and Poster Contest Winners


Both contests, which were held in concurrence with Water Awareness Month, focused on water issues, and helped educate students about how various conditions and elements affect water resources. The science fair, held at Cavitt Junior High School, gave students the opportunity to work with a partner, which resulted in more sophisticated and complex projects. Of those projects, the winners are:

First Place: Kevin Ranger, Will Hubbard
Second Place: Katie Zingheim, Shannon Wagner
Third Place: Micaela Saqui, Emma Slattery
Runners-up: Dana Crouch, Allyssa Anthony, Kirsten O’Guinn, Katelin Giglia
The Water Awareness Poster Contest is a joint effort of the San Juan, Fair Oaks and Citrus Heights water districts and the Orange Vale Water Company and had 212 posters submitted. This year students were asked to visually express their thoughts and ideas about how to have fun conserving water. While each agency selected three winning posters to be featured in a 2008 water awareness calendar, this year’s top winners for San Juan Water District are:
First Place: Molly Graves from Mrs. Yeo’s fourth grade class at Eureka Elementary School
Second Place: Shahana Abbasi from Mrs. Ferraro’s sixth grade class at Eureka Elementary School
Third Place: Megan Dunlop from Mr. Martin’s fifth grade class at Ridgeview Elementary School

Fire Destroys Summer Sanders’ Childhood Home


Saturday evening, while the two-time Olympic gold-medalist and her father were attending events at the Summer Sanders Aquatic Complex, a two-alarm fire destroyed her childhood home. The home, located on Granite Bay's Carolinda Drive, is said to be a complete loss; luckily however, no one was injured. The cause of the fire is still unknown.

Concerns over Plans for Folsom Lake


In a Position Paper, which can be found at, the Granite Bay/Mooney Ridge homeowners, facility users and environmental stakeholders of the adversely impacted Folsom Lake area convey their concerns regarding certain west shore elements of the Folsom Dam Safety and Folsom Damage Reduction project. As the document states, the group is specifically concerned about "the borrow (mining, dredging and blasting) of materials from the wildlife habitat and recreational corridors north of Beal’s Point, adjacent to the populated Mooney Ridge area, the development and use of staging areas and construction of in-reservoir roads and haul routes in the same areas and viewshed, destruction/modification of the recently constructed security features at the north end of Dike 4, and the construction of a concrete floodwall on Dike 4 in lieu of raising Dike 4 with stabilized soil material similar to that currently employed in Dike 4. In their conclusion the group states: "It is our desire that the Partner Agencies agree to remove the supplemental borrow site, staging and haul road contingency affecting the in-reservoir area below Mooney Ridge, in the same way the Folsom Point sites were deleted, and commit, in writing, to the acquisition of commercially quarried materials for any supplemental necessitated use. We also wish the Agencies to specifically delineate the plans for and necessity of destruction of the recently constructed bollard safety features at the north end of Dike 4 as well as the planned replacement safety feature." They also ask that others join them, by signing their petition. To learn more, go to:

San Juan Water District to Conduct Water Supply Testing


This summer the San Juan Water District along with the other agencies in the San Juan Family of Water Agencies will conduct several tests on their water systems, evaluating how well prepared they are for a water shortage or emergency. See the news release for more information. Please feel free to contact Shauna Lorance with any questions regarding the water supply testing.

Park Grand Opening


The Grand Opening Ceremony for the new tennis courts at Ronald L. Feist Park has been set for Friday, June 15, 2007 at the courts at 10:00 AM.

EU-SEPAC’s Electronics Recycling Fundraising Event


On Saturday, June 9th from 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at Oakhills School, the Eureka Union Special Education Parent Advisory Committee is holding its first organized fundraising event to benefit all special needs students in the District. All used/obsolete electronics can be recycled, including: televisions, computer monitors, laptop computers, computer towers, cell phones, batteries, calculators, copy machines (small desk top only), cameras, radios, stereo systems and recorders. For more details see the flyer.

New Fire District Director Appointed


The Directors of the South Placer Fire District have appointed Granite Bay resident Craig Powell to the Board of Directors. Powell will serve the remainder of the term of Ron Feist after Feist resigned when he moved from the District.  .

Supervisors Authorize Bids for Road Improvements


Supervisors approved the plans and specifications for construction of the South Phase of Auburn Folsom Road Widening, allowing the Department of Public Works to advertise for bids. The estimated construction cost is $8,300,000. Additionally, they approved the plans and specifications for the replacement of Barton Road Bridge at Miners Ravine, allowing the Department of Public Works to advertise for bids, pending right-of-way certification. The estimated construction cost is $1,800,000.

South Placer Fire Station Ground Breaking Ceremony


This Tuesday, May 1, 2007, the public is invited to the ground breaking ceremony of South Placer's new fire station. Located at 5300 Olive Ranch RD., the ceremony will begin at 10:00 AM. For more information, please call, (916) 791-7059.

County Proposes Sewer Fee Increase


The Dept. of Facility Services is proposing a 9% fee increase for Sewer Maintenance District 2 which serves most of Granite Bay. The increase will raise the fee from 44.15 per month to 48.12 per month to cover increased costs. The increase would be effective July 1, 2007 and would be maintained at that level for two years. The Board of Supervisors will meet to hear the proposal on 22nd of May.

Granite Bay MAC Secretary Vacancy


Information will be presented at the meeting regarding the process for applying for this position. Address inquiries to Brian Jagger, Field Representative, at 800-4888-4308, Ext. 4010.

MAC Takes No Action on Controversial Project


Action on a proposed subdivision at the corner of Douglas Blvd and Pardee Ct. (east of Bank of America) consisting of 35 townhouses and a new retail building was tabled after it became clear that the MAC was not ready to support the project in its current form. The MAC and residents alike expressed concern about the projects layout of the commercial building, inadequate parking, excessive density and traffic impacts. The proponent asked for some time to reassess the project and to bring the project back to the MAC next month.

MAC Recommends Approval of Two Projects


The MAC, on Wednesday evening recommended approval of a new fire station to be located at 5300 Olive Ranch Rd. at Olive Ranch Ct. Additionally, they recommended approval of a 4 unit residential project at the northwest corner of Barton Rd. and East Roseville Parkway. The project will help preserve the 300 foot setback on Douglas Blvd. by transferring the density from a parcel on Douglas to the project site and converting the Douglas Blvd. site to open space.

Friends of Granite Bay Library Tea


The Friends will host this popular annual fundraiser on May 3rd at the Granite Bay Golf Club. Starting at 10:30 a.m., the theme this year is "purses". There will be a fashion show and vendors. The cost is $60 per person. For more information contact Madelaine Kiliany at 791-1217.

Barton Road Bridge Replacement


The project over Minor's Ravine will go to bid in April with construction to start in May or June. Tree removal in the right of way has already begun.

Fire District Director Resigns


The South Placer Fire District Board has accepted the resignation of Director Ron Feist and declared a vacancy on the Board of Directors. Applicants interested in being appointed to the position should submit a letter of interest before 5:00 p.m. on April 30, 2007 to: Debbie Frick C/O Board of Director Applicant, South Placer Fire District, 6900 Eureka Road, Granite Bay, CA 95746. Applicants must live within the boundaries of the South Placer Fire District. For more information regarding the position, phone (916) 791-7059.

Meetings to be Held on Folsom Dam and Reservoir


Interested community members are invited to attend two meetings, April 4th and 5th. Sponsored by the Bureau of Reclamation, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) along with the Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency, and the California Department of Water Resources/Reclamation Board, these informational meetings which will call particular attention to local interests, serve to both increase the community’s awareness about the construction projects (flood control, dam safety as well as others) that are planned or underway at Folsom Dam over the next 10-15 years, and allow the community to voice their thoughts and suggestions about these projects.

The meetings will be held at the following locations to focus on construction activities planned for the ‘Folsom side’ or the ‘Granite Bay side’ of the reservoir:

  • Wednesday, April 4, 2007
  • 6:30-9:00 p.m.
  • Folsom Rotary Clubhouse
  • 7150 Baldwin Dam Road, Folsom, CA
  • Thursday, April 5, 2007
  • 6:30-9:00 p.m.
  • Cavitt Junior High School
  • 7200 Fuller Drive, Granite Bay, CA

For more information visit the Bureau of Reclamation's Homepage.

Eureka Schools Foundation Presents: Spring Home Tour


With the proceeds going towards the Eureka Union School District and its students, this April, the Granite Bay Home Tour showcases five beautiful Granite Bay homes as well as an outdoor garden café and home boutique/marketplace. For more information about this event and to purchase tickets,

New Web Site for Fourth Supervisorial District


County Supervisor Uhler has launched a new website ( that is intended to help the public stay up to date on Placer County's 4th District news. It will provide agendas and min. of the Granite Bay MAC meetings, and will  provide a means to contact the supervisor to ask questions or to share an opinion on 4th District issues.

Fire District Approves Capital Facilities Plan


The 2007 Capital Facilities Plan has been approved by the Directors of the South Placer Fire District . The $5.1 million plan outlines 4 major projects:

  1. Building a new station on Olive Ranch Rd. to replace the old station on Douglas Blvd. ($1,750,000)

  2. Up-grading traffic signals at key intersections in the community with preemption devices. ($20,000)

  3. Providing permanent administrative office space with training classrooms and meeting rooms ($3,085,273)

  4. Assist Placer County with the costs of communications infrastructure improvements. ($258,971)

Contract for New Fire Station Awarded


The South Placer Fire District Board of Directors awarded a contract for $2.3 million to D. G. Grande Inc. of Shingle Springs to construct a new fire station at the corner of Olive Ranch Rd. and Olive Grove Dr.  Ground breaking is expected by the 1st of Apr. for the new station that will replace the old existing station on Douglas Blvd.

Placer County Conservation Plan Being Debated


The Lincoln Club of Placer County is announcing the debut of its Debate Series. Its premier debate will feature the foremost local experts on the Placer County Conservation Plan (PCCP) on Thursday, January 18, at the Granite Bay Golf Club. Continental breakfast begins at 7:00 a.m. and the Debate begins promptly at 7:30 a.m. Cost is $15.00 per person. Guest Speakers in support of the plan are Robert Weygandt, Placer County Supervisor and other experts. Mrs. Brigit S. Barnes, Esq., Brigit S. Barnes & Associates, Inc. and other experts will oppose the plan. Dennis C. Revell will be the moderator. For more information contact Dennis C. Revell, Revell Communications, (916) 443-3816, ....more.

Granite Bay Recreation Association Under Development


Six new tennis courts are due to be completed at Feist Park by spring. The courts will be available for use by the community, and will provide a home for the High School tennis teams and for the PE program. You can be a part of this great addition to the park by donating now.  .....more.

Approval Recommended for New Subdivision


The MAC unanimously recommended approval of a proposed subdivision, "Micherra Place", comprising 20 single family one story homes at the southwest corner of Auburn-Folsom Rd. and Eureka Rd. just east of the fire station. Homes are planned to be from 1400 to 2000 sq. ft. on lots ranging in size from about 4500 to 6500 sq. ft.

News Achieves: 2006

All the news from the year 2006.

Hearing Scheduled for Folsom Dam Environmental Report


A public hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan 10, 2007 from 7 to 9 pm at the Folsom Community Center to review the Environmental Reports for the flood damage reduction features of the proposed project to modify and raise Folsom Dam. The public will have an opportunity to ask questions, review displays and provide written/or oral comments on the Draft EIS/EIR. For further information contact Becky Victorine at 916-557-5162.

Supervisors Select Uhler to Represent the 4th District


Placer County Supervisors appointed Kirk Uhler to fill the seat left vacant when Ted Gaines was elected to the State Assembly.  He will serve as the representative of the 4th District of Placer County for the remaining two years of Gaines' term.  Uhler was selected unanimously on the third ballot from a field of 5 applicants.  Kirk previously represented the 4th District on the Board of Supervisors from 1993-96.

Fifth Annual Home Tour Scheduled


Junior Achievement is presenting its fifth annual home tour in Granite Bay and Loomis from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 9. The tour includes seven homes in Clos du Lac, Los Lagos, Folsom Lake Estates and Douglas Ranch, plus the Flower Farm Inn bed-and-breakfast in Loomis. Wine tasting, refreshments and gifts will be available. Tickets are $25 in advance and $35 on tour day. Visit to purchase tickets online until noon Dec. 8. Tickets will be available the day of the tour at 6957 Eureka Road, Granite Bay.

County Plans to Widen I-80 at Roseville


County officials have announced plans to widen Interstate 80 from the County line to highway 65. The $210 million project will be done in stages. Work on the first phase from the County line to Douglas Blvd will begin in the spring.

Seat Open for 4th District Supervisor


Placer County is seeking applicants to replace Ted Gaines as the Supervisor for the 4th District. Gaines was elected to the State Assembly Nov 7 and will leave his supervisorial position Dec 1. The Board of Supervisors plans to fill the vacated position Dec 19. Applications may be obtained by calling 530-889-4010 and will be accepted at the Boards office until 5 pm Dec 8.

Sidewalks and Landscaping for Douglas Blvd Approved


Placer County Facility Services officials have announced a Federal grant of nearly $1 million will provide Placer County with the resources needed to complete sidewalks and landscape on the north side of Douglas Blvd. from Auburn Folsom Rd. to Sierra College Blvd. When Douglas was widened to 4 lanes several years ago, money was not available for sidewalks and landscape on several areas along the north side of the road.

Fire Board Boosts Ambulance Rate


The South Placer Fire District Board of Directors has increased the basic rate for being transported in a SPFD ambulance from $580 to $1014. The ambulance service is supposed to be funded by user fees rather being subsidized by the property tax. With the projected annual cost of operating the ambulance service approaching $1 million, the increase was needed to help reduce the projected need for $390,000 in taxpayer subsidy. 

Sheriff's Department Offers Sex Offender Alerts


The Placer County Sheriff's Department has a new Web site that provides residents information on where registered sex offenders live. By clicking "Offender Watch" , people can see where sex offenders live within a one-mile radius of the address entered. The site offers residents the option of signing up for an e-mail alert when registered sex offenders move into their neighborhood.

Fire District Mulls Ambulance Rate Increase


The Board of Directors of the South Placer Fire District directed staff to review the cost of providing ambulance service in the District and recommend an appropriate fee adjustment. Initial analysis presented to the Board indicated the district's fees for ambulance service are far below fees in adjacent communities. As a result, South Placer taxpayers subsidized the ambulance service by over $220,000 in 2005. The cost of operating the ambulances is not intended to be funded by property taxes, but rather to be paid for by fees charged to the service user. 

Fire District Approves 9.4 Million Budget


The South Placer Fire District Board of Directors approved a 9.375 million budget at last nights Board meeting. Total revenue is projected to rise by 9% while spending is projected to increase by 9.2%. Additionally, over $2 million is budgeted for facility expenditures, including the remodel of the Eureka Road Station and construction of a new station on Olive Ranch Rd.

Fire District Board Appoints Interim Director


The South Placer Fire District Board of Directors appointed Granite Bay resident Kathryn Matthews to fill the seat vacated by the resignation of Dave Giblin.  Matthews will serve the remaining 2 years of Giblin's term.

Ralston Fire Creates Health Hazard


The Ralston Fire burning in the Tahoe National Forest continues to create very smoky conditions in the valley and the foothills, prompting officials to continue a health advisory through 9/13. People (especially children and elderly) are urged to avoid physical exertion during the smoky conditions. Weather experts are predicting very cool and windy conditions beginning Thursday that will clear the smoke from the valley.

Water District Proposes Rate Hikes


The San Juan Water District Board will conduct a public hearing and consider action on a proposed rate increase for 2007 on October 11 at 7 p.m. at the district’s office, 9935 Auburn-Folsom Road. For an average residential water user the new rate would result in an increase of $6.50 per month in 2007, and another similar increase in 2008. During following years, smaller rate increases would apply. For more information, call 791-0115.

Local Teen Credited for Life Saving Effort


Fire Marshall, Lawrence Bettencourt presented the South Placer Fire Districts "Community Citizens Safety Award" to Jo-Jo Campisi at the Board meeting 8/16/06. The award was to recognize the effort extended by the Granite Bay teen in saving the life of her neighbor during a family outing at Lake Tahoe in July. Jo-Jo said she swam to the man and grabbed onto the sleeve of the T-shirt he was wearing while she called to the shore for help. 

Fire District Board Election Averted


Filing for election for two seats on the South Placer Fire District Board of Directors closed Friday 8/11. Incumbent Ron Feist and appointed incumbent Mike DeLaurentis were the only persons that filed for the two positions. As a result of only two candidates filing for two seats, there will not be a need for an election and the two that filed will be seated on the Board.

Man Arrested in Boat Parts Thefts


Placer County Sheriff's detectives have arrested a 21 year old Loomis man on suspicion of stealing parts from dozens of boats in the Loomis and Granite Bay area over the last couple years. Reportedly, the suspect may have been responsible for $15,000 in stolen property that he was selling on the internet.

MAC Supports Three Proposals Wednesday Night


Even though there was not a quorum, the MAC listened and provided comment on three development proposals Wednesday evening. There was general consensus from the three MAC members present and the public alike to support:

  1. The proposal for a 12 lot, planned development sub-division with 4 acres of open space on the north side of Olive Ranch Rd. about 3/4 mile east of Cavitt Stallman across from Cobble Ct. The developer had revised his project, in response to prior MAC and public comments, to eliminate any requirement for a Community Plan amendment or variance.

  2. The proposal to transfer 3 units of residential density from the south side of Douglas Blvd, about 1/4 mile west of Barton Rd., to the northwest corner of Roseville Parkway and Barton Rd. The transfer would further implement the Community Plan goal of preserving the south side of Douglas Blvd. in its natural state by creating another open space lot on the south side of Douglas.

  3. The proposal for a full service car wash behind Walgreen's on Douglas Blvd. The project had been revised, in response to previous MAC comments, to eliminate the oil change facilities and add significant landscaping.

Vacancy on Fire District Board of Directors


The South Placer Fire District has a vacancy on the Board of Directors. Interested applicants should submit a letter of interest before 5:00 p.m. September 1, 2006 to: Debbie Frick C/O Board of Director Applicant, South Placer Fire District, 6900 Eureka Road, Granite Bay, CA 95746.

Applicants must live within the boundaries of the South Placer Fire District. For more information regarding the position phone (916) 791-7059.

Granite Bay Blue Print Sub Committee Established


The MAC, after reviewing SACOG's Blueprint and in response to public input, has created a sub-committee to look at what our community should look like in 50 years. The Committee originally scheduled its first meeting at the Eureka School District Office 2 Aug, at 5 pm. However, that meeting has been changed to 6 Sep at 5 pm.  Residents interested in participating are welcome to attend.

MAC Rejects Two Proposals


Plans for developing four office buildings on two parcels at the north west corner of Douglas Blvd. and Berg St. were rebuffed by the MAC and the public alike at last nights meeting. There were concerns about the need to change the Community Plan to accommodate spot zoning for the benefit of the developer while creating significant impacts on the community.

Additionally, a proposal for a monument sign at the corner of Auburn Folsom and Douglas to advertise a proposed new bank at the site of the present SAFE Credit Union was also rejected. Comments included the fact that granting the sign would be a special privilege to one business while others have been denied additional signs.

Signal at Auburn-Folsom and Fuller Being Installed


Placer County has started installing a new traffic signal at the intersection of Auburn Folsom Rd and Fuller Dr. at a cost to the taxpayers of $245,000. The signal is expected to become operational about 17 July. This is the first phase of the improvements planned for Auburn Folsom Rd. in the next few years. Acquisition of right of way for the rest of the improvements is continuing and the County hopes to start construction of phase 2 in the summer of 2007.

Home Invasion Suspects Arrested


The two men suspected of forcing their way into a home on Swan Lake Drive in Granite Bay on May 23 were arrested in Sacramento's Oak Park neighborhood by Placer County Sheriff's investigators Thursday night. 

Future of Ambulance Service Threatened


South Placer Fire District’s directors and community members alike expressed concern, at their meeting last night, over a multi-county Emergency Medical Services Agency attempting to force the district into signing a contract to help fund the agency whose purpose is to overview the quality of emergency medical services in a 5 county area. The possibility may exist, pending resolution of some legal issues, for the "Agency" to replace the present high quality emergency medical services provided by the Fire District with a private ambulance service if the District declines to sign the contract.

Residents voiced the opinion that our Fire District has been providing the best emergency medical services available since the 1950’s without overview by an outside agency. Why would we now want to pay anyone significant amounts of our tax dollars to police the service we have?

Granite Bay (MAC) Meeting Date Changed


The Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council has rescheduled their next meeting from July 5th to Wed., July 12, 7:00 p.m. at the Eureka School District Office.

Supervisor's Administrative Aide Resigns


In a letter to the Community, Melanie Eustice, Administrative Aide to Supervisor Ted Gaines, announced that she has accepted a position in Southern California so she may be closer to her family. With Supervisor Gaines moving on to the State Assembly, she saw a window of opportunity to make a transition in her career. Her last day will be Friday, June 23.

Our best wishes go with her, she has served this community exceptionally well. Thank you Melanie!

Law Enforcement Seeks Your Help


Police are appealing for the public's help in identifying suspects who have been linked to at least four home-invasion robberies last month in Sacramento and Placer counties. Police think the same suspects were involved in crimes in Folsom, Elk Grove, Granite Bay and Citrus Heights. If you have any information regarding these suspects please contact the Placer County Sheriff's office.

Community Miffed by Proliferation of Illegal Signs


Real estate signs and large temporary signs and banners at businesses and churches along Douglas Blvd. were the center of the community's concern as the representative of the County Code Enforcement Dept. explained the process of dealing with illegal signs at last nights MAC meeting. The MAC asked the County to make a sweep of the community quarterly to rid the community of the illegal signs. You can help by reporting illegal signs to the County Code Enforcement office at 800-488-4308 ext. 3050.

MAC Supports Addition of Wiki-Wiki Juice & Coffee Bar


The addition of a small drive thru juice & coffee bar within the Granite Bay Village Shopping Center was recommended for approval by the MAC at last nights meeting. Questions were raised over the probability of the improvement becoming another fast food restaurant but the proponent assured the community the building would not have a commercial kitchen and the size of the building (1500 sq.ft.) would not support a typical fast food restaurant.

Sewer Fee Proposal Receives Cool Reception


A proposed 9% sewer fee increase for SMD#2 was not received warmly by the community or several members of the MAC. The Sewer District is proposing to increase the rates from $40 per month to $44.15 per month, with the suggestion that rates will continue to increase in future years due to increasing cost to maintain the system and process the waste. By contrast, Roseville City residents pay only $20 per month while So. Placer MUD residents pay $48 per month.

Wednesday Night MAC Meeting Agenda


June 7, 7:00 pm Eureka School District Office, 5455 Eureka Rd

  • Sewer Fee Increase for Sewer Maintenance District Number 2.
  • Wiki Wiki Juice & Coffee – within the Granite Bay Shopping Center
  • Olive Ranch Subdivision – 12 single-family units on Olive Ranch Rd.
  • Overview of sign ordinance
  • Overview of zoning and allowed uses at Auburn Folsom and Eureka

Farmers Market is Back


The Granite Bay Certified Farmers’ Market is again operating on Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Granite Bay Village Shopping Center, located at the southeast corner of Auburn-Folsom Road and Douglas Boulevard. The market features farm-fresh fruits and vegetables, organic free-range eggs, local wines, hardy locally grown nursery stock, artisan baked goods, grass fed meats, East Indian foods and kettle corn.

Recall Effort Launched Against Sierra College Trustees


Several former county supervisors and mayors in Placer County are among the group that has launched a recall effort against Sierra College trustees Jerry Simmons and Aaron Klein. The pair are accused of wasting taxpayers money, damaging the institution's reputation and demoralized its employees.

Former county Supervisor Rex Bloomfield, one of 10 people who signed the recall petition, said the trustees are "a malignant cancer that must be removed to preserve the health of Sierra College." Klein and Simmons called the effort a political trick designed to hurt Simmons' effort to unseat a fellow Republican, incumbent Placer County Supervisor Robert Weygandt.

Alert From the County Assessor


In recent days, home owners have been receiving advertisements from Property Tax Assessor Records Corp. offering, for a fee, to provide property owners with a completed homeowner's exemption claim form to file with the Assessor.

Assessor Bruce Dear would like to alert the public to the fact that this private company is not affiliated with the Assessor in any way, nor is there any requirement that their services be used in order to file a Homeowners' Exemption claim. The Assessor's Office does not charge for filing the Homeowner's Exemption claim form. Any property owner may file a claim directly with the Assessor at no charge and without using the service offered by this business.

Gunmen Invade Home in Treelake Area


Two men wearing masks and sunglasses used a gun to force their way into a home on Swan Lake Dr. Wednesday afternoon. Two boys in the home were tied up while the robbers ransacked the home and stole cash and computer equipment.

One of the suspects was described as heavy-set, 180 to 200 pounds. He wore dark hair pulled back into a bushy ponytail. The second man was described as 18 to 21 years old, 140 to 155 pounds. He had light-colored hair in a short military-style cut. He may go by the name of Josh. Anyone with information is asked to contact Sgt. Dennis Walsh at (530) 889-7852.

CDF Warns Homeowners About Fire Season


Fire season is on the horizon and homeowners in Placer County are getting an important message about clearing the area around their homes or facing the consequences. Authorities from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection indicate there is a lot of vegetation that is beginning to dry out.

A new law passed in 2005 requires homeowners to have at least 100 feet of defensible space around their homes with the 30 feet closest to the house consisting of a heavily watered greenbelt such as grass. In the remaining 70 feet, everything should be spaced out and all the trees should be trimmed up so that the grass on the ground can't send flame to the tops of the trees.

Granite Bay Celebrates Opening of it's Newest Park


It all began with the donation of 18 acres of land at the corner of Ellington Dr. and Twin Schools Rd., from Bob Coker and the Coker Ewing Co. to the Eureka Union School District.  That was followed by donations of over a million dollars in cash, services and materials from the community. Saturday, seven years ahead of the original schedule, the new Placer County park named in honor of Dr. Ronald Feist was officially dedicated.

The park, features baseball, soccer, and football fields, a tot lot and a picnic pavilion. Six tennis courts a basketball court and barbeques will be added this summer.

Business Networking Group Formed


A new professional business networking group has formed in Granite Bay.  "LeTip" is a professional organization of men and women dedicated to the highest standards of competence and service. It's primary purpose is to give and receive qualified business tips or leads. The organization meets every Thursday from 11:31 am until 1:01 pm at Mark & Monica's and is actively recruiting new members. For more information see

Residents Complain About Signs in the Community


During public comment at the MAC meeting Wednesday night, several residents and MAC members alike blasted the County for not controlling the proliferation of real estate and other illegal signs being displayed in increasing numbers throughout the community. As a result, the MAC has asked the County to have a Code Enforcement representative attend the next MAC meeting to discuss the issue.

MAC Recommends Approval of Two Projects


The MAC recommended approval of two new residential projects Wednesday evening. One project, located on a 17.5 acre parcel just east of the fire station on Douglas Blvd., proposes 7 single family lots and about 8 acre of open space including preservation of the 300 ft. open space corridor on the south side of Douglas. The other project also proposes 7 lots on the north side of Old Auburn Rd, west of Sierra College Blvd. 

Another development proposal was presented that would create 20 small lots at the corner of Auburn Folsom Rd. and Eureka Rd. just east of the fire station on Eureka. The project is designed to provide homes from 1400 to 2000 sq. ft.. Comments from the MAC and the public alike were very supportive of the concept. No action was taken on the proposal.

Granite Bay Resident Helps Subdue United Passenger


Jeffrey Powers, of Granite Bay and fellow passenger Sidney Pinney, on United flight 735 from Chicago to Sacramento, subdued a man who had swung at a flight attendant and grabbed and yanked on the exit door handle. Powers put the man in a headlock, and Pinney grabbed his arms. The 36 year old man, from Diamond Springs in El Dorado County, was taken down by the two men and subsequently turned over to secret service agents on the flight that was diverted to Denver.

Community Effort Needed to Reduced West Nile Virus


With warm weather on the horizon, its time for residents to make routine inspections of their property for standing water where mosquitoes might breed. As temperatures rise, mosquitoes can develop in seven to ten days. Residents can play a huge role in reducing their risk of West Nile virus by simply removing standing water. The Placer Mosquito Abatement District recommends the inspection of the following for standing water:

  • clogged rain gutters
  • wheelbarrows
  • boats
  • flower pots
  • buckets
  • bird baths
  • animal watering troughs
  • pools/spas
  • recycling bins
  • or any container that might hold water

CHP Launches Neighborhood Traffic Watch


A program called Neighborhood Traffic Watch was launched by the CHP in the Treelake Village neighborhood of Granite Bay Thursday. The program, provides residents a means of reporting reckless driving in their neighborhood by calling the CHP office, or by logging onto

The program will enable officers to go directly to the home of the owner of a reported vehicle and talk to them. Officials said that by using the Web site, parents and others can check to see if their vehicle has been reported as being driven recklessly.

Placer County Officials Caution Residents


The National Weather Service has issued an Urban and Small stream flood advisory for Placer County and officials are cautioning residents living near flood prone creeks and streams to be very cautious and monitor weather reports and news. While there have not been any reports of flooding in the County, as a precaution, county officials set up several location where Placer County residents can get and fill sand bags. In Granite Bay, sandbags are available at the South Placer Fire Station, 6900 Eureka Road.

Water District Receives Award for Water Efficiency


San Juan Water District has been recognized by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation for its innovative water-saving efforts. The district received the 2005 Regional Director’s Award, an honor bestowed on just one water provider in California, Nevada, and parts of Oregon, Utah and Arizona. 

The award recognizes San Juan’s many efforts to increase water efficiency, including various services for customers such as leak detection, landscape water audits, water meter-reading assistance, and distribution of low-flow shower heads, toilet tummies and kitchen and bathroom faucet aerators.

MAC Plans to Review Two Projects


The MAC is scheduled to review the details for two development proposals at their 7 pm, 5 April meeting at Eureka School. The first item is a 12 lot sub-division proposed at 4977 Olive Ranch Rd., and the second item is a proposal to build a car wash and two retail buildings at the location across Douglas Blvd. from Bushnell's Nursery.

Doolittle Admits Helping Co-Conspirators


The "San Diego Union Tribune" reports that a week before former Rep. Randy Cunningham was sentenced to prison, he told the court that Rep. John Doolitle who represents Granite Bay and a number of other lawmakers, helped arrange federal funding for the defense contractors who bribed him. As a member of two key committees in the House, Doolittle, is positioned to help contractors gain funding through congressional earmarks. None of the lawmakers Cunningham mentioned have been accused of criminal wrong doing. But each has admitted assisting Mitchell Wade or Brent Wilkes, co-conspirators in the Cunningham case, at a time when the two were giving them tens of thousands of dollars in political contributions.

FBI Investigating Suspicious Letter to Doolittle


Hazmat crews from South Placer and Roseville Fire Departments responded to Rep. John Doolittle's Granite Bay office Wednesday afternoon when an employee in the office opened a letter, got some kind of substance on her hand and felt a tingling sensation. Fire crews evacuated the complex and the FBI and hazardous material crews are investigating the suspicious letter. 

MAC Recommends Approval of New Bank


The MAC recommended approval of a proposed new bank building, to be located on the east side of Sierra College Blvd, south of Douglas at the signalized entry to Granite Bay Business Park. The project will consist of a single story building housing a 3700 SF bank facility and a 2650 SF tenant, and it will include a drive thru window as well as associated site work. The MAC also recommended that a reasonable right of way for a left turn lane be dedicated on Sierra College Blvd. at that location.

Warm Weather Restricting Permissive Burn Days


The Placer County Air Pollution Control District reminds residents that residential burning is only allowed on permissive-burn days. Burn days are determined by the Air Resources Board and are based on meteorological conditions and forecasts. Burn days are declared when weather conditions readily disperse smoke. High-pressure systems that cause warmer weather act like a lid to hold smoke rather than allowing it to disperse. Burning on such days can cause smoke nuisances.

To find out whether burning is permitted on a particular day, residents may call 800-998-2876. Burn-day information is updated by 8:00 a.m. daily.

Transportation Planning Workshops in Placer County 


Placer County's Transportation Planning Agency will hold several interactive workshops to provide you an opportunity to express what you feel is important in a transportation strategy and recommend where funds should be directed in Placer County regarding boulevards, bikeways, regional transit, streetcars, etc.

  • Wed, Feb 8, 6-9pm, Rocklin Sunset Center, 2650 Sunset Blvd, Rocklin
  • Tue, Feb 21, 6-9pm, Maidu Center, 1550 Maidu Dr., Roseville
  • Tue, Feb 28, 6-9pm, Placer Transportation Planning Agency, 299 Nevada St. Auburn

MAC Opposes Appeal for a Reader Board Sign at Center


The MAC voted unanimously to oppose a proposal from the owners of the Granite Bay Shopping Center to install a LED, changeable copy, animated, reader board sign at the center on Auburn Folsom Rd. Residents also voiced strong and unanimous disapproval of the proposal and expressed concern that this type of sign was not consistent with the Community Plan and not compatible with the rural nature of the Center.

Developers Present MAC Two New Residential Projects


The MAC received information on two new residential project proposals last evening. A project proposed at the north east corner of Old Auburn Rd. and Sierra College Blvd. would provide eight, one acre lots that are planned to be held as future home sites for the Dunmore family.  A second proposal on Old Auburn Rd. west of Sierra College Blvd. would provide 7 single family one acre lots. No action was taken on either proposal.

Neighborhood Traffic SubCommittee to Meet


The MAC Neighborhood Traffic Management Sub Committee will hold their first meeting in the portable offices at the Fire Station on Eureka Rd. (at Folsom Auburn Rd.), on Wednesday 2/8/06 at 7pm. The public is welcome, especially those who have traffic management issues (speeding, stop sign running, etc) in their neighborhood. 

“Slow Down- Don’t End Up Like This”


The Newcastle California Highway Patrol unveiled a new enforcement tactic this morning at the curve on Barton Road north of Douglas Blvd. near Christina Court and Teague Lane. This area has been plagued with vehicles entering the well marked curve at speeds much higher than the posted advisory limit of 15 MPH and running off the roadway. With the assistance of County Roads Dept., and Roseville Towing,  the CHP deployed a temporary visual display in an attempt to make people “think twice” before entering this stretch of roadway at an inappropriate speed.

Scouts Hold "Christmas In January"


Granite Bay's Boy Scout Troop 121 will hold their 3rd annual Eagle Scout Memorial Community Collection Drive and Blood Drive, on Sunday Jan. 29th from 10 AM to 2 PM at Cavitt Jr. High School at 7200 Fuller Dr.

Granite Bay Resident Presented Community Safety Award


Chief Corado of the South Placer Fire District presented Granite Bay resident Matt Ellinwood their "Citizens Community Safety Award" at their Dec. 15th meeting. Matt, an off duty paramedic for the Sac Metro Fire District, was being recognized for his unselfish actions when he assisted South Placer Fire crews at an emergency medical incident on Parkford Circle on October 26, 2005.

County Needs Storm Damage Information Quickly


Placer County Office of Emergency Services is asking property owners who suffered storm related damage from the series of storms over the New Years weekend to report their damages to the County. The information is needed by 10 Jan to meet Federal and State deadlines. If a Federal emergency is declared, property owners who sustained damages may be eligible for financial assistance through FEMA. Individual property owners should contact Emergency Services at 530-889-4016.

Lakeland "Eyesore" in Trouble


The "Sacramento Bee" reports a home builder who angered his neighbors because the reconstruction project on his own home has lasted five years is about to lose his house. At least two lenders are foreclosing on the two-story home on Conquistador Court at the entrance of "Lakeland" because the owner is almost $32,000 behind on his payments. Several neighbors had contacted The Bee and the MAC last year to call attention to the house, which they described as "an eyesore." 

News Achieves: 2005

All the news from the year 2005.

Sand Bags Available


Placer County crews and residents are facing a series of challenges resulting from the storms that have pounded the area. County crews have delivered sand and sand bags to the South Placer Fire Protection District, 6900 Eureka Road, Granite Bay; for Placer County residents if needed.

Streams are high and often overflowing the roads. Residents who live near streams should stay alert as waters may continue to rise. A number of roads have been closed. Motorists should avoid moving water. It's particularly important to keep children out of the storm water.

First MAC of the New Year to Hear 2 Items


Developers will present a revised design proposal for a 17.5-acre development located on the south side of Douglas Blvd, just east of Woodgrove Way. Additionally, A representative from the County will provide an overview on the current permitting process required for cell towers. The meeting is scheduled for 7:00 PM Wednesday, January 4, at the Eureka Union School District Office.

Fire Directors Refuse to Support Sales Tax Proposal


The League of Placer County Taxpayers has proposed a 1/8 cent sales tax increase to help the fire protection funding problem in the County.  The proposal contends the increase would raise over $6 million to be distributed primarily to the rural fire districts. The directors and the public alike showed little support for the idea as it was seen to be lacking in detail and would be collecting a vast majority of the tax from the urban areas to subsidize the rural areas. 

Fire District Approves Capital Facility Plan


The South Placer Fire District Board of Directors approved a $3.8 million Capital Facilities Plan for 2006.  The new plan proposes a new station on Olive Ranch Rd. to replace the old station on Douglas Blvd.. It also proposes to develop additional administrative and training space, and it calls for the District to assist Placer County with the cost of major communication system improvements. Since the need for these new facilities and service is primarily the result of growth, a new mitigation fee schedule was also adopted. It call for a 4.3% fee hike for new construction.

Fire District Board Selects New Officers


The South Placer Fire District Board of Directors elected new officers for 2006 last evening. The Board elected Dave Giblin to be the President and Jeff Moss to be the Vice President. The new officers will assume their new post at the January 18 meeting.

Sheriff's Report Cites a Number of Vehicle Burglaries


The November Crime Summary from the Placer County Sheriff's office identifies a number of vehicle burglaries in the Granite Bay area. Please remember and remind neighbors and friends that valuables need to be removed from vehicles, or at the very least kept out of sight. This is especially important during the holidays.

MAC Recommends Shopping Center Expansion


The MAC recommended approval of a proposal to expand the Sierra Oaks Plaza shopping center at the corner of Douglas Blvd. and Sierra College Blvd. The proposal will add 12,575 square feet to the backside of the existing building located at the southeast corner of the center for a Ross Department Store.

Traffic Calming Measures Considered for Macargo Rd.


In response to concerns offered by the community regarding traffic hazards on Macargo Rd., the MAC recommended adoption of the Dept. of Public Works suggestion to provide a stop signs on Macargo at Johnson Lane. This latest recommendation is in addition to speed limit signs and the clearing of vegetation from the shoulders that has already been completed.

Traffic Safety Committee to be Formed


MAC approved the formation of a temporary committee to discuss traffic safety issues within the community. The Committee will be co-chaired by the chairmen of the existing Transportation and Safety Committees. Meeting times and dates to be announced.

Post Office Extends Holiday Hours


The Granite Bay Station of the US Post Office at 8771 Auburn Folsom Rd. has announced extended hours for the holidays. Beginning 12/10 and through 12/22, the Post office will be open from 8:30 am to 7 pm Monday thru Friday, and from 8:30 am to 5 pm on Saturday. The office will be closed on Sundays. 

Bureau to Hold Meetings on Folsom Dam Improvements


The US Bureau of Reclamation will hold two public meetings to discuss improvements to Folsom Dam. Earlier plans called for raising the dam and enlarging its outlets. But the revelation that it would cost millions of dollars more than anticipated has shifted discussion toward a proposal to build a second spillway on the dam's southern flank. The first meeting is scheduled for 4 to 6 p.m., Monday, Dec. 12, at the Granite Bay Activity Center, at the Douglas Boulevard entrance to the Folsom Lake State Recreation Area, in Granite Bay. The second is set for 5:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 14, at the Folsom Community Center, 52 Natoma St., in Folsom.

Dec. 7 MAC Parks Committee Meeting Canceled


Next meeting will be scheduled for Jan 4 06 at the Eureka School District office.

New Public Works Director Appointed


Ken Grehm, who currently serves as Assistant Public Works Director, has been named to succeed Tim Hackworth as Public Works Director when he retires at the end of the year. The Board of Supervisors confirmed the appointment Tuesday. Grehm joined Placer County Public Works in 2002. Previously he served as Supervising Engineer at the City of Sacramento, where he worked since the late 1980's. Ken is known in the Granite Bay area for his work with the community on the improvements planned for Auburn Folsom Rd.

December 7, MAC to hear 3 Action Items


  • The MAC will take action on a proposal to add 12,575 square feet onto the backside of the existing building located at the southeast corner of the Sierra Oaks Plaza shopping center at the corner of Douglas Blvd. and Sierra College Blvd. for a Ross Department Store.

  • The Department of Public Works will present information on specific concerns and/or solution concepts offered by the community and potential "traffic calming" measures being considered for Macargo Rd.

  • MAC will consider formation of temporary committee to discuss traffic safety issues within the community.

Thieves Steal Christmas Decorations


Three young men (19-25 yrs.) dressed in black and driving a small black Dodge or Toyota truck stole approximately $400 worth of Christmas decorations from a home on Willow Gate Ct. The incident occurred Friday 11/25 just after midnight. The home owner caught them in the act but they got away. Please everyone be extra alert, be on the look out, and report anything suspicious to the Sheriff. Hopefully someone can spot these perpetrators if they return.

County's Chief of Staff to the Board Promoted


John Marin, who has served as Chief of Staff to the Board of Supervisors office for more than 17 years, has been promoted to interim Director of the Community Development/Resource Agency. Board members ratified the appointment Nov. 8. 2005. In his new position Marin will be responsible for handling environmental review of projects and for coordinating review of the largest, most complex development proposals facing the county. CD/RA includes the planning and building departments, and staff from land development sections from public works.

November MAC Safety Committee Report


The MAC Safety Committee meets on the first Wednesday each month at 6 PM at the Eureka School District Office. The public is welcome.

CHP Report:

  • Crashes on Auburn-Folsom Rd. down 14 from last year but crashes on Douglas Blvd. were up 13 from last year.

  • Officers from several jurisdictions will be holding a Zero Tolerance Day on Auburn Folsom Rd. later this month.

  • CHP will be conducting a DUI Task Force effort on I-80 from Madison Ave. to Colfax.

  • CHP officers will be collecting toys at the Roseville Galleria on Thanksgiving weekend.

Sheriff's Dept. Report:

  • October Crime Summary lists only 4 crimes in Granite Bay. 2 Burglaries (1 vehicle- 1 residence), 1 vehicle vandalism, and 1 Grand theft from a construction site. Residents are reminded to keep valuable items out of site in their vehicles.

  • Sheriff's Dept. is collecting new or gently used stuffed toy animals for distribution to kids in local hospitals. Donations may be dropped off at the Sheriff's Service Center on Douglas Blvd. (Behind Granite Community Bank) or at the Cattlemen's Restaurant on Taylor Rd. in Roseville.

So. Placer Fire District Report:

  • The Fire district responded to 157 calls for service in October.

  • The burn ban was lifted after the rain in the last week of October.

  • Permits for burning are required year round, and may be obtained from any fire station.

  • The grass fire season closed without a major fire in the community.

  • The colder weather brings with it the beginning of the wood-burning season. Residents are reminded to have their chimneys/flues inspected and cleaned or repaired as needed. A good plan to keep the stovepipe clean is allowing the stove to free burn for 30 min. before reducing the airflow. Residents are also reminded to NEVER dispose of ashes in their plastic trash bins unless the ashes have been thoroughly soaked with water first. Each year several fires are caused by the improper disposal of ashes.

Granite Bay High School Report:

  • Athletic events will bring traffic and parking to the area surrounding this weekend. If the football team wins, then they will go to post-season which will bring at least one more home game the following weekend.

  • The school is looking into reports of students smoking at the bus stop in front of the school. They believe that these incidents are due to students from other schools who use the bus stop as a transfer point.

Public Comment:

  • A resident voiced a concern over excessive speed and noise in the 6000 block of Auburn Folsom Rd. CHP officer Kelly Baraga took note and will target the area during the Zero Tolerance Day.

  • Another resident brought up the subject of illegal street racing on Douglas Blvd., on Friday and Saturday nights. Officer Baraga will look into a joint effort with the Roseville Police Dept. CHP has joined with RPD on Zero Tolerance Days and other efforts, and will look forward to reciprocity in this area.

A Busy Night at the November 2 MAC Meeting


  • A contingent of neighbors of the property located on the south side of Douglas Blvd. across from the library expressed concern about tree cutting, filling and grading on the parcel and wanted to know what the owner proposed to construct on the site. They asked for help in investigating the matter before it progressed any further. County staff present at the meeting advised they would look into the matter and as of 2:00 p.m. November 3 a cease and desist order was issued to the property owner.

  • A representative of Elliot Homes reported that the company had purchased the Rolling Greens Golf Course on Eureka Road and proposes to construct 10 homes on the 23 acre parcel in accordance with our Community Plan and the existing zoning. The golf course will remain available for play through 2006.

  • The MAC reviewed a proposal to add 12,575 square feet onto the backside of the existing vacant 18,825 square foot building located at the southeast corner of the Sierra Oaks Plaza shopping center at 4130 Douglas Boulevard. The addition is proposed for a Ross Department Store.

  • A proposal was presented to develop two vacant commercial properties consisting of 9.5 acres as a residential planned development of 50-60 duet homes ranging from 1300 to 2100 square feet in one and two story buildings. The parcels are located on the north side of Douglas Boulevard east of Longs on Auburn-Folsom Road. Residents expressed concerns about run off and tree removal, but MAC and the audience generally felt the concept was a good fit for the property.

  • A proposal for 101 Town Homes ranging from 1200 to 1750 square feet on 8.5 acres on the parcel located at the northwest corner of Old Auburn Road and Sierra College Blvd. was presented. The property is currently zoned 2.3 units per acre. The project would not comply with our Community Plan and would not be compatible with any of the surrounding low density residential neighborhoods. It was not generally supported by the MAC or the residents in the audience.

  • A proposal for a single story building housing a 3700 square foot bank facility and 2650 square feet for tenant occupancy was presented. The site is about .2 miles south of Douglas on the east side of Sierra College Blvd. at the signalized entry to Granite Bay Business Park and is an infill project. The applicant proposes to design the building in a manner similar to what is already developed.

MAC Agenda Update


The Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Committee agenda has changed. One action item has been removed and one Information item has been added.

MAC Has Full Agenda, Meeting to Start Early on Wed. Nov. 2


The Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Committee has a full agenda for the Wednesday Nov. 2 meeting.  The meeting will start at 6:30 p.m., one half hour earlier than usual.  Agenda items include a digital monument sign on Auburn-Folsom near Douglas, three developments involving more than 110 homes, and an expansion of the Sierra Oaks Plaza shopping center (Ralphs).  The agenda also includes a Workshop on the function of Placer County MACs.  

Fire District Accepting Applications for Two Positions


The South Placer Fire District is accepting applications for a Division Chief/EMS Officer and for a Division Chief/Training Officer. Salary range for both positions is $5,351 to $6,504 per month plus excellent benefits. Persons interested should contact the South Placer Fire District, 6900 Eureka Road, Granite Bay, CA 95746 or 916-791-7059 for required district application. Applications accepted until no later than 5:00 p.m. on December 16, 2005.

County Transportation Planning Agency Launches Website


The Placer County Transportation Planning Agency has launched a new Web site aimed at commuters to help address their concerns. The site includes information regarding transit projects, news about upcoming events, a frequently asked-question page and a forum for commuters to e-mail their frustrations, concerns and suggestions. The Web site is a way for people to express their frustrations regarding transit issues and participate in solutions.

I 80 Off Ramp to Douglas Blvd. to Close


The eastbound Interstate 80 off ramp to eastbound Douglas Blvd. will be closed for construction for 10 days beginning at midnight Monday. Traffic on Sunrise Ave. in the construction area will be reduced to one lane in each direction for the next two weeks.

MAC Recommends Re-Phasing Auburn-Folsom Rd. Work


The MAC recommended the County abandon the present phasing plan for the Auburn-Folsom Road Widening Project that would have started construction near Douglas Blvd. to approximately 1500 feet' south of Eureka Rd. Instead, they recommended installing a signal at Fuller Dr., continuing efforts to acquire right of way, and to begin design of what had initially been phase 2, from the County line on the south to Oak Leaf Way.

The MAC and the public alike rejected the idea of paying $1.6 million more than the County was offering for a narrow strip of right of way just south of Fuller Dr. Ironically, the owner of those parcels was cited by the County in June 2004 for removal of 75 trees and significant disturbance to the Linda Creek corridor that is yet to be resolved.

County Announces Flu Shot Clinics


The Placer County Department of Health and Human Services has announced its schedule of flu shot clinics in our area for the upcoming influenza season. The County will provide vaccinations to seniors and those who are at high risk, have chronic health issues, or who may spread influenza to those at risk. For most other residents, flu shots are typically available through their regular primary care doctors.

  • Oct. 19: Veterans Memorial Hall, 110 Park Dr., Roseville, 8:30 - Noon.
  • Nov 9: Rocklin Sunset Center, 2650 Sunset Blvd., Rocklin, 8:30 a.m. – Noon.
  • Nov 16: Veteran’s Memorial Hall, 110 Park Dr., Roseville, 8:30 a.m. – Noon.

MAC to Take Action on Two Issues Wednesday Night


  • Placer County's Department of Public Works will seek support for the re-phasing of the Auburn-Folsom Road Widening Project. The Project is now phased to begin construction at Douglas Blvd. to approximately 1500' south of Eureka Rd, but the County is now proposing to start at the County Line to approximately 1500' north of Oak Hill Drive.

  • A developer will seek support for a project, called Beaver Creek, consisting of seven single-family home sites on 17.5 acres. The project is located on the south side of Douglas Blvd. approximately 1000 feet east of the Fire Station at Douglas and Woodgrove Way.

Fire District Adopts $6.3 Million Operating Budget


The South Placer Fire District has adopted a $6.3 million operating budget for the 05-06 fiscal year.  That figure represents a 10% increase over the 04-05 fiscal year spending. Salaries and benefits will increase nearly 11% while service and operation costs are projected to hold steady. Salaries alone increased over a quarter million dollars. Additionally, the District has budgeted for a nearly $2.7 million cash reserve at year end.

Resident Recognized for Dousing Fire


Chief Corado of the South Placer Fire District presented Larry Houghtby a plaque last night in recognition of his actions to report and suppress a fire at his neighbors home on Oak Leaf Way in July. After seeing smoke, he investigated and found the deck and the exterior wall on fire. As his wife called 911, Larry was able to extinguish the fire with a garden hose before firefighters arrived. 

New Planning Director Named


Michael J. Johnson, a resident of Rocklin, who currently serves as the City of Folsom's Community Development Director, has been named Placer County Planning Director to replace Fred Yeager who retired in August. Johnson has been with Folsom since 1997. He also served in Fremont and Merced. and has been a planner for the San Luis Obispo County Land Conservancy. Supervisors confirmed his appointment last week and he will start Oct. 12.

Granite Bay Press Tribune Editor Leaving


Jamie Trump, the editor of the Granite Bay Press-Tribune for the past three years has announced that she will be leaving the paper on the 16th of Sept. The paper has not yet identified a replacement, but in the meantime Sherri Shaulis will be coordinating Granite Bay news. Press releases, meeting agendas, columns, etc. may be sent to Sherri at Thank you Jamie for your excellent coverage of Granite Bay issues, we will miss you and we wish you the best for your future.

Dinner, Night Out! 


Stoneridge Elementary School is having a community fundraising event at The Habit Burger Grill (4060 Douglas Blvd. at Sierra College Boulevard) in Granite Bay. Date: Thursday, Sept 29th, Time: From 3pm - 9pm. Invite all of your friends and family to dine out at The Habit Burger Grill on the 29th of Sept. 20% of the proceeds will go to the school's fundraiser for their 6th Grade Science Camp. Take out is available.

Sacramento Metropolitan Orchestra Benefit Performance


The Sacramento Metropolitan Orchestra, will perform at the Adventure Christian Church in Rocklin on Sunday, September 25, 2005, at 7:30 pm to benefit Hurricane Katrina Flood Victims. Featured guest artists will be the New Orleans Jazz Band, Banu Gibson and the New Orleans Hot Jazz. Guest vocalists performing with the orchestra are Danielle Nice, & Malcolm MacKensie. Proceeds from the concert will be donated to the American Red Cross and to the Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund of the American Federation of Musicians.  Tickets can be ordered by phone at 800-225-2277 or 916-766-2277.

Help Wanted, Tree Planting Scheduled for Feist Park


Volunteers are needed Saturday and Sunday September 24th and 25th to help plant over 150 trees at the new Feist Park at the corner of Elmhurst and Twin Schools Rd. If you can help for a few hours at sometime during those days, bring your shovel, rake and gloves with you to the park. Planting will begin at 8 AM each day and continue until at least 4 PM. It would be a good idea to mark your tools in case they get lost.

MAC Reviews Two Development Concepts


  • Adventist Ministries presented MAC a site concept for a 75-acre parcel on the east side of Sierra College Blvd. on top of the hill. The proposal consists of a 2,000 seat sanctuary, administrative and resource center, small bible school and on-campus housing for 100 students. Neighboring residents expressed concern over the Fire Districts request for a 26 ft. wide access road to the project from Cavitt-Stallman Rd.

  • A conceptual proposal for the parcels located on the south side of Douglas Blvd. between the Bank of America and the existing residential area to the east would provide up to 46 owner occupied half-plex units and a 7000 sq. ft. retail building. The proposal would remove the existing old retail center where Granito's restaurant and the Barber Shop are located, but would enable relocation of existing businesses to the new building. The concept received generally favorable response from the MAC and residents alike. Some concern about the proposed density was expressed.

20 Human Cases of West Nile Virus in Placer County


Placer County health officials announced today that the total number of human West Nile virus cases has increased to 20, as the disease continues to spread in the western area of the county.

Ground spraying in selected areas of Roseville to combat mosquitoes which can carry the virus, delayed for two days due to winds, is expected to begin Thursday night. The spraying will take place between 1 a.m. and 4 a.m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, weather permitting.

County Library Offers New Online Service


A new service offered by the Placer County Library system permits patrons to read stories and view photographs from more than 2,000 magazines and newspapers online from the comfort of their homes, schools or offices. The new service is available through the county's library web site to anyone who has a valid Placer County library card. Library cards can be obtained by applying at any branch of the Placer County Library.

Ground Spraying Scheduled for Placer County


In its efforts to reduce the mosquito population and the spread of West Nile virus, the Placer Mosquito Abatement District will be conducting ground spraying by truck in south Roseville on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, August 30 through September 1. Weather permitting, the spraying will occur between 1 a.m. and 4 a.m.

Due to concerns about exposure to the mosquito-borne West Nile virus, Performing Arts of Roseville (PAR) is canceling its Sunday, August 28 concert in Roseville’s Royer Park.

County Names New Chief Executive Officer


The Placer County Board of Supervisors has named Tom Miller to succeed County Executive Officer Jan Christofferson following her retirement in late October. Miller has worked for the County for 6 years and currently serves as the director of the County's Community Development/Resource Agency. He has extensive public works and planning experience. He has a B.A. in Environmental Studies and additional graduate work in Applied Economics.

Another Human Infected by the West Nile Virus


Another human case of West Nile Virus has been discovered in Placer County. Officials from the Mosquito Abatement District and the county Health and Human Services Department announced the additional case brings to four the 2005 county total of human cases.

The new case is a female, 42-year old South County resident in the 95678 Zip code area of Roseville. The previous three Placer County cases are also from the same Zip code.

West Nile Virus Discovered in Three Humans


Three human cases of West Nile virus have been discovered in Placer County. In addition to the three human cases there have been 43 dead birds (5 in Granite Bay), two horses, two dead squirrels and eight mosquito pools that have tested positive for the virus.

As part of their eradication efforts, the Mosquito Abatement District is treating storm drains for mosquitoes in South Placer County, and will also be holding two mosquito fish giveaways. There is currently no aerial spraying planned for residential areas in Placer County to kill mosquitoes.

Planning Director Receives Proclamation at MAC


Supervisor Gaines presented retiring Planning Director Fred Yeager a proclamation honoring him for his 32 years of service to the County. In addition Yeager received a plaque from the Granite Bay Community Association thanking him for his efforts in drafting and supporting the Granite Bay Community Plan.

MAC Recommends Rezone


The MAC recommended approval of a proposal from Dave Bushnell to rezone the property where his nursery is located on the north side of Douglas Blvd, from single family residential to farm zoning. The zoning change would resolve some long standing non conformance issues and allow for the addition of several greenhouses. Residents and MAC members also indicated support for a side walk along Douglas Blvd as part of the improvements proposed.  

On another issue, the MAC was generally receptive to conceptual plans for townhouses on the east side of Padre Ct. at Douglas Blvd. and Padre Ct. The project as presented would provide a transition between commercial and single family residential and would have a total of 6 buildings with 2 units in each building targeted for individual ownership rather than rental units.

County CEO to Retire


Jan Christofferson, the Chief Executive Officer for Placer County since June 2001 has announced she will retire effective 28 October 2005. She indicates she wants to spend more time with her family and pursue part time career options working with her father.

Mike Holmes to Run for 4th District Congressional Seat


Mike Holmes, a 65 year old moderate republican has announced he will challenge John Doolittle in the 2006 primary election for the Republican nomination for the 4th congressional district seat. Holmes is the vice Mayor of Auburn and a retired Navy Captain. He describes himself as a fiscal conservative with moderate social views.

Ground is Broken for South Placer Justice Center


Placer County broke ground Tuesday on the new South Placer Justice Center in North Roseville, The first phase of the project will include a courthouse with nine courtrooms, a holding facility for inmates and space for court administration. The project will bring many public protection services closer to the South Placer area. At the same time, a privately owned office building is being constructed. The County will lease space there for the District Attorney's Office, and Probation Dept.

Granite Bay Man Arrested for Stabbing Death


A 23-year-old Granite Bay man, Caleb John Madsen, was arrested Thursday night at his family's home on Bella Vista Dr. in connection with the stabbing death of his friend Christopher Worth. Worth was found dead Sunday afternoon in a field near Madsen's home. According to the Placer County Sheriff's Department, Worth was killed at Madsen's house and his body was transported in his own truck to the nearby field.

More West Nile Virus Discovered in Placer County


The Placer Mosquito Abatement District announced two mosquito pools from West Placer County have tested positive for West Nile virus. One was from west of Roseville; the other was west of Lincoln. "This confirms that we have mosquitoes flying now that could transmit the virus," said Jamesina Scott, Ph. D. Residents can help prevent mosquitoes in their own yards by eliminating standing water sources where mosquitoes breed.

Water District Approves Rate Hike


San Juan Water District Board of Directors has approved a 3% water rate increase to take effect in September. The increase is consistent with the CPI used to measure inflation. Questions regarding the new rate should be directed to the District's customer service staff at 791-0115.

Five Buddies Head to the Marines Together


Five proud young Granite Bay men (Ryan Adair, Nick Davison, Nick Reineke, Jose Sachez and Dave Volk) are joining the US Marines as part of the Marines "Buddy Program". The 18 year olds are best buddies and will be headed to Marine boot camp at Camp Pendleton together on July 18. They say 9/11 prompted their decision.  Semper Fi Marines.

MAC Endorses Change to Permit Parking Ordinance


At its 6 July meeting the MAC accepted a change to the Permit Parking Ordinance that would prohibit parking for a distance on the south side of Eureka Rd. The MAC heard from the Public Works Staff that up to 70 new parking places should be available prior to the beginning of school by restriping Wellington Way and using the new parking lot at the new church site on East Roseville Parkway. A proposal to eliminate permit parking on Elmhurst Dr. was rejected.

MAC Transportation Subcommittee to Meet


The Granite Bay MAC Transportation Subcommittee will host a public meeting July 13 at 7:00 PM at Eureka School District Office to hear specific concerns and/or solution concepts from residents regarding Macargo Road and to discuss potential “traffic calming” measures for the road. Additionally, the committee will review a request for a stop sign on Cavitt-Stallman South Road at the intersection with Woodthrush Way. The public is invited to attend and to share your concerns and suggestions.

Supervisors Reappoint MAC Members


The County Board of Supervisors approved reappointment of Steve Nash, Walt Pekarsky, David Kaiser and Virg Anderson to the Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council, for 2 year terms, as requested by Supervisor Gaines. 

MAC to Review Permit Parking Ordinance


MAC will meet at 7:00 pm 6 July at Eureka School District Office to review and discuss possible changes to the permit parking program currently implemented in the area adjacent to the Granite Bay High School. Additionally, public input will be requested for aesthetics, such as bridge rail type and concrete finish, for the design for Barton Rd bridge replacement at Miner’s Ravine, and County staff will provide an update on the Auburn Folsom Rd.

Board Approves Community Plan Amendment


The County Board of Supervisors today approved the revised Circulation Element of the Granite Bay Community Plan. The amendment sets forth numerous new goals, policies and implementation programs that will provide a transportation system that serves the future needs of the Community. The Plan accommodates new development projects, pedestrian, equestrian and cyclist needs, while it retains and enhances the rural and scenic qualities of the area.

Park Ownership Transfer to Placer County Approved


The Placer County Board of Supervisors has approved the transfer of Feist Park, located at Elmhurst and Twin Schools Rd, from the Eureka School District to Placer County. Use agreements with the various youth sports leagues and the Eureka School District were also approved. The actual transfer will occur in July. A joint use agreement between the County and the Granite Bay High School regarding the planned tennis courts is pending.

County Parks Staff reported the county also approved spending up to $500,000 of future park dedication fees now to complete the soccer fields, walkways, etc. with the plan to hydroseed the fields in October.

Fire Districts to Discuss Future


The Loomis Fire District and the South Placer Fire District have appointed a ad-hoc committee to discuss the future of fire protection in the Loomis Fire District. At issue is how fire protection could be provided if the Loomis District fails due to its serious shortfall of operating revenue.

Supervisors Approve "The Grove" Project


"The Grove" (a 32 lot residential project at the southwest corner of Olive Ranch Rd. and Berg St.) received unanimous approval from the Board of Supervisors. The project had been approved by the MAC and the Planning Commission, but had been appealed by a neighbor who opposed the project.

Community Plan

Date Set for Community Plan Hearing


The Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing 24 June at 1:45 pm to consider approval of an amendment to the Circulation Element of the Granite Bay Community Plan. The hearing will be in the Board Hearing Room in Auburn. No changes to the Community Plan land use designations are being considered. Interested persons are encouraged to attend the hearing or submit written comments prior to the hearing.

Granite Bay Youth Sets State Meet Record


Scott Roth, a junior at Granite Bay High School won his second consecutive pole vault title at the CIF State Track and Field Championship meet at Hughes Stadium on Saturday. With a vault of 17 feet 1 inch Scott erased the previous record of 17 feet that had stood since 1978. Congratulations Scott we are all proud of you.

County Budgets Funds for Feist Park


The 2006 Placer County Budget includes $500K from present and future park mitigation fees for construction at Feist Park at the corner of Elmhurst Dr. and Twin Schools Rd.. The money along with the construction of the tennis courts by the Granite Bay High School should be enough to complete the third and final phase of the park's construction by the end of the year.

Supervisors Fill Vacant MAC Seat


The Placer County Board of Supervisors approved the appointment of Craig Powell, a resident of Douglas Ranch sub-division, to the Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council Seat #2 as requested by Supervisor Gaines.

Folsom Dam Road Limited Opening Approved


Federal Officials on Tuesday, approved the opening of the Folsom Dam Road during commute hours. However, the lack of funding to implement a $6 million security plan could delay its opening at least until 2006. Folsom officials estimate over 7200 vehicles daily will be able to use the road during commute hours.  The traffic impact on Granite Bay as a result of the opening was not immediately known.

Supervisors Reschedule Project Appeal Hearing


The hearing for "The Grove" (a 32 lot residential project at the southwest corner of Olive Ranch Rd. and Berg St.) that had been scheduled for 24 May has been continued to 14 June at 1:30 pm in the Board of Supervisors chambers in Auburn. The project was approved by the MAC and the Planning Commission, but has been appealed by a neighbor who opposes the project.

Fire District Changes Meeting Time


At the request of community members, the South Placer Fire District Directors voted to change the meeting time of their regularly scheduled Board meeting from 7:30 pm to 7:00 pm on the 3rd Wednesday of the each month. The new schedule will be effective in June.

Burn Hours Extended for the Month of May


The Placer County Air Pollution Control District and the South Placer Fire Protection District have agreed to implement the extended burn hours for the month of May that were recommended by the community’s Municipal Advisory Council. For the month of May if it is a burn day between the 1st and 15th, the burn hours are 8 am to 7 pm. This change affects residents who live in the 95661 and 95746 zip codes.

Public Invited to Open House for New Folsom Bridge


The US Army Corps of Engineers and the City of Folsom will host an Open House Wednesday 27 April from 4 pm to 6 pm and from 7 pm to 9 pm at the Folsom Community Center, 52 Natoma St. in Folsom to provide the public an update on the Folsom Bridge Project. For more information contact the Corps at 916-557-5100.

Juvenile Justice/Delinquency Prevention Commission


Judge Colleen Nichols, of the Juvenile Court and Chairman of the Placer County Juvenile Justice/Delinquency Prevention Commission, announces applications are being accepted for membership on the County’s Commission. There are adult and juvenile vacancies on the Commission. Any resident of Placer County interested in applying for membership on the Commission can call (530) 889-7900 or write for a membership application for the Commission, c/o Placer County Probation Department Attention: JJ/DP, 11564 C Avenue, Auburn, CA 95603.

New Facility Services Director Appointed


The Board of Supervisors has ratified the appointment of Jim Durfee to be the County's new Facility Services Director. Durfee currently serves as Assistant Director of Facility Services. He also serves as Assistant Executive Director of both the Western Placer and the Placer-Nevada Waste Management Authorities.

Fire Board Approves Long Term Facility Upgrade Plan


A plan outlining the estimated cost and anticipated schedule for major upgrades or replacement of the Fire District's facilities as they wear or become unfit for the type of service needed over the years was approved by the Board of Directors at their April 20 meeting. The Plan initially will cost 3.75% of the Districts annual budget ($250,000 in the 05/06 fiscal year).  As a result of implementing this plan, the District's Fundamental Budget Principles had to change as well. Staffing will become 77.5% of the budget, a reduction of 2.5%, while the other elements of the budget changed only slightly or not at all.

Interstate 80 Exit Ramp to Close for 12 Days


Caltrans will close the eastbound exit ramp from Interstate 80 to eastbound Douglas Boulevard beginning at 6 a.m., Monday April 11. The ramp will remain closed until 11:59 p.m., Friday April 22. The ramp closure will allow crews to work on the tunnel connecting northbound Sunrise Boulevard to the freeway, and to realign the I-80/Douglas Boulevard ramp to a new configuration.

MAC Supports Minor Change to Burn Policy


After hearing pleas from residents that don't want any backyard burning permitted and residents that don't want any restrictions on burning, the MAC agreed that the compromise established nearly two years ago was not broken and needed only a very small adjustment. The only change the MAC recommended to the Fire District and the Air Pollution Control District was to extend the burn hours for the month of May to 7 pm.

LAFCo Appoints New Executive Officer


The Placer Local Agency Formation Commission, which oversees the changes in boundaries for cities and special districts within Placer County, has announced the appointment of Kristina Berry as the new Executive Officer. Ms. Berry is currently the Senior Analyst for the Monterey County LAFCo and will be assuming her new position on May 2 following the resignation of Scott Finley who will be returning to the County Council's office. 

Two Promotions in the Fire District


The South Placer Fire District has announced two promotions within its staff. Fire Marshall Lawrence Bettencourt has been selected for promotion to the rank of Battalion Chief, and Karl Fowler has been selected for promotion to the rank of Captain. Both promotions will become effective 16 April 05. Congratulations to both.

County Creates New Development-Resource Agency


In an effort to make the land use review process more efficient, the Placer County Board of Supervisors, on Tuesday, created a new agency that will oversee both the Planning and the Building Departments. The Board appointed Tom Miller, present director of Facility Services, as the head of the new agency.

Fire District Board Selects New Board Member


The Directors of the South Placer Fire District interviewed eight candidates 29 Mar. to fill the seat vacated by the resignation of John de Graaff in Feb. Mike DeLaurentis, a Granite Bay resident and a former candidate for the directors position was selected to serve the remainder of de Graaf's 4 year term. Mike is due to be sworn in on Friday at 5:00 PM.

County Unveils Placer County Government Center Master Plan Layout Proposal


Fred Yeager, Placer County's Planning Director since 1989 has indicated he will retire in August. He has 33 years of service with the County.  Fred was instrumental in the design of our Granite Bay Community Plan and has been responsible for implementing the policies of the Plan by guiding development within the community towards our community goals.

Two New Fire Engines Arrive


Two new type one fire engines have been delivered to the Fire District. The Board recognized a team of employees (Derek Carey, Brian Midtlying, Mike Rufenacht, Steve Adcock, Jim Stephens, Ray Jennings, and Russ Moorhouse) who were instrumental in designing and acquiring the new engines. The new engines cost the District $380,000 each.

Fire District Proposes Long Term Facility Upgrade Plan


Chief Corado presented the Board with a conceptual plan outlining the estimated cost and an anticipated schedule of major upgrades or replacement of the Fire District's facilities as they wear or become unfit for the type of service needed over the years. Until very recently, the District has not been saving money for the rehabilitation of their maturing facilities. The initial estimate for the average annual cost of the program over the next 30 years is over $500,000 per year.

Planning Commission Approves New Development


The County Planning Commission approved a new sub-division (The Grove at Granite Bay) on 32 acres at the south-west corner of Berg St. and Olive Ranch Rd. on Thursday, 10 Mar. The new sub-division provides 32 custom residential lots (average lot size is 22,000 sq. ft.) with approximately 11 acres of open space to preserve and protect a large wetland area and the stream environment zones. Berg St. is planned to be improved to correct vertical alignment issues but will retain the aesthetics of a country road.

MAC Approves Barton Bridge Design


The Municipal Advisory Council approve a conceptual plan for the replacement of the bridge on Barton Rd. at it's 2 March meeting. Work on the new bridge which will widen the channel at the bridge and raise the level of the bridge by 3 feet is planned for 2006. Additionally, the MAC approved a recommendation to the County to develop and implement a graffiti ordinance to enable the removal of graffiti as soon as possible.

Granite Bay MAC Needs a Secretary


The Placer County Board of Supervisors is looking to fill the Secretary position for the Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council (MAC). The MAC meets one evening per month. The position entails mailing out the agendas, taking min. and other related duties. The applicant must provide for their transportation and reside in Granite Bay. The position pays $100 per meeting and is considered voluntary. The MAC is a great way to get involved in the community. For more information, contact Melanie Eustice, Placer County Board of Supervisors, (916) 787-8950.

Supervisors Appoint New MAC Member


The County Board of Supervisors appointed Steve Nash to the Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council Tuesday. Nash has served on the MAC's parks subcommittee for several years and will replace Mike Casey who became ineligible when he moved out of the community.

Notice— Fire District Board Member Resigns


After serving two years of the four year term he was elected to, South Placer Fire District Director John de Graaff has submitted his resignation to the Board. He indicated a significant difference in philosophy with the other board members as the reason for his resignation.

The seat vacated by de Graaff has been officially declared vacant and residents of the Fire District interested in being appointed to serve on the Board for the remainder of his term should submit a letter of interest to the Fire District Office at 6900 Eureka Road in Granite Bay no later than 5:00 pm, March 18, 2005. Candidate interviews will be scheduled during the week of March 28, 2005. Questions can be directed to Chief Tony Corado at (916) 791-7059.

Directors Approve Apprentice Firefighter Program


The South Placer Fire District Board of Directors approved a new program that will provided a two year apprentice firefighter program designed to provide career development within the fire service. The new program will replace the current reserve firefighters who will be offered the new positions if qualified.

MAC Residential Burn Sub-Committee to Meet


The MAC Residential Burn Sub-Committee will meet Thursday, Feb 17 at 7:00 p.m. in the Granite Bay Library Conference Room at 6475 Douglas Blvd. (Note the change in venue.)

Notice of Public Hearing


The Placer County Planning Commission will consider approval of an amendment to the Circulation Element of the Granite Bay Community Plan on Thursday 10 Feb. at 10:10 am. The hearing will be held in the Planning Commission Hearing Room, 2000 Richardson Dr. in the Dewitt Center in Auburn. For more information contact the Planning Dept. at 800-488-4308 ext. 3000.

Granite Bay's Supervisor Takes the Chair at SACOG


Placer County's 4th District Supervisor, Ted Gaines, will serve as the chairman of the six county transportation planning agency for the next year.  Gaines was sworn in as the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Sacramento Area Council of Governments Thursday after serving as the vice chair for the past year.   

Community Plan

Residents Oppose Changing the Community Plan


A large number of residents addressed the MAC, opposing amending the Community Plan. Past MAC member George Christi pointed out the value and integrity of the existing plan and the awards that it has received. Most residents were opposed to a proposal presented last month by a developer for a 43 unit age restricted development on a 12-acre parcel, next to Oakhills and Ridgeview Schools. The proposal would increase the permitted density on the parcel by about 700 percent.

MAC Safety Committee Recommends Graffiti Ordinance


Citing the fact that the County does not have an ordinance to deal with graffiti, such as was at the corner of Joe Rodgers and Douglas last year, the MAC Safety Sub-Committee presented information for a recommendation for the County to develop and adopt an ordinance to deal with graffiti when it occurs.  The recommendation will be an action item on next months MAC agenda.

MAC Parks Sub-Committee Meeting Canceled


The MAC Parks Sub-Committee meeting originally scheduled for Wednesday 5 Jan has been canceled. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 2 Feb at 5:00 p.m. in the Eureka School District Office.

News Achieves: 2004

All the news from the year 2004.

Scouts to Collect Christmas Trees


Boy Scout Troop 121 is offering curb side pick up of your Christmas tree on Saturday Jan 8, in the area south of Cavitt-Stallman Rd., for a tax deductible donation of $10 per tree. Or you may take your tree to Cavitt Jr. High parking lot Jan 8 or 9 from 9 to 4 for a donation of $5. For special requests or more information call 730-0588

MAC Residential Burn Sub-Committee to Meet


The MAC Residential Burn Sub-Committee will meet Thursday, Jan 20 at 7:00 p.m. in the portable building at Fire Station #1, 6900 Eureka Rd.

State Lists Sex Offenders in Granite Bay


The California Department of Justice's web site, lists 5 registered sex offenders living in Granite Bay. The site displays the last registered address reported by the persons required to register in California as sex offenders. .....

Supervisors Approve Permit Parking


The County Board of Supervisors approved an ordinance implementing a "Permit Parking" program on specific streets in the Tree Lake area that are within about 10 min. walking time from the Granite Bay High School. Parking Permits will be required to be displayed in any vehicle parking on the affected streets from 7 to 10 A.M. and from 1 to 3 P.M. on days when school is in session. The program is projected to become effective 14 Jan 05.

Granite Bay Marshland to be Preserved


Placer County Supervisors approved a "Resolution of Intent" to preserve, in perpetuity, the emergent marshland located across Douglas Blvd. from the Lutheran Church.

MAC Recommends Approval of 32 lot Development


Despite emotional concerns of neighbors, the MAC recommended approval of a 32 lot development on 31.8 acres at the southwest corner of Olive Ranch Rd. and Berg St.  County staff indicated they were supporting the proposal because it was in compliance with the Community Plan. The MAC also recommended consideration of traffic calming measures on neighboring streets to discourage through traffic and help control speed.

Information items presented to the MAC included a proposal for a 43 unit adult, age restricted community located on a 12-acre parcel, next to Oakhills and Ridgeview Schools. The proposal received support from realtors and friends of the developer, but neighbors and community members expressed concern about non compliance with the community plan and the proposed 700% increase in density.

A proposal for a Car Wash and Auto Lube to be located on property behind the existing Walgreen store on Douglas Blvd. received generally positive comments.

MAC Parks Committee Meeting is Canceled


The MAC Parks Committee meeting originally scheduled for Dec. 1 has been canceled. The next meeting of the committee will be 5 Jan 05.

MAC to Take Action on Berg St. Development


The Granite Bay MAC is scheduled to take action on a 32 lot planned residential community proposed on 31.8 acres located at the southwest corner of Olive Ranch Rd. and Berg St. Information items on the agenda include a proposal for an active adult, age restricted community located on a 12-acre parcel, next to Oakhills and Ridgeview Schools, and a proposal for a Car Wash and Auto Lube located on undeveloped property behind the existing Walgreen store on Douglas Blvd.

Fire District Hires a New Fire Marshall


Fire Chief Tony Corado has announced that the South Placer Fire District has selected Capt. Lawrence Bettencourt to be the new Fire Marshall for the District. Capt. Bettencourt is presently a Station Captain at Station 3 and will assume his new duties 13 Nov. 

Ron Feist Park Donations Mount


Donations for the Ron Feist Park continue to mount and construction on three ball fields continues weather permitting. Cash donations received to date total over $220,000, and local contractors and businesses have contributed nearly $120,000 in time materials and equipment for the park. In addition nearly $175,000 in time, material and equipment have been pledged for restrooms, snack bar, parking lots and a picnic pavilion. The High School District has pledged to build tennis courts valued at $300,000. This is all good news, but there is a long way to go to finish the north side of the park and a funding source for the south side soccer fields hasn't even been identified.

MAC Struggles With Parking and Traffic Issues


Permit Parking in the area around the Granite Bay High School was the focus of considerable debate as the MAC struggled to reach a decision on the issue. In the end, the MAC encouraged the high school, the County and the East Roseville Bible Church to finalize an agreement, to permit parking for over 100 cars on the church's property next to the fire station near the school. Additionally, they recommended the County proceed with establishing permit parking basically as was recommended by the transportation sub-committee.

On a second issue, the MAC failed to take an action on a 32 lot sub division on Berg St. indicating there were too many unanswered questions relating to traffic issues and requested the developer and County staff return in December with further information.

Citizens Reject Firefighters Slate of Candidates


In yesterdays election, voters in the South Placer Fire District appear to have rejected the Firefighter Union's effort to elect candidates, that were more sympathetic to their cause, to the Districts Board of Directors. With all but an unknown number of absentee and provisional ballots counted, Dave Giblin, Gary Grenfell, and Jeff Moss, are the top 3 vote getters.

Other Local Election Results


In the San Juan Water District Ken Miller and Pam Tobin are the top two vote getters.
In the Roseville High School District, R. Jan Pinney, Garry Genzlinger, and Paige Stauss are the top three vote getters.
Roseville High School District's Measure J passed with 59% approving the measure
Mike Lee won re-election to the Placer County Water Agency

Parking Issues and New Development at November MAC 


Permit Parking in the area around the Granite Bay High School as well as a 32 lot subdivision on Berg St. will be the action items.

A proposed 17 lot subdivision located south of the existing Eden Roc subdivision and a project at the north/east corner of Sierra College Blvd. and Eureka Rd. consisting of a wine country style quaint village including a 60 room hotel will be presented as information items.

Placer Republicans Endorse Fire District Candidates


The Placer County Republican Party has announced it's endorsement of Jeff Moss, David Giblin and Anita Wright for election to the South Placer Fire District Board of Directors.

Congressman Endorses Fire District Candidates


Congressman John Doolittle announced today that he is endorsing Jeff Moss, David Giblin and Gregary Grenfell for election to the South Placer Fire District Board of Directors.

Sub-Committee Recommends Permit Parking


The MAC Transportation Committee will recommend the MAC request the County implement Permit Parking in an area within about 10 min. walking time from the Granite Bay High School. The area includes a portion of the Tree Lake area and Eureka Rd. Parking Permits would be required to be displayed in any vehicle parking on the affected streets Monday through Friday, from 7 to 9 A.M. and from 1 to 3 P.M., from 15 August through 15 June. The issue will be discussed at the November 3 MAC meeting.

MAC Transportation Sub-Committee Meeting


The MAC Transportation Sub-Committee will meet Wednesday October 13 at 6:30 p.m. in the Eureka School Library at 5477 Eureka Rd. The purpose of the meeting is to develop a recommendation, for the MAC to consider, regarding mitigation of parking impacts from high school students in the Tree Lake area.

MAC Hears Plethora of Issues


MAC sifted through 6 major issues in a 3 1/2 hour long session last evening, ultimately providing comments and direction on some issues and recommendations of approval for others. 

  1. MAC recommended approval of a concept presented by the Community Association and County staff to preserve the emergent marshland across from the Lutheran Church on Douglas Blvd. in perpetuity.

  2. After input from the High School, the County and residents of Tree Lake, the student parking issue near the school was referred to the MAC Transportation Committee to develop a recommendation.

  3. The lighting plan for the Quarry Pond commercial center south of Douglas Blvd. near Berg St. was recommended for approval.

  4. Comments to County staff concerning the design of the proposed replacement bridge on Barton Road included excessive width, length and height.

  5. Positive feedback was provided for the conceptual plan of a proposed church on 75 acres at the top of the hill on Sierra College Blvd.

  6. MAC expressed concern that the size of the parcel south of Douglas Blvd. across from Bushnell Nursery would not accommodate a proposed car wash and small retail center.

Dr. Ron Feist Endorses Fire District Candidates


Dr. Ron Feist, recently retired Eureka Union School District Superintendent and a current board member of the South Placer Fire District, announced today that he is endorsing Jeff Moss, David Giblin and Gregary Grenfell for election to the South Placer Fire District Board of Directors.

Ted Gaines Expresses Concern For Our Fire District


In a letter endorsing Jeff Moss, David Giblin and Gregary Grenfell for election to the South Placer Fire District Board of Directors, Placer County Supervisor Ted Gaines, expressed concern about the future of our fire protection and ambulance service in South Placer County. His letter indicates a special interest group has their sights set on our Fire District because they see an opportunity for both a labor union takeover of the Board and potentially the consolidation of the South Placer Fire District with the Sacramento Metro Fire District.

Learn More About Water Meters


San Juan Water District, General Manager Shauna Lorance will discuss meters and metered rates at a public workshop on Thursday, October 14 at 6 p.m. The workshop will take place in the district’s board room at 9935 Auburn-Folsom Road. For more information, please call (916) 791-0115.

Sacramento Bee Endorses Fire Candidates


Citing potential conflict of interest with the slate of three candidates that are employed by Sac Metro Fire, the Bee has endorsed Jeff Moss, David Giblin and Gregary Grenfell for the South Placer Fire District. Indicating that they believe these candidates we be independent, and that they will watch out for employees, for taxpayers and for the safety of the public.

Identity Theft Seminar Tuesday September 28


On Tuesday Sept 28 the Placer County Sheriff's Office will present an Identity Theft Seminar from 7:00-9:00 pm in the Ridgeview Elementary School multi-purpose room (9177 Twin School Road, Granite Bay).  The seminar will help you protect yourself against the fastest growing crime in America.  The presentation will address issues such as safeguarding your identity, avoiding becoming a victim, how criminals obtain information, and what to do if you become a victim.  Detectives Jim Hudson and Alfredo Guitron, identity theft experts, will present the seminar.  Call 791-5884 for reservations (refer to Identity Theft Seminar).

MAC Approves Quarry Pond Project


On Wednesday 9/2 the MAC approved a redesign of the Quarry Pond shopping complex proposed south of Douglas at Berg Street. The Council withheld approval of the lighting plan until more information is available. The near standing room only audience also heard information on Lyme Disease and the West Nile Virus from County Medical staff. More information on both is available (.....Lyme,...West Nile).  Other information items were heard as listed in the agenda item below.

West Nile Virus Found in Granite Bay


Placer County officials indicate a dead bird, (an American Kestrel) found in Granite Bay 11 August has tested positive for the West Nile Virus. County officials say the most important thing residents should do, is to protect themselves from being bitten by mosquitoes. .....more.

September 1 MAC has a Full Agenda


Issues to be presented to the MAC include:

  • a presentation on Lyme Disease & West Nile Virus
  • a proposal to preserve a marshland in the heart of Granite Bay
  • the history of Placer County Agriculture and PlacerGrown.
  • a proposed 32 lot residential project at the corner of Olive Ranch Rd and Berg St.
  • a proposed church on 75 acres located on Sierra College Blvd.
  • the proposed development of 4 one-story commercial buildings to replace the existing boat storage on Douglas Blvd. at Berg St.

Hardware Store Set to Open


Several years ago, we had 3 hardware stores at the same time, then 2, then 1 then none for the past few years. Now, Granite Bay Ace Hardware is set to open its new store in the Granite Bay Village Shopping Center on Auburn Folsom Rd. The new store will open its doors August 17 and will celebrate its grand opening the weekend of August 27. Store hours will be 7 am to 8 pm weekdays, 7 am to 7 pm Saturdays and 8 am to 6 pm Sundays.

August MAC Meeting is Canceled


The regularly scheduled meeting of the Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) for Wednesday, August 4, 2004 has been CANCELED. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council will be Wednesday, September 1, 2004.

(NOTE) The Parks sub-committee will hold its regular meeting at 5 pm.

Workshop Scheduled for Barton Rd. Bridge Replacement


Placer County Public Works Dept. will hold a public workshop Thursday, August 5th, from 4 to 7:30 pm at the Eureka School Library to discuss the design and construction process of a new bridge to replace the old bridge on Barton Rd. where it crosses Miners Ravine. For further information you may contact Sherri Berexa at 530-889-7546.

Lot Splits to Create Eight Lots


The Placer County Parcel Review Committee will review requests from property owners to split 2 parcels totaling 40 acres into 8 lots all greater than 2.3 acres. The parcels are located south of the existing Boat Storage facility on Douglas Blvd about 500 feet west of Barton Rd. The hearing will be July 28th at 9:30 am in the Planning Commission Hearing Room in Auburn.

Granite Bay's Community Park Grand Opening


After 16 years of waiting, planning, and frustration, Granite Bay has a Community Park. Placer County Parks Div. with Supervisor Ted Gaines acting as master of ceremonies celebrated the Grand Opening of the new park located at the southeast corner of Douglas Blvd. and Barton Rd. by unveiling a wall of honor dedicated to those who were instrumental in creating the park. The park has 2 ball fields, 2 soccer fields, 2 tot lots, and a picnic area with BBQs.

MAC Accepts Site Design, Rejects Building Design


Plans for a new retail center "Quarry Pond" to replace the existing boat storage facility on the south side of Douglas Blvd. at Berg St. were reviewed by the MAC Wednesday. The MAC and the public generally agreed the site layout was very nice, but all seemed to reject the proposed building design as being too urban, or too industrial like. The consensus seemed to urge a building design that will provide a much more village or rural residential look, with some timbers and hip rooflines.

Another Wireless Antenna is Proposed


AT&T Wireless is proposing a 70 foot tall antenna disguised as a tree at the fire station on Auburn-Folsom Rd. to improve service in that area. The MAC and the public alike were very concerned about the appearance of the site, and urged the applicant to include significant landscaping to shield the equipment from view.

High School Accused of Inadequate Parking Policy


Repeated complaints from residents, about student behavior and student parking on the streets around the Granite Bay High School, led the MAC to initiate a letter to the School District Trustees urging the District to take an aggressive pro-active approach to solving the problem. The MAC accused the High School School District of failing to adequately address the issue and encouraged them to seek a solution to the problem internally by mitigating the issue on campus.



A reminder, that all fireworks are illegal in unincorporated Placer County including Granite Bay. No fireworks of any kind are permitted including those labeled safe and sane, no sparklers, nothing. Citations will be issued to violators and it will be hazardous to your wealth.

Help Wanted at the Fire District


The South Placer Fire District is looking to fill its vacant Fire Marshals position. The District is accepting applications for the position until 5:00 p.m. August 27, 2004. The selection process is tentatively scheduled for the week of September 20, 2004. If you would like additional information or the full four page announcement, please call Debra Frick (916) 791-7059 or go to

Board Approves Auburn Folsom Widening Plan


The Board of Supervisors approved the staff recommendations to widen Auburn Folsom Rd to four lanes. The project will be completed in phases as financing is available. The first phase will include a new signal at Fuller Dr., the construction of 4 lanes south of Douglas Blvd. to about 1500 ft south of Eureka Rd. and the acquisition of  right of way for the whole project. The second and third phases will not be constructed until financing from other than local funds become available. The new signal at Fuller will be installed in 2005 and the remainder of phase one is targeted to be complete in 2006.

Another Bond Measure Planned by High School District


This summer’s Roseville Joint Union High School District's construction projects will not fully address the needs of the rapidly growing student population according to the District's Superintendent.  He indicates two new schools are needed to accommodate future students and for this reason the Board of Trustees plans to place yet another Bond Measure on the Nov. 2004 ballot, to fund construction of new schools and pay for the continued renovation of existing facilities and technology. .....more.

Family Living History Day


Do you wonder what it was like to live in Placer County a century ago? You can step back in time and experience the daily lifestyle of the 1800s on Sunday 27 June from 2 to 5 pm. at the Bernhard Museum, 291 Auburn-Folsom Rd, in Auburn. Follow in the steps of the pioneers. Bake biscuits on a wood burning stove. Do laundry the old fashioned way.

Family Living History Day is an ideal way for children to learn and have fun with their parents, or grandparents. Family Living History Day is free, but space is limited, please call ahead to make reservations (530) 889-6500. Come in costume, if you wish!

Fire District to Establish a Strategic Planning Team


The South Placer Fire District is in the process of developing a Strategic Plan for the operations of the District. The membership of the Strategic Planning Team will include various employees of the district from all classifications and two (2) community members. If you are interested in participating, please submit a letter explaining your interest in participating in our strategic planning process to Jim Wenzel, Assistant Fire Chief, South Placer Fire District, 6900 Eureka Road, Granite Bay , CA 95746.

Fire District Presents Preliminary Budget


The South Placer Fire District Board adopted a $6.5 million preliminary budget for the 04-05 fiscal year, representing a very slight 0.3% reduction from last years budget. The reduction is due to significant cuts in Capital and Mitigation expenditures, but operational expenditures, including salaries and benefits, are proposed to increase by over 5%.

The Board also authorized the collection of a Special Tax of $70 per parcel (that will yield $640,000) even though the District had nearly $1 million in the prior year fund balance. Comments from the public urging the Board to return the excess revenue to the taxpayers went without action.

CDF Suspends Residential and Campfire Burn Permits


As of Monday June 7, 2004 the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CDF) is on fire season status. Fire season means that burn permits are suspended and campfire permits may be suspended in certain locations due to the high fire danger. Anyone considering burning debris or lighting a campfire should check with local fire authorities first.

Supervisors to Hear Auburn Folsom Rd. Project


A public hearing will be held Tuesday, June 22, at 1:30 pm in the Board Chambers in Auburn to consider the Auburn Folsom Rd. widening project. Staff will seek approval of the EIR, Project Description, the funding and phasing plan, and will seek permission to go to bid for a signal at Fuller Dr. and Auburn Folsom Rd. Interested persons are invited to attend the hearing or submit their comments in writing to the Clerk of the Board prior to the hearing date.

MAC Supports Phased Road Improvement


The MAC unanimously recommended approval of the County's latest recommendation for the phasing of Auburn Folsom Rd. improvements. Due to the absence of regional funding and the unwillingness of the community to mortgage the entire community traffic mitigation fund to finance the $21.4 million project. The latest proposal outlines a 3 phase project. The first phase, at a cost of about $7.2 million, focuses on acquiring all the right of way, installing a signal at Fuller Drive and extending 4 traffic lanes with landscaping to about 1500 ft south of Eureka Rd. Construction of the improvements at Fuller Dr. could begin in the spring of 2005. The second and third phases of the planned improvements would be implemented only as financial resources from other than local sources become available.

Environmental Disaster on Linda Creek


Describing it as an environmental disaster, Placer County officials have stopped the owner of the property at the southwest corner of Fuller Dr. and Auburn Folsom Rd. from cutting trees and grading in and around Linda Creek without permits. The owner likely will be cited for his actions that blocked Linda Creek and destroyed a riparian area about 800 feet long. The area of disturbance is reported to be at least 5 acres. State and Federal authorities have also been notified.

Commission Approves Shopping Center Modifications


The Planning Commission approved the addition of three 3 new buildings, totaling about 8000 sq. ft., with landscaping at the south end of the Granite Bay Village Shopping Center near Fuller Dr. The proposal plans to move the Fuller Dr. entrance to the Center a little east to enable diagonal parking directly in front of the post office. A landscaped center median in front of the post office will have postal drop boxes. This modification along with the improvements being made on the rest of the center including a new hardware store, are aimed at rejuvenating the center.

School District Renames Park In Honor of Ron Feist


Community leaders, school officials, teachers, friends, and family honored Dr. Ron Feist at his retirement dinner 22 May. The evening of presentations and testimonials was topped off with a standing ovation when Dan Clift of the Eureka School Board presented Ron with an artist rendering of the park formerly known as Twin Schools Park and declared that it would henceforth be known as the Ronald L. Feist Park. Dr Feist is credited for accepting the donated parcel, that is presently under construction at the corner of Elmhurst Dr. and Twin Schools Rd. for the school district and the community and for leading the way in the design and construction of the park.

Fire District Not Interested in Contracting with Roseville


Citing the high quality of existing service, especially the medical service, and the absence of a community mandate to make any changes to the service being provided, the senior members of the Fire Board (Feist, Giblin, and Grenfell) rejected a proposal to look at contracting fire services to Roseville's Fire Dept. The issue, presented by the two board members presently employed by the same Sacramento based Fire Dept. that unsuccessfully attempted to take over the Dry Creek Fire Dept., was supported by the local firefighters union members but was vehemently opposed by community members in the audience.  Citizens and a board member alike, criticized the two board members for their behind the back contact with the Roseville Dept. without the consent of the entire board and questioned what their apparent hidden agenda might be.

Water District to Celebrate 150 Years of Service


San Juan Water District will celebrate 150 years of service on Saturday, May 22, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the District Office, 9935 Auburn-Folsom Rd. Bring the family to enjoy the free event that will feature the "Ghost of Mark Twain", the grand opening of the newly renovated water efficient landscape garden, giveaways, displays and refreshments.

MAC Recommends Approval of Four Projects


At it's meeting 5 May the MAC recommended approval of the four projects presented for action.

Granite Bay Village Shopping Center/South - Recommended approval of three 3 new buildings at the south end of the center near Fuller, with a stipulation that the applicant return for a review of the buildings design and landscaping. 

Seymour Ranch - Recommended approval of a 17-lot subdivision located on Cavitt Stallman South north of Douglas Blvd. as presented.

Creekside Church - Recommended approval of construction of the church facility east of Sierra College Blvd. south of Old Auburn Rd. as presented.

Dunmore Offices – Recommended approval of plans for 3 office buildings located at 8781 Sierra College Blvd. with a stipulation that light poles be no more than 16 ft with 250 watt lights and that landscaping be installed on the east and northern boundaries.

Additionally, proponents of a Kindergarten and Preschool on Old Auburn Rd. were asked to return after they have a pre-development meeting with County Planning staff.

Although it was not a formal action, the community and the MAC were in agreement that there should not be a signal light installed at Berg St. and Douglas Blvd. when the project to replace the old buildings at the boat storage facility is constructed. Community comments favored construction of median dividers on Douglas Blvd. that would prevent left turns from Berg St. or from the commercial property onto Douglas.

Sheriff's Dept. Hosts 2nd Karen Johnson Memorial Run


The Placer County Sheriff's Department is hosting its second annual Karen Johnson Memorial D.A.R.E. Run at the Sierra College track in Rocklin on Saturday, May 15, 2004 beginning at 8 a.m. The fundraising event, called the D.A.R.E. Fun Run in its first three years, was renamed in honor of Deputy Johnson who died in 2003. She was a D.A.R.E. officer and an avid runner who organized the Fun Run each year. Runners may request a registration form by calling (916) 791-5884 or click here to register online.

Fire Board Members Suggest Contracting Fire Services


In what some citizens described as yet another example of micro management of the District by two of the Fire Districts Board members (both are also members of a Sacramento fire fighters union), the directors have suggested exploring the concept of contracting fire services at the South Placer District to the City of Roseville. The board members, without approval of the entire board, met with officials of Roseville's Fire Dept. to explore options. Their action has put a hold on filling several vacant staff positions that were previously authorized.

Citizens have expressed concern that the micro management by the board and the failure to fill the positions has placed the Chief in an untenable position that could affect the quality of emergency service being provided in the District. The subject will be on the 19 May agenda.

Local Coffee House Closes


Higley's Coffee House, a fixture in the old Whispering Pines Steakhouse building on Auburn Folsom Rd. for the past several years has closed it's doors for the last time. The facility will now be used as a meeting place for youth and adult events of The Rock of Granite Bay congregation.

Superior Court is Seeking Grand Jury Applicants


Placer County Superior Court is soliciting applications from county residents to serve on the 2004-2005 County Grand Jury. The deadline for applications is 5 pm Friday May 21. Applications are available by contacting the Executive Officer at 530-889-7404 or on line at

Supervisors Approve New Justice Center


County Supervisors have approved construction of a new South Placer Justice Center. The center will be located on Industrial Blvd. between Roseville and Lincoln. The first phase will cost $49 million and will include a courthouse. Other facilities to supports the courts will be added over a 20 year plan as finances become available.

GB Press Tribune Will Donate to Parks Again


The Granite Bay Edition of the Press Tribune will once again donate $14 from each new subscription toward construction of the new Twin Schools Park. This offer is now valid for both new and renewal subscriptions. The paper has already donated nearly $2000 to the park.  .....subscribe.

MAC Transportation Committee to Meet


The MAC Transportation Committee will meet 13 Apr. at 5:00 pm in the south portable building at the Fire Station on Eureka Rd. The committee will be considering new options and alternatives for financing and implementing the Auburn Folsom Rd. widening project.

Water District to Sponsor Drip Irrigation Class


The San Juan Water District will hold a free drip irrigation class designed to teach the basics of installing, operating and maintaining a drip irrigation system. The class will be instructed by UC Master Gardeners, Saturday, April 17, from 9 a.m. to noon at the San Juan Water District offices, 9935 Auburn-Folsom Road.

Open House For Dam Road Environmental Impact Analysis


The Bureau of Reclamation will hold two open houses to receive public comments on the environmental impact analysis to be prepared on the impacts of closing Folsom Dam Road.  Alternatives to be studied in the EIS include: the proposed permanent restriction of public access; ending the indefinite road closure at a yet to be determined time; reopening the road on a partial basis, and a no action alternative that would reopen the road to the level of access in place before the February 2003 closure. Public open houses are scheduled for Sacramento and Folsom to obtain comments on alternatives and the significant issues and impacts related to the proposed action.

April MAC to Review Proposed New Subdivision


The Advisory Council is scheduled to review a proposal to create a new subdivision called "Terracina" at its 7 April meeting.  The project is proposed to consist of 17 residential lots and 4 common lots and is located on the east side of Laird Rd. about 1/2 mile north of Cavitt Stallman Rd.

Water District Selects New Assistant Manager


The San Juan Water District has selected Keith Durkin as their new assistant general manager.  Durkin, a professional engineer and vice president of Kennedy Jenks Consultants, Inc. assumed his new duties March 22.  He has more than 20 years experience in engineering planning and design, project and program management, in addition to corporate management.  His duties will include overseeing management of the district’s capital improvement projects, and he will help manage the district’s transition to metered rates next year.

24th Annual Easter Egg Hunt April 3rd.


Granite Bay's 24th Annual Easter Egg Hunt will take place Saturday, April 3 at Cavitt Jr. High School. There will be a pancake breakfast at 7 am followed by fingerprinting, arts and crafts, fire truck display, music, Easter basket raffle, balloon twisting and of course the Easter Bunny will be there. The Hunt will start promptly at 10:00 am.

Checkpoint Finds Designated Drivers, No Arrests


The first CHP sobriety checkpoint of the year was setup on Douglas Blvd. between Joe Rodgers Rd. and Barton Rd. on St. Patrick's Day evening. Officers screened over 600 cars between 8 pm and midnight. Eleven sobriety tests were administered but no arrests were made. Only a few citations for various driving infractions were issued.

Fund Raiser to Honor Ron Feist Will Benefit Park


A fund raising event called "Raising the Roof for Ron" is hoping to raise $70,000 for the Twin Schools Park by selling 4, 6, and 12 inch tiles for $100, $250, or $1000 to honor Dr. Ron Feist's efforts in helping to shape our community. The tiles will be engraved with special messages or the donors name and used in the construction of the park. Checks should be made payable to Eureka School District/Twin Schools Park and may be mailed to E.U.S.D. Raise the Roof, 5455 Eureka Rd., Granite Bay, CA 95746.

Board Review of Auburn-Folsom Widening Postponed


The Board of Supervisors will not consider the Auburn Folsom Road widening project March 23, as originally planned. At the request of Supervisor Gaines, consideration of the project is being delayed to allow more time to explore additional funding from regional bodies. Traffic studies have determined that 63% of the future growth in traffic on the road will be attributed to commuter traffic from out side the community. Yet the primary funding source proposed for the project is from the Granite Bay Traffic Mitigation Fee Program, which is supported by new development fees. Construction of the Auburn Folsom Road project may exhaust this fund, making it difficult to fund other future local road projects in the Granite Bay area.

San Juan Water Board Selects Interim Director


The San Juan Water District Board of Directors has selected an interim director to fill a seat left vacant when board member Lyle Hoag retired in December. Dave Peterson of Granite Bay, who has 20 years experience in water resources, was selected from a group of six candidates to serve the remainder of Hoag’s term, which expires in November 2006. Peterson joins Dorothy Kilgore and Joe Alessandri, the newly elected president and vice president of the board, and directors Ted Costa and Kenneth Miller.

Bayside Church to Hold First Services in New Home


After 7 years in the planning, a couple years of legal wrangling and nearly 2 years in the construction process, workmen at the new Bayside Church at the corner of Cavitt-Stallman Rd. and Sierra College Blvd. continue to apply the finishing touches in preparation for the first services in the new facility Sunday 7 March. Their Grand Opening is scheduled for the weekend of March 20 and 21.

MAC Rejects Approval of Road Widening Plan Again


The Granite Bay MAC rejected County staff's proposal for widening Auburn-Folsom Rd. for the second time Wednesday evening. MAC members and the public alike cited significant disagreement with the staff's funding plan, that would leave the community with no funds in the traffic mitigation account for the next 20 years. MAC members and the Community suggested that since 70% of the projected traffic would be commuters passing through our community, the adjacent communities should help fund the improvements. The MAC voted 4 to 1 to not recommend approval of the plan.

Public Workshop Scheduled for New Folsom Dam Bridge


The US Army Corp of Engineers will host a workshop at Eureka School Multi-Purpose Room Wednesday 10 Mar. from 4:30 to 7:30 pm to take comments from the public relating to subjects the environmental studies need to address prior to construction of a new bridge at the dam.  If you have a concern about impacts from the bridge proposed below the dam, you should attend the workshop and let the Corps know your concerns.

Ground Broken for Twin Schools Park


Ground Breaking ceremonies were held at the park site 25 Feb. to officially tip off construction of the park. Supervisor Ted Gaines addressed the gathering citing numerous community groups and individuals for their efforts to bring this park site to fruition. Not least of all Dr. Ron Feist who along with the School District Board had the vision to accept the property for a park site when it was offered.

MAC to Hear Latest on Auburn-Folsom Widening


The 7 pm 3 March MAC meeting will hear the latest information about the widening of Auburn-Folsom Rd. and will receive a brief introduction to Digital Path Network, a high-speed wireless Internet service provider. Additionally, Bank of America will present a proposal for a stand alone sign for Bank of America.

Press Tribune to Help Fund Twin Schools Park


The Granite Bay Edition of the Press Tribune will once again donate $14 from each new subscription toward construction of the new Twin Schools Park. The promotion will run for the rest of the year. They also hope to do a mailing to non-subscribers in mid March wherein they will donate the entire $34 for those who respond during a two week window. The paper has already donated nearly $2000 to the park.

You are Invited to the Twin Schools Park Ground Breaking


A ground breaking ceremony will be held for the new Twin Schools Park on February 25 at 4:30 p.m. The festivities are open to the public. The park is on Twin Schools Road, between Oakhills Elementary School and Granite Bay High School.

MAC's February Meeting is Canceled


The regularly scheduled meeting of the Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) for Wednesday, February 4, 2004 has been CANCELED. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the MAC will occur on Wednesday, March 3, 2004.

Meet the Candidates Running for Placer County Superior Court


Candidates for Judge of the Placer County Superior Court will present their views and respond to questions at a forum sponsored by Placer County Grand Jurors Association on Monday, February 9, 1:00 PM., in the Rocklin Library community room at 5460 5th St., Rocklin.  Colleen Nichols, and Frank Rowley are running for Judge in Office I. Jeffrey Penney and Kevin Burdick are the candidates for Office 2. The public is invited to attend the forum.

You are Invited to the Placer County Blueprint Workshop


What will life be like for your children and grandchildren? Where will they live and play? How long will it take them to get to work? If these questions concern you, then come to the Placer County Blueprint workshop and put your fingerprint on the new blueprint of our county. The workshop will give you the opportunity to view and discuss maps depicting potential changes in our region over the next 50 years, make changes to suit you, and learn how those changes will affect air quality, traffic congestion, housing and the economy. The workshop will be Saturday, January 31, 8:30 am to noon at the Maidu Community Center, 1550 Maidu Drive, Roseville.  Please RSVP either online at

High School District Considers Another Bond Measure


Indicating that developers are paying only approximately fifty percent of the cost for constructing new facilities necessitated as a result of the addition of new homes, and citing continued rapid growth in the west Roseville area and overcrowded classrooms, the Superintendent indicates the District may seek another bond measure on the November ballot. Depending upon the outcome of the March election, the Board will confirm if a district wide local school bond measure will be pursued, and how much funding should be requested later this spring.

Secretary Needed for the Granite Bay MAC


The Board of Supervisors is looking to fill the Secretary position for the Granite Bay Municipal Advisory Council (MAC). The MAC meets one evening per month, normally the first Wednesday. The position entails mailing out the agendas, taking min. and other related duties. The applicant must provide their own transportation and reside in Granite Bay. The position pays $100 per meeting and is considered voluntary. The MAC is a great way to get involved in the community. For more information, please contact Melanie Eustice, Placer County Board of Supervisors, (916) 787-8950.

Seniors Commission Presents Issues to the Candidates


The Placer County Commission on Ageing held a forum presenting Pam Tobin, a candidate for the 4th District County Supervisors seat, with four major issues for seniors. The issues discussed included Transportation for seniors, Senior Housing, Home Services for seniors and seniors access to information.  Supervisor Ted Gaines was unfortunately unable to be present due to a conflict in his schedule.

Park Task Force Working to Reduce Park Costs


The Twin Schools Park Task Force headed by Phil Johnson is working to develop a Community Volunteer Partnership with the County, School District, local contractors, developers, business organizations, families, service and athletic organizations. The goal of the partnership is to reduce the cost of constructing the Twin Schools Park from the estimated $2.3 million to less than $1 million through volunteered labor and materials.

Rotary to Sponsor Crab Feed to Benefit Parks


Granite Bay Rotary is having a crab feed Saturday January 31 at the Placer Fair Grounds in Roseville. The social hour will begin at 6:30 pm and dinner is at 7:30 pm. There will be dancing and a raffle with lots of prizes. Tickets are only $35.00 each. For details call Mike Baker at 791-4241 or Mike Wilson at 791-3596. Proceeds will go toward purchasing equipment and facilities for parks in Granite Bay.

Items Recommended for Approval by MAC


At it's Jan 7 meeting the MAC, recommended approval of Measure E, which is a $394 million bond measure for Sierra College on the March 2004 ballot. If approved by voters, the bond will cost homeowners $19 for every $100,000 of assessed value annually.

Additionally, the MAC recommended approval of a request for a stop sign on Barton Road at East Roseville Parkway.

Plans for modification of the south end of Granite Bay Village Shopping Center (the area near the Post Office) that includes three new buildings and landscape modifications received very positive comments from the Council and from the public.

Burn Barrels and Burning Paper and Cardboard Prohibited


Beginning January 1, 2004, the use of a burn barrel and the burning of paper and cardboard will be prohibited in Placer County by a new state law aimed at protecting community health. The California Air Resources Board approved a statewide measure to reduce emissions of dioxins and other toxics from outdoor residential waste burning. While Placer County regulations have prohibited trash burning since 1974, that ban now extends to the use of a burn barrel for any burning and makes burning paper or cardboard illegal.

News Achieves: 2003

All the news from the year 2003.

Fire District Approves Ordinance Regulating Open Burning


The Directors of the South Placer Fire District approved an Open Burning Ordinance Wednesday night. The Ordinance imposes a requirement for a permit year round for open burning and provides specific guidance for the burning of yard waste. It is applicable to all areas within the Fire District boundaries encompassed by the 95661 and 95746 Zip codes and will become effective 1 February 2004. The Directors further directed the boundaries of the Ordinance be broadened in the future to include all of the Fire District.

Eureka Union School District Superintendent to Retire


Dr. Ron Feist, Superintendent of the Eureka Union School District for the last 22 years, officially presented his retirement plans to the School District's Board of Trustees at their meeting 9 Dec. He plans to retire at the end of June after a 38 year career in education.  Bob Schultz, the current Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction for the District has been named to succeed Dr. Feist.

MAC Recommends Approval of Three Proposals


The MAC recommended approval of a proposed commercial office building on Douglas Blvd. between Barton and Joe Rodgers Rd.. They also supported the Fire District's request to adjust the boundaries of the recently established burn policies to include all of the 95746 Zip code area along with the unincorporated area of the 95661 zip code area and further supported broadening the boundaries to include all of the Fire District in the future. Additionally, the MAC recommended approval of a pilot program for fire hazard abatement in the community.

Two From Granite Bay Receive "Placer County Hero" Award


The Board of Supervisors awarded Kathie Marynik and Sam Malhotra "Placer County Hero" commemorative coins. Kathie was honored for volunteering 2,300 hours at the Placer County Sheriff's Department's substation in Granite Bay and for her volunteer efforts as the Web master for Granite Bay High School's Web site. Sam is the owner of Lakeside Beverages in Granite Bay and was honored for his work with the poor. For 13 years he has sponsored wine tasting events, which have raised more than $48,000 for various charities in the community. Our congratulations go to both.

MAC Member Covington Resigns


Saskia Covington has submitted her resignation from the MAC leaving a vacancy to be filled. Supervisor Gaines indicated applications are being accepted to fill the position. Applications should be submitted to the Clerk of the Board, 175 Fulweiler Ave, Auburn, CA 95603.

Supervisors Approve New Noise Ordinance


Placer County Supervisors approved a noise ordinance Tuesday that proponents say is needed to control noise from motor bikes, gunfire and loud neighborhood parties. The ordinance prohibits sounds 5db above the ambient noise level, or sounds that exceed the hourly average of 55db daytime and 45db nighttime when measured at the receptors property line. The ordinance is targeted to become effective in March.

Two Candidates Pull Papers for District 4 Supervisor


To date, Ted Gaines and Pamela Tobin are the only two persons that have pulled papers from the Placer County Elections Department to file to run for Placer County Supervisor of the 4th District. Persons interested in filing must file their papers with the Elections Dept. by 5 Dec. No one has filed papers as of 24 Nov.

Supervisors Approve Green Waste Program


The concept of weekly curbside collection of green waste at no additional cost to the customer has been approved by the Board of Supervisors for "toter customers" of the Auburn Placer Disposal Service. Customers with toters, living in sub-divisions with parcels smaller than 2 acres will be receiving a new green toter. Toter customers on larger parcels may also receive the service if the specific parcel fits the route parameters. If parcels do not qualify for the pickup service, and for customers that do not have toter service, coupons for free dumping of two yards of green waste at the land fill site two times per year will be provided. The details of the program are now being negotiated with APDS and the program is targeted to be phased in by summer.

CHP to Launch Senior Volunteer Program


The Auburn/Newcastle office of the CHP is starting a Senior Volunteer Program. The program will be open to qualified seniors at least 50 years old. Persons interested in participating in this program should contact Officer Joe Edwards or Sgt. Bertola at 663-3344.

Fire Chief Announces Plan for Year Round Burn Permits


Chief Corado indicated that all existing residential burn permits in the Granite Bay area will expire 31 Dec 03. Additionally, he indicated burn barrels would no longer be permitted and that a valid residential burn permit will be required in Granite Bay year round beginning Jan. 1 04.

Draft Noise Ordinance Available for Review


In July, the Board of Supervisors appointed a task force of community representatives to make recommendations on what a noise ordinance should look like. The task force met several times and a draft ordinance is now available for review on the County web site. It is anticipated the Board of Supervisors will review the ordinance at their 2 December meeting. Comments should be submitted by email to or by mail to: The Board of Supervisors, 175 Fulweiler Ave. Auburn, CA 95603.

A Workday at the Community Park


Volunteers planted more than 1500 shrubs and trees at the new Community Park last weekend and saved $15,000 in construction costs. Workdays were scheduled for both Sat. and Sun. at the park site at Douglas Blvd. and Barton Rd. Over 100 volunteers showed up each day, including groups from churches, scouts, and youth athletic leagues.

Fire District Salaries and Benefits Increase 19%


The South Placer Fire District, the wealthiest District in Placer County, continues it's own pattern of tax and spend.  At its Board meeting Sept. 17 the Board passed a $6.6 million budget for 2003-2004. The budget proposes a 19% increase in spending for salaries and benefits, nearly 11% for fixed assets and only 1.5% for service and operations. 

MAC Recommends Approval of New Traffic Circulation Plan


At it's Wednesday night meeting, the MAC recommended approval of the County's proposed new Circulation Element for the Granite Bay Community Plan, requesting several changes recommended by the MAC Transportation sub-committee be included in the plan. The Plan will now go to the Planning Commission and subsequently to the Board of Supervisors for approval.

MAC Does Not Recommend Approval of Road Widening


Placer County Public Works presented MAC with the proposal for the design of their Auburn-Folsom Rd. widening project Wednesday evening. The highlight of the proposal was the fact that the total cost of the project is proposed to be paid for by Granite Bay funds. No State, Federal or Regional funds are planned to be used even though 70% of the traffic will be from regional sources. The County indicated plans to borrow between $9 and $14 million from other sources but to be repaid with interest from Granite Bay's future traffic mitigation funds. It was suggested that if that happens, no other road improvement projects could ever be funded by the mitigation funds. The MAC basically supported the recommendations made earlier by their Transportation Committee when they voted to deny a recommendation for approval unless the funding issue could be resolved.